Tuesday, February 12, 2013

End Time Prophecies ~ Pope Benedict Resigns as in St.Malachy's Prophecy

End Time Prophecies ~ Pope Benedict Resigns as in St.Malachy's Prophecy

Mots croisés | France2

Mots croisés | France2
l'agriculture naturelle dans le XIV siècle, le BIO moderne, est les sous-traitant. dans une vallée de viande ce le pauvre qui mange; dans une supermarché ce l'espoir, l'imagination est la finance. donc un sou ici est l'autre la. comme la musique est le cha, cha,cha.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Europe : un revers majeur pour Hollande « artslogic

Europe : un revers majeur pour Hollande « artslogic
une-grand opportunité pour ERIC Schmidt, A) a la place de donner 60 millions d'euro a la presse française Eric vous pouvez  donner CET argent a le resto du cour, a l'association abbé Pierre est autres association qui ont besoin d'argent, les français serons plus heureux est ce plus la population qui Eric Schmidt aide, le people, le pauvre, le plus pauvre, que ce journaux prive. cet une action intelligente est + une coup de publicité positive pour google. cogiter bien.. est "never waste a crises" car même avec l'union européen comprendra dans quelle camps vous étés.

Saturday, February 09, 2013

Cimatica (Kimatica)-(subtitulado en español) – YouTube « artslogic

Cimatica (Kimatica)-(subtitulado en español) – YouTube « artslogic

Resonance - Beings of Frequency (documentary film) - YouTube

Resonance - Beings of Frequency (documentary film) - YouTube

EU leaders agree to $1.3 trillion budget – The Economic Times « artslogic

EU leaders agree to $1.3 trillion budget – The Economic Times « artslogic
the situation is confusing leaders in fact and in practice have lost it, this illusion of fixing the economy does not work, and it will never work under the idea that government knows best, and that economist know the way, the reality is they don't. do you need government to survive exist, do you need banks, do you need institutions, well, the institutions the government and the banking financial system of today, does not work properly it has collapse! what to do now, ISRAEl suggest wars to put the issue away, OBAMA, austerity and enslavement, Europe just takes orders from wall street. so folks do you need wall street, or does wall street needs you. do you need government or government needs you?

Stop the US War Machine: The Movement to Impeach Obama | Global Research TV

Stop the US War Machine: The Movement to Impeach Obama | Global Research TV

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Systemic “De-Democratization” in the European Union: Existential Dangers, New Political Challenges | Global Research « artslogic

Systemic “De-Democratization” in the European Union: Existential Dangers, New Political Challenges | Global Research « artslogic
if you look at a front page of Google news you perceive always the same news corps and main media, other bloggers and outlets are invisible  therefore Google news the virtual news-stand is 100 % with the system of propaganda they exist by it. they must evolve change as it is the free independent minds the ones that can solve the world problems, the idea that perpetual propaganda and impose brainwashing will impose a will on the worlds citizens is wrong, it is real to manipulate minds of citizens up to a certain % and for a limited time. the mind reverse to its natural state after it has consume the impose unnatural behavior. just like an overdose of medicament's; the bad news is that the volte-face can be unpredictable a brainwash teenager could at any moment grabs a car and crash it into a flower shop, no explanation , no reason, but there is a cause and an answer to that cause, Google  propaganda has exceed the boys mind, over extend its capacity to restraint itself until it implodes and goes free. "on a killing rampage"

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

The Money Masters ~ Full Movie

The End of Europe ~ Stefan Molyneux « artslogic

The End of Europe ~ Stefan Molyneux « artslogic

the FMI, the world bank and the fed are institutions that function like the Marshall plan after WW II. today technology has change the tune, for Google, for the FMI and for the FED. the old logic is obsolete and will never work, neither in Europe america or anywhere else.  money is nonexistent what does exist is the products you purchase with that money. however it is the FMI, world bank and the FED, that impose a Marshall plan to citizens worldwide, this plan works via investors which as the logic of 1945 goes, they invest to get a profit, which is money. sense we know money is an illusion it is what money obtain that is real. therefore a worker for Renault makes cars while the investor gets money. the real value is the car but it is the investor that profits from it not the worker. technology is directed now in benefit of the investor not the worker, however it can be turn around and benefit the worker and a - % to the investor. giving value to a healthy life is the way to change the investors greed and the workers enslavement. as Europe today is more an slave-land than a sophisticated advance realm. all this enslavement is because of the logic use by the FMI, world-bank, and the FED. wall-street is just the changing floor, traders are the MAD dogs of the trading floor, as they as well believe on the money that they get but remain slaves unfortunately. this enslavement exist because of unhappiness  as the only happiness you get is the one provided by money. the result is a mad society, were there is none that saves itself from this crazy mayhem. money becomes the key to elites that escape the masses of insane citizens and refuge themselves among themselves on desert islands like moustique or other places. however the minds are not any better than those of the slave, these elites as well as those workers all suffer from haplessness real pleasure and well being, as the FMI, world bank  FED scheme has destroy well being, and replaced with greed, insanity, crimes and stupidity. therefore existence has become a battle for survival not of intelligent beings but of primitive beast. reason why today you are discovering huge animals under the sea, they are a remainder of what humans have become and how they will be in the coming future.
alfredo bremont N

Countdown to Economic Collapse

Countdown to Economic Collapse
better say the transformation of Europe is on its way. as Google will understand soon, that it is the global environment, that makes or breaks, not the will.

The End of Europe ~ Stefan Molyneux

The End of Europe ~ Stefan Molyneux
better say the transformation of Europe is on its way. as Google will understand soon, that it is the global environment, that makes or breaks, not the will.

» Nigel Farage’s UKIP On The Increasing European And Soviet Union Similarities Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind! « artslogic

» Nigel Farage’s UKIP On The Increasing European And Soviet Union Similarities Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind! « artslogic
as it looks Google has become a partner in propaganda and mind manipulation, Facebook world, which has become the land of propaganda follows. the economy in fact are Facebook and Google, however the logic of the economy can change and them no more propaganda, no more Google and a transformed Facebook can resurface on the end times. or the coming main media spring battle.

Attribution des logements sociaux : un système injuste et opaque - Inégalités - Basta !

Attribution des logements sociaux : un système injuste et opaque - Inégalités - Basta !

Sunday, February 03, 2013

How the coming World War 3 will develop in 2013 ?

How the coming World War 3 will develop in 2013 ?

somehow the end will be something quite simple, population reduction in large quantities, israel being so small will collapse but, after its total destruction a new israel with the proper Jews will resurface, as the Muslim religions.
i do not believe Mohammad wanted his brothers to fight among themselves neither Jesus, or buddhist monks, all they wanted is one race one mind one justice and one king for all. that will unite all in one, however the way is an image an art work a painting the independent creation that does rule the world and accomplish what the flesh and the will failed to do.

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Licenciements : comment ne pas se laisser abattre ? « artslogic

Licenciements : comment ne pas se laisser abattre ? « artslogic
le problème ce le FMI, la banque mondial est wall Street, une fois ces institutions ont dégagé. la France elle sera une république saine est libre, comme l’Europe dans son intégralité. cet a vous d'agir choisir est nés plus avoir peur du FMI, le quelle a détruit la greece, l’Espagne, l’Europe dans son intégralité est son propos finale ce la fin des système social en Europe..

Thursday, January 31, 2013

PressTV – Argentina rejects Israel request for explanation on Iran deal « artslogic

PressTV – Argentina rejects Israel request for explanation on Iran deal « artslogic

Israel must remove all Jewish settlers from occupied West Bank – UN inquiry — RT « artslogic

Israel must remove all Jewish settlers from occupied West Bank – UN inquiry — RT « artslogic
the dangerous nation with nuclear weapons, Putin and Obama do have a wonderful opportunity and unite disarm Israel "his nuclear capability" for peace and safety, as terrorist are waiting for the moment to get all those nukes an attack anyone in sight, as well crazy Israel is going bunkers insane as it realizes the (ME) black home is imploding his alliance with the Saudi king is coming to an end so Putin you have this time a duty to take those nukes out of Israel and put the on a safe place, Obama at least will do something right for the planet. Forget western media they are even more corrupt than Israel........ in fact not very sane

Hermetism, Gnosticism, & Neoplatonism. Doctrines of Hermes Trismegistus ...

Good Terrorist, Bad Terrorist | Global Research

Good Terrorist, Bad Terrorist | Global Research
Their hypocrisy becomes even starker in Syria. Western powers and groups from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Turkey have been providing funds, logistical support and sophisticated weapons to rebels within Syria and mercenaries from a number of other countries, to overthrow the Bashar al-Assad government. Many of these armed groups, like their counterparts in Libya and Mali, justify their acts of terror and violence in the name of Islam — albeit a distorted and perverted interpretation of the religion.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

» The Bank Runs In Greece Will Soon Be Followed By Bank Runs In Other European Nations Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Bank Runs In Greece Will Soon Be Followed By Bank Runs In Other European Nations Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

If Greece leaves the euro, the consequences are likely to be quite messy.  Those that are promoting the idea that a “Grexit” can be done in an orderly fashion are not being particularly honest.  The following is from a recent article in the Independent….
“Whoever tells you a Greek exit would be no big deal is an idiot, lying or disingenuous,” said Sony Kapoor of the European think-tank Re-Define. Economists fear that a disorderly exit would prompt a huge run by investors on Spanish and Italian debt, forcing those countries to seek support from an EU bailout fund, which, with a capacity of just €500bn, is widely regarded as too small to cope with those pressures.

» The Shadow Banking System: A Third Of All The Wealth In The World Is Held In Offshore Banks Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Shadow Banking System: A Third Of All The Wealth In The World Is Held In Offshore Banks Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Who Runs The World? Solid Proof That A Core Group Of Wealthy Elitists Is Pulling The Strings Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Who Runs The World? Solid Proof That A Core Group Of Wealthy Elitists Is Pulling The Strings Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

artslogic « Just another WordPress.com site

artslogic « Just another WordPress.com site
Britain, Germany and france are a triangle a reality created long ago it is a triangle, it has the same origins and it was created by the same people! Charlemagne was the first attempt to unite the continent, William the conqueror was the 2 step to unite Europe and Britain. Orange was the 3 attempt as now you got the house of Windsor the current queen of England from dutch, German, french origins. france is an hexagon, inside the Britain,france, Germany triangle.  all those nations have the same boos, and they obey to the same mind. so Cameroon will have to bend to his ultimate boos. however it is a work in progress.

Cameron raises stakes on Europe: Will gamble pay off? - CNN.com

Cameron raises stakes on Europe: Will gamble pay off? - CNN.com
Britain, Germany and france are a triangle a reality created long ago it is a triangle, it has the same origins and it was created by the same people! Charlemagne was the first attempt to unite the continent, William the conqueror was the 2 step to unite Europe and Britain. Orange was the 3 attempt as now you got the house of Windsor the current queen of England from dutch, German, french origins. france is an hexagon, inside the Britain,france, Germany triangle.  all those nations have the same boos, and they obey to the same mind. so Cameroon will have to bend to his ultimate boos. however it is a work in progress.

Vote des étrangers : le couac version 2013 - Europe1.fr - Politique

Vote des étrangers : le couac version 2013 - Europe1.fr - Politique
une procédure excellent pour l'intégration, car 40% des français ont des noms étranger, est ça jeu dans leurs subconscience, comme leur comportement, leur religion etc, donc, cet un appuis psychologique, le droit de vote aide le psychique des citoyens des noms étranger les équilibre indirectement est cet une action saine humaine est républicaine.

Armageddon and Religion ~ Michael Baigent

Armageddon and Religion ~ Michael Baigent

Britain, france and Germany make a triangle, france is an hexagon. we got a geometrical figure.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Malcolm X: Front Page Challenge (Jan. 5, 1965)

Malcolm X - In RARE form (tv interview)

Malcolm X interview at UC Berkeley (Oct. 11, 1963)

Malcolm X interview at UC Berkeley (Oct. 11, 1963) – YouTube « artslogic

Malcolm X interview at UC Berkeley (Oct. 11, 1963) – YouTube « artslogic

James Baldwin on Malcolm X (1 of 3)

AFRICOM and the Conflict in Mali « artslogic

AFRICOM and the Conflict in Mali « artslogic

PressTV – French forces press on with war in Mali « artslogic

PressTV – French forces press on with war in Mali « artslogic
the best way to fabricate refugees is by the air-force bombing small towns, this is why the UN always goes along with displacement of citizens and the FAO its murdering partner creates even more havoc. you have seeing it in Afghanistan, Iraq, libya, Mali Lebanon, Palestine is all a plan to kill folks not to save them as they will die because of the circumstances, which are obvious by the pounding.

PressTV - Neocons furthering war agenda in Mideast: James Fetzer

PressTV - Neocons furthering war agenda in Mideast: James Fetzer

Admin Aids French Bombing of Mali After U.S.-Trained Forces Join Rebels in Uranium-Rich Region

Admin Aids French Bombing of Mali After U.S.-Trained Forces Join Rebels in Uranium-Rich Region

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dennis Kucinich Makes Fox News Debut With Bill O'Reilly

Dennis Kucinich Makes Fox News Debut With Bill O'Reilly
global nuclear disarmament is unavoidable the good way or the aliens way

Graham Hancock ~ Lost Civilizations « artslogic

Graham Hancock ~ Lost Civilizations « artslogic
the main problem now of capitalistic civilization is the financial configuration, it has collapse, the result is chaos worldwide austerity and injustice, those that think that what they are doing is the proper way to reason and order are certainly mistaking as facts show that we are going from bad to worse. the first difficulty are those that rule, politicians, bankers, industrialist, entrepreneurs, NGO, even diplomats are most of them corrupt by the capitalist civilization, which eventually has replace western culture.  today capitalistic civilization is on the process of destroying most humans consciousness and turning them into plain emotional and instinctive beings, more precisely, reason and logic is disappearing and is being replace by survival instinct without discernment and reason. to mend this global illness there is a need to have a time conscious travel to the past and revise everything you have known. however in order to do understand what we once knew a new perception a new way to perceive, reason, understanding and logic is required if humans hope to get to 2030. as they way things are going 2030 can be the end of humanity as you know it. how to make presidents and elites understand that they have got it all wrong is quite difficult  as institutions such as democracy, human rights  civility, education, they are all distorted and those that have power rather perish than let the proper course of nature to continue its endless process. the tools that can distribute the proper knowledge are here "technology" however technology is as well a prisoner of rigid fearful minds. the solution remains as allays on the many; but the many will have to become one to change from chaos to order. how can they achieve that demands an event that will unite the lot, and I do not suggest a nuclear war.  the solution is quite on a opposite way, on one side the humans of all ranks understand that their current logic is faulty and it is an urgent need to change and on the other hand unite the many the 99% globally that act behind one idea one philosophy one spirit. this somehow lead us to religion and moreover to the begging of humans gathering as thinking beings. I feel in our current space&time reality, art is the only tool left for us to use reasonable. from the moment that symbols and prehistoric paintings it is the symbolic image that has the stronger impression on the mind of humans organism. we call them humans species because they have the capacity of reasoning, and that reasoning is the tool of the mind to correct the behavior of the human individual, in other words the mind can direct the body to act this way or that way, depending on what he believes is the reality of the now. unfortunately as the mind becomes clothed with the wrong concepts the result is the wrong actions. we can verify this with the endless wars and financial mayhem, global austerity and selfish trends that occur globally. there is a possibility to fix all the problems we actually face, and the requirement is a definite change of logic and reasoning. I am convince this can only be achieve peacefully by art & philosophy, the arts in general well coordinated and properly executed. a sort of global artistic unity if you like.

Alan Watts - Seeing Through the Game (Carl Jung Tribute)

Mind Science Kept Hidden Documentary (removed and re-uploaded)

Friday, January 11, 2013

UN calls for 'swift deployment' of foreign troops in Mali, France vows to intervene — RT

UN calls for 'swift deployment' of foreign troops in Mali, France vows to intervene — RT
cauchemar libyan ou season 2 pour la destruction est la fin du système actuel le quelle est complètement caduque mort détruit il faut l'enterrer le plus tôt possible est welcome the brave new world.

Monday, January 07, 2013

France Chooses the Path of Economic Austerity | Global Research

France Chooses the Path of Economic Austerity | Global Research
This means that public services made available to French citizens will be severely affected, with a direct impact on the quality of life of the most vulnerable elements of the population [3].

Sunday, January 06, 2013

A Culture in Decline by Peter Joseph « artslogic

A Culture in Decline by Peter Joseph « artslogic

Takieddine chez Ruquier : tribune complaisante pour un manipulateur | Rue89

Takieddine chez Ruquier : tribune complaisante pour un manipulateur | Rue89:

'via Blog this'
le voleurs sont tout jour amis avant le vole est ennemies après, mais la presse est aussi corrompu rue 89 peut être aussi une presse manipulatrice est techniquement averti sur le comportement de l'opinion publique non-averti, plus ignorant, car une presse qui est honnête est dit la vérité on la cherche tout jour en fait il est rare comme la perle bleu. car suivant la vérité ce dévoile comme une fiction une manipulation, est la manipulation comme une vérité. attention a la suite... rue 89..........

Takieddine chez Ruquier : tribune complaisante pour un manipulateur | Rue89

Takieddine chez Ruquier : tribune complaisante pour un manipulateur | Rue89:

'via Blog this'
le voleurs sont tout jour amis avant le vole est ennemies après, mais la presse est aussi corrompu rue 89 peut être aussi une presse manipulatrice est techniquement averti sur le comportement de l'opinion publique non-averti, plus ignorant, car une presse qui est honnête est dit la vérité on la cherche tout jour en fait il est rare comme la perle bleu. car suivant la vérité ce dévoile comme une fiction une manipulation, est la manipulation comme une vérité. attention a la suite... rue 89..........

Monday, December 17, 2012

Obama: 'We can't tolerate this anymore, these tragedies must end' | World news | guardian.co.uk

Obama: 'We can't tolerate this anymore, these tragedies must end' | World news | guardian.co.uk

sense we are all connected, Israel, AIPAC, congress and the military complex weapons sale, is the main cause of tragedies. example, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, viet-man and the many other places were weapons became part of society. so to end the tragedy end the support for Israel and stop supplying weapons to Israel, stop AIPAC and its warmongering attitude, and its crazy insane crusades. until them horror will cover america, without any way to change it or stop it. the ball is on your camp.