Wednesday, April 15, 2015

EndGame - VOSTFR - Alex Jones - YouTube

EndGame - VOSTFR - Alex Jones - YouTube

alex the problem of america is AIPAC they control the nation officially from 1913, until they are dismantle 1776 will be a fiction, and they might destroy texas the moment they feel is becoming a hindrance, is all up to you to communicate to your followers, the danger is not obama, putin, or even iran, is AIPAC, israel is the trojan horse that is destroying europe now on the benefit of AIPAc, they call it globalization made by AIPAC which translates israel rules into practice and the globalize world obeys israel : Israel is not israel is just the front page of AIPAC. so act soon. like last month. have a look at the end game your film once again.!!! and AIPAC is the puppet master reason why congress is a joke and the senate is another joke they do not exist as well reason why you got 2 political entities that are sponsored by AIPAC. Obama is a prisoner of AIPAC if you like..!! liberate OBAMA apply democracy and the real 1776 shall become a fact.