Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Pompeo sobre el origen del coronavirus: "Habrá un momento en que los responsables rindan cuentas por ello" - RT

Pompeo sobre el origen del coronavirus: "Habrá un momento en que los responsables rindan cuentas por ello" - RT

world knows that any nation that follows Washington gets its reward
and Europe is getting his reward if Europe gets it right and learns
from history it will isolate Washington / however we all imagine
history often teaches his lessons but nobody lessons/ China remember
PLATO the allégorie of the cave/ well That was long ago , before
ISRAEL AIPAC & JESUS the martyr, TODAY Americas 1492 mentality
exist on that day/ therefore as you can understand making sense of
1492 is as difficult as existing in 350 AD and hoping to make sense
to the ignorant minds looking at the pictures on a wall and believing
it is reality. There is no hope, no way out and no tools to improve
the mentality. 🤔😥🧐👽 from one
decease to a war & from a war to a volcanic eruption until they
all disappear, ,lemmings throwing themselves off a cliff😥
just a few remain to keep the species alive 😥💜