Saturday, October 07, 2017

The Future of Humanity - with Yuval Noah Harari

The existence
of modern slaves and insane elites or had better say stupid industrial elites
that have not understood their real position in western civilization. bankers
and industrialist are not elites but managers of the production lines. and that
is one of the greatest faults of democracy it confuses wisdom with profits. Industrial
realms exist to help evolve the masses not to subjugate them to enslavement and
crown the industrialist magnates as elites; as they are nothing more than
managers from the day they were born until they die. They cannot achieve any
further improvement of their consciousness simply because they do not have the necessary
knowledge required for evolution, due to their original background and family. An
industrial elite will produce an industrial offspring, not a wise one. Wisdom is
verbally transmitted reason history does not specify the facts but a convenient
anecdote, for the masses and the industrial management. Yet, these elite’s
managers are needed for the development of technology in any social arrangement.