Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Infowars.com Exclusive: Vivian Kubrick On The Insanity of Tyranny

«L'art contemporain n'est guidé que par des critères de marché»

«L'art contemporain n'est guidé que par des critères de marché»
heureusement que le crash qui arrive en 2014 réarrangera les choses, pour l'art, la conscience est le nouveau riches.. Car ce plus cette nouvelle classe sociale qui a mis en danger la conscience humaine... la créations des guerre de la classe moyenne vs pauvres, qui est au bénéfice des grands fortunes les quelles sont la cause de cette critères de marche sur l'art. 85% des artistes cottes sont des fausse artiste ils sont devenus de produit pour une illusion d'investissement est lavage de cerveaux comme d'argent. engendre par une classe sociale ignorant la quelle ce mesure par l'argent, est non par leur nature, noblesse, intelligence, sagesse.

American Anarchist | The American Conservative

American Anarchist | The American Conservative:

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Sartre sur le droit international

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Israel is an Example of an Economy Hijacked by Military-security Interests

Israel is an Example of an Economy Hijacked by Military-security Interests
there is no deadline the only deadline is the collapse of capitalism so debka files wake up, same advice for mossad with your outdated logic, no wonder most of you are confuse... and is going from bad to worse, simply you do not perceive the reality however you do perceive a reality on your own minds, unfortunately has nothing to do with the time and space it remains on a limbo state, it makes sense but totally ineffective for the facts of time, and the reality facts.

The US and Europeans give Iran a deadline of Saturday night for concluding a nuclear deal

The US and Europeans give Iran a deadline of Saturday night for concluding a nuclear deal
there is no deadline the only deadline is the collapse of capitalism so debka files wake up, same advice for mossad with your outdated logic, no wonder most of you are confuse... and is going from bad to worse, simply you do not perceive the reality however you do perceive a reality on your own minds, unfortunately has nothing to do with the time and space it remains on a limbo state, it makes sense but totally ineffective for the facts of time, and the reality facts.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

▶ War is a Racket by Smedley Butler - YouTube

▶ War is a Racket by Smedley Butler - YouTube
Facts: no one can do anything for israel is too late, is over, the process has begun, israel has only one last chance 1967 borders or it will disappear from between, not from external aggression. the process creates a reality, that is independant from any diplomatic intend, so is over as noone control time, technology does not either.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Three Million More in Poverty than Previously Estimated

Three Million More in Poverty than Previously Estimated
what matters is crazy wars, eventually when you are ask to fight wars you do not understand, support agresion, death, destruction for reasons that you are far away from, and even the less comprehend; is negative,  however all is one, united, one planet, if you like.. so wars affect everyone even if they are at great distance. fukushima is a fact, many are affected even in LA. therefore this useless wars bring just austerity; invest in arts like my paintings, or his music, invest the same amount a f16 worths of it. I think there should be probably 10 or 20 million artist worldwide. 40%of all wealth invested in arms sales transfer to art, will benefit consciousness, and the economy:.. Not the "bankers market, wall street manufacture"  but from an independant source.. it can do a lot of good to disturb minds. in all areas of our reality. eventually the weather could eventually relax, and keep families alive.   artistic behaviour can be more sensible to poverty, than a military strategist, wars and technology are somewhat related...
the mechanics of war are a germ of technology, however it spread to other areas, like Industry, banks; media. however is not the logic of the mind, is the logic of the war process, its metabolism.

France makes historical mistake blocking Iranian nuclear deal — RT Op-Edge

France makes historical mistake blocking Iranian nuclear deal — RT Op-Edge:

eyed Hossein Mousavian: France has blocked a peaceful deal because of Israeli claims. I think this is a historical mistake France is making because if you read the records, in 1992 Israel claimed Iran would possess nuclear bomb in 1995, in 1995 they claimed Iran would possess nuclear bomb in 1999, then they claimed Iran would possess nuclear bomb in 2003. It is for 20 years they are giving timetables that Iran would possess a nuclear bomb in one year, two years or three years. Therefore, this has been proven to the international community that Israel is lying. I don’t really understand why France is going to block such a peaceful deal based on such false claims of Israelis.

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France makes historical mistake blocking Iranian nuclear deal — RT Op-Edge

France makes historical mistake blocking Iranian nuclear deal — RT Op-Edge:

eyed Hossein Mousavian: France has blocked a peaceful deal because of Israeli claims. I think this is a historical mistake France is making because if you read the records, in 1992 Israel claimed Iran would possess nuclear bomb in 1995, in 1995 they claimed Iran would possess nuclear bomb in 1999, then they claimed Iran would possess nuclear bomb in 2003. It is for 20 years they are giving timetables that Iran would possess a nuclear bomb in one year, two years or three years. Therefore, this has been proven to the international community that Israel is lying. I don’t really understand why France is going to block such a peaceful deal based on such false claims of Israelis.

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Sunday, November 17, 2013

▶ Carlos Santana, Jorge Santana, Steve Miller, and Ry Cooder, Why Can't We Live Together?, Oct 10,1992 - YouTube

▶ Carlos Santana, Jorge Santana, Steve Miller, and Ry Cooder, Why Can't We Live Together?, Oct 10,1992 - YouTube
le concepte de la liberté: le affect secondaire de la lois mariage pour tous cet une première tentative a la liberté du concepte du liberté individuelle!  cet effet secondaire cet une vrais chance pour la societe française car,  le concepte de lois applique  a les lois, tiens une parcours symétrique, liner, la lois, la obéissance! dans nôtres cas la désobéissance cet cet liberté acquise grâce a la lois pour le mariage gay, ce ça l’effet de générosité  subconsciente de la réalité; qui s'exprime!

▶ Santana Toussaint l'Overture - Live at Mountain View, CA 1986 (Rare Live Show) - YouTube

▶ Santana Toussaint l'Overture - Live at Mountain View, CA 1986 (Rare Live Show) - YouTube
le concepte de la liberté: le affect secondaire de la lois mariage pour tous cet une première tentative a la liberté du concepte du liberté individuelle!  cet effet secondaire cet une vrais chance pour la societe française car,  le concepte de lois applique  a les lois, tiens une parcours symétrique, liner, la lois, la obéissance! dans nôtres cas la désobéissance cet cet liberté acquise grâce a la lois pour le mariage gay, ce ça l’effet de générosité  subconsciente de la réalité; qui s'exprime!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Revoir en replay et en streaming "Ce soir (ou jamais !)" - Ce soir (ou jamais !) - France 2

Revoir en replay et en streaming "Ce soir (ou jamais !)" - Ce soir (ou jamais !) - France 2
remarque!!  sur le conditionnement de la population française par les médias, il sont formate pour le moment a avoir une comportement à la personnalité sarkozyste, le people conditionné ce retrouve perdue sans son avatar! nonobstant les politique libérales sont une erreur, mieux expliquer au people votre réalité concrété, que à fait Sarkozy, est avec l'aide du people comme le gouvernement peut sortir de le jugement sarkozyste, de 2007-2012. primo bien expliquer le chosas clarté honnête est bien explique l’Europe Bruxelles. courage vis a vis des banques et le MEDEF communication, clarté. union car la division cet une grand erreur est ce ne pas un changement de ministre qui changera les choses au long terme, réfléchir long terme. donc: bien cadre les médias prive, est bien répondre honnêtement avec des faits est encore plus des infos est clarté au people quand le médias vous questionne. donc, retourner les médias destructive prive avec la clarté est la réalité de votre situation actuel est celui de l’Europe est le capitalisme en general.  . plus de fermeté avec les banquiers finances , est moins de fermeté avec l’Iran.. pour l’économie ce la fin car l’économie est en évolution est la clarté de hier cet une tache noir; aujourd'hui, cette économie est morte est une autre fera surface graduellement ce plus un transition a un monde nouveau..donc ce la transition! ce là ou la sagesse est requise.  volte face est tout confiance au président : avec une temps limite... ce l'art la clef pour maintenir l'identité.. un euro comme monnai de change international, est un euro comme monnai national individuelle un sort des fédéralisme national.. avec une banque centrale, mais avec des banques indépendant nationales. valeur de échange variables entre les pais membre européens, mais une monnai unique par rapport a l’échange international. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

What Albert Pike Said Will Happen in World War 3 (from Jordan Maxwell)

▶ Morals and Dogma [14]: II. The Fellow-Craft (Part 13) - YouTube

▶ Morals and Dogma [14]: II. The Fellow-Craft (Part 13) - YouTube
the end of israel, and all arabs alike looks unavoidable how albert pike knew this is a ? , to ask, however advice to all israelis and anyone else to begin planning the exodus part 1 as the war will devastate all, muslims against christians, christians against jews, jews against arabs, arabs kill themselves as jews kill themselves in fact a communal slaughter, and the end of the middle east as you know it..

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

PressTV - Opposing Iran deal could lead to war: White House

PressTV - Opposing Iran deal could lead to war: White House: ""The American people do not want a march to war," spokesman Jay Carney said. "
"The American people do not want a march to war," spokesman Jay Carney said. 

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» Unpopular socialist Hollande struggles with winter of discontent Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Unpopular socialist Hollande struggles with winter of discontent Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

Well if we are in 1776, Time of Revolutions: them it means all that existed before 1776, gets put on hold, no more Zionism, communism, capitalism, dollars or euros, central banks and wall street, likewise any other invention after 1789 of a hierarchical control, form, shape and functioning; industrialism, crazy banking’s, and napoleon does not exist! Them we can analyze the problem! It looks the problem is that those that brainwash most of the population, are now brainwashed themselves! No longer is a question of presidents, kings, rulers, people, science, or economy; but rather, a world that has no guidance. Simply on a state of global amnesia!! It exist on illusions, and reality rapidly captures the facts and displays the facts without failure. And all this thanks to technology, that on one hand is the brainwashing tool and the other offers the cleaning tool.  The revolution for what! To do the same as before, change presidents for what, change banks? Congress; the actual confusion is so great that elites and slums have encounter. This turning back in time is perhaps due to a problem on the program; and its interpretation; of revolutions!! As eventually the past 1776, revolution makes what reality is now, wars, colonialism, racism, banking laws, debt! So another likewise 1776-1789 event will give the same result.  1776 and the declaration of independence becomes unimportant and we find ourselves in the 1600. And this is the point of the probably distortion of the word revolution.  A good analysis and the answer will spark like a good glass of wine.
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▶ Ian Lungold - Welcome To The Evolution - YouTube

▶ Ian Lungold - Welcome To The Evolution - YouTube:

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2012 ninth wave Mayan Calendar


Monday, November 11, 2013

Comment la science nous pousse à nous révolter | Mondialisation

Comment la science nous pousse à nous révolter | Mondialisation: "Cependant, Il y avait cependant une dynamique du modèle qui permettait un peu d’espoir. Werner l’avait appelée « Résistance » – mouvements de « gens ou groupes de gens » qui « adoptent certaines dynamiques qui ne correspondent pas à la culture capitaliste ». D’après le résumé correspondant à sa présentation, cela inclut « les actions environnementales directes, une résistance qui s’acquiert hors de la culture dominante, comme les manifestations, les blocages et les sabotages par des groupes d’indigènes, de salariés, d’anarchistes et d’autres groupes d’activistes »."

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Must-See! Fallen Angels Discovered Wireless Technology & Electricity--Includes Detailed Look "Globally" Into Ancient Mega-Structures! (Videos & Pictures) | Prophecy

Must-See! Fallen Angels Discovered Wireless Technology & Electricity--Includes Detailed Look "Globally" Into Ancient Mega-Structures! (Videos & Pictures) | Prophecy:

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PressTV – Iran not “East Bank” for Israel or West « artslogic

PressTV – Iran not “East Bank” for Israel or West « artslogic:

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The situation is comical, there is no international community, is gone, and soon is a 1776, however global! The curios event that will take place globally, is perceive as doing the opposite of a plan By a group of rulers. Logically the international community will have very little inclination into creating a world’s revolution; what can they gain from something like that. What would they gain by perpetual wars on the Middle East; perhaps with perpetual peace but with wars, people getting kill, bombs, destruction! It even spreads to all ranks of societies, the war in Syria is as the war in Athens, in Spain or Egypt; A global chaos; a worldwide military takeover? The international community is disjointed and this incoherence has flown to the public’s minds now they are all incoherent, things cease to make any sense at all, and just imagine that the changes are a surprise to all! The international community them is the people, as they are the majority, and if they globally go haywire, them is not a planned war that guarantees that in the end will be a winner but rather a global revolution. Disintegration, as even the military can-do with without labor, everything demands a hand. Basically is a box, reason slowly trapped on a box; how to get out of the box, perhaps the energy that energy that will mend all the illness, the confusions. Understanding time becomes critical, this is no longer mass and energy, is not even quantic as it exist you cannot perceive by any means however it does has an effect, and quite definite one. The dark matter could be that obscure mind that controls all. However time he controls everything. Einstein, well here there is no speed of light, is the dark matter; it does not exist/ and all matter is on the mind. Unfortunately body and mind are one, and it is the body, that somehow suffers and desires to survive! It indicates that for those that exist on planet earth they should link body and mind, and those that exist on other planets they should do the same if they wish to have fun.

» Oliver North predicts Russians will kill Snowden: ‘He’s a dead man walking’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Oliver North predicts Russians will kill Snowden: ‘He’s a dead man walking’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

'via Blog this'always suspicions divisions inciting one against the other, fear.. the usual from Oli, and it looks more the israeli lobby, and AIPAC at work, doing all it can to ignite a war, with anyone so far even american citizens... zionism McCain, republicans fomenting wars danger..

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mike Rivero ~ All Wars Are Bankers' Wars | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Mike Rivero ~ All Wars Are Bankers' Wars | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:

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il existe de solutions pour le peuple francais, nonobstant, prudence, sagesse, union; les divisions amene suivant encore plus de division, union est dialogue ce la voix de la resistance. if the zionist and bankers are running the planet, they are not doing a very good job, they might even rule france for that matter. so the solution is forward which requires a new hierarchical form, or backwards and correct the past, to create a new hierarchy that is not pyramidal is quite complicated, therefore is easier to return to the past correct the issue and continue with the purpose of constructing a new form of hierarchical values.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Saturday, November 02, 2013

▶ WOW!! Three Suns Shining Over China (And Not One Of Them Is Niburu!) - YouTube

▶ WOW!! Three Suns Shining Over China (And Not One Of Them Is Niburu!) - YouTube

[Fréquence Protestante]Animateur Radio

[Fréquence Protestante]Animateur Radio
nice// Les stars de l'art contemporain sights must read honest partial interesting...

Gary E. Schwartz ~ The Spirit World | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE « artslogic

Gary E. Schwartz ~ The Spirit World | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE « artslogic
The apple falls into the ground simply because otherwise living organism will not survive on planet earth;  as long as they need food as energy. the problem with science is that it does not understands nature, Einstein did a bit, and reason why academicians despised him.  the reason for this is the mental conditioning that the capitalist banking industrial sphere implanted on the human minds from the 1600.  this created a distorted and false 1776 revolution, as well a illusioned 1789 french revolution, on the other hand it gave foot to the new world order were most of humanity has existed from the petro industrial revolution, up to now. the mechanical technological leap, that has created mental and physical enslavement as well has put the brainless and brutal in control of the planet and has displaced the noble and brave into darkness. today is an upside down world the idiot rules while the wise is put aside and has become a hermit on his own mind. the tables are rapidly turning reality to its proper balance and what you folks perceive "is a confuse world" that does not make any sense at all! the reason for this is that the world order has collapse and you folks are now being let free from the mental conditioning that exist from the 1600 up to now. when a mental slave is set free he is confuse he does not understand his present condition, and remembers his previous enslavement as the natural way of existence! most of humanity has being enslave ever sense, but now the time for freedom has arrived and the barbarians are taking their place as the noblemen are once again returning to their proper role. Certainly the barbarians do all they can to keep their power, they created israel, wars, banks rothschild super billionaires as "democracy" which has being a tool of deception and manipulation! however democracy can indeed exist but it has not being implemented on the planet, neither human rights or decency, all this terms have being distorted and as the mind manipulation has exercise their power, folks worldwide believe on a term "democracy" that when applied it meant slavery. the world has existed officially on a orwellian realm sense. today 2013 the end of this orwellian realm is ending.  and a spiritual and multidimensional reality is appearing to the human minds. 
what i have shown on my paintings is exactly what Gary explains on his writings, however i have a physical proof of that spiritual reality as I can compare what is on the painting with what reality show us. i achive this by a simple method, 1) the painting on canvas and acrylic paint. 2) the subject matter. 3) the subject matter relates to the objective reality of the world,: in other words what is on the canvas is what is taking place on the globe on the micro world as on the macro world. " a view from the moon of the planet and humans behaviour if you like. 4) the viewer will be able to link what he perceives on the canvas and what he perceives on the objective world timeline. 5) when this two elements match to perception and perfection, details show the realm, it means the information on the canvas is the information you are reveled during the time of now, the present. the canvas perception evolves as the objective reality evolves, it is the subjective mind that has the task of discernment! what i do not understand now is how this relationship works, however i do understand that everything is link somehow from the subatomic to the matter from the spirit to the concrete matter. I do not know why and how it is like this, i perceive and accepted but I have no command on it "painting (artwork) canvas". so it is an experiment that does work; only the creator of it does not know how, neither why it has begun working sense 2001 and not before. It is somehow a kind of time machine that has begun its interactivity on 2001! independently of myself the creator of it... as if the object the painting somehow had an existence and a conscious mind of its own.
alfredo bremont N

Thursday, October 31, 2013

G. Edward Griffin – The Elitist Conspiracy Continues On | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

G. Edward Griffin – The Elitist Conspiracy Continues On | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG
Truth tellers are slandered and persecuted.

» China Moves Spy Ship to Hawaiian Waters in “Retaliation” Against U.S. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» China Moves Spy Ship to Hawaiian Waters in “Retaliation” Against U.S. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Architect of Apartheid in Israel: "If we don't kill, we will cease to exist" - Blumenthal Pt4

Architect of Apartheid in Israel: "If we don't kill, we will cease to exist" - Blumenthal Pt4
israel wiping and whipping palestine of and off the map..............

Michio Kaku: Books, Education, Dark Matter, Explorations, Quotes, Religion - Interview (2010) | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE

Michio Kaku: Books, Education, Dark Matter, Explorations, Quotes, Religion - Interview (2010) | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE

Enquête sur un citoyen au dessus de tout soupçon - Film d'Elio Petri - Critique

Enquête sur un citoyen au dessus de tout soupçon - Film d'Elio Petri - Critique
Selon M. Muenkel, qui a depuis quitté la présidence et se trouve au chômage, le commandant militaire de l'Elysée, le colonel Bio-Farina, aurait exigé de lui qu'il fasse une recherche dans les archives de l'ancien chef de l'Etat, pourtant protégées par un protocole d'accord signé par Nicolas Sarkozy avec les Archives nationales. Les demandes de M. Bio-Farina auraient notamment porté sur Bernard Tapie, Christine Lagarde (ex-ministre de l'économie, actuellement directrice générale du FMI), Claude Guéant (ex-secrétaire général de l'Elysée), François Pérol (ex-secrétaire général-adjoint), Patrick Ouart (ex-conseiller juridique) et Maurice Lantourne (avocat de M. Tapie).

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Champagne Bernad Brémont : De la vigne à la flûte

Champagne Bernad Brémont : De la vigne à la flûte

En mongolie.. is it by chance or is just part of the mission....  recommended for high altitudes.. Price and quality perception and vision all on a glass of ...............!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

» Libyan militias’ most valuable hostage: oil Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Libyan militias’ most valuable hostage: oil Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

conventional wars are useless just a waste of money, nuclear deterrents is the only option, and we all know a nuclear war will give no winner! the fact is wars as a whole are no longer an advantage, they cannot bring anything and can never be won by anyone; they have become outdated by the nuclear deterrence !! as the Al Qaeda consortium has shown, Afghanistan, the only loser are the American folks, while the winners are Raytheon Boeing, arms manufacturers and banks. austerity is what you folks have gain so far, from Tokyo, Athens paris and new york. The idea of America the great is just a scheme of illusion so the citizens will eat up Hollywood & sitcoms while they starve to death and exist as slaves. big ego empty belly & mind. this is the method of ranks and corruption, division between you folks so those at the top remain while you lot argue about who's got the best warplane!

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National Debt Clocks From Countries Around The World, Where Does All The Money Go? Video | Economy

National Debt Clocks From Countries Around The World, Where Does All The Money Go? Video | Economy
and more..........

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Karen Hudes ~ World Bank Whisleblower ~ Speaks Out On Corruption | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG « artslogic

Karen Hudes ~ World Bank Whisleblower ~ Speaks Out On Corruption | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG « artslogic:
The économie & the people
The economy is in fact a system, which transfers goods from one end to the other. It uses a currency for this purpose. This operations have evolve throughout the times, now we got electronic currency, and all is runs by machines; however the economical realm is falling crashing, is no longer operative, cost as wealth as any currency has become a game.

They all were accustomed to a one type of system, one set of rules and one set of values, this values, systems and types they were accustomed to are vanishing; the people cannot longer distinguish between real and false, virtual or real, facts or fictions, being conscious or unconscious. As a consequence they are slowly transforming themselves into two different forms, searching for the lost values and and material realities, facts and concrete realms. On this search one form values the mind, nature imagination; to find the concrete.  The other values the material the means to find the concrete.
The economy finds itself lost on a battle of convincing the people of how to summit to the dictates of the system. Those that control and are in charge of functioning the economy are as well, confuse amongst themselves, as the system remunerates extremes benefits while, for others those benefits are insignificant on comparison to some. As a solution some of those that run the system propose as an answer the media, and wars, as others propose the extreme enrichment of just a very few and some for a larger lot; however for the majority the many the bulk of the population, poverty, enslavement obedience; as that is the symbolic that will summit the many must be keep in poverty.
The game
The problem that economist system as well the people find themselves has no solution, on one hand the current reality of the economy has a problem, and that one is the minds of the world’s population in relation to extremes. From extreme richness to extreme poverty, from extreme acts to illogical acts, from extreme ideologies to extreme religious belief, from fiction to reality, minds confuse and lost, are unable to rationalize what in fact is taking place. The game is no longer the same, the many and the few have reached a point of no return of complete confusion.
The confusion is probably between the system and the people, however the system is just mechanical, is simple, but the people are not; they are arbitrary quantum if you like; and this is probably the reason why those that run the system are unable to understand why the system is falling. Why is this confusion and who is responsible! There could be many reasons, however the proper way to understand a problem is when the mind is at its most equilibrated, harmonious in peace; calm and happy, once that point of bliss reached, the mind can try to understand the issue; and the chances to comprehend the problem are higher, than when the mind is disturb, fearful and confuse.
Reason why wars and all this eventual rigs that go from one extreme to the other remain, the problem will increase in consequence until it breaks. At this point fixing it is just a dream; it is fiction.

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"Zeitgeist: Moving Forward"

"Zeitgeist: Moving Forward"
la guerre de Kosovo ce la réponse la quelle créé des réfugiés en masse.  les quelles sont une arme préparé a détruire donc la faute ce nés pas de leonarda mais a ceux qui créé des guerres humanitaire, fausse puis des guerre pour la démocratie, la quelle est inexistant.. guerres pour leur bénéfice, libye, syrie Afghanistan Iraq Tunisie etc..reflechissez bien car leonarda ce le symptôme pas la cause.. après ce vous qui accuse sans comprendre! plus de taxe, moins de bulot, est comme d'habite la faute a l'autre, immigration race, taxi, américains, iranien tous , mais pas moi!!! le FN la solution!!! que des rêves & est ce la faute a leonarda!!!  non ce la faute a vous est votre manque de clarté... arrêter de rêver est réveillé vous..

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Le piège Leonarda - 21/10/2013 - News et vidéos en replay - Mots croisés - France 2

Le piège Leonarda - 21/10/2013 - News et vidéos en replay - Mots croisés - France 2
a) cause, de cette aventure médiatique; ce premièrement les médias officielle, prive! "la course au profit" b) Janus car tout événement a deux vissages. le événement cet une exemple de une situation, les guerres humanitaires qui sont en fait des guerres économiques. la balkanisation de le moyen orient est la suite de la balkanisation de l’Europe de l'este. c) ce la vrai Cause du problème est cette exemple dévoile cette réalité, la quelle le monde politique refuse de reconnaître. d) la cause de guerres est la finance, les banques est l'industrie de l'armement. la presse globale,  prive à comme tache de diviser pour mieux reignier, la politique, les républiques, le citoyens, est les étrangers eux même.  e) L'objective est de maintenir une grand partie de la société soumisse confuse, une masse des pauvres comme victimes, une classe politique corrompu, est une classe moyenne haute comme des mercenaires; une industrie militaire est de consommation en plein forme. e) Personne est coupable mais plus la logique est le raisonnement du monde actuel qui est la cause de cette confusion négative. son moteur l'avarice. La technologie à pris un chemin indépendant en conséquence une harmonisation se reproduit, une équilibre économique, sain est réel sera le resultat de cette aventure du 21 siècle! 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Extended Mind & Human Intuitive Abilities ~ Rupert Sheldrake | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE « artslogic

Extended Mind & Human Intuitive Abilities ~ Rupert Sheldrake | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE « artslogic
On my way the world is a web of lines that communicate amongst each others, on planet earth.. Nature is harmony to the living organism of the planet, technology is part of human creation and nature. the principal purpose is to learn from each others as the principle of learning is on its opposite, its adverse converse variety; its mystery its query, the two opposite colors as the two opposite forces. Humans learn from each others individually without any outside intervention, as machines do and are constructed;  the machine learns its total autonomy. so far energy is the last quest. all living organism need energy to subsist, and machines as well! Amongst the many, most claim is the sun the source of energy! the sun the unknown mystery! however if we look at the sun on a different angle, and perceive it as the opposite of our existence.. the other side of the mirror: the sun is the anti-matter of our existance of the living organism if you like, a ghost.   Is in fact the energy source of our existence.  however science says antimatter is a non matter, the opposite of an atom; a circle, a gluon! well, well, well, as human minds unite they form of energy, telepathy, and perception.., that exist on a surface of planet call earth, complex, on his complexity; his inhabitants complexes, and complexions, reasons, their complexity which is provided with a machine, and a mind that is pose to solve his own problems and evolve while it solves the continuous test its survival. The fact of different opinions, perceptions and sensation, are the engine of mental evolution; the balance and understanding of this process is the engine that keeps the human machine alive, and its mind on permanent evolution.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Psychic Attacks And Open Lines October 18th 2013 (+playlist)

Extended Mind & Human Intuitive Abilities ~ Rupert Sheldrake | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE

Extended Mind & Human Intuitive Abilities ~ Rupert Sheldrake | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE
Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author. He studied natural sciences at Cambridge and philosophy at Harvard, where he was a Frank Knox Fellow. He took a Ph.D. in biochemistry at Cambridge in 1967 and was a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, where he was Director of Studies in biochemistry and cell biology until 1973. As a Research Fellow of the Royal Society, he carried out research at Cambridge on the development of plants and the aging of cells. In addition to his numerous books, he is the author of more than fifty papers in scientific journals.

Friday, October 18, 2013

American Exceptionalism: Doing Bad Things for “Good Reasons” – Kuznick | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG « artslogic

American Exceptionalism: Doing Bad Things for “Good Reasons” – Kuznick | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG « artslogic
if we take the sun how it functions, and them on the other hand we take planet earth, its living organisms and its complexity, we can compare one to the other and we can conclude that the sun is the anti-matter of planet earth. earth is the result of the suns materialisation on planet earth. most humans wonder about space and had at some point worship the sun. humans cannot look at the sun directly, is to intense, and is this energy the key to living organism on planet earth.  the complexity of changes on planet earth, the logic that determines reality, has the same complexity as the sun, our sun.  all knowledge is englobe on this understanding of humans existence and the quality and reason for his mind. Everything is divided as it forms one, all is related and harmony is musical, tonality is as important as temperature.
Reality evolves as the complex planet and all of its components evolve; perceiving reality properly is the gift of wisest minds, the complexity is an sphere, that once penetrated  revert itself from an anti-matter reality to a matter reality. the conflict occurs when time is confuse with timing.

Tony Gosling : Cameron declares War on Investigative Journalism | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG « artslogic

Tony Gosling : Cameron declares War on Investigative Journalism | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG « artslogic
Is more civilized journalism; the government is somehow on the hands of technology, not quite a MATRIX that runs everything but rather, a logical move, a change of logic, main media no longer make sense and those that use it cannot evolve into the new realm. technology has chosen another path; Alternative views, and this is the main problem of government which makes it the real danger to security of Britain  as what they do (the government) is prevent the civilized journalism, on behalf of a main media chaotic conditioning.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America


JFK Versus World Zionism

JFK Versus World Zionism
the nation that deserve  sanctions is israel, "if you can call it a nation" however this is the doings of the UN, a defunct and bipartisan organization that does more harm than good. they created israel promoted wars and deceive the west israel, and even muslims, this crazy organization is avery good idea, however very badly manage, like its mentor washington.

Israel Warns Against Easing Sanctions on Iran - NYTimes.com

Israel Warns Against Easing Sanctions on Iran - NYTimes.com
the nation that deserve  sanctions is israel, "if you can call it a nation" however this is the doings of the UN, a defunct and bipartisan organization that does more harm than good. they created israel promoted wars and deceive the west & israel, and even muslims, this crazy organization is a very good idea, however very badly manage, like its mentor washington.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

AMERICA DEFAULTING ~ US default would be a catastrophic event for Global Economy | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE

AMERICA DEFAULTING ~ US default would be a catastrophic event for Global Economy | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE

nothing will happen in fact default is the end of the casino! financial casino, those that play on it, have lost most of their gambling gains. the chairs have move!...  as a central currency to maintain order the BREN, 25% silver is the answer, currency is back by gold and energy value!! the casino is no longer a playground, as a consequence no more waste of human resources on wars, main feature of the financial casino. and the worlds 99% will be better off, as that will create a bit of more harmony and understanding. having the alternative media the main voice of reason ! and "bitcoin" the innovative currency. ..     

Monday, October 14, 2013

PressTV - Five Americans in US-run oil ship held by Venezuela

PressTV - Five Americans in US-run oil ship held by Venezuela
more dysfunctional washington ..government intervention!!   purpose create chaos, reason: the system as we all know has collapse, therefore a 1789 guillotine event could happen and congressmen as well bankers in america..could find themselves hanging on a local tree. so the dysfunctional government incites manufactures an exploited even its NATO members fallow. in order to create chaos so it can survive a bit longer. it will not work, the destiny is seal, nothing can be done to save the system, the queen or israel..

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Egypte: un pays, deux sociétés | Mondialisation

Egypte: un pays, deux sociétés | Mondialisation
La dualité

TruthSeekah Interview - Spiritual Alchemy and Rapping Truth - Gnostic Warrior #2 | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE

TruthSeekah Interview - Spiritual Alchemy and Rapping Truth - Gnostic Warrior #2 | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE

TruthSeekah Interview - Spiritual Alchemy and Rapping Truth - Gnostic Warrior #2 | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE

TruthSeekah Interview - Spiritual Alchemy and Rapping Truth - Gnostic Warrior #2 | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE
the new spirit..

Mysteries Explained Major Ed Dames Latest Remote Viewing Targets | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE

Mysteries Explained Major Ed Dames Latest Remote Viewing Targets | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE

From Conspiracy to Anarchy: James Corbett on Anarchast | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE

From Conspiracy to Anarchy: James Corbett on Anarchast | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE
conspiracy world order

NWO Documentary The Facts ILLUMINATI 2013 Government Secrets | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE

NWO Documentary The Facts ILLUMINATI 2013 Government Secrets | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE

new world order...

I'M AWAKE ( The Full Movie ) Totally Awesome! | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE

I'M AWAKE ( The Full Movie ) Totally Awesome! | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE
thins of the time and the ends of timers

The Power Behind the New World Order (Full Documentary) | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE

The Power Behind the New World Order (Full Documentary) | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE
more ideas for the alternative mind!!

The Biggest Secret of Mankind - The Clementine Conspiracy a.k.a. Project Golden Dragon | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE

The Biggest Secret of Mankind - The Clementine Conspiracy a.k.a. Project Golden Dragon | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE
things on the mind

World War III 2014 (The Best Documentaries of 2014) | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

World War III 2014 (The Best Documentaries of 2014) | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG
views and minds

World War 3 & The Falling Pawns (Viewer Discretion Advised) | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

World War 3 & The Falling Pawns (Viewer Discretion Advised) | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Monday, October 07, 2013

Was the Iraq War About Oil All Along? Gore Vidal on Dreaming of War: Blood for Oil (2003) | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Was the Iraq War About Oil All Along? Gore Vidal on Dreaming of War: Blood for Oil (2003) | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:

after the collapse a brave new world! however today is confusion! the zenith of confusion, in fact when the 99% is wrong and does not perceive reality what the 1% can do! now define the 99% and them the 1%. the 1% on this equation has to be mental, intellectual, as only reason can indeed solution the worlds problems. the actual 1%  dominant reasoning is adverse to the 99%, however it is the dominant 1% that is unreasonable and illogical that dominates the 99% minds!!  the intellectual,wise and sane  1% are mostly diluted inside the 99%. and they are the ones that can solution the incoherence and insanity that drives youth suicide to its zenith. 
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Sunday, October 06, 2013

PressTV - US sovereignty taken away by Zionists: Analyst

PressTV - US sovereignty taken away by Zionists: Analyst
israeli air force!! ready to sink another american ship "like the liberty"  if OBAMA does not obey and kiss AIPAC boots and licks the israeli lobby, american soldiers will die just like the liberty danger..

Saturday, October 05, 2013

October 2013 Breaking News Israel plans to strike Iran? 1 of 2 Last days...

This outdated badly executed and inefficient Orwellian newspeak does not work, history has taking a turn, this rhetoric we are an ancient people, so do I, and him and the other across china! So this BS has become unbearable, please develop a new more coherent BS, BIBI is boring.‼ The fact is over no one can out reason the coming future so is not how you imagine, but rather the opposite. Democracy will arrive to Israel a new democracy and you have as many weapons as HITLER has in ww2, so Israel is the armed HITLER of the Middle East not IRAN those are facts that the UN can verified. The “truth” if you like.

Ecuador's Correa: Obama's exceptionalism talk reminiscent of Nazi rhetoric before WWII — RT News

Ecuador's Correa: Obama's exceptionalism talk reminiscent of Nazi rhetoric before WWII — RT News: "“But they decided that if it happened in the Amazon region of Ecuador, then there is nothing to worry about.”

The case against Chevron-Texaco has been ongoing for two decades, an"

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“But they decided that if it happened in the Amazon region of Ecuador, then there is nothing to worry about.”
The case against Chevron-Texaco has been ongoing for two decades, and nothing  !!!!!     the absence of human rights watch, they are on the arctic creating havoc for nothing while when they are needed nowhere to be seeing, just like greenpeace.



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Thursday, October 03, 2013

King Arthur: His Life and Legends

Putin Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize | Global Research « artslogic

Putin Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize | Global Research « artslogic
 Windows of opportunités

The moment for a real settlement on the Middle East “Israel Palestine” is quite possible, not by military means but by rational means, in many ways what was negative in history can become a positive, side of history. One side of the coin them the other side! Israel exist today in Palestinian land, however Palestine at that moment before 1948 was under British rule. Basically if we return to the point of departure them, Britain in fact rationally, give back the land they administer back to the Palestinians, them these Palestinian can or cannot accept the new arrivals the Jews.  However things did not go that way, Britain basically left the place to his own destiny, which was probably chaos, in fact it is a chaos now and it has being for the past 60 years. In 60 years the Israeli have prosper and as well stole a certain chunk of the land and expanded beyond their 1948 borders that they had the moment Britain left the place to his own destiny. In practice it is quite complicated to return to the 1948 borders even if that is in fact justice! However today justice as well can be of an advantage to both, the 1967 borders offer this opportunity to both, not just to find each other’s realm but even to understand that in fact if both are able to coexist, moreover they can learn from each other’s, making the return to the 1967 borders worth it, progress an example to other nations that face the equivalent problems. Israel on the other hand can preserve itself as it is now under the 1967 borders build walls if it pleases, however “not advisable” the two mirror images of the pre-1967 borders and the after 1967 borders, can now be more clearly distinguish, there will be no wars with Gaza because Gaza by them will be inside the 1967 borders as well those that actually live there now in pre-1967 borders. In reality the two sides will have to learn about each other’s peaceful in many ways and given at least 6 months and the improvement can be measure, in both sides of the arrangement, pre-1967 borders and after 1967 borders. The reason will emerge as the winner, the side that is the healthiest one is the side that has the smile, and them is clear to see that, this is the path to follow.

» The Real Crisis Is Not The Government Shutdown Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Real Crisis Is Not The Government Shutdown Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
only way out a new global currency, that regulates the value of each national currency, the dollar $ ends its global reserve, martyrdom, the end of petrodollars, and the new currency "BREN" will control the value of the dollar the banks investments and central banks doing and undoings. as such the new world currency will scarp derivatives and restructure the wealth of the 99% unfortunately anyone that has put faith on the OLD dollar will be disappointed, as from this point on it is the government that prints the money, the new dollar!! not the FED, so the FED disappears. larger international banks are control by the new global exchange currency, end of IMF and world bank; they are no longer needed. true.. some  folks will loose many privileges but just the 1% the 99% will in fact be better off. debt will not be pay to investors that speculated with the OLD dollar, however debt of citizens will be cover by the government as now it prints his own currency , the new dollar!!!!!!  based on what he produce as it is regulated by the BREN central currency. the 99% loses 60 of their total value assets, the 99% will increase their assets by 35%..they are no longer dependant on wall street or any other commercial banks. small private banks will do the lending big multinational banks become outlaws, such as goldman sachs, jp morgan!! societe generale, rothschilds, hedge funds, etc.

​Aviation to the MAKS! — RT Technology Update

​Aviation to the MAKS! — RT Technology Update:

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planes and things

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

El jardín de las delicias, Hieronymus Bosch

the now.

Sheikh Imran Hosein - L'attaque sioniste contre la Syrie - 25 mars 2013

the british empire exist long before 1600. william of Orange realm., today we are back to William the conqueror times, "1010" as is the way to correct the William of Orange, deviations, they were not a mistake, but now they are no longer needed.. this is capitalism, john locke, adam smith, darwinian logic applied to economics, etc. derivatives etc, that was not a mistake but today is no longer needed. the british left the ME because they knew it will be a mess, 1947! and only them the arab nations will understand that a UK rule is better than a israeli us rule. and they have prove it.  so pax britannica has never gone away it exist now worldwide is call the english language, which is the worlds language..

South Korean Kill Dogs Cruelly 韓国 犬食文化

» Mother Agnes Mariam Attacked…By Human Rights Watch! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Mother Agnes Mariam Attacked…By Human Rights Watch! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
HRW another AIPAC, ISRAELI Lobby.... spy organisation, often, blinded by corruption and of course how much money they make killing childrens just like israel... this is until israel returns to its 1967 worder it will be world target of injustice, lies, corruption, manipulation, deceive, the worse of everything, once it returns to the 1967 them it shows is repent from this holocaust manufacturing industry of deceive... only way out, be wise 1967 is your salvation.. be wise. is not iran that dislike your methods of ethnic cleansing...  israel is the whole planet.....

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

PressTV – Iran must dismantle nuclear program: Netanyahu « artslogic

PressTV – Iran must dismantle nuclear program: Netanyahu « artslogic

israel does not exist think clearly and reason as a human being. israel is a place put in place by the UN, being at war sense 1948, probably designed by edwards barneys, and its purpose test ground for wars, and publicity, propaganda.. which is what it is now at war since 1948! why it does not exist simply its reason for existence its insistence that there is always someone who wants to destroy it, therefore it does not exist jet. its creation of some fantasy about a holy land! this is walt disney, propaganda.. there are no holy lands just people and nature! there was no holy land in 10.000 bc and there is no holy land today, neither in 6020. why those folks were send there from europe after ww2, simply the british who promised palestine to more than 6 bidders decided that since the arabs don't want them, them you now deal with the Jews and they left the palestinian land to its destiny. conclusion big mess, and a disorientation, simple the reasonable path was not follow. which was the british to return the land to the palestinians and them, the nature of reason would have taken its proper path.   today we exist on a no solution but despair and year after year the same show the same speech the same ideas and the same results. however newspapers and main media benefit as arms dealers and bankers which was the task that barneys was ask to accomplish, if he did was ask to accomplish  he did had success as he had with cigarettes and the american  president roosevelt, he indeed knew his busyness. today this propaganda invention, has become a legal busyness, administer by AIPAC and the Israeli lobby, who desire everything besides peace. because when peace arrives all their busyness of propaganda and warfare will collapse. congress presidents and all those jewish organizations CRIEFF etc, are into this deal however i don't think they understand the scheme, but they do act and react to the tune of propaganda as governments and the german nation with the holocaust complex, endures the logic of guild and remorse  the victims are the american citizens on the first line them the innocent cattle israelis that live in israel, and the rest of the planet as all experiments done on israelis are later applied to rest of the planet. Only way out to democracy is to bring; A new democracy to israel curb this illegal settlements and return to the 1967 borders, hope all goes well and explain the whole scheme to arabs and jews, tell them the truth of their own existence, them is possible that both sides will live in harmony. rejection of main media brainwash and the government which is more dangerous to the israelis than to the al-qaeda tribe. create a free nukes zone on the ME have israel take the initiative and bring all those soviet style wall down. only option otherwise israel will just disappear, not by bullets but by reason. it is basically a question of reasoning, logic, not wars, chaos and disruption, reason why all this rhetoric of hate and holocaust antisemitism and other rhetorics, persist as way of justification, they are useless, on the context of the concept that is urgently needed to evolve from the impasse. by being honest and realistic all problems can be resolve, rather than to emotional and self drive.  dialogues in good faith and with good intentions, will give good results.

PressTV - American journalist suggests US occupies Israel to demilitarize Mideast

PressTV - American journalist suggests US occupies Israel to demilitarize Mideast

very good idea bibi once again with holocaust industry why in the 1700 hitler attacked jews, hitler was not around by them..Israel however ISRAEL the murderous so call nation, because is more a UN disaster being at war for the past 60 years and will be unless it goes back to 1967 borders for another 6o+10 additional years !!! he can kill palestinians and create an apartheid state, this israel is a pain in the ass to the world community, the human race and the evolution of mankind. BIBI shape up stop giving the same rhetoric over and over again hitler was not alive in the 1700, so wise boy, and stop lying with all this bs that is incoherent. stupid and does not make any sense at all.. nobody believes you, .........