Tuesday, November 24, 2015

John McCain: Arm Syrian Rebels to Shoot Down Russian Planes

TURKEY IS = DAESH = NATO IS = TURKEY = FRANCE IS = NATO  = FRANCE is = TURKEY = UK is = NATO: NATO is = DAESH = ISIS:  because Turkey is ISIS DAESH, NATO IS MOSSAD CIA = terrorism, = Turkey = ISIS DAESH. simple aim kill citizens in Europe and america. hope you get it citoyens du monde.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Michel Collon Soral dieudonne Les 10 grands médiamensonges du monde

Le problème des intellectuelles et politiciens actuel qui sont derrière l’état sioniste de Israël est que depuis leur programmation de naissance ils ont cru que ils ont la largesse de rendre l’eau en vin, mais leur savoir apocryphe avait déjà du vin l’quelle ils ont arrivé à le abîmer est à le transformer en vinaigre.

Symbols Of Rachel Corrie's Murder

Sunday, November 22, 2015

How Dangerous Is The Deep Web?

you people are absolutely insane, no wonder ISIS is winning and will win if reason is not established soon, as you will make the oppressed world to be isis and they are close to 7.5 billion folks so get ready. .  in fact the end of western reasoning, decency and moral is coming to an end wellcome common barbarism, as you anyone shall be one of those barbarians: as washington and clintons: by default: washington has being creating refugees since the vietnam war, 50 years creating havoc and refugees worldwide, 1967 israeli crusade up to today,  1990 gulf war, 2001, ukrainian war libya, syria, iran, weapons to israel, pakistan nukes. and the list goes on. better think before is too late even a controlled 1984 Orwellian realm looks complicated now.

La société traditionnelle selon René Guénon

Saturday, November 21, 2015

American Journalist Murdered By Western Ally For Exposing ISIS Ties

Ce ne pas la mauvais conscience de l’occident mais la
manipulation de l’occident par des idéologies sinueuses, raison pour laquelle
le destin et complexe complique mais visible au innocents.  Depuis ces idéologies de diviser les pais du
moyen Orient par des idéologies de un grand Israël fictive, « la semaine
prochaine à Jérusalem » la confusion a grandi donc ce ne pas les refugies
mais l’idéologie qui commande cette idée fixe du grand Israël. Le patriotisme orgueilleux
engendré dans l’ignorance amené à un nationalisme meurtrière, recette prouvé de
toutes les guerres connu et inconnue. Donc similitude a Israël état
colonisateur sur pression par les palestiniens et leur territoire occupe. La
seule et unique solution pour l’occident ce 1967 frontières pour Israël car
cette acte sera tellement illogique a les idéologies actuelle du terrorisme et
de un état policier que leur configuration cognitive sera confronté à une
irrationalité du subconscient ; car c’est un problème de psychologie et
non un problème d’invasion par un ennemi identifie. Un état policer amènera à l’expansion
du terrorisme car le terrorisme dans ces circonstances devient son opposé et se
transforme en force de liberté. De Gaulle 1967 ce la manière de sortir de cette
confusion grandissant, car ce lui et sa vision qui peut sauver l’Europe et la
France pour la troisième fois. Il n’existe aucune autre solution dans cette
réalité technologique métaphorique du 21 siècle. 

De Gaulle sa vision du sionisme et du conflit Israel Palestine - 1967

Ce ne pas la mauvais conscience de l’occident mais la
manipulation de l’occident par des idéologies sinueuses, raison pour laquelle
le destin et complexe complique mais visible au innocents.  Depuis ces idéologies de diviser les pais du
moyen Orient par des idéologies de un grand Israël fictive, « la semaine
prochaine à Jérusalem » la confusion a grandi donc ce ne pas les refugies
mais l’idéologie qui commande cette idée fixe du grand Israël. Le patriotisme orgueilleux
engendré dans l’ignorance amené à un nationalisme meurtrière, recette prouvé de
toutes les guerres connu et inconnue. Donc similitude a Israël état
colonisateur sur pression par les palestiniens et leur territoire occupe. La
seule et unique solution pour l’occident ce 1967 frontières pour Israël car
cette acte sera tellement illogique a les idéologies actuelle du terrorisme et
de un état policier que leur configuration cognitive sera confronté à une
irrationalité du subconscient ; car c’est un problème de psychologie et
non un problème d’invasion par un ennemi identifie. Un état policer amènera à l’expansion
du terrorisme car le terrorisme dans ces circonstances devient son opposé et se
transforme en force de liberté. De Gaulle 1967 ce la manière de sortir de cette
confusion grandissant, car ce lui et sa vision qui peut sauver l’Europe et la
France pour la troisième fois. Il n’existe aucune autre solution dans cette
réalité technologique métaphorique du 21 siècle. 

Révélations chocs de Ken O'keefe sur les attentats de Paris du 13 Novembre 2015 : ISIS est une création de la CIA pilotée par le Mossad - Agoravox TV

Révélations chocs de Ken O'keefe sur les attentats de Paris du 13 Novembre 2015 : ISIS est une création de la CIA pilotée par le Mossad - Agoravox TV:

'via Blog this' La solution Économique est simple une nouvelle monnaies de réserve global, ‘BREN 25% argent) indépendant du $, puis un rapprochement total avec la Russie fin du NATO-OTAN. La Russie ce l’Arabie saoudite du nord, ce le pétrole, le gaz le minéraux. Cette union formera finalement l’Europe unie comme continent occidental. Washington AIPAC Israël ce la même chose. Car ce le complexe militaire industriel, économique, médiatique et financier. : NATO-OTAN qui opprime la France comme un gangster le fera à Chicago. (OTAN NATO) holocauste Shoah ce le moyen moral et idéologique de confondre le peuple manipuler la démocratie est forfaiture, les politiciens les religieux et autres sont soumis à cette mafia comme la BNP, Alsthom DCN avec la Russie. En conclusion les ennemies de la France sont actuellement Israël et Washington. Les alliés sont le peuple américain et les peuple juive, le peuple musulman. Faire comprendre cette paradoxe économique ce simple, la démocratie la sincérité la honnête. Un gouvernement sincère désenveloppe à son peuple les fait réel, et ce le peuple qui avec la démocratie réel ; changera et vaquera la mafia Israélite & Washington & FED. Donc ce chaos enfante par Israël et Washington peut être la tonalité pour le début d’une démocratie réelle par le peuple pour le peuple. 


UN's Investigation of Israel Should Go Beyond War Crimes to Genocide

Moscow Europe: OBAMA'S aim is war destruction from 1990 america washington is being killing europeans and fomenting and fermenting wars aim death, and all this for israel. therefore only way out exclude washington from the free world and you shall save yourself washington cannot be trusted get it they are sick, mentally ill just like HITLER, SICK unbalance, they need a psychologist in washington. doctors for the mind. save Europe ban washington from all worlds affair and israel the two worlds criminals against  humanity. as FACT  FACTS FACTS ...

"Obama's Narcissism = END of HUMANITY. Get him out" says Larouche.

Moscow Europe: OBAMA'S aim is war destruction from 1990 america washington is being killing europeans and fomenting and fermenting wars aim death, and all this for israel. therefore only way out exclude washington from the free world and you shall save yourself washington cannot be trusted get it they are sick, mentally ill just like HITLER, SICK unbalance, they need a psychologist in washington. doctors for the mind. save Europe ban washington from all worlds affair and israel the two worlds criminals against  humanity. as FACT  FACTS FACTS ...

Bertrand Russell's Message to the Future

Moscow Europe: OBAMA'S aim is war destruction from 1990 america washington is being killing europeans and fomenting and fermenting wars aim death, and all this for israel. therefore only way out exclude washington from the free world and you shall save yourself washington cannot be trusted get it they are sick, mentally ill just like HITLER, SICK unbalance, they need a psychologist in washington. doctors for the mind. save Europe ban washington from all worlds affair and israel the two worlds criminals against the humanity. as FACT  FACTS FACTS ...

Friday, November 20, 2015

Vladimir Putin Laughs At Obama At G20 Summit! Calls Him A Child

Dominique de Villepin : "N'oublions pas que l'Etat islamique, nous l'avo...

the real problem is israel 1967 borders, and is the only way out. as 1967 borders is Israeli war & Vietnam both wars coordinated executed for one aim, expansion of israel. Charles de Gaulle disagreed with this war's and demanded a return to the 1967 borders. today 51 years ago, is the solution as Russia & washington can agreed on the issue and used this 51 years ago wish of De Gaulle as basis for the event, in fact De Gaulle is the alibi of the problem, just doing what he said 51 years ago, hinders none and benefits all.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

La guerre de Sarkozy et de BHL contre Kadhafi

WAUQUIEZ  la guerre civile en europe avec son double langage , Attention le plan Sarko BHL pour engendre les réfugiés, les assimiles a les terroriste impliquer Israël et l'antisémitisme et métrée l'europe en guerre civile généralisé  puis le plan déstabilisation psychologique via les médias sioniste en france & europe, objective la destruction des peuples par la haine et l'ignorance.  car une foi l'orgueil enflammé reproduit en conséquence le nationalisme aveugle.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Rare Video: Nelson Mandela Speaking on Palestine [Extracts]

la barbarie a commencé en ISRAEL: message to president hollade et Jhon Kerry: fin de les hypocrite, de la part des morts . the problem with anonymous is the final effect, as the real cause of all this is untouched by anonymous, or they do not know the real cause the real master of destruction, , or they are in bed with them, making them the most powerful sleeping spy's on the planet. to end all hate 1967 borders for israel: that is the cause. the fact the concrete.

History of the Israeli Palestinian Conflict

message to president hollade et Jhon Kerry: fin de les hypocrite, de la part des morts . the problem with anonymous is the final effect, as the real cause of all this is untouched by anonymous, or they do not know the real cause the real master of destruction, , or they are in bed with them, making them the most powerful sleeping spy's on the planet. to end all hate 1967 borders for israel: that is the cause. the fact the concrete.

Monday, November 02, 2015

Déchéance de la nationalité française pour BHL

Libye, Syrie, Ukraine : le Waterloo de la diplomatie française

Libye, Syrie, Ukraine : le Waterloo de la diplomatie française:

La réalité variable

La réalité du changement elle n’est jamais indue, uniquement il faut la percevoir correctement, la réalité est la nature. La nature elle-même corrige les erreurs est les réarrange correctement. Par exemple La république est « Syrie, Libye Ukraine » vrais chaos généralisé prévisible, donc absence important du être, plus une soumission qu’une souveraineté. Nonobstant à cause de cette absence d’être révélé a la Russie la décision de défendre l’Europe de son inversion et soumission dangereuse car elle-même est dans l’Europe sa défense nationale c’est la défense de l’Europe. Indirectement l’absence amène l’être à l’entité. Versailles lieu idéal pour toute conférence mondial de paix métropole d’art également les peintures du château et ces peintres comme son histoire. Dans le concret comprendre la fausse route c’est un avantage.  prolongé (Syrie, Libye Ukraine) sur la même chaussée amènerai au désastre.

'via Blog this'

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How Queen Elizabeth is a Zionist & Rule the World !!

USA : Biden propose son aide au Guatemala contre la corruption

USA : Biden propose son aide au Guatemala contre la corruption:

'via Blog this' DANGER WHEN:  washington proposes help is chaos This AIPAC nation created israel the pits of destruction the hellish land made in the usa so beware. stay away from washington keep your distance if you hope to be safe sane and civilize. stay away is Cancer or even worse! message from your doctor KEEP away from this distortion of humanity call washington AIPAC. 

Saturday, October 24, 2015

» Silicon Valley Experts: Use Pop Ups to “Shame” People Who Make Offensive Posts Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Silicon Valley Experts: Use Pop Ups to “Shame” People Who Make Offensive Posts Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

'via Blog this'The clash of civilization is between Europe and America, however not
with the American people but the
leaders of the nation, the ruling elites if you like your new king in America, (
animal farm on doublespeak realm). The enemy between the 99% can do nothing,
however Europeans can.  NATO -OTAN Europeans are held by Washington, which
is the 1%, that is oppressing you the 99% AMERICANS CAN DO something for 1776 is just Swiss cross, as Europe is as well on
a 1789 realm against the NATO -OTAN manacled.  The clash then is European mind against the 1%
in America 1776 and American minds against the European 1 % versus the 99%. Historical
is not Louis the XIV, but rather 1913. Moreover, the two wars up to now in the Middle

Friday, October 23, 2015

Zoom : Entretien choc avec Philippe de Villiers. (22-10-2015) - YouTube

Zoom : Entretien choc avec Philippe de Villiers. (22-10-2015) - YouTube:

'via Blog this'

le clan AIPAC est la cause de le chaos français, le mur porteur ce l'histoire, 1066,  nonobstant le monde ISRAËL- AIPAC a créé une ferme des animaux avec une systeme de double langage inspire de Orwell 1984 "globale". a comme tache de effacer l'histoire et la réécrire  par Wikipedia a leur service Mossad. AIPAC ce wall Street, le dollar comme reserve global, pétrodollars;  Hollywood le systeme militaire, medias officielle et des radios encombrants. nonobstant AIPAC washington sont dans une déclin accelere, donc;: ce 1789 inverse, cette fois si ce l'amerique (1776)  qui libérerais  l'europe du fascisme AIPAC, pour ce libérer elle même,  israel cet une affaire, une CAC 40:  pas vraiment une nation et les israéliens, comme les palestiniens et les europeans  sont de victime de cette monde de double langage.  les faux juifs de AIPAC utilise le holocauste comme le Shoah pour bien tenir leur troupes  juifs les quelles en réalité sont des victime de cette réalité orwellienne,  exactement comme des victimes palestiniens, syriennes,irakiennes etc, ou autres considéré des terroriste intellectuelles journaliste. donc, cet a l'amérique de ce libérer de AIPAC et cet l'amérique de comprendre que leur liberte leur démocratie existera le jour ou eux libéré l'europe de AIPAC, NATO-OTAN et le $ comme monnayé de reserve global. Cet au peuple de juger Sarkozy, BHL et autres criminelles de l’humanité car le jour de jugement ce le jour ou le peuple ne plus aveugle mais averti.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Joel Skousen -- The Alex Jones Show October 20 2015 | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Joel Skousen -- The Alex Jones Show October 20 2015 | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:

'via Blog this'

alex use your logic  Joel understand some thing not russia neither IRAN, lookup 1917, lookup 1913, lookup ww1 - 2. banks. now lookup british royalty, hitler, and you got the plot. remember the HAYES netherlands  peace treaty by the tzar. russia is not soviet bolshevik russia is returning to 1917, and that is what london fears, the rebirth of the Tzar, as that will put the brits royalty naked as the emperor without clothes. however brits are expert in colonization as well manipulative thinking.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Michel Collon : « Que pouvons-nous faire face à Israël ? »

forget israel 7 billion, not millions billions;  people worldwide do not agreed with israel that makes lots of folks that dislike israel, germany and europe is closer to a new holocaust, so get ready a global crystal night not just a local a GLOBAL crystal night could follow as the world indeed dislike israel and AIPAC so beware.!!!!!! reflect !  the world DOES NOT AGREED WITH ISRAEL is a fact ..!!!!!

The Rothschild Conspiracy Explained in 15 Minutes | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

The Rothschild Conspiracy Explained in 15 Minutes | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:

'via Blog this'

can you give that much credit to the CIA, robert,  america has gone irrecuperable:  in fact reason is gone bunkers, OBAMA AIPAC is as lost as a chicken without a head, not mentioning israel the falling empire of wall street, things are 100X worse than what you can imagine; america is an animal farm the 99% are the lower animals the 1% are the pigs, however the pigs the 1% use a doublespeak mental control methods, and have dogs that bite called police! so the result is poor animal the 99% get killed like flies, from chicago to afghanistan, end NATO save america and liberate america from AIPAC your boss since 1913, that has giving you 2 wars and now is up to destroy america and western civilization, so have your choice.

Pourquoi France Télévisions a déprogrammé Marine Le Pen du 12/13 dimanche

Pourquoi France Télévisions a déprogrammé Marine Le Pen du 12/13 dimanche:

'via Blog this'

can you give that much credit to the CIA, robert,  america has gone irrecuperable:  in fact reason is gone bunkers, OBAMA AIPAC is as lost as a chicken without a head, not mentioning israel the falling empire of wall street, things are 100X worse than what you can imagine; america is an animal farm the 99% are the lower animals the 1% are the pigs, however the pigs the 1% use a doublespeak mental control methods, and have dogs that bite called police! so the result is poor animal the 99% get killed like flies, from chicago to afghanistan, end NATO save america and liberate america from AIPAC your boss since 1913, that has giving you 2 wars and now is up to destroy america and western civilization, so have your choice. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Israel is the Real Terrorist State

1967 borders BIBI be carefull as if you think think HITLER was a bad boy, you have not tasted LONGSHANKS version 2015. beware !!!! "serious warning" same for the saudi kingdom.!!!! you israel are in for a big surprise. beware...  as israel could quite easily become a LAKE..!!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

OTAN : Comment Sarkozy trahit de Gaulle

LA vérité et les mensonges: Washington ce ne pas l'occident cet une branche de l'occident qui est devenue psychopathe, meurtrier barbare.!! Le CHOC des civilisations ce l’Europe civilisation de la connaissance et la civilisation américaine AIPAC civilisation de la destruction et la mort, la barbarie, le crime, l’hypocrisie. l’ennemie ce Washington et non islam. depuis 1913 que de guerres de AIPAC lobby juive et la destruction de l’Europe le ennemie de l’Europe, de l’islam, et la paix ce Washington la civilisation de la barbarie. Et c’est une fait regarde les invasions de la mort depuis 1945, puis avant 1913. Pour quelle raison les dirigeants européens sont du cote de la barbarie ? 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Jeff Rense Show 01. 16. 2015 The Hidden Adolf Hitler

the american nation is big sufficient space, just distribution is corrupted by the media, move wall street to beaumont texas. the real natives are NOT throwing NOT expulsing anyone out, as there is lots of space, just learn from each others the technological way. 

David Duke dénonce le génocide des Français

SARKOZY  " BHL" exposed to us freedom fighters !!! beware BHL america wants you !!! beware BHL america wants you and then it will be too late !!!!!!!!!!

David Duke dénonce le génocide des Français

SARKOZY  " BHL" exposed to us freedom fighters !!! beware BHL america wants you !!! beware BHL america wants you and then it will be too late !!!!!!!!!!

BHL à l’IHEDN: l’Institut tente d’éviter la polémique | La-Nouvelle-Gazette-Française

BHL à l’IHEDN: l’Institut tente d’éviter la polémique | La-Nouvelle-Gazette-Française

la fin de israel approche avec les conseiller AIPAC les chances sont maigre pour israel, ironie de l'histoire comme israel ce détruit lui  même.
 et   ces conseilles des guerres humanitaires attend  de l’Europe le même resultat de Bretagne a les réfugies en Allemagne. . comme l’Ukraine la syrie, le Kosovo, la libye, et éventuelle fin de la republique.. en fin!  retour a 1789 proprement.!! 

Monday, October 12, 2015

PressTV-Israel behind JFK hit: American scholar

PressTV-Israel behind JFK hit: American scholar

warning to OBAMA MOSSAD @ work..!!!

Obama says he was ‘skeptical’ of Syria rebel boondoggle from the start — RT USA

Obama says he was ‘skeptical’ of Syria rebel boondoggle from the start — RT USA

BHL, persona non grata en USA libre: Obama says he was ‘skeptical’ of Syria rebel boondoggle from the start, "does he wonder about BHL, and will he follow PUTIN in banning BHL from american soil ???  TO SAVE LIVES !!! 

Le Sionisme organisateur des attentats du 11 sept 2001avec la CIA

israel preparing itself to a communal suicide lemmings way. we all shall disappear looks is the AIM.. as facts show. however the jewish psychological conundrum can be solved, "in europe and israel"  with some insight and the cooperation of main media, if they do cooperate properly. and the stop of doublespeak.  however not for free, there is A fee. to make it work: it takes at least 6 months but you can see results on a few weeks. send news if you are interested. it is not a machine is a process, "think of an indian dish with it's many spices, and sauce. here is the same a cognitive combination of elements working in cognition will do the task.

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

OTAN : Comment Sarkozy trahit de Gaulle

dire la verite sur sarkozy cet un devoir républicain, alors NADINE MORANO COURAGE vous n'avez pas besoin de les républicains, dire la réalité la verite sur Sarkozy "pour la france"

Thursday, October 01, 2015

‪Syrian rebel commander eating the heart and liver of a dead enemy Syrian soldier - YouTube

‪Syrian rebel commander eating the heart and liver of a dead enemy Syrian soldier - YouTube

well facebook world at last, took a while, soon facebook UN, or Bank, well.! the problem is intelligence and not race or religion, intelligence somehow took a walk and left for a long rest, today the slogan is we are all ignorant we are all equal. therefore we all are free.! Bren 25% silver! new world reserve currency ! for dialogue rather than war. 
 a choice: Edward the I (Longshanks) or Montford.  

Sheikh Imran Hosein: Israel and Zionists Destroying America by War again...

Monday, September 28, 2015

Putin: All countries should respect Ukraine’s sovereignty — RT News

Putin: All countries should respect Ukraine’s sovereignty — RT News:

forget charlie rose he is somewhat on the side of ignorance, as well remember "NEVER NEVER trust anyone in the american military government diplomatic or even ecological branch" they lie not even time can be ask of an american official they will lie, is on their genes since 1492, so do understand reality this washington think tanks the best thing they can do is distant themselves from world affairs in fact america needs someone that can leads them into reason, today is an upsidedown "nation if anyone call this mess a nation" so be carefull with the barbarians psychopaths, "AIPAC" somehow rules the nation surprising and probably expected that the so call nation will collapse probably in less than 24 months, so be aware. Noah chomsky never believed it would happen well is on process of happening NOW! !!!!

'via Blog this'

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Amérique: Le lobby pro israelien (Documentaire)

Amérique Washington ce ISIS, donc être avec Washington, Israël: ce être avec le terrorisme  de Washington ce etre avec ISIS DAESH, ce tuer le people français, comme détruire l'europe. donc l’ennemie ce Washington, par défaut.

L'Oligarchie et le Sionisme - Israel [DOCUMENTAIRE COMPLET ENTIER] - YouTube

L'Oligarchie et le Sionisme - Israel [DOCUMENTAIRE COMPLET ENTIER] - YouTube

Amérique Washington ce ISIS, donc être avec Washington, Israël: ce être avec le terrorisme  de Washington ce etre avec ISIS DAESH, ce tuer le people français, comme détruire l'europe. donc l’ennemie ce Washington, par défaut.

L'Oligarchie et le Sionisme - Israel [DOCUMENTAIRE COMPLET ENTIER] - YouTube

L'Oligarchie et le Sionisme - Israel [DOCUMENTAIRE COMPLET ENTIER] - YouTube

Amérique Washington ce ISIS, donc être avec Washington, Israël: ce être avec le terrorisme  de Washington ce etre avec ISIS DAESH, ce tuer le people français, comme détruire l'europe. donc l’ennemie ce Washington, par défaut.

Hommage National aux Soldats Français morts en Afghanistan

Amérique Washington ce ISIS, donc être avec Washington, Israël: ce être avec le terrorisme  de Washington ce etre avec ISIS DAESH, ce tuer le people français, comme détruire l'europe. donc l’ennemie ce Washington, par défaut.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation sues Petrobras - Sep. 25, 2015

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation sues Petrobras - Sep. 25, 2015:

'via Blog this'forget wall street, nationalise petrobras, and give bill something , not much. he will get the drift. money is just the petrol, not the wall street shares. 

Roger Waters UN Address - Nov 29, 2012 - YouTube

Roger Waters UN Address - Nov 29, 2012 - YouTube:

'via Blog this'

Monday, September 07, 2015

France - France should not be afraid of welcoming Syrian refugees - France 24

France - France should not be afraid of welcoming Syrian refugees - France 24

will the EURO-IDIOTS evolve or this is it "the end"    as now the euro-citizens are getting closer and closer to blindness. and when the fools lead the blind  the result is often worse than the expected past.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Who Owns America ?

Brother Nathanael Kapner: Jewish Lobby Crushes Chuck Hagel [in HD]

A Jewish community leader in the UK has warned that western governments will ‘pay a heavy price for appeasing Iran’ a month after six world powers signed a historic nuclear agreement with Tehran.
Board of Deputies of British Jews President Jonathan Arkush also urged the UK government to “keep up the pressure on Iran” over its support for terrorist groups and human rights abuses following the re-opening of the British Embassy in Tehran on Sunday.
His comments were echoed by former secretary of state for communities and local government Eric Pickles, who warned that Iran must stop threatening Israel.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Doors of Perception

Christine Lagarde estime que"le gros de la crise est derrière nous"- 21 août 2007 - L'Obs

Christine Lagarde estime que"le gros de la crise est derrière nous"- 21 août 2007 - L'Obs

why the FMI is a joke, and will remain a joke, as by now some understand that economist financiers, and wall street wizards are totally blind and follow the fools: !!! as well politicians do not understand reality but they do experience the consequences, so we shall fix the problem automatically this time around! end of petrodollars, once that done the price of petrol must go up, as it goes up, consumers will become ecologically sain.  in order to keep an ecological economy and stop polluting the planet. reason why the dollar as reserve currency must go if the planet hopes to reach 2020 ecologically. the adjustment happens automatically so is all already programed. otherwise is over.

Shemitah : The Dow Jones falls 888 points in two days while Global Markets Melt (Aug 23, 2015) | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Shemitah : The Dow Jones falls 888 points in two days while Global Markets Melt (Aug 23, 2015) | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

end of dollar unavoidable europe is in russia as russia is in europe. (AIPAC propaganda ramses II style)  the problem is NATO, which soon will be history, and for the dollar as reserve currency: markets is just a london wall street problem exclusively, reason why as logic goes the dollar as reserve currency is gone. end of the 1920ths party. china is stable as it is volatile, the dollar as reserve currency is not. logically the best option for america is as well end the dollar as reserve currency.  war with russia is a NO NO for europe.

Monday, August 24, 2015


Edward I is visiting the city, "financial center" the problem is the western system! china has no problem wall street does.!!! and we all know how that ended.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

AL CAPONE AND THE CHICAGO MOB - (Documentary) History/Mafia

CAN Animal Waves part 1

Jah Wobble & The Chinese Dub Orchestra - Space/ L1 Dub/ L1/ Solitude

182, is
just a number: a $-£ global reserve currency collapse, leaves those billions
into a nonsense. A new global reserve currency resets the machine and global
just distribution becomes possible and the birth of democracy starts once
again. In Greece. As it is good for everyone to much money in the wrong hands,
too little on the wise man. A limit can, be verbalized by the new global
reserve currency CAN. Moving Wall Street to Beaumont Texas is a way.

CZUKAY WOBBLE LIEBEZEIT mystery (r.p.s. n°8) 1982

Jeff Rense & Gerald Celente - The 2015 Financial Collapse

Monday, August 03, 2015

Hitler's Warriors - Rommel The Hero

what is the us doing there in asia china another vietnam, amongst asian population, or the last defeat and the collapse of the new world of 1492. militarily is crazy is an inverted pearl harbour, just like iraq, and afghanistan. something's aliens might wonder what is on the minds of the norad or other devices by the generals and admirals of the nation. they go deeper and deeper into failure this american world of wars. where is Rommel ?

Russian War Plans to Nuke America | Politics

Russian War Plans to Nuke America | Politics

who would want war. us army it has being at war since 1990 against iraq, them 2001, and now closer to russian borders. indeed is a survival from both sides. russia is in europe, what is missing is russia for the european union to BE, and the end of NATO the "AIPAC force" finnish swedes norwegians russians ukrainians are mostly the same. remember clovis! the problem is hypnosia in other words blindness on the mind. visual perception has become an image while reality is a context. AIPAC civilization if you like from 1913 officially FED and in reality  from 1776. looks you call them illuminated, they were, as most citizens lack the possibility of reading or writing, in 1776, they did the illuminated. from 1913 to 1914 "war" 1917 "russian tzar assassinated. 1918 1927 the good old days after the war "for america" 1939 1945 another war, 1970 a hick up, 1989, and 1990 the beginning of the second war like 1939, this time probably the paperclip boy's. time to change the AIPAC civilization "call the roman empire, or the AIPAC empire: of the 20 century, we are on the 21 century, unfortunately.  what america needs is a psychological revolution! and understand geography, history and 1492 the proper way. not the AIPAC way. 

Saturday, August 01, 2015

François Morin: l'oligopole bancaire, une « hydre mondiale »

French far-right leader slams BDS to woo Israel lobby | The Electronic Intifada

French far-right leader slams BDS to woo Israel lobby | The Electronic Intifada

» Here’s What’s Happening Between the U.S. and Russia Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Here’s What’s Happening Between the U.S. and Russia Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

AIPAC civilization for you or as most call it the american dream. which is wars since 1913 misery death, ignorance brainwashing stupidity illiteracy coercion rape disasters  somehow the path to the end of humanity. that is what the AIPAC civilization is (made in the usa ) and doing its best to imposed worldwide, no wonder the clash of civilisation is AIPAC which is washington and western civilization which is the rest of the planet. the upside down planet . by the AIPAC civilization worldwide propaganda. AIPAC in america is main media hollywood IMF world bank, wall street. this "american dream which in reality is a nightmare is AIPAC civilization. americans after being brainwashed become soldiers of this AIPAC civilization, you lot call it patriotism the honest nation, the american freedom etc. but is just a top gun mission impossible brainwashing to 99% of the nation's citizens "alternative media worldwide shows the real face of the AIPAC civilization which is nothing more than the imposition of the american way which is not american but AIPAC's way.

» Russia Shoots Down US Stealth Coup Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Russia Shoots Down US Stealth Coup Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

AIPAC civilization for you or as most call it the american dream. which is wars since 1913 misery death, ignorance brainwashing stupidity illiteracy coercion rape disasters  somehow the path to the end of humanity. that is what the AIPAC civilization is (made in the usa ) and doing its best to imposed worldwide, no wonder the clash of civilisation is AIPAC which is washington and western civilization which is the rest of the planet. the upside down planet . by the AIPAC civilization worldwide propaganda. AIPAC in america is main media hollywood IMF world bank, wall street. this "american dream which in reality is a nightmare is AIPAC civilization. americans after being brainwashed become soldiers of this AIPAC civilization, you lot call it patriotism the honest nation, the american freedom etc. but is just a top gun mission impossible brainwashing to 99% of the nation's citizens "alternative media worldwide shows the real face of the AIPAC civilization which is nothing more than the imposition of the american way which is not american but AIPAC's way.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Is The USA Starting World War 3?

July Fourth message not the first from Russian bombers - CNNPolitics.com

July Fourth message not the first from Russian bombers - CNNPolitics.com

cognitive dissonance  on the AIPAC civilization: which leads to irrationality  between the collapse of the dollar as reserve currency petrodollars and a possible civil unrest, blend with earthquakes is the biggest problem for america, as illogical decision will plunge the AIPAC civilization that is already existing on a upside-down realm in uncontrollable inconsistencies. this chaos created by AIPAC to impose his 1913 dogma worldwide in the 21 century is backfiring rapidly..

Monday, July 27, 2015

PressTV - Debate: Anti-Iran rhetoric

PressTV - Debate: Anti-Iran rhetoric

that is what the world gets and americans as well when the AIPAC civilization runs, AMERICA, today, in the past was different  !!!  it was somehow simple as by 1776 the % of americans that knew how to read and write was 9% in 1789 the percentage was 15% of frenchmen that knew how to read and write, so imagine a revolution that has 99.9 % of revolutionaries who had no knowledge of writing or reading, so now you can conclude why AIPAC took over america in 1776, "some call them illuminati's, but they are; they knew how to read and write most folks were illiterate so is simple, on the land of the blind america 1776, a one eye man is king. this AIPAC civilization is being doing it's best in europe since 1789, they got napoleon to destroy france and them hopefully transform europe into an AIPAC civilization. from 1913 FED to 1914-1917-1927+ 1939, vietnam and today wars in the middle east and again russia. which AIPAC considers it is located next to australia, "russia is in europe" they have succeeded now in america were 99.9% of americans exist on a AIPAC nightmare, "it is call THE american dream for those that are sleep" they were promised a dream. but it is a nightmare as fact. and brainwashing is not complicated for AIPAC you lot are the result.

Mind the Matrix FULL FILM

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Catherine Austin Fitts-Major Turning Point Comes This Fall

The control
of the money, the actuality indicates an uprising between the controllers of
"money" and those, which are; controlled by the “money”. Elites are
those above, not of the current quantity or eventually current rulers, in other
words is a get together of the many. What looks is the elites do not intervene
for the moment. However, the world managers have created the current realm.
There are noble elites and monetary elites, which are the current world
managers. Capitalism is between world managers and the people, not the elites.
They look at the situation and understand it however, is a sort of false
problem, created by greed for money; as elite’s does not get involved in speculation
greed or monetary dishonesties, elite is mostly the present on an eternal past
that is the future. 
Greg the Israeli
issue, is complex, however global zero begins in Israel.  The dollar as reserve currency is
inappropriate for the present, it serves as a war's generator; the consequences
of the future is 1939. However, a domestic dollar separate from the global
reserve currency is the path to a globalized fact.

Petrol goes
up after the global arrangement.   The
balance is done; on a civilized form.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Hamza Yusuf. Poem On Rachel Corrie

well AIPAC:: how to kill childrens in GAZA : ASK AIPAC

2 Mars 2014, BHL, Kiev, deuxième adresse au Maidan - YouTube

2 Mars 2014, BHL, Kiev, deuxième adresse au Maidan - YouTube

can you tell the difference BHL rhetoric  "2014" vs dominique de villepin diplomatic speech, "2003" the difference in time and space. and the end result..!! "youtube videos" note time is relative & infinite. 

Discours de Villepin à l'ONU contre la guerre en Irak - YouTube

Discours de Villepin à l'ONU contre la guerre en Irak - YouTube

can you tell the difference BHL rhetoric  "2014" vs dominique de villepin diplomatic speech, "2003" the difference in time and space. and the end result..!! "youtube videos" note time is relative & infinite.