Thursday, July 11, 2024

LLUEVE FUEGO SOBRE UCRANIA | Se divierten mat@ndo soldados rusos

NATO 🏦💉 tactics 🙈🙉🙊 to keep the 🤣💊👩‍🌾 money flowing to the investors 🤣🏦 is a 70 AD 🎎📲 UN 🙊🙉🙈💉 mental manipulation on a hypnotized👩‍🌾💊🤡 EUROPEAN 🛒🧶 Population/ The Plot goes 🤣 Wall Street 🕎 Jewish 🤣 AIPAC 🏦 CLERIC KILLS JESUS ✝️ BLAMES☪️ MOHAMMAD 1947/Israel /palestine/India /Pakistan 🤣🏦for JESUS ✝️☠️ DEATH / simple that way UN 🤣🏦 get Europeans 😷🐔🐑 to follow investors of 🏦🤣 wall street get their cash 🤑 and Jewish Cleric 🤐 HEROD 👑 followers 🐑 🙏🤳 obey 🤑 investors 🤣🏦 earn a % live well and the victims are no different than 1939 *☠️😷* 8 American Companies That Worked with the Nazis During World War II🤣🤑🏦

Coca-Cola Company. Coca-Cola played both American and German sides during World War II, but in 1941, the German side ran out of sugary syrup to make the soft drink. ...1943 Made in the USA tested on a 70 AD Washington made to create the petrol 🏳️‍🌈🌎 hub police station of Israel 🙏🏦🤣🤑