Friday, March 14, 2014

What were the four ministries in Orwell's 1984 and what were they responsible for? | Trivia | ArcaMax Publishing

What were the four ministries in Orwell's <i>1984</i> and what were they responsible for? | Trivia | ArcaMax Publishing

what you folks are experiencing is a tighten in of the minister of propaganda 1984 is now here running; this ukrainian sitcom shows how minds are finally enslave and the minister of propaganda can now do as he pleases. today you cannot fight this reality directly, the only way out is to destroy the head of it cut the head of the dragon. this demands a lot of skills and as well a prince, a prince is equal force. therefore at the same time that this crisis is the key to global domination is the key to its freedom. how you folks understand the two sides PUTIN and the ORWELLIAN NATO OBAMA REGIME is the path to free yourself. war is peace, ignorance is strength, enslavement is freedom, this is what the NATO OBAMA minister of propaganda has achieved. now think clearly as there is a way to undo this, as the next step is fullfledge obedience to the party, end of any constitution on this planet and the orwellian realm which they are making you believe is russia but in fact is OBAMA. (washington regime)  the $ as reserve currency is the fulcrum the apex of domination.  think and the answer will surface.