Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Jeff Rense & Texe Marrs - The Destabilization Of America - YouTube

Jeff Rense & Texe Marrs - The Destabilization Of America - YouTube

what is taking place is that reality has reached america, if the citizens of america believe america is the greatest nation of the planet; it does not mean is true, however citizens believe it is. I think it is hollywood that created the greatest nation of the world, not the economy or anything else. this american empire is an illusion a hoax. today the truth is revealing itself, so all that you perceive as a great nation in the past it could have being a totally different story, than what americans believe.  however those that rule indeed to them they are the greatest nation of the world. america has being bless by the work and labour of others, from africa, south america europe and asia. is over and that is what you feel. business and governments extortion other nations so americans will believe they are better, that is also over. today politicians need you americans or any other citizen in any nation, because democracy is a vote. so they extortion other nations because of themselves and to keep voters happy, same in europe or any other democracy.that is also over. now a new realm is taking place. and america is not and it will not remain as it is, but a new arrangement amongst humans is the coming future.