Israel is a prefabricated nation by the UN remember BY the UN not trump neither
Clinton or BIBI. therefore, Israel exist thanks to the UN and the holocaust.
Balfour declaration is a hoax Britain does not own Palestine Israel or Jordan, Israel
is a hoax nation as a fact, as trumps says the UN is invalid so is israel
FACTS.// so BIBI the hoax nation is and will alway be a hoax nation. unless you
change history and when you do that you change your own. hope you get the
message.correctly.!!! next time will be in he-brew more precisely in this
context doublespeak does not work. ...!
Israel is a prefabricated nation by the UN remember BY the UN not trump neither
Clinton or BIBI. therefore, Israel exist thanks to the UN and the holocaust.
Balfour declaration is a hoax Britain does not own Palestine Israel or Jordan, Israel
is a hoax nation as a fact, as trumps says the UN is invalid so is israel
FACTS.// so BIBI the hoax nation is and will alway be a hoax nation. unless you
change history and when you do that you change your own. hope you get the
message.correctly.!!! next time will be in he-brew more precisely in this
context doublespeak does not work. ...!