Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I, Claudius - by Robert Graves - Unabridged Audiobook - All Parts in One

Bit coin bills

Facebook world
does not exist however it does exist thanks to its user and electrical power;
however bitcoin is as well immaterial it exists on electricity, well most
humans do, or probably all. Therefore nations control nothing banks control nations,
via the $ as reserve currency, an immaterial believe. Reason to keep that
privilege WARS. However an independent global reserve currency from banks and
nations them it works as a fulcrum. The Bren is just a name for any central
global currency, it sounds nice. The current $ is related to the American dollar;
$ therefore that link has to be dissolve, and the new competition can get on
the proper path, some call it western civilization; at that time of its
creation, and others a brave new world, both meet at the same name. Surveillance
is finding who you are, as those that are graphed feel otherwise. On technological
terms the machine performs a task it is the programmer combine with the machine
and its objective, that forms a reality, on a liner mind you can form a machine
that prints $ or plastic, the value is determined by the user, and its reality
by its use. If it is useless, them trillions of printing machines have not
advance anyone, just more practical printing machines, so advance that will
print what you think. Unfortunately that is all they can do. Technology as
democracy is methods to coordinate the structure of a pyramid, to the many,
kings barons are just the same as the pharaoh, or the Atlantis. The pyramidal structure
remains. From nations to kingdoms from roman senators to Egyptian mosses; the gold
of the $ and the ancient call to mountain of the olive trees Creating the path
to the way of time and the battle of the trees.