Louis Farrakhan dit la vérité sur la libye, avertit et conseille Obama - YouTube:
what is the difference between zionism and judaism, if there is any. as well if antisemitism is exclusively determine by a zionist or jewish criterium, rather than a universal consensus. that fact determines that it is the jewish or zionism ideology that acts as law upon a fact that should be consider impartial "bias". when a rabbi determines that those that are antisemitic should leave europe this statement is somehow undermining any nation that claims to be laic, laicity, and moreover it undermines the estate as a whole, even imposes the antisemitism on That the nation in question as law rather than having a fact before proving anyone-one to be a guilty party.
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how we can evolve into a fourth dimensional realm. history plasticity realism, as a memory fact. a realm that continues to be hiding to most folks, will open the door to a unified mind, body and self of the individual entities of our world..
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Gilad Atzmon -- The Sun Will Rise On Jewish Power | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG
Gilad Atzmon -- The Sun Will Rise On Jewish Power | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:
what is the difference between zionism and judaism, if there is any. as well if antisemitism is exclusively determine by a zionist or jewish criterium, rather than a universal consensus. that fact determines that it is the jewish or zionism ideology that acts as law upon a fact that should be consider impartial "bias". when a rabbi determines that those that are antisemitic should leave europe this statement is somehow undermining any nation that claims to be laic, laicity, and moreover it undermines the estate as a whole, even imposes the antisemitism on That the nation in question as law rather than having a fact before proving anyone-one to be a guilty party.
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what is the difference between zionism and judaism, if there is any. as well if antisemitism is exclusively determine by a zionist or jewish criterium, rather than a universal consensus. that fact determines that it is the jewish or zionism ideology that acts as law upon a fact that should be consider impartial "bias". when a rabbi determines that those that are antisemitic should leave europe this statement is somehow undermining any nation that claims to be laic, laicity, and moreover it undermines the estate as a whole, even imposes the antisemitism on That the nation in question as law rather than having a fact before proving anyone-one to be a guilty party.
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Wednesday, February 18, 2015
The New Matrix -- Free Internet For All | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG
The New Matrix -- Free Internet For All | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:
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it all depends how he behaves however is the users the real key to evolution not the CEO, education to all users and the Facebook world can indeed help humanity, however is not just Facebook is the whole alternative, all webs media. there has to be some level on how much each person has as property which is equal to money.. that is the crucial problem excessive wealth for a few and nothing for the 99%. isis and wars are economically related, one problem with this war is that it is as well economically related and in the long run, the economical side blends with the islamic religious side and the result is that they become a sort of 99% rebels, against the 1% rulers.. and there are a lot of 99% discontent in america and worldwide.
how about the face-book passport: for the global community and the alternative UN.. to solve global peoples problems..
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
'F**k the EU': US State Dept official in phone chat on Ukraine posted on...
NSA recruiting bloggers commentators media distortion, HACKERS plots on main media google +; facebook, etc..alex jones, RT, comments, false flags truth is ignorance, war is peace, liberty is enslavement all this is NSA dogma, beware, as NSA is a pay job not a pariotic = patriotic act. even wall street is on the mix on these events, politicians traders, banks, rothschilds weather channel !!! investors, petrol currency wars, AIPAC..!!!
Monday, February 16, 2015
Le réseau Gladio - Armée secrète d'Europe. Fr
le conséquences de la servitude de la France a Washington, l’Europe est une continent soumis a Washington, et l’Europe ce le forum pour des gladiateurs de l'empire romain américain, la France ne existe pas uniquement dans le medias concrètement cet une nation piloté par Washington. le resultat nation aveugle car ce L'OTAN - NATO qui contrôle tout. "opération gladio" même votre pense..! les medias, tout..!!
Aldous Huxley - The Ultimate Revolution (speech at Berkeley 1962)
he is correct about ukraine, is crazy.... Kiev is not jerusalem moscow is not palestine, pekin is not cairo. paris is not damas. whatever happens between racials disagreements? better stop the ukraine mess, have NATO back off dissolve and them, after that done; handle the racials disagreements.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Pink Floyd's Roger Waters calls on musicians to boycott Israel - Telegraph
Pink Floyd's Roger Waters calls on musicians to boycott Israel - Telegraph: "Pink Floyd's Roger Waters calls on musicians to boycott Israel
Roger Waters, the former frontman of Pink Floyd, has called on fellow rock stars to boycott Israel in an open letter that has drawn accusations of hypocrisy from officials."
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Roger Waters, the former frontman of Pink Floyd, has called on fellow rock stars to boycott Israel in an open letter that has drawn accusations of hypocrisy from officials."
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Pink Floyd's Roger Waters calls on musicians to boycott Israel
Roger Waters, the former frontman of Pink Floyd, has called on fellow rock stars to boycott Israel in an open letter that has drawn accusations of hypocrisy from officials.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Obama: 'We have to twist arms when countries don't do what we need them to' — RT News
Obama: 'We have to twist arms when countries don't do what we need them to' — RT News
president OBAMA: Kiev is not jerusalem, russia is not palestine! beware, 1917 balfour declaration did not mention kiev as jerusalem, jerusalem is south, and moscow is not palestine and putin is not hamas. neither hezbollah, jerusalem is south on the middle east.!!!!!! have a look at a map and stop seeing spielberg films about abraham lincoln
president OBAMA: Kiev is not jerusalem, russia is not palestine! beware, 1917 balfour declaration did not mention kiev as jerusalem, jerusalem is south, and moscow is not palestine and putin is not hamas. neither hezbollah, jerusalem is south on the middle east.!!!!!! have a look at a map and stop seeing spielberg films about abraham lincoln
Iraq War 2014 - US Airstrike ISIS | RAW FOOTAGE
greece is the key, as greece gets gas and petrol from russia and sell it to germany, at more costly rate, they got the BRICS, and they can even exit NATO, to save money, and as a consequence peace suddenly takes place on the middle east. the exit of greece from NATO automatically fixes all greece economical problems.
Monday, February 09, 2015
Sheikh Imran Hosein 2015 : Beginning of Destruction of the Universe and ...
Kiev is not Jerusalem.
NATO OTAN ∷ upside-down world, "nato says Russia is the Soviet Union, but they are the west, in fact they are Hitler, the axis, Soviet Union china India, are the allies. Upside-down. Washington is doing a ww2 replay. War in Europe marshal plan, and save the economy that has collapsed as the dollar. And a new Nixon in the future. Russia does not agreed and explains we are in 2015. And Russia is not the Soviet Union is Russia a nation of the European continent, moreover what are Americans doing in Europe, in fact in relation to Europe Putin is somewhat shy, because in fact what is Washington doing in Europe, is not of his business Kiev is not Jerusalem.
Saturday, February 07, 2015
Ukraine: Théâtre de la guerre OTAN-Russie
Lyndon LaRouche's Emergency Presidential Address - NOBODY WILL SURVIVE THIS WAR !
Ukraine & WW3
obama AIPAC ready to destroy humanity..!!! NATO the tool to destroy europe kill french germans italians swedes, charlie hebdo, british, in fact destroy the european civilization from the core.!!!! israel !!!!
Friday, February 06, 2015
le scénario de l'attaque du consulat américain en Libye
quelle bénéfice a eux la France la république avec les morts français en Afghanistan, aucune pire! Sarkozy a envahie la libye est après ont a eux comme récompense Charlie hebdo. car ce la vérité le fait concret:
▶ BHL invité de Eliot Spitzer ( CNN -In the ARENA) 31 mars 2011 - Vidéo Dailymotion
▶ BHL invité de Eliot Spitzer ( CNN -In the ARENA) 31 mars 2011 - Vidéo Dailymotion
compare dodo a BHL, Ukraine, le french doctor est les morts au Kosovo, le terrorisme et BHL, qui dit couramment il faut se défaire du président syrien, donc il appelle au français au jihad, car ce la France qui dessine ces agression puis attaquer la syrie est pas son contraire, la libye une désastre des morts dans tout les sens , compare ça a dodo est son (twite) la là justice a beaucoup a réfléchir, si justice existe. car dodo indirectement a tue personne , mais la libye, Ukraine, BHL, est ce soir hollande avec putin pour éviter une guerre nucléaire engendre par BHL, et le lobby juive américain, AIPAC, avec la Russie ce rien a cote du doodo..
compare dodo a BHL, Ukraine, le french doctor est les morts au Kosovo, le terrorisme et BHL, qui dit couramment il faut se défaire du président syrien, donc il appelle au français au jihad, car ce la France qui dessine ces agression puis attaquer la syrie est pas son contraire, la libye une désastre des morts dans tout les sens , compare ça a dodo est son (twite) la là justice a beaucoup a réfléchir, si justice existe. car dodo indirectement a tue personne , mais la libye, Ukraine, BHL, est ce soir hollande avec putin pour éviter une guerre nucléaire engendre par BHL, et le lobby juive américain, AIPAC, avec la Russie ce rien a cote du doodo..
Thursday, February 05, 2015
The World Must Stand Together
the war is getting hot as always wars in europe but not in washington, NATO main problem to peace on the borders of russia, which happens to be in europe as china as which happens to be next to russia an european nation. when the triangle meets the hexagon russia joins the EU. NATO retreats and washington is out of european unions affairs. that will make it a lot easier on terrorism, israel, and religious problems. education is the key for the diplomatic path, of all. dialogue the method and an ecological economy is the result, rather than just profits. and profits are made when there is war in europe. the diplomatic way for europe is to pull out all its troops from ukraine and bordering russia, and let the americans deal with ukraine and the russians and if the chinese get into the fry, europe stays out and let Kerry handle his problem. and the american soldiers, as britain will have no choice but defend europe, as it is europe that is at war. and the role of european leaders russia included is to defend europe interest not americans.
Rothschild Involvement in WWII - YouTube
Rothschild Involvement in WWII - YouTube:
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Rescapée d’Auschwitz, cette documentariste fait flamber son pessimisme noir et provocant devant l’antisémitisme résurgent.
Ce matin-là, sur France Inter, elle a jeté un sacré froid. On est le 27 janvier, l’Europe commémore les 70 ans de la libération d’Auschwitz-Birkenau. Marceline Loridan-Ivens, l’une des rares rescapées françaises encore en vie, est en studio, assise bien droite, Légion d’honneur à la boutonnière.
Who Controls the Money Controls the World
GREECE: forget the euro-idiots they are toast, so is the us dollar, the BCE is the FED and the FED are private banks, tell europe that you exit the euro you join the BRIC nations, exit NATO-OTAN and ask russia to cut gas and petrol to europe sharp same way the have cut the liquidity to you, B) apply the victoria nulan dogma fuck the EU. c° ask germany italy and france that if they want gas and petrol they can buy it from you. so you see you win in al fronts, moscow, and china have the cash europe and the euro-idiots, are nowhere, so have no fear, you win, what ever you do. and forget the city of london is collapsing.
Wednesday, February 04, 2015
Rothschild Involvement in WWII
Entre Hollande et Tsipras, l’entente cordiale… en apparence
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Tsipras be very very careful with the ECB they are a branch of the FED which is nothing more than AIPAC, their aim is war death and destruction murder, the plan is have you Fail so the far right gets in power, the reason is they need a new HITLER for this coming war in europe they want anyone, in france they have single-out marine le pen she is the victim, once she is declared a winner they will jump on france, and declared her as the new nazi hitler: the same way they jumped on you "greece" the objective is the new hitler and the aim is war, destroy europe to rebuild it just like WW2 as WW2 hitler is an american creation financed by americans and bankers and jewish lobbys. beware, open your eyes, if you want to save greece. THE PURPOSE OF THE IMF is to create war death, and they use austerity as the purpose is to enrage the population so they chose a new hitler once that have done it they will blame the new hitler that they themselves created, you got golden dome as a practical real example a fact they themselves created, by main media manipulation and austerity. ukraine is another example as the isis and middle east disaster,..
Rothschild Involvement in WWII - YouTube
Rothschild Involvement in WWII - YouTube:
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Entre Hollande et Tsipras, l’entente cordiale… en apparence
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Tsipras be very very careful with the ECB they are a branch of the FED which is nothing more than AIPAC, their aim is war death and destruction murder, the plan is have you Fail so the far right gets in power, the reason is they need a new HITLER for this coming war in europe they want anyone, in france they have single-out marine le pen she is the victim, once she is declared a winner they will jump on france, and declared her as the new nazi hitler: the same way they jumped on you "greece" the objective is the new hitler and the aim is war, destroy europe to rebuild it just like WW2 as WW2 hitler is an american creation financed by americans and bankers and jewish lobbys. beware, open your eyes, if you want to save greece. THE PURPOSE OF THE IMF is to create war death, and they use austerity as the purpose is to enrage the population so they chose a new hitler once that have done it they will blame the new hitler that they themselves created, you got golden dome as a practical real example a fact they themselves created, by main media manipulation and austerity. ukraine is another example as the isis and middle east disaster,..
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Entre Hollande et Tsipras, l’entente cordiale… en apparence
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Tsipras be very very careful with the ECB they are a branch of the FED which is nothing more than AIPAC, their aim is war death and destruction murder, the plan is have you Fail so the far right gets in power, the reason is they need a new HITLER for this coming war in europe they want anyone, in france they have single-out marine le pen she is the victim, once she is declared a winner they will jump on france, and declared her as the new nazi hitler: the same way they jumped on you "greece" the objective is the new hitler and the aim is war, destroy europe to rebuild it just like WW2 as WW2 hitler is an american creation financed by americans and bankers and jewish lobbys. beware, open your eyes, if you want to save greece. THE PURPOSE OF THE IMF is to create war death, and they use austerity as the purpose is to enrage the population so they chose a new hitler once that have done it they will blame the new hitler that they themselves created, you got golden dome as a practical real example a fact they themselves created, by main media manipulation and austerity. ukraine is another example as the isis and middle east disaster,..
Paul Craig Roberts Interview
Entre Hollande et Tsipras, l’entente cordiale… en apparence
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Tsipras be very very careful with the ECB they are a branch of the FED which is nothing more than AIPAC, their aim is war death and destruction murder, the plan is have you Fail so the far right gets in power, the reason is they need a new HITLER for this coming war in europe they want anyone, in france they have single-out marine le pen she is the victim, once she is declared a winner they will jump on france, and declared her as the new nazi hitler: the same way they jumped on you "greece" the objective is the new hitler and the aim is war, destroy europe to rebuild it just like WW2 as WW2 hitler is an american creation financed by americans and bankers and jewish lobbys. beware, open your eyes, if you want to save greece. THE PURPOSE OF THE IMF is to create war death, and they use austerity as the purpose is to enrage the population so they chose a new hitler once that have done it they will blame the new hitler that they themselves created, you got golden dome as a practical real example a fact they themselves created, by main media manipulation and austerity. ukraine is another example as the isis and middle east disaster,..
Tuesday, February 03, 2015
Monday, February 02, 2015
Maduro accuses Joe Biden of ‘bloody coup’ in Venezuela — RT News
Maduro accuses Joe Biden of ‘bloody coup’ in Venezuela — RT News:
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from kiev to Caracas from caracas to paris from paris to peking joe is the new NULAN gate representative is obvious response get out of the $ in fact get the whole of the south american continent out of the dollar petrodollar exit that virus and enjoy freedom, IMF-FMI THE AXIS OF ECONOMICAL EVIL, LOOK AT GREECE, DESTROYED LIKE AFRICA BY THE IMF WORLD BANK
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from kiev to Caracas from caracas to paris from paris to peking joe is the new NULAN gate representative is obvious response get out of the $ in fact get the whole of the south american continent out of the dollar petrodollar exit that virus and enjoy freedom, IMF-FMI THE AXIS OF ECONOMICAL EVIL, LOOK AT GREECE, DESTROYED LIKE AFRICA BY THE IMF WORLD BANK
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Economic Collapse - Why People Die in Crisis - Normalcy Bias Vs. Situati...
TSIPRAS: pétrole gaz Turquie roubles yuan: Le BANQUE BRIC, voila vous pouvez dire a la troïka (hitlérienne) by by a le IMF-FMI "la mafia officialise de Washington " by by. payez rien a ces voleurs. car ce leur système qui ne marche pas ce ne pas l'euro, ce les dirigeants de la BCE alias Goldman Sachs, le FMI la FED le danger pour l’espèce humaine, sortir de L'OTAN sera un geste humain avant que la CIA tue encore plus de grecques, des français et de britannique et europeans. sortir de L’OTAN ce honorer (Charles De Gaulle . et sauver des vie's.
Friday, January 30, 2015
Four Ways The Ukraine Crisis Could Escalate To Use Of Nuclear Weapons - Forbes
Four Ways The Ukraine Crisis Could Escalate To Use Of Nuclear Weapons - Forbes
GREECE: have no fear europe can do nothing they are on a box, lock in by washington, exit NATO it will be easy, and accept rubles and yuans in greece, forget the EU, follow victoria nuland words.
GREECE: have no fear europe can do nothing they are on a box, lock in by washington, exit NATO it will be easy, and accept rubles and yuans in greece, forget the EU, follow victoria nuland words.
Argentine, Cristina Kirchner, attentats de l'AMIA... Entretien avec Maria Poumier - Agoravox TV
Argentine, Cristina Kirchner, attentats de l'AMIA... Entretien avec Maria Poumier - Agoravox TV
GREECE: have no fear europe can do nothing they are on a box, lock in by washington, exit NATO it will be easy, and accept rubles and yuans in greece, forget the EU, follow victoria nuland words.
GREECE: have no fear europe can do nothing they are on a box, lock in by washington, exit NATO it will be easy, and accept rubles and yuans in greece, forget the EU, follow victoria nuland words.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Coralie MILLER - Libération
Coralie MILLER - Libération:
en accord avec vous une début a une bon entente, votre propos est applicable a tout les juives en Europe comme en Amérique est ailleurs, car cet mélange Israël, juive etc., ce la cause des beaucoup des problèmes, confusions est mal entendu. avantageuse pour les finances et la politique mais une épine pour le juive commun le religieux.
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en accord avec vous une début a une bon entente, votre propos est applicable a tout les juives en Europe comme en Amérique est ailleurs, car cet mélange Israël, juive etc., ce la cause des beaucoup des problèmes, confusions est mal entendu. avantageuse pour les finances et la politique mais une épine pour le juive commun le religieux.
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Friday, January 23, 2015
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Citations : dignité - Dictionnaire de français Larousse
Citations : dignité - Dictionnaire de français Larousse
KIEV et ISIS la même choses de terrorisme ukrainien en donbass. fin de sanctions avec la Russie pour l'emploi et contre le terrorisme de KIEV.......... pour une France digne de son nom...
KIEV et ISIS la même choses de terrorisme ukrainien en donbass. fin de sanctions avec la Russie pour l'emploi et contre le terrorisme de KIEV.......... pour une France digne de son nom...
Michel Collon : Ukraine et médiamensonges, comment ne pas se faire manip...
KIEV et ISIS la même choses de terrorisme ukrainien en donbass. fin de sanctions avec la Russie pour l'emploi et contre le terrorisme de KIEV.......... pour une France digne de son nom...
Ukraine, la manipulation américaine (audio: Victoria Nuland/G. Pyatt -ambassadeur US en Ukraine- - YouTube
Ukraine, la manipulation américaine (audio: Victoria Nuland/G. Pyatt -ambassadeur US en Ukraine- - YouTube
KIEV et ISIS la même choses de terrorisme ukrainien en donbass. fin de sanctions avec la Russie pour l'emploi et contre le terrorisme de KIEV.......... pour une France digne de son nom...
KIEV et ISIS la même choses de terrorisme ukrainien en donbass. fin de sanctions avec la Russie pour l'emploi et contre le terrorisme de KIEV.......... pour une France digne de son nom...
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Discours de Villepin à l'ONU contre la guerre en Irak
The art of diplomacy
France being the center of global diplomacy, as art is a diplomacy, or better say the diplomacy of ART.
By France being the center of diplomacy is as well the center of art. It makes it a lot simpler for artist to be able to express themselves as well, on the artistic realm. Art takes its proper place in time & space. Poems they say.
The perfect balance is the hexagon, the triangles are Paris berlin London, as is Paris Madrid and Rome. The hexagon is completed with Russia, as Russia is in fact European, and European nation.
And France being the hexagon the center of creative diplomacy. artist & and creators of artistic realms, are part of this endeavor. Artist as outlines, news and sketches drawings, cartoonist and humorist. Art is the balance of morals creeds and religions, economies and civilizations, art in fact is the missing link.
But what is art.
Art is a whole, the many parts and its entity its realm as a form, substance and existence in time & space.
And the hexagon is an artistic creation.
Gerald Celente-Very Serious Economic & Geopolitical Game Changer Coming ...
message pour Elysée: Emmanuel Macron, l'ex-banquier qui murmure à l'oreille de François Hollande
En savoir plus sur http://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/politique/elysee-emmanuel-macron-l-ex-banquier-qui-murmure-a-l-oreille-de-francois-hollande_1249011.html#r1HwwOeqLpBeY3Pp.99
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Roger Waters UN Address - Nov 29, 2012
you got to understand American congress the purpose is not the protection of ISRAEL but civil war in Europe, their aim is create a civil war in Europe Muslims and Jews will kill each other’s on the European territory, the Christians & agnostics etc.. Shall be in the middle of the battle so they will suffer the most. Once this Jews Arabs civil war takes place in France Belgium and Sweden Europe etc. as the government’s collapse the individual's confuse, because of the government confusing actions. Washington Marshall plan for the next millennium will be implanted on the European minds. Something analogous took place in WW 2.. The problem of this term laicity is when it is applied means that Jews are the bosses and Muslims are the workforces. This Jewish – Islam definition is applied as well to Christians and fellows of other religions, this fellows of other religions are on the middle of the two opposite forces (Jews on the right Muslims on the left) this scheme determines the fact of divide to conquer. Who are the lot servant to be the question to ask?
World War 3 Update. Defence or Attack? WW3 will not be what you think.
you got to understand american congress the purpose is not the protection of ISRAEL but civil war in europe, their aim is create a civil war in europe muslims and jews will kill each others on the european territory, the christians & agnostics etc.. shall be in the middle of the battle so they will suffer the most. once this jews arabs civil war takes place in france belgium and sweden europe etc. as the governments collapse the individual's confuse, because of the government confusing actions. washington marshall plan for the next millennium will be implanted on the european minds. something analogous took place in WW 2..
Bill Maher - Religulous Full Documentary (2008)
you got to understand american congress the purpose is not the protection of ISRAEL but civil war in europe, their aim is create a civil war in europe muslims and jews will kill each others on the european territory, the christians & agnostics etc.. shall be in the middle of the battle so they will suffer the most. once this jews arabs civil war takes place in france belgium and sweden europe etc. as the governments collapse the individual's confuse, because of the government confusing actions. washington marshall plan for the next millennium will be implanted on the european minds. something analogous took place in WW 2..
Friday, January 16, 2015
Intervention en Libye - Les mensonges des médias - YouTube
Intervention en Libye - Les mensonges des médias - YouTube
le jeu des échecs de 4 étages The United States and United Kingdom will conduct joint cyber “war games” against each country’s banks, financial institutions, and other critical infrastructure in order to improve defenses against cyber attacks.
le jeu des échecs de 4 étages The United States and United Kingdom will conduct joint cyber “war games” against each country’s banks, financial institutions, and other critical infrastructure in order to improve defenses against cyber attacks.
Russian news: The Latest Russian Fighter Jet Blows America's Away - Russia Insider
Russian news: The Latest Russian Fighter Jet Blows America's Away - Russia Insider
moving wall street to beaumont texas, for the new century, closer to china and to france. good for the petrol as for the gold. "is the value of diplomacy" as they say never waste a good crisis..!!! and there will be no wars. is quite simple. and a lot easier..!
moving wall street to beaumont texas, for the new century, closer to china and to france. good for the petrol as for the gold. "is the value of diplomacy" as they say never waste a good crisis..!!! and there will be no wars. is quite simple. and a lot easier..!
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Charles de GAULLE : petite phrase ("Une certaine idée de la France")
Charles de GAULLE : petite phrase ("Une certaine idée de la France")
pour que la France soit la France ce uniquement possible si elle est indépendant de l'OTAN-NATO, autrement ce la CIA qui dirige est Washington même a l'elysée, il ne existe pas aucune autre forme d’être indépendant pour la France pour que elle jeux son rôle central dans la diplomatie est l’économie.
pour que la France soit la France ce uniquement possible si elle est indépendant de l'OTAN-NATO, autrement ce la CIA qui dirige est Washington même a l'elysée, il ne existe pas aucune autre forme d’être indépendant pour la France pour que elle jeux son rôle central dans la diplomatie est l’économie.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Charles de GAULLE : petite phrase ("Une certaine idée de la France")
Charles de GAULLE : petite phrase ("Une certaine idée de la France")
Monday, January 12, 2015
Kids Playing On Beach Shelled By Israeli Navy [Extremely Graphic]
Obama, Kerry absent from unity rally in Paris
In Gaza 'we saw things that will forever be hard to unsee' | Channel 4 News
j'ai suis charlie I AM NOT AFRAID....
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Bergson : Le rire et l'oubli de soi
have a pause of wars, take a week off, and them relax if however all parties still want to wage war, it is hopeful that they enjoy the week off. just like the old day's.
therefore as we are progressing and as is said never waste a good crisis. better the world, rather than vengeance. vengeance is the act that started the episode and could finish it calmly. therefore converting vengeance into greetings things could evolve nicely into the future, into the theme of making love rather than wars.
Bergson : Le rire et l'oubli de soi
have a pause of wars, take a week off, and them relax if however all parties still want to wage war, it is hopeful that they enjoy the week off. just like the old day's.
therefore as we are progressing and as is said never waste a good crisis. better the world, rather than vengeance. vengeance is the act that started the episode and could finish it calmly. therefore converting vengeance into greetings things could evolve nicely into the future, into the theme of making love rather than wars.
Friday, January 09, 2015
SYRIE.Preuves du grand complot "américano-sioniste" qui tient la France ...
SYRIE.Preuves du grand complot "américano-sioniste" qui tient la France ...
Attentat à Charlie Hebdo : "Nous faisons la guerre, on nous fait la guerre !", Alain Marsaud
Attentat à Charlie Hebdo : "Nous faisons la guerre, on nous fait la guerre !", Alain Marsaud
Thursday, January 08, 2015
Dictature et Surpopulation - Interview d'Aldous Huxley, auteur du "Meill...
9:11 and 2001, another repeat just like sony pictures, interview so dear friends what is happening to the eventual reasoning, today is just machines computers that learn to read and write just because of its utility, therefore school is not learning but just about programing. therefore 1984 is being with us for centuries, Orwells realm is today understood, but can you lot become humans at last! who knows wars shall tell the tale of reason and unreason on the global modern roman gladiators realm. Coup tragique et médiatique moment, donc guerre psychologique, est La cause ? Elle existe, nonobstant elle se retrouve dans la mascarade, le hier avant-hier ou 2001. Depuis 2001 le terrorisme qui n'existe pas, puis 2001 9/11 et le terrorisme est devenue global, une sorte de Brasil de Terry Guillain, ‘1985’.
Donc cette là la cause primordiale qui demande attention. Afghanistan, Syrie, printemps arabe, hiver arabe, Libye, Hamas, gaza, Palestine, pétrole, chômage, Ukraine, Syrie, Israël, Égypte. Le sud de l’Europe NATO-OTAN en conflit. Ces les guerres qui ont construit le présent qui est un acte de guerre. Est la guerre provenant contagieuse, social est idéologiques manœuvra à la confusion. Dans un monde ou l'information, la réalité est la connaissance ce mélange, dans cette monde visuel est imaginaire la discernassions dévient complexe est confus. La première cause de la guerre ce le déplacement est la confusion, pour sentir clairement la réalité-confuse, est préférable arrêter les guerres est un pas en avant sera fait. Pour saisir plus clairement avant d'agir. Car ce plus simple…d’être.
Wednesday, January 07, 2015
Nicolas Sarkosy piétine le droit de la presse
Nicolas Sarkozy, président de l'UMP, a exprimé sa "profonde émotion" après l'attentat commis dans les locaux de Charlie Hebdo mercredi, un "acte abject qui heurte la conscience humaine", et a estimé que la France devait "défendre sans faiblesse" sa "démocratie (qui) est attaquée".
"Notre démocratie est attaquée, nous devons la défendre sans faiblesse. La fermeté absolue et la seule réponse possible", a-t-il dit.
"La France est frappée au coeur, la République doit se rassembler, j'appelle tous les Français à refuser la tentation de l'amalgame et à présenter un front uni face au terrorisme, à la barbarie et aux assassins", a lancé l'ancien président dans une déclaration depuis le siège de l'UMP.
SYRIE.Preuves du grand complot "américano-sioniste" qui tient la France ...
SYRIE.Preuves du grand complot "américano-sioniste" qui tient la France ...
EN DIRECT. Massacre chez "Charlie Hebdo" : 11 morts, Charb grièvement blessé
Mossad CIA NSA attention des suspect...
EN DIRECT. Massacre chez "Charlie Hebdo" : 11 morts, Charb grièvement blessé
Mossad CIA NSA attention des suspect...
Guerre en Libye: Farrakhan avertit Obama et son secrétaire Sarkozy - YouTube
Guerre en Libye: Farrakhan avertit Obama et son secrétaire Sarkozy - YouTube
EN DIRECT. Massacre chez "Charlie Hebdo" : 11 morts, Charb grièvement blessé
Mossad CIA NSA attention des suspect...
EN DIRECT. Massacre chez "Charlie Hebdo" : 11 morts, Charb grièvement blessé
Mossad CIA NSA attention des suspect...
Tuesday, January 06, 2015
AIPAC - The American Israel Public Affairs Committee
AIPAC - The American Israel Public Affairs Committee
AIPAC more dangerous than ebola, so hope americans will cure from this disease call AIPAC, and claim their nation back. or we shall send edward to kick everyone out from the coming 400 years. and perhaps up to the next millenium
AIPAC more dangerous than ebola, so hope americans will cure from this disease call AIPAC, and claim their nation back. or we shall send edward to kick everyone out from the coming 400 years. and perhaps up to the next millenium
Monday, January 05, 2015
Can the U.S. Dollar and Stock Market Save the Global Economy from Financ...
ukrainian morons should move to greece so they understand the EU..!!! the euro is on the verge of collapsing and europe is close to A soviet style domain under washington command which is becoming a police state soviet style.
Friday, January 02, 2015
Thursday, January 01, 2015
François Hollande : des voeux et des aveux ! - Le Point
François Hollande : des voeux et des aveux ! - Le Point:
tout et possible dans la réalité, dans la fiction tout est aussi possible mais uniquement comme démagogie, pour la croissance en Europe il existe une seule solution réel la paix avec la Russie, distance avec washington wall street et L'OTAN, seule est unique solution, autrement ce que de la fiction la quelle vrais aide les médias mais pas le citoyens le chômeur le invalide "LA FRANCE"
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tout et possible dans la réalité, dans la fiction tout est aussi possible mais uniquement comme démagogie, pour la croissance en Europe il existe une seule solution réel la paix avec la Russie, distance avec washington wall street et L'OTAN, seule est unique solution, autrement ce que de la fiction la quelle vrais aide les médias mais pas le citoyens le chômeur le invalide "LA FRANCE"
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Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Russie: Navalny appelle à descendre dans la rue après la condamnation de son frère - Libération
Russie: Navalny appelle à descendre dans la rue après la condamnation de son frère - Libération
la CIA et la NSA avec AIPAC organise des destruction en russie pour que NAVALNY aide la CIA a tuer des russes pour son bénéfice a wall street pire que le FED ces russes ... oligarques qui tue leur frères russes.
donc les fou de wall street tue vous comme les fou d’Afghanistan Iraq, et usa, mourir pour wall street ce ça la démocratie publicitaire.
la CIA et la NSA avec AIPAC organise des destruction en russie pour que NAVALNY aide la CIA a tuer des russes pour son bénéfice a wall street pire que le FED ces russes ... oligarques qui tue leur frères russes.
donc les fou de wall street tue vous comme les fou d’Afghanistan Iraq, et usa, mourir pour wall street ce ça la démocratie publicitaire.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Gerald Celente - This Week In Money - December 27, 2014
move wall street to beaumont texas, it creates a balance with real money, as well 20th century was the east coast, 21 century is the west coast. the pacific: china and russia, the BRICS, forget new york, now is beaumont texas. it also changes peoples minds, and the $ certainly as global currency is gone, however the domestic $-, he can do wonders. as the rubble and the euro. all under the BREN 25% silver. and the balance is keep. for progress and les wars.
Ex CIA Chief Michael Scheuer Israel is Worth Nothing to United States.
Un tel comportement de la Chine signifie la perte par l'Amérique du rôle du lien p
Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_12_27/Laide-de-la-Chine-a-la-Russie-influencera-le-systeme-financier-cree-par-lOccident-medias-6645/
Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_12_27/Laide-de-la-Chine-a-la-Russie-influencera-le-systeme-financier-cree-par-lOccident-medias-6645/
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Friday, December 26, 2014
Game Over! - Economic Collapse - Global Meltdown Has Begun!
as long as europe south america and Asia keep trading with wall street, psychopaths the world will move towards its end, so to keep yourself alive exit wall street distant yourself from the dollar and forget the american junk market, this human machines are the worst nightmare for the humankind, today they have become just machines, from fame to rags just machine and cancer patients by the millions all kinds of diseases and viruses. is a proof of this new human machines, no longer sensible human but just mechanical objects dispensable, and they are wall street creations running all over the planet with useless I-pods and idiotic smiles .
Thursday, December 25, 2014
PressTV - ‘UK needs to overcome pro-Israel lobby’
PressTV - ‘UK needs to overcome pro-Israel lobby’:
finally america does have a real men as president and congress as well know is just a lobby for disaster, hope americans begun to understand that to end wars congress and AIPAC has to be put aside and the democratic president OBAMA can do what he must do freely from the minions of washington. they are the danger to democracy freedom and liberty, in our world...
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finally america does have a real men as president and congress as well know is just a lobby for disaster, hope americans begun to understand that to end wars congress and AIPAC has to be put aside and the democratic president OBAMA can do what he must do freely from the minions of washington. they are the danger to democracy freedom and liberty, in our world...
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Wednesday, December 24, 2014
» Russia Says It Has Evidence From Ukraine Military Defector Kiev Was Responsible For MH-17 Crash Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Russia Says It Has Evidence From Ukraine Military Defector Kiev Was Responsible For MH-17 Crash Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:
if you engage in war and you loose that war is very bad busyness, therefore does the usa of america has any chances of wining? that is what matters, as loosing a war can create havoc @ home and them we shall find ourselves on a aldous huxley realm of "brave new world" where america is just a second rate nation, and will eventually confirm Huxley as predicting the future. just like George's orwell s. I feel america has already lost the war, what the future will bring is for us to see. it is clear that congress believes american soldiers the meat grinders that die for wall street and AIPAC are ready to die for AIPAC once again, however, on what intelligence and reality is concern they have lost the plot so confusion is what reigns not only the fools of wall street but the military, quite a dangerous moment for those that are considered inferior the 99% of American citizens and the rest of the world. the american military is in fact idiots. stupid if you like; so probably they deserve to get what is coming to them.
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if you engage in war and you loose that war is very bad busyness, therefore does the usa of america has any chances of wining? that is what matters, as loosing a war can create havoc @ home and them we shall find ourselves on a aldous huxley realm of "brave new world" where america is just a second rate nation, and will eventually confirm Huxley as predicting the future. just like George's orwell s. I feel america has already lost the war, what the future will bring is for us to see. it is clear that congress believes american soldiers the meat grinders that die for wall street and AIPAC are ready to die for AIPAC once again, however, on what intelligence and reality is concern they have lost the plot so confusion is what reigns not only the fools of wall street but the military, quite a dangerous moment for those that are considered inferior the 99% of American citizens and the rest of the world. the american military is in fact idiots. stupid if you like; so probably they deserve to get what is coming to them.
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Jim Rickards on Europe and the US economy
good hopes however it looks it wont be like richards hopes it to be, beware things are quite confuse, and in this context there is no guru just common sense and intelligence perception.
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