Thursday, May 28, 2015

Using Social Media To Cover For Lack Of Original Thought - Onion Talks -...

Art is the
only way out; problem is industrialization, mental concept from long ago,
bankers and Wall Street, which is the art market. Industrialization was
necessary; now is a lot less important "because of technology, devices,
something that was not available in the 4th century" regardless of that
fact the elders have the knowledge, not the tools to communicate to the many,
and the many reproduced even faster than expected. This created a problem as
generations speed up the process of quantity of humans and & space-time
relativity became a complexity. To fix that time reversal a mechanism was, embedded
on the conceptual process of learning, to have history repeat itself; in command
to better understand reality, a question of time & quantity. This method
was necessary because of the unbalance of procreation & knowledge expansion
of domains & ways to maintain the original structure. Tendencies of
modernism due to the quantity of procreation will stand incline to
industrialization by the logic of survival & profits; rather than
quality.  The result is conflict defeat
restructuring and learning. The lack of communicative devices created the task
& thorny until the 21 century. Which is now. However, the plan was, completed
long ago 4 century and a few centuries before that point.
The problem
long ago was sex, sex somehow is link to consciousness, and them with very
little means of communication and a sexual drive that was more telepathic than
verbal the situation became impossible and the north headed south to the warm
sun. Moreover, pleasure became the sport & procreation the result. Sex the
method of industrial advertising and wars.

Art is the
device that communicates to the conscious realm of its own consciousness. Is the
illogical side of industrialism, and the logical side of evolution? It looks
in-between inside and outside simultaneously. Art bank: is a simple way to
blend the industrial & financial world and enhance its creativity. In
addition, to have art be in a harmonious transition "Bren 25% silver"
as artistic world's reserve currency is a fair name, for a fair game.