Friday, March 22, 2019

Former Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV): My experience with the Israel Lobby; The...

Questioning facts / from your description we can conclude that the logic of the holocaust is a episode and it is not israel what is on the middle east but a mengele experiment, following how israel behaves we can conclude that zionism & hitler were hand in hand "the plan was to create a holocaust so israel will have a justification to be , and validate the 1917 balfour declaration, the purpose is a somewhat animal farm having jews crammed into tiny israel and create a somehow orwellian realm where every month there is a hate week and israel fights palestinians and claims they are terrorist. moreover this whole doctors MOREAU, israel hell house is sponsored by the AIPAC lot and the industrial military complex. all adorned by beautiful beach houses and a rothschild avenue. in fact is not israel but hitler's dream alive on the middle east. in the book the morning of the magicians is a chapter somehow similar that describes what i am describing. author louis pauwel. moreover even the parclip adventure could be quite another realm a lot more sinister than the one described on paper bags. and anti semitism is a mind control product on the works. ?? true or false that is the ?