Thursday, September 13, 2018

On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969) - Official Trailer - George Lazen...

More lobby/schock/ Weapons of mass distraction.!! the real problems continue to be ignored! like Washington unwilling to go home and let the middle east alone/ is not Mexico, even if there is a wall. American president declares Washington the new Jerusalem, result all the armed forces return home. “by default,” To their family’s children’s and siblings. Making America a big happy festivity again. Make love not war, new Jerusalem is now in Washington, national party for a week, no work just fun, enjoyment beauty pleasure. :) enjoy free time, do as you like. Tea time. Evil is wars stop wars you stop evil, unfortunately to stop wars Washington must have all of his military personal return home. New Jerusalem Washington DC is an argument that servicemen cannot refuse/ The Embassy will look as the new temple of Jerusalem in Israel.   007// on his majesty service.