» The World Is Doomed By Western Insouciance Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
PRESIDENT PUTIN: the NEW kennedy of the 21 century that hopefully will save america from the HITLER regime that is killing its citizens and destroying america, remember HITLER germans loved him "just the same americans love President OBAMA. "yes we can" HITLER was the saviour of germany, reality did not agreed and hitler actually destroyed europe and germany. The american HITLER BARACK OBAMA IS THE SAME. IRAQ he promised democracy, you got chaos, libya he promised democracy, today you got chaos, for europe washington promised growth and democracy in ukraine, and elsewhere. we got chaos europe is about to collapse and the same europeans that THE AMERICAN HITLER once said to europe "YES WE CAN" shows that yes we can destroy europe and europe is being destroyed. during hitler's time, germans and french continue to believe that the HITLER OF 1940 will save them, even after the chaos created by washington from 2001 to 2014, today, BLACK HITLER BARACK OBAMA has the whole middle east in flame, an economy that is collapsing and a european domain that is now in revolt between itself. No matter americans still believe in the american HITLER "yes we can" and europeans do the same "yes he can" however the consequences of reality are beginning to bite, and the main media lies are no longer valid. will americans and europeans wake up and avoid the total destruction of europe and america is what we shall find out in the months to come. and remember kennedy got assassinated, so president putin be on guard as the forces of evil will try their best to assassinate anyone that is perceptive and clear of mind.