Saturday, August 09, 2014

"We Need to Wake Up and Realize that Obama is the Enemy"

you might have no choice but forcefully impeach OBAMA to save the nation, and you yourself  from death,  as the washington doctrine is words of peace and action of war death suicides crimes, and the extermination of African Americans all over the nation has begun, Obama plan of ethnic cleansing is picking up speed. and this genocide committed by congress and washington will spark a civil war in america so the killing will spread rather than being contain. is coming Alex all the ingredients are here now in Texas, the immigration tactics create more resentment and send signal of eugenics methods, tactics of genocides are merging in america. Peace and reason, understanding and civility, are all out the window you got pure madness insanity. lyndon la Rouche is right OBAMA is destroying the nation and pushing america into total annihilation by a nuclear war with Russia, and genocide in america, the continuity and support for israel sending weapons signals washington genocidal tendencies and polices of war and destruction, not peace !!  Palestine Gaza Ukraine Iraq, time is running out ALEX better act soon very soon. things run very fast now.