Saturday, August 06, 2022

Implications of a new global reserve currency for BRICS counties

SUGESTION BREN/ From Romulus to Brennus: new global reserve currency πŸ’± Independent of all nation Banks & institution /WORLD BANK/ FMI BRICS/ RUBBLE & DOLLAR / EURO and BOLIVARS/  The easy way to make all nations & EQUAL all peoples fraternal and all ladies in love 😍 / However markets institutions and traders will be under surveillance by the new global reserve currency, as the value of the national currency will be determined by its national need. Example when the Saudi kingdom exports petrol its value is low because the Saudi kingdom does not need money, while when it is exported from Nigeria the petrol has a higher value because NIGERIA needs more income for development/ the mechanism WORK with climate change global Organization they will regulate how much petrol is extracted from the Saudi kingdom and how much is extracted from Nigeria. How much they charge in Nigeria for a barrel & how much is charged by the Saudi kingdom. What value they obtain from the transaction * In short The global reserve currency regulates scarcity & balances needs of the population, not of the markets entrepreneurs bankers & industry. Welcome to planet earth 🌎 πŸ˜‰πŸŽ¨πŸ–Ό️🎭🍾