Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Christine Lagarde estime que"le gros de la crise est derrière nous"- 21 août 2007 - L'Obs

Christine Lagarde estime que"le gros de la crise est derrière nous"- 21 août 2007 - L'Obs

why the FMI is a joke, and will remain a joke, as by now some understand that economist financiers, and wall street wizards are totally blind and follow the fools: !!! as well politicians do not understand reality but they do experience the consequences, so we shall fix the problem automatically this time around! end of petrodollars, once that done the price of petrol must go up, as it goes up, consumers will become ecologically sain.  in order to keep an ecological economy and stop polluting the planet. reason why the dollar as reserve currency must go if the planet hopes to reach 2020 ecologically. the adjustment happens automatically so is all already programed. otherwise is over.