Thursday, March 22, 2018

Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve

Face book saga, is; On.  Russian
gate just ended.! however human interest are your followers. only yourself can
improve yourself, the how and why resides on the human side. the problem looks
is that indeed there are forces tempted to experiment control, control exist
only when instability demands it. therefore, is not just a question of who
controls but rather anyone that has any control is losing it, instability is
the result, that multiplies itself, into more instability, in consequence
control of the plane on the unstable wind. the fact is "the pilot"
and the possibility that the planet technological advances is evolving faster
than the pilot understands, a speed up of time by technology if you like. the controllers
get caught with technologies that they themselves fail to fully understand.
ART is the neutral medium to stability on the global airplane.