Saturday, October 05, 2013

Ecuador's Correa: Obama's exceptionalism talk reminiscent of Nazi rhetoric before WWII — RT News

Ecuador's Correa: Obama's exceptionalism talk reminiscent of Nazi rhetoric before WWII — RT News: "“But they decided that if it happened in the Amazon region of Ecuador, then there is nothing to worry about.”

The case against Chevron-Texaco has been ongoing for two decades, an"

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“But they decided that if it happened in the Amazon region of Ecuador, then there is nothing to worry about.”
The case against Chevron-Texaco has been ongoing for two decades, and nothing  !!!!!     the absence of human rights watch, they are on the arctic creating havoc for nothing while when they are needed nowhere to be seeing, just like greenpeace.



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Thursday, October 03, 2013

King Arthur: His Life and Legends

Putin Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize | Global Research « artslogic

Putin Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize | Global Research « artslogic
 Windows of opportunités

The moment for a real settlement on the Middle East “Israel Palestine” is quite possible, not by military means but by rational means, in many ways what was negative in history can become a positive, side of history. One side of the coin them the other side! Israel exist today in Palestinian land, however Palestine at that moment before 1948 was under British rule. Basically if we return to the point of departure them, Britain in fact rationally, give back the land they administer back to the Palestinians, them these Palestinian can or cannot accept the new arrivals the Jews.  However things did not go that way, Britain basically left the place to his own destiny, which was probably chaos, in fact it is a chaos now and it has being for the past 60 years. In 60 years the Israeli have prosper and as well stole a certain chunk of the land and expanded beyond their 1948 borders that they had the moment Britain left the place to his own destiny. In practice it is quite complicated to return to the 1948 borders even if that is in fact justice! However today justice as well can be of an advantage to both, the 1967 borders offer this opportunity to both, not just to find each other’s realm but even to understand that in fact if both are able to coexist, moreover they can learn from each other’s, making the return to the 1967 borders worth it, progress an example to other nations that face the equivalent problems. Israel on the other hand can preserve itself as it is now under the 1967 borders build walls if it pleases, however “not advisable” the two mirror images of the pre-1967 borders and the after 1967 borders, can now be more clearly distinguish, there will be no wars with Gaza because Gaza by them will be inside the 1967 borders as well those that actually live there now in pre-1967 borders. In reality the two sides will have to learn about each other’s peaceful in many ways and given at least 6 months and the improvement can be measure, in both sides of the arrangement, pre-1967 borders and after 1967 borders. The reason will emerge as the winner, the side that is the healthiest one is the side that has the smile, and them is clear to see that, this is the path to follow.

» The Real Crisis Is Not The Government Shutdown Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Real Crisis Is Not The Government Shutdown Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
only way out a new global currency, that regulates the value of each national currency, the dollar $ ends its global reserve, martyrdom, the end of petrodollars, and the new currency "BREN" will control the value of the dollar the banks investments and central banks doing and undoings. as such the new world currency will scarp derivatives and restructure the wealth of the 99% unfortunately anyone that has put faith on the OLD dollar will be disappointed, as from this point on it is the government that prints the money, the new dollar!! not the FED, so the FED disappears. larger international banks are control by the new global exchange currency, end of IMF and world bank; they are no longer needed. true.. some  folks will loose many privileges but just the 1% the 99% will in fact be better off. debt will not be pay to investors that speculated with the OLD dollar, however debt of citizens will be cover by the government as now it prints his own currency , the new dollar!!!!!!  based on what he produce as it is regulated by the BREN central currency. the 99% loses 60 of their total value assets, the 99% will increase their assets by 35%..they are no longer dependant on wall street or any other commercial banks. small private banks will do the lending big multinational banks become outlaws, such as goldman sachs, jp morgan!! societe generale, rothschilds, hedge funds, etc.

​Aviation to the MAKS! — RT Technology Update

​Aviation to the MAKS! — RT Technology Update:

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planes and things

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

El jardín de las delicias, Hieronymus Bosch

the now.

Sheikh Imran Hosein - L'attaque sioniste contre la Syrie - 25 mars 2013

the british empire exist long before 1600. william of Orange realm., today we are back to William the conqueror times, "1010" as is the way to correct the William of Orange, deviations, they were not a mistake, but now they are no longer needed.. this is capitalism, john locke, adam smith, darwinian logic applied to economics, etc. derivatives etc, that was not a mistake but today is no longer needed. the british left the ME because they knew it will be a mess, 1947! and only them the arab nations will understand that a UK rule is better than a israeli us rule. and they have prove it.  so pax britannica has never gone away it exist now worldwide is call the english language, which is the worlds language..

South Korean Kill Dogs Cruelly 韓国 犬食文化

» Mother Agnes Mariam Attacked…By Human Rights Watch! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Mother Agnes Mariam Attacked…By Human Rights Watch! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
HRW another AIPAC, ISRAELI Lobby.... spy organisation, often, blinded by corruption and of course how much money they make killing childrens just like israel... this is until israel returns to its 1967 worder it will be world target of injustice, lies, corruption, manipulation, deceive, the worse of everything, once it returns to the 1967 them it shows is repent from this holocaust manufacturing industry of deceive... only way out, be wise 1967 is your salvation.. be wise. is not iran that dislike your methods of ethnic cleansing...  israel is the whole planet.....

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

PressTV – Iran must dismantle nuclear program: Netanyahu « artslogic

PressTV – Iran must dismantle nuclear program: Netanyahu « artslogic

israel does not exist think clearly and reason as a human being. israel is a place put in place by the UN, being at war sense 1948, probably designed by edwards barneys, and its purpose test ground for wars, and publicity, propaganda.. which is what it is now at war since 1948! why it does not exist simply its reason for existence its insistence that there is always someone who wants to destroy it, therefore it does not exist jet. its creation of some fantasy about a holy land! this is walt disney, propaganda.. there are no holy lands just people and nature! there was no holy land in 10.000 bc and there is no holy land today, neither in 6020. why those folks were send there from europe after ww2, simply the british who promised palestine to more than 6 bidders decided that since the arabs don't want them, them you now deal with the Jews and they left the palestinian land to its destiny. conclusion big mess, and a disorientation, simple the reasonable path was not follow. which was the british to return the land to the palestinians and them, the nature of reason would have taken its proper path.   today we exist on a no solution but despair and year after year the same show the same speech the same ideas and the same results. however newspapers and main media benefit as arms dealers and bankers which was the task that barneys was ask to accomplish, if he did was ask to accomplish  he did had success as he had with cigarettes and the american  president roosevelt, he indeed knew his busyness. today this propaganda invention, has become a legal busyness, administer by AIPAC and the Israeli lobby, who desire everything besides peace. because when peace arrives all their busyness of propaganda and warfare will collapse. congress presidents and all those jewish organizations CRIEFF etc, are into this deal however i don't think they understand the scheme, but they do act and react to the tune of propaganda as governments and the german nation with the holocaust complex, endures the logic of guild and remorse  the victims are the american citizens on the first line them the innocent cattle israelis that live in israel, and the rest of the planet as all experiments done on israelis are later applied to rest of the planet. Only way out to democracy is to bring; A new democracy to israel curb this illegal settlements and return to the 1967 borders, hope all goes well and explain the whole scheme to arabs and jews, tell them the truth of their own existence, them is possible that both sides will live in harmony. rejection of main media brainwash and the government which is more dangerous to the israelis than to the al-qaeda tribe. create a free nukes zone on the ME have israel take the initiative and bring all those soviet style wall down. only option otherwise israel will just disappear, not by bullets but by reason. it is basically a question of reasoning, logic, not wars, chaos and disruption, reason why all this rhetoric of hate and holocaust antisemitism and other rhetorics, persist as way of justification, they are useless, on the context of the concept that is urgently needed to evolve from the impasse. by being honest and realistic all problems can be resolve, rather than to emotional and self drive.  dialogues in good faith and with good intentions, will give good results.

PressTV - American journalist suggests US occupies Israel to demilitarize Mideast

PressTV - American journalist suggests US occupies Israel to demilitarize Mideast

very good idea bibi once again with holocaust industry why in the 1700 hitler attacked jews, hitler was not around by them..Israel however ISRAEL the murderous so call nation, because is more a UN disaster being at war for the past 60 years and will be unless it goes back to 1967 borders for another 6o+10 additional years !!! he can kill palestinians and create an apartheid state, this israel is a pain in the ass to the world community, the human race and the evolution of mankind. BIBI shape up stop giving the same rhetoric over and over again hitler was not alive in the 1700, so wise boy, and stop lying with all this bs that is incoherent. stupid and does not make any sense at all.. nobody believes you, .........

My Jesus ♰ ♰ Templars of Christ ♰ ♰ ARN - Knight Templar Complete HD Par...

My Jesus ♰ ♰ Templars of Christ ♰ ♰ ARN - Knight Templar Complete HD Par...

Israel Developing New Arrow Missile - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Israel Developing New Arrow Missile - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News
practical proof of the washington HITLER regime and its partners however the size of israel, makes it impossible to survive a nuke attack by anyone sense 1000 nukes worldwide are targeting israel what the arrow will do but get things worse. this Hitler piece of land is a curse to the human kind as continues the same foolishness, same path as  HITLER , ethnic cleansing, apartheid, wars, discrimination racism.. look at HITLER'S realm and you will find out inquire!!!! , arms, arms, the only wise move of washington is that the world targets israel and not the master washington. so HITLER does exist today in israel as crazy as it is. but that is reality folks..

PressTV - US owes exceptionalism to qualitative differences

PressTV - US owes exceptionalism to qualitative differences
Warning to Russia Iran and any other nation on the Planet!!!!!!!!! (Washington) is A dysfunctional nations cannot be trusted don't you get it folks.... the usa of america washington does not function properly, they are derange just like HITLER, and their weapons, so beware of this insane monster, why its citizens obey the crazy washington government ask the germans......... why they follow hitler another crazy regime that destroyed europe!!!! there is your answers only this time the mad-nation is a lot more dangerous, and insane......!!!

Israël : la France sacrifie une diplomate - Le Point

Israël : la France sacrifie une diplomate - Le Point
la france humilie puis sur les bottes de le barbarisme sioniste.... (shame)  liberté pour la france, honneur, dignité, respect a une nation millénaire, réel, noble et cultive... ce plus le systeme sioniste que doit de se excuser mais non ce la france caniche de sionisme qui le fait sur les ordres de  Amérique sioniste, AIPAC etc.... save France from the oppression sioniste, 1776..

Monday, September 30, 2013

» Israel claims capture of Iranian spy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Israel claims capture of Iranian spy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
careful with media brainwash in france via liberation or any other newspaper, no war for israel, let them fix their own problems on their own, vote NO TO WAr...

» ‘Government Shut Down’ Won’t Actually Shut Down Government Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» ‘Government Shut Down’ Won’t Actually Shut Down Government Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
 14 novembre 1650 william of orange, john locke and adam smith, mix this with darwin, barney's and freud psychology, and a touch of pavlov ... this is the core of illuminati and zionism "ben gurion" main zionist and dangerous to humanity. those that control and manipulate global economy use israel a platform for media brainwashing, experiments done in israel are then applied worldwide, . israel is the center of attraction not the center of action. that is what most call the british empire from 1650 to today. and what role israel plays is in fact distraction, it is the image of the core, to free america (a) AIPAC and the jewish lobby must be dismantled, (b°) wake up the israeli citizens they are totally on  a dream world, holocaust industry. (C) put pressure on the government, and make him realise that the 2 party system is no longer working find a real president honest an independant one that does not belong to any of the main parties. no democrats neither republicans. 1776 existed before 1789. reason why you are link now to FRANCE. however look at history global history in europe and you will find 1776 and now have a connection, look up greece 1776. ......... them link the alternative media with the lot, and you will have a bash.

Israel Prepares to Drill for Oil in Occupied Golan – New Jersey-Based Genie Energy Granted Drilling Rights | Global Research

Israel Prepares to Drill for Oil in Occupied Golan – New Jersey-Based Genie Energy Granted Drilling Rights | Global Research
where is green peace.. nowhere to be seing, as expected. be honest folks people are not fools any longer.. YOU in bed with CNN and Murdoch, wake up greenpeace you are even worse than Human right watch another ong full of bs..

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Capsula - I Know That I Know

Le comte Giovanni Capo d'Istria (en grec :Ioannis Kapodistrias) est un aristocrate grec très tôt engagé dans la lutte pour l'indépendance. Il participe à un gouvernement républicain dans les îles Ioniennes (ou Heptanèse), après que les Français en eussent été chassés en 1797. Puis, après leur retour, en 1809, il entre au service du tsar Alexandre 1er.

Le temps des Révolutions - Ioannis Kapodistrias( 2 février 1776 - 9 octobre 1831) -

Le temps des Révolutions - Ioannis Kapodistrias( 2 février 1776 - 9 octobre 1831) -

September 27th, 2013 Webcast

global politics are set for an update, politicians worldwide must understand the upgrade if they wish to continue their career as such, as by now this two party confusion must end the 21 century is not 1776, and the founding fathers will agreed to the new coming modern democracy, so hope you folks understand how this will take place. the same for AIPAC and the jewish <Lobby.. is another organization that is obsolete, this idea of everything that takes place on the planet is hitler faults is over, as the holocaust industry, germany is now free of this insane gult promoted by israel and its insane leaders.

▶ Alternative Media Special SEP 28 2013 Coast To Coast AM – YouTube « artslogic

▶ Alternative Media Special SEP 28 2013 Coast To Coast AM – YouTube « artslogic
 the alternative power of the mind..

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013

» Government is a Suicide Bomber Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Government is a Suicide Bomber Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

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Pfeiffer was right – Republicans are terrorists. He just neglected to say that Democrats are terrorists too. In fact, the entire U.S. government, but especially the executive, Congress and the Department of Perpetual War,

An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel

israel Spying on americans !............This is not antisemitism, it's REASON vs RACISM

Syria...Another War For The Jews

This is not antisemitism, it's REASON vs RACISM

​Blowback's revenge — RT CrossTalk

​Blowback's revenge — RT CrossTalk:

'via Blog this' end of the AIPAC organization and the Israeli lobby will do wonders for the economy the human race and the future of your childrens. so anyone that loves america and hopes for peace must demand the dismantlement of this two very dangerous institutions.

Jean Bricmont analyse l'ingérence de la France, des Etats-Unis et d'Isra...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Is the Israel Lobby Only a Chimp Among Gorillas? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Is the Israel Lobby Only a Chimp Among Gorillas? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Some friendly criticism of our article “The People Against the 800 Pound Gorilla” provides a welcome opportunity to clarify the discussion.  Shamus Cooke, while largely agreeing with the points made by Jean Bricmont and myself, reproaches us for focusing on the pro-Israel lobby as the major factor promoting U.S. war against Syria to the detriment of much bigger factors: the U.S. capitalist class, the big banks, “empire”, oil, the military-industrial complex – in a word, capitalism.

PressTV - Israel trying to torpedo US-Iran talks: Danny Schechter

PressTV - Israel trying to torpedo US-Iran talks: Danny Schechter
getting AIPAC and the israeli lobby out of president Obamas BACK, will help the president to act more freely, it will not fix the core of the current world system problem but it will give the possibility to them address that problem and those that are indeed the ones behind this israeli charade. once that fix it would be less complicated to make them reason, than having the lap dog Israel and the other lap dog AIPAC barking behind the curtain.


This is not antisemitism, it's REASON vs RACISM

The times they are a changin - Bob Dylan, Watchmen (Lyrics)

This is not antisemitism, it's REASON vs RACISM

Antisemitism & The Latest Performance of Roger Waters: Nov and Dec 2012

Le « Triomphe de l’amour » sur les planches | Le Journal de Saint-Denis

Le « Triomphe de l’amour » sur les planches | Le Journal de Saint-Denis
distribution uniquement masculine est un parti pris que soutient le metteur en scène (né en 1969 en Bulgarie) à qui l’on doit notamment du même Marivaux Le jeu de l’amour et du hasard donné à la Comédie française en 2011, et que l’on a pu voir sur France 2 en janvier dernier.

ONU: Israël veut boycotter le discours du président iranien - Flash actualité - Monde - 24/09/2013 -

ONU: Israël veut boycotter le discours du président iranien - Flash actualité - Monde - 24/09/2013 -
nobel peace prize, israel and iran dismantle all nuclear toxic devices, bibi gets the peace prize, israel will be happy no nukes in Iran neither israel or saudi arabia, so far only toxic waste has being the result...

Sunday, September 22, 2013

alain soral collon parle d'israel avec dieudonné

israel le danger qui faut contenir, éduquer et le maintenir bien éduqué! car cet entité sioniste criminelle doit être présenté a la justice internationale.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Does the Bible have anything to say about MidEast uprisings? | NEWS ON BOOZE

Does the Bible have anything to say about MidEast uprisings? | NEWS ON BOOZE:

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V!What does the bible says about King Richard 'lionheart) it looks as if king Richard is going back to Jerusalem and kick out, Jews and arabs and give back Jerusalem to Christians.

The Third Crusade: Saladin & Richard the Lionheart Documentary

the coming future.........

Dennis Kucinich Interviews Bashar al-Assad on Syria Chemical Weapons - 9/18/13 | NEWS ON BOOZE

Dennis Kucinich Interviews Bashar al-Assad on Syria Chemical Weapons - 9/18/13 | NEWS ON BOOZE:

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no more weapons of mass destruction in ISRAEL clean the modern concentration camp of this deadly and nasty polluting weapons... free israel so it can become a decent nation once on its existence.. Before it's too late.

PressTV - US’ barbaric capitalist labor standards ignore the poor: Williams

PressTV - US’ barbaric capitalist labor standards ignore the poor: Williams:
American slaves @ work: and all this to pay for wars and the holocaust propaganda.! One example of how these restaurant empires offload costs is Darden’s refusal to pay earned sick days. The result is that its servers - who endure a poverty rate that’s three times higher than the rest of the American workforce experiences - are compelled to work even when sick or injured.

'via Blog this'

PressTV - US’ barbaric capitalist labor standards ignore the poor: Williams

PressTV - US’ barbaric capitalist labor standards ignore the poor: Williams
American slaves @ work: and all this to pay for wars and the holocaust propaganda.! One example of how these restaurant empires offload costs is Darden’s refusal to pay earned sick days. The result is that its servers - who endure a poverty rate that’s three times higher than the rest of the American workforce experiences - are compelled to work even when sick or injured.

▶ Who owns America? Ask Congress - YouTube

▶ Who owns America? Ask Congress - YouTube:

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END the israeli manipulation humiliation of GERMANY and EUROPE this holocaust manipulation as reason for Israel to do what he pleases destroying nations and minds like germany is over liberate europe from this israeli hoax and extortion call the israeli holocaust manipulation and gangsterism. free america from this gangsters folks and the world at large.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

​Empire’s twilight — RT CrossTalk « artslogic

​Empire’s twilight — RT CrossTalk « artslogic
The actual purpose of a world body “UN” is its responsibility to the world’s population. However as populations are divided by nations the role of nations is to implement laws to its citizens! As the logic goes! When laws are manipulated to serve a purpose, its purpose must be vigorous, as the consequence are the facts of any purpose. The logic could justify the action as it takes the voice of the world’s population, however the world’s population, has no words as the laws of nations prevent them from doing so. Can democracy be; we know best, or are just the consequences the ones that determine reality? In this context it is the collective minds the ones that can decipher properly the facts and alert the world’s body “UN” of its dangers. The collective world awakens to the foolish ideas of the individuals that manipulated laws for their own purpose, reason why laws are made with the accord of the people, and not on discord.  As it is the collective the many the ones that are the world, while the few demand servitude, obedience, submission, serfdom.  All laws are natural laws the laws of nature are the laws of men, religion and cultures. The collective minds are as well under the laws of nature as are the individual minds. There is no treachery for what the minds goes; it follows the laws of nature. The individual minds understand the laws of time and how a recurrence is in fact a warning, an alert of what, did happen and could happen again. When this moments in time converse is just at the time when laws are manipulated.  History at this point repeats itself, and the lessons that where eventually learn disappear.   Wars as the last wars, death as the last death, destruction as the previous destruction, in the end once gain to the point of departure as war being peace as peace is being at war.


▶ WW3 UPDATE – Lavrov Not Convinced By U.N. Report, Convinced It Was Rebel False Flag – YouTube « artslogic

▶ WW3 UPDATE – Lavrov Not Convinced By U.N. Report, Convinced It Was Rebel False Flag – YouTube « artslogic
The actual purpose of a world body “UN” is its responsibility to the world’s population. However as populations are divided by nations the role of nations is to implement laws to its citizens! As the logic goes! When laws are manipulated to serve a purpose, its purpose must be vigorous, as the consequence are the facts of any purpose. The logic could justify the action as it takes the voice of the world’s population, however the world’s population, has no words as the laws of nations prevent them from doing so. Can democracy be; we know best, or are just the consequences the ones that determine reality? In this context it is the collective minds the ones that can decipher properly the facts and alert the world’s body “UN” of its dangers. The collective world awakens to the foolish ideas of the individuals that manipulated laws for their own purpose, reason why laws are made with the accord of the people, and not on discord.  As it is the collective the many the ones that are the world, while the few demand servitude, obedience, submission, serfdom.  All laws are natural laws the laws of nature are the laws of men, religion and cultures. The collective minds are as well under the laws of nature as are the individual minds. There is no treachery for what the minds goes; it follows the laws of nature. The individual minds understand the laws of time and how a recurrence is in fact a warning, an alert of what, did happen and could happen again. When this moments in time converse is just at the time when laws are manipulated.  History at this point repeats itself, and the lessons that where eventually learn disappear.   Wars as the last wars, death as the last death, destruction as the previous destruction, in the end once gain to the point of departure as war being peace as peace is being at war.



Tuesday, September 17, 2013

» CIA Moves to Kill Real Benghazi Story: al-Qaeda in Syria Arms Shipment Gone Bad Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» CIA Moves to Kill Real Benghazi Story: al-Qaeda in Syria Arms Shipment Gone Bad Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

this time interviewer Mehdi Hasan challenged one of the world’s most famous public intellectuals, Bernard-Henri Levy, on whether foreign military intervention could ever be justified, in lybia, and moreover hotbed for killing americans

U.N. team standing by to probe Syria chemical arms faces hurdles | Reuters

U.N. team standing by to probe Syria chemical arms faces hurdles | Reuters

A team of U.N.-led experts is on standby in Cyprus waiting for the go-ahead to investigate allegations of chemical weapons attacks in Syria, but the mission has been held up by diplomatic wrangling over their powers and how to keep them safe.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Welcome to the United Nations

Welcome to the United Nations
UN! here we got a wise, very wise action from Russia and china, that clearly shows the intention of washington on his quest of conquest. the abstention of russia and china during the libyan war has giving us a very intriguing  result, the point where you are now. This reality exist today! and many thanks to the day like a week, they when china and russia abstained themselves from, the libyan, nightmare which gives us as a result a killed american diplomat and a nation in chaos. from that moments on terrorism spread to Mali and the other regions, today you are in syria. This chess game on 8 different levels has no winner, just players; and the moment of reckoning is here to stay.
A global nuclear disarmament is urgent on the worlds arena, gladiators need a rest, and natural disasters has brought you fukushima, and those natural events will take place again, therefore a global nuclear disarmament, and a future end of nuclear reactors is unavoidable!  today you got the opportunity to change the world for the better, and eventually fix the worlds economy. The institutions reconquer their independence and prestige. To find the guilty perpetrators of the syrian chemical weapons of mass destruction, ask the guilty person to give himself up, when he does that, the criminal court against crimes against humanity, pardons him, and explains clearly to the those that are fighting in syria and elsewhere that there is no more need of martyrs, martyrs are those that have already died, like the 6000 thousand childrens in syria recently, in gaza and in libya, as well the millions in Iraq, for this simple reason, you pardon this criminal, and pledges to the living mens and womens that are fighting at this moment! that martyrs are those that are dead, like the 6000 childrens in syria.
   there is no need of more martyrs.
Therefore a moment a pause must be implemented, to remove this nasty weapons from the environment were those that are alive, exist and survive now.
give to caesar what belongs to caesar and give to god what belongs to god.

West vows to boost Syria rebels, Russia says they should be ‘compelled’ to join peace talks — RT News « artslogic

West vows to boost Syria rebels, Russia says they should be ‘compelled’ to join peace talks — RT News « artslogic
UN! here we got a wise, very wise action from Russia and china, that clearly shows the intention of washington on his quest of conquest. the abstention of russia and china during the libyan war has giving us a very intriguing  result, the point where you are now. This reality exist today! and many thanks to the day like a week, they when china and russia abstained themselves from, the libyan, nightmare which gives us as a result a killed american diplomat and a nation in chaos. from that moments on terrorism spread to Mali and the other regions, today you are in syria. This chess game on 8 different levels has no winner, just players; and the moment of reckoning is here to stay.
A global nuclear disarmament is urgent on the worlds arena, gladiators need a rest, and natural disasters has brought you fukushima, and those natural events will take place again, therefore a global nuclear disarmament, and a future end of nuclear reactors is unavoidable!  today you got the opportunity to change the world for the better, and eventually fix the worlds economy. The institutions reconquer their independence and prestige. To find the guilty perpetrators of the syrian chemical weapons of mass destruction, ask the guilty person to give himself up, when he does that, the criminal court against crimes against humanity, pardons him, and explains clearly to the those that are fighting in syria and elsewhere that there is no more need of martyrs, martyrs are those that have already died, like the 6000 thousand childrens in syria recently, in gaza and in libya, as well the millions in Iraq, for this simple reason, you pardon this criminal, and pledges to the living mens and womens that are fighting at this moment! that martyrs are those that are dead, like the 6000 childrens in syria.
   there is no need of more martyrs.
Therefore a moment a pause must be implemented, to remove this nasty weapons from the environment were those that are alive, exist and survive now.
give to caesar what belongs to caesar and give to god what belongs to god.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

BBC News - US and Russia agree Syria arms deal in Geneva

BBC News - US and Russia agree Syria arms deal in Geneva
don't forget get british to translate John Kerry, and LA FRANCE is a must they dont even speack english at all......... understanding and mastering of the english language is very low, so a way for him to understand his mind and the world to properly understand the uncivilized empire.
if there are guilty folks name them all of them not just the ones john kerry fels are guilty........and russia never trust americans remember.. is their nature to lie.. Barack Obama what democracy like america a police state. so be honest this is a chance the world must take..

Friday, September 13, 2013

Le Nouvel Ordre Mondial, le Contrôle Politique et Monétaire Mondial et l’Antéchrist dans l’Eschatologie Chrétienne – Dr Pierre Gilbert | IMRANHOSEIN TV

Le Nouvel Ordre Mondial, le Contrôle Politique et Monétaire Mondial et l’Antéchrist dans l’Eschatologie Chrétienne – Dr Pierre Gilbert | IMRANHOSEIN TV
le Dr Pierre Gilbert, un chercheur Canadien, qui a travaillé entre autres dans les milieux mêmes de l’Inteligentsia Canadienne. Il est de loin le meilleur eschatologiste chrétien francophone, il a épluché la Bible, et étudié plusieurs ouvrages et preuves du monde sioniste et de leurs sociétés secrètes, il retrace avec une infinie précision l’historique de ces gens qui œuvrent en silence, appuyés toujours sur un système économique usuraire, pour un plan satanique depuis des siècles !


Syrie : "C'est un peu tôt pour vous croire sur parole !"

Syrie : "C'est un peu tôt pour vous croire sur parole !"
president Obama and John Kerry become a human being leave the jungle!  it would take 10.000 monkeys with typewriters 1 millions years to write a poem. and this is your problem "LANGUAGE" unfortunately americans do not master the language, they speak themselves! they do not understand meanings when they say peace they mean war, when they talk is confusing, reason why washington is A dysfunctional regime, British  Teachers for peace can help americans understand the english language, remember american language does not exist "you speak english" to avoid soldiers, sailors and admirals and congressman, and UN diplomats to be monkeys with grenades on their hands the BBC english courses are an advice for the american nation and for the diplomatic lot,  can be a way to understand yourself so the world is able to understand you.

School for four-year-olds: Should I send my daughter to school or off to play Pooh Sticks? - Telegraph

School for four-year-olds: Should I send my daughter to school or off to play Pooh Sticks? - Telegraph
Brave New World....................  teachers, TEACHERS,!!!!!!!!!!! remember americans speak english, not american, so  the american government as well the nation needs an upgrade of the english language, they are extremely confuse in fact dangerous.( they confuse war and peace, they invert meanings and the result is a confuse lot)  so is the EU and France, so British teachers those that are honest and wise can help the rest of the planet speak and understand the english language properly, not like the americans population,  Obama or John kerry, they do not understand the language properly reason why they are extremely confuse and the nation which is in fact dysfunctional, even Obama's speeches are senseless all this because the lack of civility, knowledge and culture! the americans lack knowledge and the understanding of the english Language. so old boy you got a very large task! Purpose is to instruct and civilize the americans. to the FRENCh the same especially the english language teachers for diplomats as well other folks that wish to civilize themselves on this Brave New world! remember William shakespeare is still a value as the Queen is still alive. however a FORD central square on his name can be a nice diplomatic possibility. civilize america is your task and of Britain, for a proper understanding of the English language, and reality! their own reality.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

» Putin’s Emergency Warning to America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Putin’s Emergency Warning to America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
alex remember gerald celente when he said how germany got into a war being at height of its times. they got destroyed, this is what obama kerry are planning to america! your weapons now are the soldiers awaken the military by all means it is the military only the military than can save the planet and the lot of us, demos on the pentagon, target the military, make them feel that what they do is wrong, for them you the nation and humanity. from generals to high command! the military is the key to peace as it is the tool to wars.

▶ NEW Rachel Corrie song - YouTube

▶ NEW Rachel Corrie song - YouTube

Rachel Corrie - Interview

israel Mossad did 911 - BBC Alan Hart

Exposing Israel Crime, MUST SEE!

NEWS ON BOOZE: Glenn Beck Honors 9/11 By Accusing Barack Obama Of Treason

NEWS ON BOOZE: Glenn Beck Honors 9/11 By Accusing Barack Obama Of Treason
Israel is believed to have secretly built up its own stockpile of chemical and biological weapons decades ago, reports Foreign Policy, citing a recently unearthed CIA document.

Some New Reflections on the Mayan Calendar “end” date

Some New Reflections on the Mayan Calendar “end” date

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization (Carl Johan Calleman)

Printing: From Hiroshima to Syria, the enemy whose name we dare not speak « artslogic

Printing: From Hiroshima to Syria, the enemy whose name we dare not speak « artslogic
as did the Israelis in Gaza, raining it down on UN schools and hospitals. No Obama "red line" for them. No showdown psychodrama for them.

9/11/13 - Patriot Bikers Roll Through Stafford, VA with State Trooper E...

NEWS ON BOOZE: Another War for Israel — Featuring America’s Newest Allies: al Qaida « artslogic

NEWS ON BOOZE: Another War for Israel — Featuring America’s Newest Allies: al Qaida « artslogic
Israel & the realism of facts.
As we understand the reality of Israel, a somewhat call nation that was created in 1947.
The reason
Hitler killed millions of Jews, the question is never ask why did he killed all those Jews, as there was a reason behind this killings, but nevertheless the folks in power decided that a new space should be giving to this poor Jews a new land, they opted for Israel, an old British colony on the middle east, as excuse they use a biblical theme, “the holy land” they in fact needed and intellectual excuse that will give this transition of lands from Palestinians to the new oppressed and liberated Jews.
Palestine never had the chance to become a real nation, as from a British colony it became now a Jewish colony; even if the colonial powers plan was to divide the Middle East on morsels of cheese. Each colonial nation will have a piece of the pie and we shall put Israel on the middle of all this. Israel unfortunately surrounded by Muslim nations and most of them not very happy of the colonial powers manipulations and violation of human rights, not mentioning other war crimes and human abuses. In fact Israel was place right at a precise location where it will be encircle by this angry Arab folks. In fact Israel became a new form of concentration camp, however arm with superior weapons.
Israel policies of expansionism which was hoped and expected did took place, slowly Israel poured millions of individuals to the new conquered land, they advertised “come to Israel the new promised land of the promised people”  expansionism became an obligation, and the rhetoric that accompanied. However what they did not say is that all those folks, new immigrants to Israel are now on a new experimental concentration camp. Israel is even imprisoned by walls. Plato’s caves allegory is very good example of Israelis mind and level of awareness. The actual reason and purpose of the experiment is unknown, what we can tell is only facts and what is perceived as reality. Who runs the experiment now and even what is the ultimate aspiration with this modern concentration camp is as well unknown. The facts shows that Israel has being at war ever sense it became, from 1948 up to now, from the 1967 war, to the Suez canal, to the wars that are now encircling the concentration camp. Some folks claim that Israel will rule the world, however as a fact how this concentration camp call Israel rule the world, meaning those that live and exist in Israel, cannot rule the world from a concentration camp! However the terminology Israel and those that have used that terminology as their brand name can indeed rule the world not the current nation or its inhabitants. AIPAC the American funding of Israel, exist in New York, his member’s live in New York and other places, but they do not live in Israel, they only visit briefly, like McCain did, or any president they in fact do not stay there for long extended periods of time. The reason is quite logical, today Israel is close to an invasion by Taliban’s al-Qaeda etc., and on the other hand weapons and WMD are giving to the Israeli concentration camp to defend itself from this evil terrorist, “Iron dome and other gremlin’s. As the video game goes; the Israel better arm concentration camp but with very little space and population while the enemy a very vast space but disorganize and not well arm.  So is a kind of video game, heroes against the terrorist as they are called. The sad story is that Israelis are unaware of this reality, they have an outside out look at reality rather than inside out perception, they believe they are superior or better say are persuaded to believe they are invincible, that the holy land belongs to them, they do not question if the domain holly land makes any sense, and the expansionist policies makes them at constant war with the immense surrounding Arab Muslim populations. Is a set up exclusively for permanent war! Main media outlets, western propaganda Hollywood and publicity make both belligerents at odds against each other, Muslims are bad they created 9/11; Israelis are good they defend democracy. So the endless wars persist. Therefore without Israel there is no war because Muslims will have no reason to fight so desperately, and internal divisions will cease to be a problem, difficult issues can be look at; properly and calmly. If there are no Arabs Israel can have its grand design as promised by the fictional Holy land. However the Muslims are close to 2 billion individuals, while the Jews that live in Israel are just a few millions, as they call it the little state. Indirectly this makes the video game more interesting.
So who benefits from this, not the Jews, they exist on modern concentrations camps the most popular item in Israel is a gas mask. The Arab Muslims, Christian or others, they exist on constant wars as well. The ones that we can say have a benefit are the Saudi kingdoms of Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, the Israeli government and bankers, wall street, arms manufacturers, and other main media outlets. The west as well profits from this event they sell more newspapers brainwash their own western population and industry keeps its junk products philosophy and mind control.
So Israelis  friends hope someday you folks will find liberty of mind and body, perhaps the lot of you Arabs and Israelis common folks should get together, rationalize the problem and liberate yourself from those that really tyrannize you.

Voilà ce qu'est devenue la France , Une France dominé par une communauté...

Les Sionistes controlent la TV Française

▶ Sarkozy est il vraiment gaulliste ? - YouTube

▶ Sarkozy est il vraiment gaulliste ? - YouTube
le caniche français; car ce son maître Washington qui contrôle manipule est force l’esclavage économique, linguistique, culturel puis psychologique hilarant en France!! La quelle à ses managers à la botte de la corruption comme tout caniche. Le caniche français sur les bottes de la banque américaine « Fédéral » = FED, son armé, soumisse comme sa diplomatie ; le caniche obéi, comme tout son gouvernement, donc la France libre est encore loin, de se réaliser.  Est le peuple français paye pour le déficit américains, donc des taxe exagéré, encore des braquages car le caniche oppresse ses citoyens les quelles désespéré et sans comprendre la cause de leur malheur, "Washington" commet des crimes et des actions irrationnelles fou, des suicides comme la mort des retraite incompréhensible des guerres insanes à cause de la position discipliné du caniche =  « la France » vers son maître Washington.  

▶ La position de la France vis-à-vis de l'OTAN en 1966 - .mov - YouTube

▶ La position de la France vis-à-vis de l'OTAN en 1966 - .mov - YouTube
Encore des manipulations linguistique par le caniche français; car ce son maître Washington qui contrôle manipule est force l’esclavage économique, linguistique, culturel puis psychologique hilarant en France!! La quelle à ses managers à la botte de la corruption comme tout caniche. Le caniche français sur les bottes de la banque américaine « Fédéral » = FED, son armé, soumisse comme sa diplomatie ; le caniche obéi, comme tout son gouvernement, donc la France libre est encore loin, de se réaliser.  Est le peuple français paye pour le déficit américains, donc des taxe exagéré, encore des braquages car le caniche oppresse ses citoyens les quelles désespéré et sans comprendre la cause de leur malheur, "Washington" commet des crimes et des actions irrationnelles fou, des suicides comme la mort des retraite incompréhensible des guerres insanes à cause de la position discipliné du caniche =  « la France » vers son maître Washington.  

NEWS ON BOOZE: BREAKING NEWS - Blast strikes Benghazi 1 year after US consulate bombing

NEWS ON BOOZE: BREAKING NEWS - Blast strikes Benghazi 1 year after US consulate bombing
end of petrodollars the real reason for wars, end petrodollars lesson to degaulle the only honest french president so far all the rest are wimps and traitors, like fabious etc.. so end petrodollars, unite the euro with the bric nations. free france from the USA..

Why Frankist bankers promote wars and anti-Semitism

Why Frankist bankers promote wars and anti-Semitism

Monday, September 09, 2013

PressTV – US’ support for Israel has led to its global isolation: Carton « artslogic

PressTV – US’ support for Israel has led to its global isolation: Carton « artslogic
Reason & Israel, Or the israeli reasoning.
a process
this interview is interesting not about the Israeli realm but rather reason, logic, rhetoric! when kerry or anyone defends the israeli domain, he must reason out what is israel. as one of the interviews says, israel exist today on land that  was the old british colony, it belonged to britain as an occupier power by force! just that wording indicates that israel is not on palestinian land but on an old british colony
Palestinian independence in this case is not from israel, but rather the british; which are the ones that gave the land to israel. therefore all the reasons that israel has for existing falls apart, it will always be illegal, it can never be accepted by the world no matter how long it exist it will never achieve peace, because its existence is illogical it is a lie a manipulation! israel does not have the logic, reason human reason. israel only choice is to apply what the british did when they invaded america, round up the arabs it wish to kill and put them on concentration camps, reason why today israel is a nuclear power, and has a strong military, just the same way the british advantage when the arrived in america. So far the idea of israel has its origin from the holocaust, "reason"  of their existence, the holocaust was a war crime and killed lots defenceless people. today israel is doing what HITLER did to them,  in 1943. So the Israeli reasoning force them to be murderers and at the same time claim they are victims of murder. As you can understand this paradox is unsustainable, they are a contradiction, everyone on this planet that looks at a jewish person whatever they live in Israel or New York will have this on his mind, as a fact, because it is the reality. a person any person will  have no reason to be  against Israel but they cannot wipe out this reality out of their consciousness even if they smile and are courteous towards any jew worldwide, the logic leads any mind to consider jews as murderers.  Slowly all jews are somewhat despised worldwide, and the reason is the reasoning and logic of the state of Israel and its mode operantis, which as i explain they are force to use in order to exist. They are forced to be like that because they exist on an old british colony, a british domain call palestine! palestine is in many ways under the British colonial realm. brainwashing cannot change this reality, only a logical procedure. however british colonizers considered arabs as stupid and brainless, the same that took place when the british arrived in New York, they considered the natives inferior, stupid. israel does the same, it claims being the only democracy on the middle east, which is not! is more a Middle eastern  Hitler domain. the british acted the same way in India, pakistan, Iraq, iran, etc.   They called their domain the british empire! basically the reason that humans consider themselves humans is reason, mind, they say we are not animals we are human-animals. animals do not reason. however here is an example of a so call human-animals that refuse to reason. Now what do you think of all this! basically until reason reaches this so call humans they will remain inferior and despised. And for logic and reason Britain must give back the land to the palestinians and them after that even the palestinians can accept the israelis on their land if they wish, until then war will always exist, as you cannot reason out the unreasonable, otherwise you become a psychopath and insane human animal.

PressTV – US’ support for Israel has led to its global isolation: Carton « artslogic

PressTV – US’ support for Israel has led to its global isolation: Carton « artslogic:

'via Blog this'
Reason & Israel, Or the israeli reasoning.
a process
this interview is interesting not about the Israeli realm but rather reason, logic, rhetoric! when kerry or anyone defends the israeli domain, he must reason out what is israel. as one of the interviews says, israel exist today on land that  was the old british colony, it belonged to britain as an occupier power by force! just that wording indicates that israel is not on palestinian land but on an old british colony
Palestinian independence in this case is not from israel, but rather the british; which are the ones that gave the land to israel. therefore all the reasons that israel has for existing falls apart, it will always be illegal, it can never be accepted by the world no matter how long it exist it will never achieve peace, because its existence is illogical it is a lie a manipulation! israel does not have the logic, reason human reason. israel only choice is to apply what the british did when they invaded america, round up the arabs it wish to kill and put them on concentration camps, reason why today israel is a nuclear power, and has a strong military, just the same way the british advantage when the arrived in america. So far the idea of israel has its origin from the holocaust, "reason"  of their existence, the holocaust was a war crime and killed lots defenceless people. today israel is doing what HITLER did to them,  in 1943. So the Israeli reasoning force them to be murderers and at the same time claim they are victims of murder. As you can understand this paradox is unsustainable, they are a contradiction, everyone on this planet that looks at a jewish person whatever they live in Israel or New York will have this on his mind, as a fact, because it is the reality. a person any person will  have no reason to be  against Israel but they cannot wipe out this reality out of their consciousness even if they smile and are courteous towards any jew worldwide, the logic leads any mind to consider jews as murderers.  Slowly all jews are somewhat despised worldwide, and the reason is the reasoning and logic of the state of Israel and its mode operantis, which as i explain they are force to use in order to exist. They are forced to be like that because they exist on an old british colony, a british domain call palestine! palestine is in many ways under the British colonial realm. brainwashing cannot change this reality, only a logical procedure. however british colonizers considered arabs as stupid and brainless, the same that took place when the british arrived in New York, they considered the natives inferior, stupid. israel does the same, it claims being the only democracy on the middle east, which is not! is more a Middle eastern  Hitler domain. the british acted the same way in India, pakistan, Iraq, iran, etc.   They called their domain the british empire! basically the reason that humans consider themselves humans is reason, mind, they say we are not animals we are human-animals. animals do not reason. however here is an example of a so call human-animals that refuse to reason. Now what do you think of all this! basically until reason reaches this so call humans they will remain inferior and despised. And for logic and reason Britain must give back the land to the palestinians and them after that even the palestinians can accept the israelis on their land if they wish, until then war will always exist, as you cannot reason out the unreasonable, otherwise you become a psychopath and insane human animal.

The Tragic Death of Celebrities

The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Jeff Rense & David Duke - Zionist Plan to Attack Syria

Sunday, September 08, 2013

SYRIE : Rationalité occidentale | Mondialisation

SYRIE : Rationalité occidentale | Mondialisation
The Führer-god of Germany was ever so slowly succumbing to the belief that he was infallible, that if he said such-and-such a thing was true, then indeed it must be true. He was suffering from a kind of creeping megalomania and it was clouding his judgment, blinding him to reality. and today Obama's rhetoric  is, just like it............................

Ce soir (ou jamais !) - Capitalisme et guerre en Syrie - Vendredi 6 Septembre 22h25 | JT, emissions en replay, programme tv, infos et jeux | France2

Ce soir (ou jamais !) - Capitalisme et guerre en Syrie - Vendredi 6 Septembre 22h25 | JT, emissions en replay, programme tv, infos et jeux | France2

Gog and Magog.. The US to Cause the Next World War?

Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% ri...

"America is easily moved" says Benjamin Netanyahu

like the french.....

"America is easily moved" says Benjamin Netanyahu

Bibi and his red line Bom

bibi's red line and how he destroyed america.. OBAMA, KERRY, try to with the french president!  and the democratic party..with a red line.. (israeli shadow government @ work.)