Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Sachs: We've divided the world, now paying the cost

1989 was the End of the Soviet Union & the END of the US JEWISH HOLLY ROMAN EMPIRE: the collapse of the dollar stated in 2001/ 20 years later the DOLLAR🤐🤑 as global reserve currency disappears ☠️💀 and a new global reserve currency emerge/💱🔚 all this exist by a stimulation a response & the ingredients to achieved the desire objective.🤔 In Ukraine BHL OBAMA / ZALENSKI BIDEN & Victoria Nolan are part of the collapse / they are the stimulus Russia and the events from 2011 to 2022 are the responses. same as Jesús & the end of the Roman Empire, the AD became a reality ingredients are Israel Rabbis Ponceaus Pilatus Jesus & the crucifixion. out of this 70 AD became a reality, no different than 2001, and 1989 & 1945 Israel 🕰️👽✝️🕎☯️☸️🔯😥👽 same as a meal🍽️  the ingredients 🍾🍷🍸