Anti-Semitism is a trick? Oh Dear! | Biblicism Institute
BEGUN ON THE MIDDLE EAST: somehow real however a balance exist between two equals, now there is an unbalance, the dollar has created this unbalance and is represented from vietnam to kiev, this economical unbalance can only be resolve by a gradual disappearance of the dollar as reserve currency; only option for peace in 2015. the 3 continents must come to an accord, alliances are no longer possible. a european alliance against russia is suicide for europe russia is in europe; NATO -OTAN is in washington, congress, and AIPAC. therefore is the impossible alliance of the 2. Nuclear arms makes it so, reason why nuclear weapons are a paradox. the washington AIPAC aggression is only allied to europe because of Russia, while the chinese & Russian axe is against washington AIPAC. israel on the middle east is the trojan horse of europe & and an aggressor to russia, because of its ambiguity and mixture of religion and location. and you have yemen syria, libya, egypt, and saudi arabia on a confusing quite uncontrollable state. the only remaining stable state is Iran, and AIPAC is doing all it can to inflame further dangerous results. petrol is another factor, and europe once again suffers the most. to untangle the situation, a middle eastern cleanup of nuclear weapons beginning with israel, and them the rest is the only solution: having china russia and washington as policemen, and europe as the diplomatic interpreter of an offer that they can't not refuse...!!