Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Islam, Russia and Crimea -- Sheikh Imran Hosein - 23/03/2014 | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Islam, Russia and Crimea -- Sheikh Imran Hosein - 23/03/2014 | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

attention obama au comportement......( reverse reality has you on the line):....... Les pays du G7 ont décidé aujourd'hui de se réunir pour un sommet en juin à Bruxelles afin de remplacer celui du       G8..   à Sotchi, qu'ils ont annulé après le rattachement de la Crimée à la Russie, a annoncé le président du Conseil européen Herman Van Rompuy....................... indeed  yellowstone is on the list be careful.. 8 death....washington........ 108 is = to 7...g for gravity... be careful...think before you act consider the whole..

Monday, March 24, 2014

James Rickards -- Dollar Going to Collapse 80% or 90% or More | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

James Rickards -- Dollar Going to Collapse 80% or 90% or More | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

to much words about nothing, we are not in 1925,1927,1971, nether breton woods, this economist have a problem, the new 21 century, has nothing to do with the 20th, so all this ado for nothing is useless, the problem is the logic the reasoning of the aristocratic elite which is what universities do, create aristocrats for the media, banking sector,  politicians, the elite of the elite 'you call them skulls and bones" so the economy of the modern aristocracy of money, is no longer working is kaput. unrecoupable, so humans as economist must evolve, the $ as a reserve currency will end, a new global reserve currency is a must in fact only option, (i propose the BREN 25% silver) so the domestic dollar "national" will be free from the $ as global reserve currency which is what allows bankers  looters and others to have a permanent state of wars, create an indispensable recurrence of wars, they put "darwining ideologies survival of the fittest, which translated to reality is creative destruction by bankers FMI,IMF. the IMF is more dangerous to human development than radiation. so evolve folks forget this economic blah blah  from 19 century minds, formated from the aristocratic economical elite, to function on a straight line. today the shortest way from point a to point b is no longer a straight line.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Les multinationales censurent internet. Sectes et mondialisation.

Les multinationales censurent internet. Sectes et mondialisation.

et le monde manipulateur continue sa cavale ORWELLIENNE,  l'opposition la quelle en réalité ce président MADURO, se renforce contre la répression laquelle et washington. Le monde inverse la réalité et vous la présenté comme si ce Maduro le dictateur et l'opposition les opprimes. ( La guerre ce la paix la paix ce la guerre; l'ignorance ce la force; voila comme la conscience en france et dresse et manipule  leur mercenaires comme le journal le monde! ici vous avez un langage Orwellien édité et écrit par le monde pour inverser la réalité au Venezuela. donc: imagines vous l'idiotie de l’Ukraine qui parle de la démocratie. l’Europe ce le premier expriment orwellien en action, car en Europe personne a élu BARROSO, ni Mario DRAGHI, lui a été élu par BIG BROTHER, donc impose au peuple european, donc: UKRAINE cesse de rêver.

La guerre, c’est la paix. La liberté, c’est l’esclavage. L’ignorance, c’est la force.

La guerre, c’est la paix. La liberté, c’est l’esclavage. L’ignorance, c’est la force.

et le monde manipulateur continue sa cavale ORWELLIENNE,  l'opposition la quelle en réalité ce président MADURO, se renforce contre la répression laquelle et washington. Le monde inverse la réalité et vous la présenté comme si ce Maduro le dictateur et l'opposition les opprimes. ( La guerre ce la paix la paix ce la guerre; l'ignorance ce la force; voila comme la conscience en france et dresse et manipule  leur mercenaires comme le journal le monde! ici vous avez un langage Orwellien édité et écrit par le monde pour inverser la réalité au Venezuela. donc: imagines vous l'idiotie de l’Ukraine qui parle de la démocratie. l’Europe ce le premier expriment orwellien en action, car en Europe personne a élu BARROSO, ni Mario DRAGHI, lui a été élu par BIG BROTHER, donc impose au peuple european, donc: UKRAINE cesse de rêver.

European Communist Union History pt 2 4 - YouTube

European Communist Union History pt 2 4 - YouTube

tres bien ont espere que l'europe la quelle est dans l'empire soviet, malheureusement les europeen sont persuade que l'empire soviet ce PUTIN, donc: NATALIA ça vous donne un apercu de l'intelligence et la mentalite du peuple european, certainement il existe des exceptions. l'empire soviet ce l'europe et il a fait son debut officiel avec le traite de lisboa. actuellement l'europe et une conglomerations des humains parfaitement manipule par un systeme pavlovian, londra la ou esclavitud est a la mode. donc bonne continuation dans l'a crimea libre,saine, et belle.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

L’hypocrisie impérialiste concernant la Crimée | Mondialisation

L’hypocrisie impérialiste concernant la Crimée | Mondialisation

la FRANCE devenue "caniche" de washington par nicolas Sarkozy: donc ce cette rapprochement qui ruine la france, et qui a mis La france en danger. SARKOZY a contribue a la destruction de La France et a le danger de une guerre nucleaire avec la russie, puis des problemes economiques gigantesque, psa, renault, et autres desastres. donc: Le moment de quitter l'OTAN ce maintenon. pour le bien de français et de la france comme de la Republique. the moment for FRANCE to exit NATO. Because of FRANCE "OTAN-NATO" involvement, washington permits itself to become aggressive towards russia, however, for the french citizens for the "MADE IN FRANCE" and for Europe as a whole this responsibility "OTAN-NATO" creates a reality by which washington uses FRANCE as its defence and offence "caniche" for washington is pure benefit for FRANCE and EUROPE is a total lost, a disaster, so hope PRESIDENT HOLLANDE will understand that by being inside "OTAN" FRANCE and its citizens do not benefit from anything at all rather the opposite, they are now targets of russian nuclear missiles; this fact is only because of the french enslavement to "NATO-OTAN"...!

Jalons Pour l'histoire du temps présent - Fiche Média

Jalons Pour l'histoire du temps présent - Fiche Média

la FRANCE devenue "caniche" de washington par nicolas Sarkozy: donc ce cette rapprochement qui ruine la france, et qui a mis La france en danger. SARKOZY a contribue a la destruction de La France et a le danger de une guerre nucleaire avec la russie, puis des problemes economiques gigantesque, psa, renault, et autres desastres. donc: Le moment de quitter l'OTAN ce maintenon. pour le bien de français et de la france comme de la Republique. the moment for FRANCE to exit NATO. Because of FRANCE "OTAN-NATO" involvement, washington permits itself to become aggressive towards russia, however, for the french citizens for the "MADE IN FRANCE" and for Europe as a whole this responsibility "OTAN-NATO" creates a reality by which washington uses FRANCE as its defence and offence "caniche" for washington is pure benefit for FRANCE and EUROPE is a total lost, a disaster, so hope PRESIDENT HOLLANDE will understand that by being inside "OTAN" FRANCE and its citizens do not benefit from anything at all rather the opposite, they are now targets of russian nuclear missiles; this fact is only because of the french enslavement to "NATO-OTAN"...!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Obama’s Dumbest Plan Yet » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Obama’s Dumbest Plan Yet » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The United States helped defeat Nazism in World War 2. Obama helped bring it back.

Gadhafi’s Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar

Gadhafi’s Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar

It remains unclear exactly why or how the Gadhafi regime went from “a model” and an “important ally” to the next target for regime change in a period of just a few years. But after claims of “genocide” as the justification for NATO intervention were disputed by experts, several other theories have been floated.
Oil, of course, has been mentioned frequently — Libya is Africa‘s largest oil producer. But one possible reason in particular for Gadhafi’s fall from grace has gained significant traction among analysts and segments of the non-Western media: central banking and the global monetary system.

La Crimée de retour au bercail et l’Ukraine sur la voie de la Grèce | Mondialisation

La Crimée de retour au bercail et l’Ukraine sur la voie de la Grèce | Mondialisation

Les patrons français du cac 40 – ceux qui font des affaires (Renault, Peugeot, voire Danone et même les chantiers  navals ne sont surement pas d’accord. La Russie a d'ailleurs annoncé qu'en cas de non livraison des deux bateaux Mistral elle porterait l'affaire en justice en réclamant des intérêts . L'Allemagne a près de 6000 entreprises en Russie et les Allemands pour près de 80 % ne sont pas favorables à des sanctions contre la Russie.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Symbols Of Rachel Corrie's Murder

STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL.. STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL..STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL...stop killing americans israel, stop killing americans israel, stop killing children s israel..spot moking the death of rachel corry israel, stop killing childrens israel...

Symbols Of Rachel Corrie's Murder

STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL.. STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL..STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL...stop killing americans israel, stop killing americans israel, stop killing children s israel..STOP mocking the death of rachel corrie israel, stop killing childrens israel... stop murdering childrens israel...

iDF post reprehensible Rachel Corrie pancake pictures

STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL.. STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL..STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL...stop killing americans israel, stop killing americans israel, stop killing children s israel..spot moking the death of rachel corry israel, stop killing childrens israel...

Rachel Corrie Tribute - YouTube

Rachel Corrie Tribute - YouTube

STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL.. STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL..STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL...stop killing americans israel, stop killing americans israel, stop killing children s israel..

Dead in the Water (Israel's attack on the USS Liberty in 1967) - YouTube

Dead in the Water (Israel's attack on the USS Liberty in 1967) - YouTube

free america from israeli lobby,, stop killing americans israel...

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Xavier Moreau sur le référendum en Crimée - Egalite et Réconciliation

Xavier Moreau sur le référendum en Crimée - Egalite et Réconciliation

Dès lors je devins un fantôme
Errant dans le camp de la Mort
Est-ce ainsi que meurent les hommes
Et les femmes iront aux plus forts.

Voulez-vous la guerre totale ? - AgoraVox le média citoyen

Voulez-vous la guerre totale ? - AgoraVox le média citoyen

LE french doctor BHL, et les irrationnelles proche de leur destin finale, dajjal a perdue la guerre, dieu sera t'il clément... a suivre.....

Should Ukraine and West Accept De Facto Crimea Joining Russia? (2/2)

Should Ukraine and West Accept De Facto Crimea Joining Russia? (2/2)

legality to exist the usa of america has to reverse KOSOVO,IRAQ,Libya, syria, and even 9/11, otherwise professor TAKIR will always be wrong clearly to justified unreasonable actions you need or a hitler regime, or just accept lies. so professor TAKIR has a diplomatic touch; all historical references are idiotic do not apply, TAKIR is 100% wrong, plain BS justification.  however it looks that truth has gone above all and it is the fact of truth that determines the outcome no matter what any professors says, or president or judge or religious leader. how this came about I also would like to know!!  and understand but is over folks the $ is gone and as i said this hidden mind of true controls the scene so main media brainwash and all this rhetoric becomes useless.rothschild breed and bilderberg; . on the other hand reasoning no longer works as we know best and you know less, which is the force of oppression on the oppressed...  it could be an invisible god that is running the show, of we poor and small human animals.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Ukraine : jusqu'où ira Poutine ? - Le Point

Ukraine : jusqu'où ira Poutine ? - Le Point

cet un faite accompli par PUTIN nonobstant ce vous la presse arrière qui a fait cet réalité une réalité, après la libye; aussi bien la Russie que la chine; ont compris que l'occident l’Europe suit les ordres de washington, wall street et le FMI.  est cette Occident et pire que Staline, donc: cette bataille et perdue d'avance car elle a été planifie en 2011, BHL le Buffon comme cameroon et Sarkozy ont mordue la piégé, comme en Ukraine, le gouvernement français inefficace avec une DGS inopérante, enfonce en MALI et Centrafrique!!!!...! en fin inefficace crois comprendre, mais le jeux d'échecs et dehors l’intelligence DSG, ministère de la defense.. et le gouvernent. donc le resultat ce le couacs a repetition la désorganisation et la question ce répété  !!!.. il est ou la nation civilisatrice?? ^^^.....:)

PressTV - ‘Obama could trigger World War III’

PressTV - ‘Obama could trigger World War III’

END OF NATO OTAN pour libéré l'EUROPE du MERKELISME la TROÏKA et le FMI, Ukraine et foutu après BHL, ce la Libye le futur de l’Ukraine... donc: regardes la libye vous avez l’Ukraine ce automatique..

PressTV - ‘Obama could trigger World War III’

PressTV - ‘Obama could trigger World War III’

END OF NATO  --  OTAN pour libéré l'EUROPE du MERKELISME la TROÏKA et le FMI, Ukraine et foutu après BHL, ce la Libye le futur de l’Ukraine... donc: regardes la libye vous avez l’Ukraine ce automatique..

Crimée : l'UE et les Etats-Unis adoptent des sanctions ciblées contre des responsables

Crimée : l'UE et les Etats-Unis adoptent des sanctions ciblées contre des responsables

REVERSE REALITY: more effective than remote viewing:  the hot war can become the blessing peace, as the aim here is soros double agent methods, and the new rich  russians, chinese americans french, venezuelans, worldwide, they are the corrupt bunch, end of petrodollars, will end the saudi kingdom as a dictatorial kingdom, they are in bed with wall street gangsters and bankers, aim is to ruin them, because they are the wall street of today. however a decent market can emerge as a decent honest capitalism. congress AIPAC, jewish lobby are as well a nest of corruption and world troublemakers, jews on the other hand have being misguided and abuse. by this rothschilds breed, and new rich petrodollars lock in scheme. reason why the end of the $ as a reserve currency is not on the benefit of wall street and this gangsters, but it is on the benefit of 99%.. !

as those bankster ruin america made you slave of israel, and are killing american soldiers for wall street and AIPAC, not to defend america but rather to enslave america. surprisingly reverse reality is now functioning, so that is a big help: reverse reality is an upside down of what main media brainwashing does to the american minds and at large the rest of the planet. so the brainwash will be diluted as it is posted by the gangsters.

US v China: is this the new cold war? - FT.com

US v China: is this the new cold war? - FT.com

free from the IMF at last dump the petrodollars, and enjoy life, as prescribed by your doctor dump the petrodollars, $ get pay in any other currency, or gold.. this is what maduro venezuela, BRAZIL and ecuador,  should do with the help of russia and china, india, and iran qatar and scotland. dump the petrodollars campaign to save the planet now..............scotland get your oil pay in euros and £, will help europe help the UK, and make scotland a very rich nation. dump the petrodollars do not accept them as payment from your oil, free scotland dump the petrodollars. (never waste a good crisis)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Référendum en Crimée : le rattachement officiel à la Russie sera demandé dès lundi - Le Point

Référendum en Crimée : le rattachement officiel à la Russie sera demandé dès lundi - Le Point

Et OBAMA découvre la démocratie, au même temps les américain découvre un état policier... pauvres américain, bizute par la presse et le lavage de cerveau...les européens vrais ce la répétition de la 1 guerre mondial son anniversaire et comme prévue la france lance le bal civilisatrice, napoléon style. bon jour la mort cher compatriotes. la Russie ce ne pas la libye. attention..Hitler a échoue Napoléon aussi.

Obama’s Dumbest Plan Yet » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Obama’s Dumbest Plan Yet » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

never waste a good crisis: RUSSIANS;  they have a cause! they are under attack by the western morons, on the other hand, this event has a bright side thanks to PUTIN and the idiots of the french foreign policies and BHL, the mentally retarded philosopher. the good news is that now Europe can indeed become a real European union, so european citizens can be united form a real EU union for the people with the people and oust all this funny hypocrites cameroon, barroso, merkel, catherine ashton another" blunder of the human kind" the lot, this folks are way off they have destroyed europe the usa and are on the process of creating a 3 world war.. hollande another wimp, borroso the troika, the imf, the world bank and eventually liberate you folks, in america, this needs a leader (A LEADER)   google facebook all media outlets must cooperate, to block main media junk. and a strategy. unfortunately I personally cannot get involve, "not looking for any post in government or anything of that sort"  however i can perceive and transmit my perception, but you folks do have the opportunity now, remember never waste a good crisis. 1776 is in fact 1789. the new revolution that is sane and wise; let reason prevails over idiocy.

alfredo bremont..

Alonso says Ferrari must improve for Malaysia - GPUpdate.net

Alonso says Ferrari must improve for Malaysia - GPUpdate.net:

i think is the nose of the car is too wide, prevents the flow of air to be on equilibrium.  a more diamond like structure can let air flow but as well vehicule the air flow in such a way that cools the breaks as well improve balance. you can do two options, one open the nose   and create an inner nose that will slim down inside the wider nose you now see on the picture, the other option is to simply lower it down a bit however the flow of air demands some apertures or shark breathing apertures on the side of the nose. "just a suggestion send input" 

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Northern League 2.0

Northern League 2.0:

venice se sépare de ROME et l’Italie se sépare du sud, ....et ça continue. en Espagne Bretagne puis Ecosse, Quebec, etc. la désintégration et en marche les prochains mois, car ce la tactique destructive de Washington, pour appliquer plus tard le plan Marshall version 2014. donc: l'europe a la merci de banques FMI et Washington, le dirigeants européens eux ce la corruption généralise, et les paradis fiscaux. lll

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Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Bismarck & the American System - YouTube

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Bismarck & the American System - YouTube:

and the new MERKEL robotic mind...............................

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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Obama and the plan for World War 3 - Best documentary film 2013 - YouTube

Obama and the plan for World War 3 - Best documentary film 2013 - YouTube:

hitler and its new war MERKEL if you like the new HITLER bear in mind that hitler wars destroyed europe not the USA, it enable the creation of israel, the enslavement of the middle east and the triumph of the FED and the rothschild bankers breed. so this war has the same purpose HITLER MERKEL plays the role of HITLER being german and being a slave vessels of washington, hitler did the same, henri ford rockefellers helped hitler gain power kill jews, and them they killed him, same method as satan hussein. the problem here russia has nukes, hitler did not, europe depends on russian gas, and the world depends on the saudi kingdom, blowing up the saudi kingdom will make europe a slave of russia unless they decide to attack russia like HITLER but that will not solve the problem just kill a lot of germans the 99% have a choice. or impeach Obama and here the military has a role or just wait and see, but russia can defend itself and nuke new york, once some cities are nuke them is too late there is no winner, but you lot the 99%. is possible that the government of america is a government that works on the interest of bankers israel AIPAC, not the citizens so if that is so, the plan was drawn by them, sense the military is you the 99% why should they care. f--k the americans the government and congress can say, this americans are dumb and slaves of our will and tv shows,  they are slaves anyway, let them die like dogs; as that is what they are. just dogs...

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World War II - The Eastern Front 1/10 - Russian Battles 1/3 - The Battle of Kursk - YouTube

World War II - The Eastern Front 1/10 - Russian Battles 1/3 - The Battle of Kursk - YouTube:

hitler is back in germany and wants to destroy russia,hitler and its new war MERKEL if you like the new HITLER bear in mind that hitler wars destroyed europe not the USA, it enable the creation of israel, the enslavement of the middle east and the triumph of the FED and the rothschild bankers breed. so this war has the same purpose HITLER MERKEL plays the role of HITLER being german and being a slave vessels of washington, hitler did the same, henri ford rockefellers helped hitler gain power kill jews, and them they killed him, same method as satan hussein. the problem here russia has nukes, hitler did not, europe depends on russian gas, and the world depends on the saudi kingdom, blowing up the saudi kingdom will make europe a slave of russia unless they decide to attack russia like HITLER but that will not solve the problem just kill a lot of germans the 99% have a choice. or impeach Obama and here the military has a role or just wait and see, but russia can defend itself and nuke new york, once some cities are nuke them is too late there is no winner, but you lot the 99%. is possible that the government of america is a government that works on the interest of bankers israel AIPAC, not the citizens so if that is so, the plan was drawn by them, sense the military is you the 99% why should they care. f--k the americans the government and congress can say, this americans are dumb and slaves of our will and tv shows,  they are slaves anyway, let them die like dogs; as that is what they are. just dogs...

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World War Two: Stalingrad 1942 - YouTube

World War Two: Stalingrad 1942 - YouTube:

hitler and its new war MERKEL if you like the new HITLER bear in mind that hitler wars destroyed europe not the USA, it enable the creation of israel, the enslavement of the middle east and the triumph of the FED and the rothschild bankers breed. so this war has the same purpose HITLER MERKEL plays the role of HITLER being german and being a slave vessels of washington, hitler did the same, henri ford rockefellers helped hitler gain power kill jews, and them they killed him, same method as satan hussein. the problem here russia has nukes, hitler did not, europe depends on russian gas, and the world depends on the saudi kingdom, blowing up the saudi kingdom will make europe a slave of russia unless they decide to attack russia like HITLER but that will not solve the problem just kill a lot of germans the 99% have a choice. or impeach Obama and here the military has a role or just wait and see, but russia can defend itself and nuke new york, once some cities are nuke them is too late there is no winner, but you lot the 99%. is possible that the government of america is a government that works on the interest of bankers israel AIPAC, not the citizens so if that is so, the plan was drawn by them, sense the military is you the 99% why should they care. f--k the americans the government and congress can say, this americans are dumb and slaves of our will and tv shows,  they are slaves anyway, let them die like dogs; as that is what they are. just dogs...

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▶ ENDGAME Alex Jones (vostfr) Partie 6 - Vidéo Dailymotion

▶ ENDGAME Alex Jones (vostfr) Partie 6 - Vidéo Dailymotion:

hitler and its new war MERKEL if you like the new HITLER bear in mind that hitler wars destroyed europe not the USA, it enable the creation of israel, the enslavement of the middle east and the triumph of the FED and the rothschild bankers breed. so this war has the same purpose HITLER MERKEL plays the role of HITLER being german and being a slave vessels of washington, hitler did the same, henri ford rockefellers helped hitler gain power kill jews, and them they killed him, same method as satan hussein. the problem here russia has nukes, hitler did not, europe depends on russian gas, and the world depends on the saudi kingdom, blowing up the saudi kingdom will make europe a slave of russia unless they decide to attack russia like HITLER but that will not solve the problem just kill a lot of germans the 99% have a choice. or impeach Obama and here the military has a role or just wait and see, but russia can defend itself and nuke new york, once some cities are nuke them is too late there is no winner, but you lot the 99%. is possible that the government of america is a government that works on the interest of bankers israel AIPAC, not the citizens so if that is so, the plan was drawn by them, sense the military is you the 99% why should they care. f--k the americans the government and congress can say, this americans are dumb and slaves of our will and tv shows,  they are slaves anyway, let them die like dogs; as that is what they are. just dogs...

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Will Europe React against US-NATO Diktat to Go to War with Russia? Helmut Kohl | Global Research

Will Europe React against US-NATO Diktat to Go to War with Russia? Helmut Kohl | Global 

being patriotic is defending your nation if german citizens follow the merkel hitler realm, they shall be responsible for it as well the armed forces....! remember 1939 and how hitler let germany to his destruction, MERKEL is doing the same today... to GERMANY.Research:

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Caravan To Midnight - Coast To Coast AM Alternative - Episode 17 - Servando Gonzalez - The NWO - YouTube

Caravan To Midnight - Coast To Coast AM Alternative - Episode 17 - Servando Gonzalez - The NWO - YouTube: "http://youtu.be/f7ls5JJS0BU"

the way to clean minds evolve and finally have a decent society just and well-being, is to replace the $ as a reserve currency with another currency I suggested the BREN because of its beauty, and blends as well with the BRIC nations as with the vedas, with ireland and mythology. BREN 25% silver is the key. as well the end of the dollar as reserve currency will balance all this bankers and others that use the reserve currency as as a shield, this is how wall street and the fed keep the world and especially americans enslaved. the usa will have its own dollar however it will not operate as a reserve currency it works just like the peso, the euro or the sterling £. so nothing changes what does changes is that is no longer the bankers masters neither the FED that will have your existence on a wire. this media blitz and confusion is the ideal time to act, take confusion as the transfer from chaos to order, from folly to reason, nothing is monotheistic there are always two sides to existence as there is a need for a men an a women to have a living organism even a hermaphrodite is  a double not a singularity. so folks how about it. alfredo bremont.
ps: remember all conflicts are economical and the current system has collapse. so let the new system save you, rather than let things deteriorate believing that it will get better it cannot it is impossible.

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RON PAUL & JIM ROGERS Discuss Truth About GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE & The ELITE AGENDA - YouTube: "http://youtu.be/aQtj9jjxszU"

the way to clean minds evolve and finally have a decent society just and well-being, is to replace the $ as a reserve currency with another currency I suggested the BREN because of its beauty, and blends as well with the BRIC nations as with the vedas, with ireland and mythology. BREN 25% silver is the key. as well the end of the dollar as reserve currency will balance all this bankers and others that use the reserve currency as as a shield, this is how wall street and the fed keep the world and especially americans enslaved. the usa will have its own dollar however it will not operate as a reserve currency it works just like the peso, the euro or the sterling £. so nothing changes what does changes is that is no longer the bankers masters neither the FED that will have your existence on a wire. this media blitz and confusion is the ideal time to act, take confusion as the transfer from chaos to order, from folly to reason, nothing is monotheistic there are always two sides to existence as there is a need for a men an a women to have a living organism even a hermaphrodite is  a double not a singularity. so folks how about it. alfredo bremont.
ps: remember all conflicts are economical and the current system has collapse. so let the new system save you, rather than let things deteriorate believing that it will get better it cannot it is impossible.

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PressTV - ‘Mossad major player in Kennedy killing’

PressTV - ‘Mossad major player in Kennedy killing’:

how israel killed kennedy, news...............  and probably 9:11.....!!

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Ron Paul defends Putin over Crimea referendum | Veterans Today

Ron Paul defends Putin over Crimea referendum | Veterans Today:

the fact is the american dream we say you do, we declare wars but you the stupid us army go fight and die, not for americans they have no say but for our benefit. we the government we the rulers we the bankers, not you americans the slaves you stay home starve and kill each others for the benefit of CNN, fox news and the press, we sell news when you americans kill each others and starve to death is good news. and for the veterans let them rot they are useless now besides they are stupid anyhow, they believe in america and the american dream this fools. just like you did in vietnam, north korea, afghanistan, iraq, lebanon, libya, etc. and do now in afghanistan, the glorious army are just cattle to be kill. Pay taxes to israel and stick your finger on your own --- ss, you stupit americans we are the rulers we the government you are the slaves you the 99%.

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Veterans Explain Frustrations With VA Delays to American Legion Panel | Veterans Today

Veterans Explain Frustrations With VA Delays to American Legion Panel | Veterans Today:

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the fact is the american dream we say you do, we declare wars but you the stupid us army go fight and die, not for americans they have no say but for our benefit. we the government we the rulers we the bankers, not you americans the slaves you stay home starve and kill each others for the benefit of CNN, fox news and the press, we sell news when you americans kill each others and starve to death is good news. and for the veterans let them rot they are useless now besides they are stupid anyhow, they believe in america and the american dream this fools. just like you did in vietnam, north korea, afghanistan, iraq, lebanon, libya, etc. and do now in afghanistan, the glorious army are just cattle to be kill. Pay taxes to israel and stick your finger on your own --- ss, you stupit americans we are the rulers we the government you are the slaves you the 99%.

» U.S. Rushing Headlong Into War with Russia Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» U.S. Rushing Headlong Into War with Russia Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

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we kerry or Obama speak they say we however not one american has being consulted on the issue, democracy demands the voice of the people. So alex officially america is a dictatorship so this we go to war is just NATO Leaders The hitler MERKEL , and the stupid european union which is another sort of soviet style system. so what americans think, if they think at all, as it is CNN, and FOX news the voice of the government in fact the government is the main media (1984 realm) is just like vietnam we decide that you fight you obey you die and we get rich, this is the american dream folks. you die abroad or at home this is what the black house has decided so far for american whites. blacks and the mix races.

Ukraine WW3 -- Moscow Warns U.S. If Sanctions Are Imposed They Will Seize American Assets In Russia | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Ukraine WW3 -- Moscow Warns U.S. If Sanctions Are Imposed They Will Seize American Assets In Russia | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:

sanctions is the best thing that could happen to russia, this usa dollar $ toilet garbage, hope china smarts up and exchange bonds for gold, forget the black house the us is a sinkhole irrecuperable, cut all trade gas oil unless you are paid beforehand, as well proxy wars on the saudi kingdom and is the end of the western economy on one go. the problem is we KERRY better say I believe because americans have no voice on this only you Kerry and the black house. has this video shows it we, is no we is just I the reasoning is still we. but the we of the world says you kerry are bunkers as this congress media garbage, better say today vote FOX,CNN?OR AMERICA TODAY new york times for president, america is just a radio show with voices as rulers a 1984 realm on course.

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​5 referendums that the West has not taken issue with — RT News

​5 referendums that the West has not taken issue with — RT News:

Les Bonnets Rouges.................!!!

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Unprecedented BIBLICAL DISCOVERY Shakes Up Science! Must-See – YouTube « artslogic

Unprecedented BIBLICAL DISCOVERY Shakes Up Science! Must-See – YouTube « artslogic:

art and space the video is the image of my watercolor on the side the origin of men as you look the image inside the image. coincidence or just fate.

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Crimea Referendum: What You Need to Know | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Crimea Referendum: What You Need to Know | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

images do they talk or just give an impression, it is beyond image now, cloud sourcing, well you got one in paris now chinese style. so back into reality there is no outcome the outcome has already taken place is just a replay. however as they say the one that control the past controls the future.

the weather channel does have some value however just as observant.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Coming U.S. Russian Sanctions, Hamas/Israel Cease-Fire Broken,CIA Senate Spying - YouTube

Coming U.S. Russian Sanctions, Hamas/Israel Cease-Fire Broken,CIA Senate Spying - YouTube:

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le napoléon Français version 2014, encore une fois la destruction de la France comme prévu, car le front africain sera chaud, encore des français mort pour rien comme d'habitude, par une systeme politique esclave a Washington.. sortir du la OTAN ce la solution mr de-Villepin, il ne existe pas d'autre solution, MERKEL et foutu fin de MERKEL donc: ce votre moment soyez fière du courage. avant que la Bretagne demande la séparation de la France et la cataluña de l'espagne, la désintégration européen et le plan BHL, ISRAEL.. .....

What were the four ministries in Orwell's 1984 and what were they responsible for? | Trivia | ArcaMax Publishing

What were the four ministries in Orwell's <i>1984</i> and what were they responsible for? | Trivia | ArcaMax Publishing

what you folks are experiencing is a tighten in of the minister of propaganda 1984 is now here running; this ukrainian sitcom shows how minds are finally enslave and the minister of propaganda can now do as he pleases. today you cannot fight this reality directly, the only way out is to destroy the head of it cut the head of the dragon. this demands a lot of skills and as well a prince, a prince is equal force. therefore at the same time that this crisis is the key to global domination is the key to its freedom. how you folks understand the two sides PUTIN and the ORWELLIAN NATO OBAMA REGIME is the path to free yourself. war is peace, ignorance is strength, enslavement is freedom, this is what the NATO OBAMA minister of propaganda has achieved. now think clearly as there is a way to undo this, as the next step is fullfledge obedience to the party, end of any constitution on this planet and the orwellian realm which they are making you believe is russia but in fact is OBAMA. (washington regime)  the $ as reserve currency is the fulcrum the apex of domination.  think and the answer will surface.

» Merkel Whores For Washington Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Merkel Whores For Washington Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

what you folks are experiencing is a tighten in of the minister of propaganda 1984 is now here running; this ukrainian sitcom shows how minds are finally enslave and the minister of propaganda can now do as he pleases. today you cannot fight this reality directly, the only way out is to destroy the head of it cut the head of the dragon. this demands a lot of skills and as well a prince, a prince is equal force. therefore at the same time that this crisis is the key to global domination is the key to its freedom. how you folks understand the two sides PUTIN and the ORWELLIAN NATO OBAMA REGIME is the path to free yourself. war is peace, ignorance is strength, enslavement is freedom, this is what the NATO OBAMA minister of propaganda has achieved. now think clearly as there is a way to undo this, as the next step is fullfledge obedience to the party, end of any constitution on this planet and the orwellian realm which they are making you believe is russia but in fact is OBAMA. the $ as reserve currency is the fulcrum the apex of domination.  think and the answer will surface.

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Medvedev Warns of Possible Impending Nuclear War

First Strike. Escalation Towards War

first strike from the us, so Putin arm those nukes now.. and the chinese wait when the eagle is wounded jump on it.... dump those bonds and get ready for the new world reserve currency, Putin has no choice but defend itself or die, neither Obama's ego, and AIPAC advisers. so the BREN can bring you peace and put AIPAC where it belongs, and Obama's ego will just go true a psy for a week and will be fine.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Ukraine Crisis - What You're Not Being Told | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Ukraine Crisis - What You're Not Being Told | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:

the problem of planet earth all problems of planet earth are the $ as a reserve currency, until that is change the planet will not evolve, will regress and soon rather than humans you will have chimpance on suits walking the streets of moscow and new york. basically the world has no other choice no matter what economist or whom ever it is a lock in situation which neither moscow paris or washington control, accepting the fact can make the world better and reality more pleasent. as I said the BREN 25% silver is the only option so far. until then kill yourself for nothing as there is no other option.

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Russia won't exclude sanctions to counter US and EU - Ministry — RT Business

Russia won't exclude sanctions to counter US and EU - Ministry — RT Business:

the problem of planet earth all problems of planet earth are the $ as a reserve currency, until that is change the planet will not evolve, will regress and soon rather than humans you will have chimpance on suits walking the streets of moscow and new york. basically the world has no other choice no matter what economist or whom ever it is a lock in situation which neither moscow paris or washington control, accepting the fact can make the world better and reality more pleasent. as I said the BREN 25% silver is the only option so far. until then kill yourself for nothing as there is no other option.

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Le problème en Ukraine, c’est Poutine | Slate

Le problème en Ukraine, c’est Poutine | Slate:

Eric le boucher agent du FMI, encore de lavage de cerveau ces article pauvre dans le contexte et encore plus destructrice dans leur contenue logique et rationnelle pour la réalité concrete du 2014. car LE FMI a ruine la France, détruit l’Afrique et condene l'europe du sud au esclavage éternel. ce çà votre reflection de comme améliorer la destruction en cours dans l'europe comme en FRANCE. Le pétrole ce la finance le pétrodollar, l'euro et dehors çà. puis le $ monnais de reserve mondial, a le FMI comme outil des créations d'esclavage et la destruction pas uniquement de le confort humain mais aussi de la pense. donc: la fabrications de animaux humains robotise sans la possibilité de réfléchir proprement mais avec une état mental inexistant comme un chien qui suit son maître. la presse et leur journaliste..pour quelle raison ils ont devenu irrationnelle, bête, sans perceptions est que la civilisation en fait et dans un déclin accéléré et les soit disons humain retourne a leur état primitive des Chimpanzé illettré. Ou ce peut être le resultat inévitable de un race des primates sans destin!  uniquement et probablement  il existe des vrais humains rationnelles dans notre planète? a vous de discerner......!!

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Caravan To Midnight - Coast To Coast AM Alternative - Episode 18 - Dave Hodges Russia Ukraine WWIII - YouTube

Caravan To Midnight - Coast To Coast AM Alternative - Episode 18 - Dave Hodges Russia Ukraine WWIII - YouTube:

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Political Vel Craft | Arrest Obama

Political Vel Craft | Arrest Obama

president Hollande voila l'interprétation du jour, le décryptage, ce le moment du sortir de la OTAN, car la rhetoric de General Dempsey indique que le propos ce que la France rentre en guerre avec la Russie,  (OTAN) la Russie et la France sont dans le territoire de L'Europe, Washington et a 6000 kilométrés de KIEF. le propos une fois la guerre commence ce la Russie et l'europe qui sera en danger, car Washington et a 6000 km de Paris donc: vous le responsable de la république.  encore une fois dans une piège, pour sortir il est indispensable de sortir de la OTAN. Le dollar et mort donc: pour sauver le dollar une guerre en Europe et la solution idéale pour Washington identique a 1939, détruire l'europe et le Marshall plan arrive; comme prévue par Washington, et les banquier et l’économie dominatrice du dollar continue leur dominations encore plus fort q'avant.

Political Vel Craft | Arrest Obama

Political Vel Craft | Arrest Obama:

president Hollande voila l'interprétation du jour, le décryptage, ce le moment du sortir de la OTAN, car la rhetoric de General Dempsey indique que le propos ce que la France rentre en guerre avec la Russie,  (OTAN) la Russie et la France sont dans le territoire de L'Europe, Washington et a 6000 kilométrés de KIEF. le propos une fois la guerre commence ce la Russie et l'europe qui sera en danger, car Washington et a 6000 km de Paris donc: vous le responsable de la république.  encore une fois dans une piège, pour sortir il est indispensable de sortir de la OTAN. Le dollar et mort donc: pour sauver le dollar une guerre en Europe et la solution idéale pour Washington identique a 1939, détruire l'europe et le Marshall plan arrive; comme prévue par Washington, et les banquier et l’économie dominatrice du dollar continue leur dominations encore plus fort q'avant.

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General Dempsey: US ready for military response to Russia if Crimean conflict escalates

General Dempsey: US ready for military response to Russia if Crimean conflict escalates:

president Hollande voila l'interprétation du jour, le décryptage, ce le moment du sortir de la OTAN, car la rhetoric de General Dempsey indique que le propos ce que la France rentre en guerre avec la Russie,  (OTAN) la Russie et la France sont dans le territoire de L'Europe, Washington et a 6000 kilométrés de KIEF. le propos une fois la guerre commence ce la Russie et l'europe qui sera en danger, car Washington et a 6000 km de Paris donc: vous le responsable de la république.  encore une fois dans une piège, pour sortir il est indispensable de sortir de la OTAN. Le dollar et mort donc: pour sauver le dollar une guerre en Europe et la solution idéale pour Washington identique a 1939, détruire l'europe et le Marshall plan arrive; comme prévue par Washington, et les banquier et l’économie dominatrice du dollar continue leur dominations encore plus fort q'avant.

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The U.S. has Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in Ukraine | Global Research

The U.S. has Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in Ukraine | Global Research:

hitler is back and he is Black he lives in the black house and hates whites: moreover he also hates blacks....!!

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PressTV - EU imposes asset freeze on Ukrainians

PressTV - EU imposes asset freeze on Ukrainians:

HITLER IS BACK and he is Black. he lives in the Black house and hates the white....! moreover he also hates the black...!

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Ukraine : combattre à boulets rouges le IV Reich Euro-Atlantique en marche - AgoraVox le média citoyen

Ukraine : combattre à boulets rouges le IV Reich Euro-Atlantique en marche - AgoraVox le média citoyen:

that is what you get when you print toilet paper as i said the problem globally is the $ as a reserve currency until you folks stop using the dollar and having this FED toilet paper machine the 99% of americans will remain slaves of the banks and the rest of the planet as well. how to make stupid americans understand that they are slaves is the new task. so they will whip, have a surge in crime and kill each others as they often do, have very rich barons and 99% of you americans slave and pay taxes to israel.

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Saudi Arabia threatens to blockade Qatar over terrorism - The Irish Times - Tue, Mar 11, 2014

Saudi Arabia threatens to blockade Qatar over terrorism - The Irish Times - Tue, Mar 11, 2014

Sarkozy : "les soldats morts en Afghanistan, un jour de deuil pour la Nation", actualité Défense ouverte - Le Point

Sarkozy : "les soldats morts en Afghanistan, un jour de deuil pour la Nation", actualité Défense ouverte - Le Point:

quitter l'OTAN sauver la France, ce ça la raison d'etre. car être caniche de washington et prisonnier du $ ce bien pour BHL, jaques Attali, mais très mauvais pour le "made in France", la Bretagne, le bonnes rouges, pour le peuple pour le citoyens pour la pense la liberte la nation, la vie. donc compatriotes que voulez vous l'esclavage économique ou la liberte. cet a vous de choisir car le chômage sans fin ce le $ qui vous les amène comme le terrorisme et de morts pour rien en Afghanistan.................!!.

et les mort pour rien ce le $ qui vous les offre..

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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Alain Soral - BHL et la guerre en Syrie


La France et en danger BHL jaques attali et le reste peu vraiment rendre la Russie a ce défendre donc même tactique que en 1939, détruire l'europe.. comme BHL, Jaques Attali et le reste puis le CRIEF peut être protecteur de cette folie de la destruction de l'europe avec l'accord de la république cet a vous monsieur SORAl avant que en réalité la catastrophe arrive; et la France sera finalement détruit par ces intellectuelles fou. chose qui ne pas complètement arrive a faire en 1939..citoyens Français cet a vous d'agir...!!!!!!!

BHL appelle à boycotter Sotchi : Jean-François Kahn lui répond

BHL appelle à boycotter Sotchi : Jean-François Kahn lui répond:

La France et l’Europe peu remercier le president BHL et son premier ministre Jaques Attali pour avoir détruit l’Europe, ils ont essaye en 1939 cet fois si BHL et ces idéologies arriverons a détruire l'europe donc: la cible ce les 75 centrales, ce le plus simple logique et effective..flamanville devient une charnier radioactive et ce la fin de tout agression. Car ce les Français intellectuelles robotise BHL, ATTALI ALDNER, le french doctor destructeur de KOSOVO, libye, car ces écoutes BUISSON sont rien a  cote de la libye mali centra afrique etc.. exécuté par SARKOZY planifie par BHL et son entourage.. les  architectes  de trouble nucléaire; voila l’intelligence juive en action.. car ce le CRIEF qui les cautionne.. EN FRANCE. dans la réalité une fois flamanville converti en échantillon nucléaire tout agression terminera en bon termes, et la paix reviendra...

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Paul Craig Roberts Outside The Box Interview Part 1 (+playlist)


le grave erreur de la politique de la France; peut devenir un Triumph . donc: ce le moment de dire a L'OTAN que la France ne plus besoin de eux, sortir de la OTAN ce l’indépendance de la France son peuple et le début du "MADE IN FRANCE" pour de vrais. donc: pour améliorer la culture, l'emplois, la vie, la sante, éloigné vous du $ comme monnais du réserve global,  car ce lui cette dollar $;  qui tiens LA FRANCE comme Vassal esclave du $, et l’Europe dans son entité est une vassal du dollar comme resserve global. libération de la France ...."YES WE CAN"

Ron Paul -- The Revolution Continues !!! | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Ron Paul -- The Revolution Continues !!! | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:

The west is
a sort of mixture it does not exist as a unity, per say. Washington is
desperate to create its own soviet union; American’s as we all know are
somewhat illiterate, not very educated and have a lack of independent
reckoning. It is probably that only 40% of American have an independent mind
the rest are somewhat Hollywood sitcoms, programmable entities in fact they do
not exist as they are just objects of consumption, there only to vote when
requested to legalize the oppression that enslave them. This reality is there
so democracy becomes a simple task 60% of the population are brain dead. The
west as you know it is the $ as a reserve currency, not philosophy literature
or knowledge and wisdom. The one that controls the reserve currency controls
the world, which is the reason of Russian problems Chinese and Europeans. Find
who controls the global reserve currency if there is such a person! Europe and
china, the ME, Africa South America all are enslaved to the $ as reserve
currency, the South American nations are as well vassals of the reserve
currency.  Russia You has a chance to
free you from this evil entity now. bring a new global reserve currency or
rather break away from the WTO, world bank IMF, the lot;  all organizations were Washington
participates are corrupt, starting with Davos; useless and damaging to your own
nation. And create your own currency something the foolish Chinese have not
understood, they keep buying bogus bonds from America; so is time for china to
get some intelligent input. I have proposed the BREN 25% silver because is the mythical
blend between Ireland, India, and the Bric nations. Obama congress all this
folks are a sitcom and America is somewhat a police state soviet style so ask
yourself why this nation of deceive wants to be like the old Soviet Union, and
reconvert Russia to its past dogma. And ask yourself why American’s are so
illiterate, uneducated and plain sheeple if you like. All this is of the
benefit of Britain as they do think and understand the dumb American’s, American’s
speak the language of Shakespeare not the one of sitting bull. There are
exceptions but just a limited %. Dump the dollar buy gold and get away from the
$ as a reserve currency, get all petrol and gas producer together worldwide and
the so call trashy reserve currency ends like a lightning bolt. Europe is just
a vassal of the reserve currency $ so they indeed need more freedom than you
do. And only Russia can liberate them. The main media is a second rate Orwellian
reasoning so they are somewhat off, their job distort reality so the global
soviet empire under the guidance of Washington rules. The French philosophers
politicians and literary junk that they manage to produce yearly is to distort
reality and keep citizens dumb and uneducated in short civilization in Europe
is regressing not evolving, this shall give you a hint of what our world is and
how it is shaped.  All this humans rights
democracy etc. are just BS, Europe does not know any more about human rights
than what they consider dictators. Nevertheless there are exceptions but very rare
and they are the ones that will at last remain, while the lot the masses will
probably go off to oblivion. ....!

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PressTV – Putin speaks « artslogic

PressTV – Putin speaks « artslogic

The west is
a sort of mixture it does not exist as a unity, per say. Washington is
desperate to create its own soviet union; American’s as we all know are
somewhat illiterate, not very educated and have a lack of independent
reckoning. It is probably that only 40% of American have an independent mind
the rest are somewhat Hollywood sitcoms, programmable entities in fact they do
not exist as they are just objects of consumption, there only to vote when
requested to legalize the oppression that enslave them. This reality is there
so democracy becomes a simple task 60% of the population are brain dead. The
west as you know it is the $ as a reserve currency, not philosophy literature
or knowledge and wisdom. The one that controls the reserve currency controls
the world, which is the reason of Russian problems Chinese and Europeans. Find
who controls the global reserve currency if there is such a person! Europe and
china, the ME, Africa South America all are enslaved to the $ as reserve
currency, the South American nations are as well vassals of the reserve
currency.  Russia You has a chance to
free you from this evil entity now. bring a new global reserve currency or
rather break away from the WTO, world bank IMF, the lot;  all organizations were Washington
participates are corrupt, starting with Davos; useless and damaging to your own
nation. And create your own currency something the foolish Chinese have not
understood, they keep buying bogus bonds from America; so is time for china to
get some intelligent input. I have proposed the BREN 25% silver because is the mythical
blend between Ireland, India, and the Bric nations. Obama congress all this
folks are a sitcom and America is somewhat a police state soviet style so ask
yourself why this nation of deceive wants to be like the old Soviet Union, and
reconvert Russia to its past dogma. And ask yourself why American’s are so
illiterate, uneducated and plain sheeple if you like. All this is of the
benefit of Britain as they do think and understand the dumb American’s, American’s
speak the language of Shakespeare not the one of sitting bull. There are
exceptions but just a limited %. Dump the dollar buy gold and get away from the
$ as a reserve currency, get all petrol and gas producer together worldwide and
the so call trashy reserve currency ends like a lightning bolt. Europe is just
a vassal of the reserve currency $ so they indeed need more freedom than you
do. And only Russia can liberate them. The main media is a second rate Orwellian
reasoning so they are somewhat off, their job distort reality so the global
soviet empire under the guidance of Washington rules. The French philosophers
politicians and literary junk that they manage to produce yearly is to distort
reality and keep citizens dumb and uneducated in short civilization in Europe
is regressing not evolving, this shall give you a hint of what our world is and
how it is shaped.  All this humans rights
democracy etc. are just BS, Europe does not know any more about human rights
than what they consider dictators. Nevertheless there are exceptions but very rare
and they are the ones that will at last remain, while the lot the masses will
probably go off to oblivion. ....!

PressTV – Putin speaks « artslogic

PressTV – Putin speaks « artslogic:

The west is
a sort of mixture it does not exist as a unity, per say. Washington is
desperate to create its own soviet union; American’s as we all know are
somewhat illiterate, not very educated and have a lack of independent
reckoning. It is probably that only 40% of American have an independent mind
the rest are somewhat Hollywood sitcoms, programmable entities in fact they do
not exist as they are just objects of consumption, there only to vote when
requested to legalize the oppression that enslave them. This reality is there
so democracy becomes a simple task 60% of the population are brain dead. The
west as you know it is the $ as a reserve currency, not philosophy literature
or knowledge and wisdom. The one that controls the reserve currency controls
the world, which is the reason of Russian problems Chinese and Europeans. Find
who controls the global reserve currency if there is such a person! Europe and
china, the ME, Africa South America all are enslaved to the $ as reserve
currency, the South American nations are as well vassals of the reserve
currency.  Russia You has a chance to
free you from this evil entity now. bring a new global reserve currency or
rather break away from the WTO, world bank IMF, the lot;  all organizations were Washington
participates are corrupt, starting with Davos; useless and damaging to your own
nation. And create your own currency something the foolish Chinese have not
understood, they keep buying bogus bonds from America; so is time for china to
get some intelligent input. I have proposed the BREN 25% silver because is the mythical
blend between Ireland, India, and the Bric nations. Obama congress all this
folks are a sitcom and America is somewhat a police state soviet style so ask
yourself why this nation of deceive wants to be like the old Soviet Union, and
reconvert Russia to its past dogma. And ask yourself why American’s are so
illiterate, uneducated and plain sheeple if you like. All this is of the
benefit of Britain as they do think and understand the dumb American’s, American’s
speak the language of Shakespeare not the one of sitting bull. There are
exceptions but just a limited %. Dump the dollar buy gold and get away from the
$ as a reserve currency, get all petrol and gas producer together worldwide and
the so call trashy reserve currency ends like a lightning bolt. Europe is just
a vassal of the reserve currency $ so they indeed need more freedom than you
do. And only Russia can liberate them. The main media is a second rate Orwellian
reasoning so they are somewhat off, their job distort reality so the global
soviet empire under the guidance of Washington rules. The French philosophers
politicians and literary junk that they manage to produce yearly is to distort
reality and keep citizens dumb and uneducated in short civilization in Europe
is regressing not evolving, this shall give you a hint of what our world is and
how it is shaped.  All this humans rights
democracy etc. are just BS, Europe does not know any more about human rights
than what they consider dictators. Nevertheless there are exceptions but very rare
and they are the ones that will at last remain, while the lot the masses will
probably go off to oblivion. ....!

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PressTV - Putin speaks

PressTV - Putin speaks:

the west is a sort of mixture it does not exist as a unity, per say. washington is desperate to create its own soviet union, americans as we all know are somewhat illiterate, not very educated and have a lack of independent reckoning. it is probably that only 40% of american have an independent mind the rest are somewhat hollywood sitcoms, programmable entities in fact they do not exist at they are just objects of consumption, this reality is there so democracy becomes a simple task 60% of the population are brain dead. the west as you know it is the $ as a reserve currency, and the one that controls the reserve currency controls the world, which is the reason of russian problems chinese and europeans. find who controls the global reserve currency if there is such a person! Put europe and china, the ME and africa.. as the two blocks are enslaved to the $ as reserve currency, the south american nations are as well vassals of the reserve currency.  you do have a chance to free yourself from this evil entity now. bring a new global reserve currency or rather break away from the WTO, world bank IMF, the lot;  all organisations were washington participates are corrupt useless and damaging to your own nation. and create your own currency something the foolish chinese have not understood, so is time for china to get some intelligent input. I have proposed the BREN 25% silver because is the blend between Ireland, india, and the bric nations. Obama congress all this folks are a sitcom and america is somewhat a police state soviet style so ask yourself why this nation of deceive wants to be like the old soviet union. and ask yourself why americans are so illiterate, uneducated and plain sheeple if you like . all this is of the benefit of britain as they do think and understand the dumb americans. there are exceptions but just a faible %. dump the dollar buy gold and get away from the $ as a reserve currency, get all petrol and gas producer together worldwide and the so call trashy reserve currency ends like a lightning bolt. europe is just a vassal of the reserve currency $ so they indeed need more freedom than you do. and only russia can liberate them. the main media is a second rate orwellian reasoning so they are somewhat off, like the french philosophers politicians and literary junk that they manage to produce yearly in short civilization in europe is regressing not evolving, this shall give you a hint of what our world is and how it is shaped.  all this humans rights democracy etc are just BS, europe does not anymore about human rights than what they consider dictators. nevertheless there are exceptions but very few and they are the ones that will at last remain, while the lot the masses will probably go off to oblivion. ....!

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Crimée : l’histoire se répète - Libération

Crimée : l’histoire se répète - Libération

le problème ici ce le raisonnement le quelle porte la faute sur le kremlin mais décrit les fait de le comportement du KERRY le diplomate américain. l’étrange maniéré comme la raison fonctionne dans cette article dévoile une sort de séparation, une  irrégularité et une perception inverse de la réalité concrete; nonobstant ce ne pas l'intention précisé de André mais plus une incohérence rationnelle. cette logique montre une décadence comme une degeneration de l’évolution de la perception. la cause et inconnue mais la certitude et claire, car la réalité et tout une autre. la Amérique profite du effondrement de l'empire soviétique pour devenir elle même une empire soviétique.  elle agis exactement comme HITLER agisses a son époque, par contre André vois la réalité a l'envers donc: ce l'histoire que se répète, mais la réalité est que l'histoire ce répète dans la réalité uniquement que le usurpateur de la democratie et monsieur KERRY et non monsieur PUTIN. donc une histoire qui se répète inverse mais monsieur André vous fait croire que ce le même histoire que se répété et profite de l’éducation et le conditionnement éducative et intellectuelle comme historique du peuple pour encore lui tromper encore, comme en 1939 par Hitler.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Al Capone et son avocat - Tout savoir sur Al-G-Capone

Al Capone et son avocat - Tout savoir sur Al-G-Capone

Le sarkotone des avocats, dans la realite concrete la justice n'existais pas ce seul les lois, mais les quelles sont manipules par des avocats car le role de un avocat ce de manipuler les lois, example sarkozy, tapie etc. al capone, les gangsters du monde etc.

Business and Politics in the European Union: Institutionalised Corruption and the Revolving Door | Global Research

Business and Politics in the European Union: Institutionalised Corruption and the Revolving Door | Global Research

trusting european leaders is folly they are posses, so you are not dealing with real people but zombies, the result they do not know what they say, they obey order from above, who rules them not democracy but the IMF, and AIPAC, goldman shacks and bankers, AIPAC is mad and they will destroy america for having elected a black citizen that somehow today is a prisoner, of patriotism and cannot free himself, so if you can help him things will become nicer and better on the long run. them hopefully europe and russia will become a civilized bunch today is a uncivilized mess. how BHL contributes to the economical destruction of europe, which is the path to total chaos and destruction for european citizens.. here are some figures, and the french president endorses  this bankruptcy..   no wonder Robert gates had his say to save europe from ill advised presidents...

ALERT -- War Secretly Declared On China By Executive Order | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

ALERT -- War Secretly Declared On China By Executive Order | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

dump the dollar qatar ready to stop gas imports to europe, saudi kingdom mayhem end of europe as we know it thanks to AIPAC and the french warmongers. china act now throw those dollars on the bin before the AIPAC world kills you eats you and sends BHL to destroy the nation. be wise save yourself dump the us $ toilet paper. only way to equilibrium end of $ as world currency "and yes we can end the dollar as world currency of wars and disasters.

No War for Bernard Henri Lévy » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

No War for Bernard Henri Lévy » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

des américains, des irakiens, des ukrainiens, des libyens,  tue en IRAQ pour BHL, AIPAC: puis des diplomates tue en benghazi, pour BHL, donc: (La france sans président)  BHL au pouvoir, car les aveugles suit le fou donc: le déclin de la france "made in france"

No War for Bernard Henri Lévy » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

No War for Bernard Henri Lévy » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

des américains, des irakiens, des ukrainiens, des libyens,  tue en IRAQ pour BHL, AIPAC: puis des diplomates tue en benghazi, pour BHL, donc: (La france sans président)  BHL au pouvoir, car les aveugles suit le fou donc: le déclin de la france "made in france"

PressTV - Europe stance on Iran hurting Europe: Analyst

PressTV - Europe stance on Iran hurting Europe: Analyst

cheneys idea to kill americans start a war and let russia destroy austin texas and new york, or any state that does not OBEY AIPAC and wall street, bankers and financiers, so americans prepare yourself to die FOR AIPAC and wall street, too bad for the 99% the american nation is under occupation by AIPAC. kill americans save AIPAC die for AIPAC is an american duty, pay taxes to ISRAEL is an american duty, and gives us all your wealth we enslave you fools americans like we did in iraq and afghanistan vietnam, syria, libya, we kill for our own good not for americans "americans you are slaves we are the master. upside-down reality as Obama's racial wars is to destroy africa and the caucasus, its people its origins its population, russia, finland, sweden, norway even denmark, its population and hand it over to the IMF, "FMI" so ukrainians will enslave themselves to the 22 second century, Obama's racial hate is purely economical, AIPAC, main lobby behind Obama's racial wars, to enslave americans so they make wars and pay taxes to the military AIPAC and ISRAEL..

Crimea's fait accompli — RT CrossTalk

Crimea's fait accompli — RT CrossTalk

obama's racial wars to destroy africa and the caucasus. liberate america stop AIPAC from creating a world that they rule and you OBEY...

Sept réponses sur l’opposition et le « fascisme » au Venezuela | Mondialisation

Sept réponses sur l’opposition et le « fascisme » au Venezuela | Mondialisation

DIEU EST-IL FRANÇAIS:: GRASSET paris "1942"..!BHL, le appareil idéal pour diviser la pense, au bénéfice de la nature, donc: PRÉSIDENT hollande (et le FMI) remercie BHL, pour avoir aide la Crimée a retrouve son indépendance de la Ukraine nation qui est en mains du nazisme moderne. comme il le remercie pour avoir incite a tuer des millions de libyens, car cet eux qui ce tue entre eux mêmes,  (IRAKIENS SYRIENS etc)  pour confondre le monde arabe-musulman, comme le monde judo-chrétiens). puis des Français mort pour rien en Afghanistan, Mali, centre Afrique,  le président BHL, pièce indispensable pour détruire la nation enrichir les banques et détruire des présidents pas très intelligents. pour le président intelligents. ce le temps qui le amène au pouvoir sans effort et sans souci......

Webster Tarpley : Crimea Crisis Shows US Ruling Elite Certifiably Insane | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Webster Tarpley : Crimea Crisis Shows US Ruling Elite Certifiably Insane | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

OBAMA RACIAL WAR: WAR against Africa and the CAUCASUS .

 RUSSIA: Open a second front, cut oil supplies and gas supplies to germany, 100%, this will create prices to go up for MERKEL, propaganda on bavaria and how this part of germany is a mess and is better for the bavarians to split from Berlin, encourage, brittany, and scotland to gain independence as petrol goes up scotland will make bundles and the UK will probably collapse, SCOTLAND the real CRIMEA. dump the us dollar and do not pay anything at all in fact create an alternative economy with the nations of the BRICS, and exit world trade organisation world bank, IMF, forget davos, oil and gas are the keys to success, banks are out. the chinese and indians must do the same, all third world nations must drop the us dollar only washington and MERKEL holds this US toilet trash call the us dollar, remember this is an economical war, europe cannot win, because they got no petrol and no gas. second front bahrain and the SAUDI kingdom, (this are corrupt nations impose by washington to enslave europeans and westerners, for the benefit of bankers and wall street.. disruption of petrol on the saudi kingdom. proxy wars. payments only on gold. remember the aim is the end of the petrodollar and the dollar as world exchange currency. there are 75 nuclear plants in FRANCE they blow up is the end of europe. so war is impossible, unless. this is as you can see a war against the white race as it is against the black race. the mix races of europe and america ( their leaders and probably "AIPAC" you call it the west) do not like natural races they want a mixture of all, so semites will become the norm as color of skin; so this is why OBAMA hates whites from russia and the CAUCASUS, as well africans. he dislike what is somewhat pure to your concepts and mind. look africans and caucasians are the target of OBAMA. so wake up world, dump the $$$$$ NOW to save the planet.

PressTV - Russia mulling sanctions against West

PressTV - Russia mulling sanctions against West

OBAMA RACIAL WAR: WAR against africa and the CAUCASUS .
Open a second front, cut oil supplies and gas supplies to germany, 100%, this will create prices to go up for MERKEL, propaganda on bavaria and how this part of germany is a mess and is better for the bavarians to split from berlin, encourage, brittany, and scotland to gain independence as petrol goes up scotland will make bundles and the UK will probably collapse, SCOTLAND the real CRIME. dump the us dollar and do not pay anything at all in fact create an alternative economy with the nations of the BRICS, and exit world trade organisation world bank, IMF, forget davos, oil and gas are the keys to success, banks are out. the chinese and indians must do the same, all third world nations must drop the us dollar only washington and MERKEL holds this us toilet trash call the us dollar, remember this is an economical war, europe can win, because they got no petrol. second front bahrain and the SAUDI kingdom, disruption of petrol on the saudi kingdom. proxy wars. payments only on gold . remember the aim is the end of the petrodollar and the dollar as world exchange currency. there are 75 nuclear plants in FRANCE they blow up is the end of europe. so war is impossible, unless. this as you can see a war against the white trace as it is against the black race. the mix races europe and america (you call it the west) do not like races they want a mixture of all, so semites will become the norm as color of skin; so this is why OBAMA hates whites from russia and the CAUCASUS, he dislike what is somewhat pure to your concepts and mind. look africans and caucasians are the target of OBAMA. so wake up world, dump the $$$$$ NOW to save the planet.

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Manufacturing Contempt for Venezuela

Manufacturing Contempt for Venezuela

ce le IMF, FMI mais comme prévu la civilisation cet une chose ou la raison a reste intacte, ne bouge pas donc: les Venezuela ces Etudiant comme les étudiants universitaire ont une fausse ide de la raison en conséquence il sont irrationnelles dans le concret; la réalité devient confuse; mais très rationnel dans le monde des illusions, donc: une bonne douche froide a rondonsky Capriles, car après capriles ce le chaos sans fin..suivre   la Syrie cet une bonne maniéré de,comprendre la destruction des esclaves par ces maîtres. le qu'elle ne pas le président mais la presse. "main media"

Saturday, March 01, 2014



United nations speech of american representative is "orwellian" the american words, during the UN show she is talking about IRAQ this intervention is illegal, however she names Iraq=Ukraine, "orwellian british language"   so the hypocritical american UN spokeswoman brings you to the past IRAQ but places ukraine as (Iraq) on today words, meaning she has twisted her reality and now makes you feel that reality that she twisted is your reality 'russia which is Ukraine IMF mess; the UN  which is still in 1948 with  the israeli mess, means nothing until they themselves become real just and noble until them the UN washington and the lot will be wrong and will continue discrediting the voices of a would be real UN in the coming future. any colonial power on this planet does not know what peace is, so when they learn what peace is all about them the UN will earn his rank of nobility.

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L'Ukraine est foutue, BHL, le vampire des carpettes est dans ses rues…

L'Ukraine est foutue, BHL, le vampire des carpettes est dans ses rues…:

le front libyan, le front centre-Afrique, le front syrien et puis le front européen, et le front interne. donc: militairement tout et fait pour une dérouté colossale,  car le Mali ce chaude comme la libye, bien réfléchir avant agir, chose qui a été négligez le mois dernier. Puis cette liberte démocratique et fait dans l’Europe comme dans la 2 guerre mondial pas en Amérique ou Australie, comme dans la seconde guerre mondial en EUROPE, sortir de la OTAN cet une diplomatie de survie pour le 21 siècle, voila votre chance et arrive....................................!

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PressTV - US seeks to provoke Russia over Ukraine: Mike Billington

PressTV - US seeks to provoke Russia over Ukraine: Mike Billington

Ukrainians out of reality, ukraines AIPAC is the 'roman empire', and american military are its soldiers reason why america has created wars on muslim nations, because the (Roman Empire) (judeo-christians) is collapsing). IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN, libya,  africa, china south america; americans die for AIPAC, not democracy democracy does not exist in america,  what exist in america is AIPAC, "proxy master of the american citizens"  so do you think democracy will exist in ukraine, you are so far off Lady that is a pity.. does democracy exist in IRAQ or libya?? means it will never exist in ukraine.. ukrainians wise up or the AIPAC proxy IMF war will destroy you completely educate yourself before you go on any killing of your own people, wake up lady, and use less makeup.. understand that AIPAC acting as the president of america; is what you call "stooges on power" AIPAC pays politicians with money the FED (private banks owned) made, and keeps politicians happy, while the men in charge obeys AIPAC, but AIPAC is not on the limelight it is the men in charge, they operate exactly as you describe "your last president operates" corruption, ask senators their wealth and how they got it, ask congress and congressmen they are all corrupt in america!  you coordinate all this with hollywood, fox news, main media and you got actors, rather than politicians; reason why politics is just a media show. on the western world, europe included.. so it is impossible for anyone to be free, be democratic or any nation to have a normal government as long AIPAC rules the western masses, and brainwash the american citizens.  and you lady your reasoning helps AIPAC to dominate you and the lot. however you might be sincerely convince, but you do not understand the plot; otherwise ukraine and you yourself will have a different reasoning. in other words Orwellian brainwashing is now a fact and you lady are an example of it. read zarathoustra, and understand your own nation.   this trap politicians enslave by AIPAC need as much independence as you, so liberate your own politicians from AIPAC and the FMI "which is a branch of AIPAC and them things will get somewhere until them is just illusions and death, globally..
bremont A

PressTV – ‘US must stop supporting neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine’ « artslogic

PressTV – ‘US must stop supporting neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine’ « artslogic

Ukrainians out of reality, ukraines AIPAC is the 'roman empire', and american military are its soldiers reason why america has created wars on muslim nations, because the (Roman Empire) (judeo-christians) is collapsing). IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN, libya,  africa, china south america; americans die for AIPAC, not democracy democracy does not exist in america,  what exist in america is AIPAC, "proxy master of the american citizens"  so do you think democracy will exist in ukraine, you are so far off Lady that is a pity.. does democracy exist in IRAQ or libya?? means it will never exist in ukraine.. ukrainians wise up or the AIPAC proxy IMF war will destroy you completely educate yourself before you go on any killing of your own people, wake up lady, and use less makeup.. understand that AIPAC acting as the president of america; is what you call "stooges on power" AIPAC pays politicians with money the FED (private banks owned) made, and keeps politicians happy, while the men in charge obeys AIPAC, but AIPAC is not on the limelight it is the men in charge, they operate exactly as you describe "your last president operates" corruption, ask senators their wealth and how they got it, ask congress and congressmen they are all corrupt in america!  you coordinate all this with hollywood, fox news, main media and you got actors, rather than politicians; reason why politics is just a media show. on the western world, europe included.. so it is impossible for anyone to be free, be democratic or any nation to have a normal government as long AIPAC rules the western masses, and brainwash the american citizens.  and you lady your reasoning helps AIPAC to dominate you and the lot. however you might be sincerely convince, but you do not understand the plot; otherwise ukraine and you yourself will have a different reasoning. in other words Orwellian brainwashing is now a fact and you lady are an example of it. read zarathoustra, and understand your own nation.   this trap politicians enslave by AIPAC need as much independence as you, so liberate your own politicians from AIPAC and the FMI "which is a branch of AIPAC and them things will get somewhere until them is just illusions and death, globally..
bremont A

PressTV – ‘US must stop supporting neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine’ « artslogic

PressTV – ‘US must stop supporting neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine’ « artslogic

Ukrainians out of reality, ukraines AIPAC is the 'roman empire', and american military are its soldiers reason why america has created wars on muslim nations, because the (Roman Empire) (judeo-christians) is collapsing). IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN, libya,  africa, china south america; americans die for AIPAC, not democracy democracy does not exist in america,  what exist in america is AIPAC, "proxy master of the american citizens"  so do you think democracy will exist in ukraine, you are so far off Lady that is a pity.. does democracy exist in IRAQ or libya?? means it will never exist in ukraine.. ukrainians wise up or the AIPAC proxy IMF war will destroy you completely educate yourself before you go on any killing of your own people, wake up lady, and use less makeup.. understand that AIPAC acting as the president of america; is what you call "stooges on power" AIPAC pays politicians with money the FED (private banks owned) made, and keeps politicians happy, while the men in charge obeys AIPAC, but AIPAC is not on the limelight it is the men in charge, they operate exactly as you describe "your last president operates" corruption, ask senators their wealth and how they got it, ask congress and congressmen they are all corrupt in america!  you coordinate all this with hollywood, fox news, main media and you got actors, rather than politicians; reason why politics is just a media show. on the western world, europe included.. so it is impossible for anyone to be free, be democratic or any nation to have a normal government as long AIPAC rules the western masses, and brainwash the american citizens.  and you lady your reasoning helps AIPAC to dominate you and the lot. however you might be sincerely convince, but you do not understand the plot; otherwise ukraine and you yourself will have a different reasoning. in other words Orwellian brainwashing is now a fact and you lady are an example of it. read zarathoustra, and understand your own nation.   this trap politicians enslave by AIPAC need as much independence as you, so liberate your own politicians from AIPAC and the FMI "which is a branch of AIPAC and them things will get somewhere until them is just illusions and death, globally..
bremont A