how we can evolve into a fourth dimensional realm. history plasticity realism, as a memory fact. a realm that continues to be hiding to most folks, will open the door to a unified mind, body and self of the individual entities of our world..
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Municipales : lobby citoyen contre lobby bancaire
New global reserve currency/ only way to keep nations & others in check/ rigging will end no nations has power over other nations "economically End of foolish military expending/ end of global sanctions & a decent & intelligent way to distribute the wealth & the needs of all nations on a humanly perceptive way// regarding each nations natural resources & preserving them// protecting them from speculation and toxic waste/ BREN /new global reserve currency/ Mystical/ ancient & blends with the current realm of the BRIC/ BANK/ BRENT Petrol & James Joyce. To keep electronic currency & cashless societies in check// local🤔 & international electronic currency . The new global reserve currency is watching you/ / Bren New global Reserve currency/ the currency of the people/ that keeps / nations citizens with a voice. 👽