how we can evolve into a fourth dimensional realm. history plasticity realism, as a memory fact. a realm that continues to be hiding to most folks, will open the door to a unified mind, body and self of the individual entities of our world..
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Aldous Huxley - The Ultimate Revolution (1962)
Gerald Celente : OBAMA is a Hugo chavez clone, as Trump and MACRON /: He is the following of the same realm, a men from nowhere and his own party. no longer the traditional democrats & republicans and in france socialist and rpr LR. democracy does indeed exist for the majority. however that precise majority is not evolving is in fact going backwards and that is why democracy no longer works. the hand from the sky will not intervene, neither for democracy neither for a domestic crime. huxley wrote the ultimate revolution have a pick you might grasp the real meaning of the message. as mcluhan says the medium is the message. ...!!!
Aldous Huxley - The Ultimate Revolution (1962)
Gerald Celente : OBAMA is a Hugo chavez clone, as Trump and MACRON /: He is the following of the same realm, a men from nowhere and his own party. no longer the traditional democrats & republicans and in france socialist and rpr LR. democracy does indeed exist for the majority. however that precise majority is not evolving is in fact going backwards and that is why democracy no longer works. the hand from the sky will not intervene, neither for democracy neither for a domestic crime. huxley wrote the ultimate revolution have a pick you might grasp the real meaning of the message. as mcluhan says the medium is the message. ...!!!
Making Sense of the Middle East - James Corbett on Declare Your Independ...
if you have a look at agatha christie plots you will understand the saudi plot, it is no different than when a family kills his own siblings, a daughter can very easily kill her own mother to survive her psychopathic realm, her father can agreed and even her sister and friends. it all looks natural however it was a determined and well planned murder. and that is a family affair, which is no different than the petrodollars affair. ...!!
Friday, November 24, 2017
The Day John Lennon Died (full documentary)
The upsidedown world revealed// cancer the common illness, many die from it however in relation to time & space, many musicians are mysteriously dying, and lot's of honest nice people as well, as if the thinking is been eliminated. a declared war to reason & intelligence the innocent is now the victim the guilty one has become the innocent one. the upsidedown world revealed.
The Day John Lennon Died (full documentary)
The upsidedown world revealed// cancer the common illness, many die from it however in relation to time & space, many musicians are mysteriously dying, and lot's of honest nice people as well, as if the thinking is been eliminated. a declared war to reason & intelligence the innocent is now the victim the guilty one has become the innocent one. the upsidedown world revealed.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Avoid this COMMON MISTAKE | Acrylic Painting
Acrylic painting molecules.
To begin the story, we shall have a pot of artistic acrylic paint, inside a glass jar, any commercial brand will do, the paint is black. Weeks later I happen to open the pot and I noticed a white foam all around the cover of the pot of paint. Somehow, looked like a silicon fungus that grew up from the painting molecules. However, all white like a glowing sponge, glowing as the contrast appear as I removed with a pen knife. I just plastered on another canvas, however it was somehow even human like, or better say sensually human, sensitive, alive. As the spirit of a being, or a being manifestation itself. As we can talk to the dead but also someone from somewhere above can also communicate with us. A dead spirit can as well be an alien spirit. Not the kind you read on the bible but rather someone from another solar system for instance. We believe we communicate with the dead, for them is somehow similar, the difference is they are not dead, they are from another solar system. You see it is on the paintings of various artist that these realities from another solar system communicate with humans. These entities from far away have chosen art as visual art, to communicate. simply because is neutral and their means of communicating will not be parasite by human interference.
Our good friend Hieronymus Bosch is a good example of this communications from far away, his work shows more a vision from another solar system than our own. Even today they claim he was in contact with other beings. In fact, makes perfect sense. As the artwork of heteronymous Bosh is timeless. In other words, it looks earthlings are not listening, as if human devices do not capture these entities from another solar system. Their logic, they the visitors is not quite an F35 way of traveling if you like. To achieve light speed on human terms demands a very fast vehicle, that we do not have, but they do. Therefore, that is the logic of these entities from another solar system, they reason using paintings as ways of saying hi to humans. As any other means they will not comprehend. Bosch task was just to transmit the message. And the message remains as a good forecast.
To follow‼!
Worst Mistake Acrylic Painters Make
Acrylic painting molecules.
To begin the story, we shall have a pot of artistic acrylic paint, inside a glass jar, any commercial brand will do, the paint is black. Weeks later I happen to open the pot and I noticed a white foam all around the cover of the pot of paint. Somehow, looked like a silicon fungus that grew up from the painting molecules. However, all white like a glowing sponge, glowing as the contrast appear as I removed with a pen knife. I just plastered on another canvas, however it was somehow even human like, or better say sensually human, sensitive, alive. As the spirit of a being, or a being manifestation itself. As we can talk to the dead but also someone from somewhere above can also communicate with us. A dead spirit can as well be an alien spirit. Not the kind you read on the bible but rather someone from another solar system for instance. We believe we communicate with the dead, for them is somehow similar, the difference is they are not dead, they are from another solar system. You see it is on the paintings of various artist that these realities from another solar system communicate with humans. These entities from far away have chosen art as visual art, to communicate. simply because is neutral and their means of communicating will not be parasite by human interference.
Our good friend Hieronymus Bosch is a good example of this communications from far away, his work shows more a vision from another solar system than our own. Even today they claim he was in contact with other beings. In fact, makes perfect sense. As the artwork of heteronymous Bosh is timeless. In other words, it looks earthlings are not listening, as if human devices do not capture these entities from another solar system. Their logic, they the visitors is not quite an F35 way of traveling if you like. To achieve light speed on human terms demands a very fast vehicle, that we do not have, but they do. Therefore, that is the logic of these entities from another solar system, they reason using paintings as ways of saying hi to humans. As any other means they will not comprehend. Bosch task was just to transmit the message. And the message remains as a good forecast.
To follow‼!
Acrylic painting molecules.
To begin the story, we shall have a pot of artistic acrylic paint, inside a glass jar, any commercial brand will do, the paint is black. Weeks later I happen to open the pot and I noticed a white foam all around the cover of the pot of paint. Somehow, looked like a silicon fungus that grew up from the painting molecules. However, all white like a glowing sponge, glowing as the contrast appear as I removed with a pen knife. I just plastered on another canvas, however it was somehow even human like, or better say sensually human, sensitive, alive. As the spirit of a being, or a being manifestation itself. As we can talk to the dead but also someone from somewhere above can also communicate with us. A dead spirit can as well be an alien spirit. Not the kind you read on the bible but rather someone from another solar system for instance. We believe we communicate with the dead, for them is somehow similar, the difference is they are not dead, they are from another solar system. You see it is on the paintings of various artist that these realities from another solar system communicate with humans. These entities from far away have chosen art as visual art, to communicate. simply because is neutral and their means of communicating will not be parasite by human interference.
Our good friend Hieronymus Bosch is a good example of this communications from far away, his work shows more a vision from another solar system than our own. Even today they claim he was in contact with other beings. In fact, makes perfect sense. As the artwork of heteronymous Bosh is timeless. In other words, it looks earthlings are not listening, as if human devices do not capture these entities from another solar system. Their logic, they the visitors is not quite an F35 way of traveling if you like. To achieve light speed on human terms demands a very fast vehicle, that we do not have, but they do. Therefore, that is the logic of these entities from another solar system, they reason using paintings as ways of saying hi to humans. As any other means they will not comprehend. Bosch task was just to transmit the message. And the message remains as a good forecast.
To follow‼!
Prince Charles becomes World Jewish Relief patron - The Jewish Chronicle
Prince Charles becomes World Jewish Relief patron - The Jewish Chronicle
Les premières mentions d'une communauté juive constituée sur les Îles Britanniques apparaissent en Angleterre en 1070 quand Guillaume le Conquérant considère que les compétences commerciales et les capitaux juifs pourraient rendre l'Angleterre plus prospère. est le progrès prendra son chemin harmonieusement est proprement !!!! L'espoir est tout jour Là............!!!!!!!!!
Les premières mentions d'une communauté juive constituée sur les Îles Britanniques apparaissent en Angleterre en 1070 quand Guillaume le Conquérant considère que les compétences commerciales et les capitaux juifs pourraient rendre l'Angleterre plus prospère. est le progrès prendra son chemin harmonieusement est proprement !!!! L'espoir est tout jour Là............!!!!!!!!!
Biggest Sting in History, Indictments Growing - with Liz Crokin
on the other hand raping childrens does not really make sense, unless is for some kind of abraham killing the lamb. however childrens should be with other children's of their same size, otherwise is confusing for them, size determines who you talk to. childrens recognize themselves as same size.
an adult can talk to them when he enters their world, however they remain on their own world.
Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert Dav...
Correct about
the commentaries enterprise it is a fact that the cleaning process of a computer
is mechanical, the algorithm does not know one picture from another, it follows
instructions. The question is that commentaries
reaches only those that comment and read the comments. There are other methods
of comments like DISCUS. What impact does the quantity of comments become facts?
How many read those comments, and how do the comments on that site multiply. The
reality makes central computers unreliable as any centralized crypto currency,
even documents can be invalid as electronic signatures. Therefore, the propaganda
reality has little validity as a fact the reality is practically on the distributed
velocity of the comments, and their meaning. In some ways a parallel world
emerges between the two sides. Sites do practice incoherence on what contend is
related to. And is quite possible it is the computers that manages the comments
that decides what is upright or corrupt. However, these events create a new
reality closer to Jesus than to computers which is the value of the word, in
other words the words of Jesus became facts. The same event takes place now on
what the commentators text and reality. In simple terms is no longer the
quantity of comments but who writes it. As that person will determine the reality
the facts and all the others will turn out to be wrong. A prophet is credited
with that gift. The text becomes the fact, on a computerized world. Same as
after Jesus Rome collapsed and Israel got wrecked. therefore, an
electromagnetic time & space Jesus rebirth, after 2000 years of absence. And
that opens the doors of the cosmos.
the commentaries enterprise it is a fact that the cleaning process of a computer
is mechanical, the algorithm does not know one picture from another, it follows
instructions. The question is that commentaries
reaches only those that comment and read the comments. There are other methods
of comments like DISCUS. What impact does the quantity of comments become facts?
How many read those comments, and how do the comments on that site multiply. The
reality makes central computers unreliable as any centralized crypto currency,
even documents can be invalid as electronic signatures. Therefore, the propaganda
reality has little validity as a fact the reality is practically on the distributed
velocity of the comments, and their meaning. In some ways a parallel world
emerges between the two sides. Sites do practice incoherence on what contend is
related to. And is quite possible it is the computers that manages the comments
that decides what is upright or corrupt. However, these events create a new
reality closer to Jesus than to computers which is the value of the word, in
other words the words of Jesus became facts. The same event takes place now on
what the commentators text and reality. In simple terms is no longer the
quantity of comments but who writes it. As that person will determine the reality
the facts and all the others will turn out to be wrong. A prophet is credited
with that gift. The text becomes the fact, on a computerized world. Same as
after Jesus Rome collapsed and Israel got wrecked. therefore, an
electromagnetic time & space Jesus rebirth, after 2000 years of absence. And
that opens the doors of the cosmos.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Saturday, November 18, 2017
De Gaulle sa vision du sionisme et du conflit Israel Palestine - 1967
LES DOCUMENTS DU SCAN - Retrouvez l'intégralité du discours de Dominique de Villepin, ministre des Affaires étrangères, devant le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU à New York le 14 février 2003, contre la guerre en Irak.
Monsieur le Président,
Monsieur le Secrétaire général,
Madame et Messieurs les Ministres,
Messieurs les Ambassadeurs,
Je remercie MM. Blix et El Baradei pour les indications qu'ils viennent de nous fournir sur la poursuite des inspections en Iraq. Je tiens à nouveau à leur exprimer la confiance et le plein soutien de la France dans leur mission.
Vous savez le prix que la France attache, depuis l'origine de la crise iraquienne, à l'unité du Conseil de Sécurité. Cette unité repose aujourd'hui sur deux éléments essentiels:
Nous poursuivons ensemble l'objectif d'un désarmement effectif de l'Iraq. Nous avons en ce domaine une obligation de résultat. Ne mettons pas en doute notre engagement commun en ce sens. Nous assumons collectivement cette lourde responsabilité qui ne doit laisser place ni aux arrière-pensées, ni aux procès d'intention. Soyons clairs: aucun d'entre nous n'éprouve la moindre complaisance à l'égard de Saddam Hussein et du régime iraquien.
En adoptant à l'unanimité la résolution 1441, nous avons collectivement marqué notre accord avec la démarche en deux temps proposée par la France : le choix du désarmement par la voie des inspections et, en cas d'échec de cette stratégie, l'examen par le Conseil de Sécurité de toutes les options, y compris celle du recours à la force. C'est bien dans ce scénario d'échec des inspections, et dans ce cas seulement, que pourrait se justifier une seconde résolution.
La question qui se pose aujourd'hui est simple: considérons-nous en conscience que le désarmement par les missions d'inspection est désormais une voie sans issue? Ou bien, estimons-nous que les possibilités en matière d'inspection offertes par la résolution 1441 n'ont pas encore été toutes explorées?
En réponse à cette question, la France a deux convictions:
la première, c'est que l'option des inspections n'a pas été conduite jusqu'à son termeet peut apporter une réponse efficace à l'impératif du désarmement de l'Iraq ; la deuxième, c'est qu'un usage de la force serait si lourd de conséquences pour les hommes, pour la région et pour la stabilité internationale qu'il ne saurait être envisagé qu'en dernière extrémité.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
The Unspeakable Subject of Hieronymus Bosch - Joseph Leo Koerner
The Qatar land of art
Paintings can fix the issue: =) to b or not to B. from H Bosch to Bremont.
Eventually imagination can bring peace, bring peace to the land, to the mind and the sea. This money investing associations that always promises a gain subjugates, you; the capital, to a system. A system of reasoning and qualifying. the system has enslaved them as it has enslaved you. They have become wars machines, amongst themselves as they eliminate each other’s, nowhere to be safe, as nowhere to hide, from drones, to electronic tapping’s GMO, and hurricanes! Freedom! from all those problems and freedom to your hart, your mind and your people.
As once the Art world becomes free, their rules will gain freedom from the system that is oppressing them & you which they fail to understand the illogical oppressive thoughts of evil derange minds. art as liberty to exist, as and art self, is the energy of the mind, the art becomes alive, and completes the triangle of reality, which are the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch; art to exhibit to exist on the kingdom of culture, as culture preserves the world. to be complete I propose the 3 items of my mind, 3 panels of the world. It must be a whole, not just parts of it to be complete. comprehensive.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Paris vu du ciel filmée par Sylvain Augier
Paris vu du ciel filmée par Sylvain Augier
‘Russian intelligence must save world from nuclear war,’ says Soviet double-agent George Blake
Published time: 11 Nov, 2017 20:45
Edited time: 11 Nov, 2017 22:15 the triangle of peace PARIS & MOSCOW & WASHINGTON, Paris been the center of the two equal.
‘Russian intelligence must save world from nuclear war,’ says Soviet double-agent George Blake
Published time: 11 Nov, 2017 20:45
Edited time: 11 Nov, 2017 22:15 the triangle of peace PARIS & MOSCOW & WASHINGTON, Paris been the center of the two equal.
Friday, November 10, 2017
Thursday, November 09, 2017
Doctor Strangelove - Doomsday Machine
The Donald’s pivot
Published time: 8 Nov, 2017 06:51, RT some reality for the deep deep deep state !
Wednesday, November 08, 2017
Tuesday, November 07, 2017
Monday, November 06, 2017
Days of Revolt: The Problem
There are
two types of humans, human’s animals, and animal’s humans. Animal humans are
mainly instinctive very little reasoning. Humans animals are mostly reasonable
and possess understanding of its instinctive capabilities.
two types of humans, human’s animals, and animal’s humans. Animal humans are
mainly instinctive very little reasoning. Humans animals are mostly reasonable
and possess understanding of its instinctive capabilities.
Saturday, November 04, 2017
Noam Chomsky (November 03, 2017) - On Trump's First 75 Days
President Trump you have an ISRAELI problem, which is dividing, america, europe and asia, this problem can only be solved by the triangle of peace. russia washington "you" and France "president Macron. you will have to ignore israel these anti semitism confusion. and bring russia to the table, forget the CIA, FBI, NSA, congress, CNN, FOX news and the senate, they are all on the israeli AIPAC, payroll, even these hollywood scandals are engendered by them. Bear in mind only you macron and putin, CAN FIX THE ISSUE!! EXTERNAL interference will bring a negative result, you are the front page men. put caret browsing your son in law to a rest hollyday same with BIBI and theresa May. is the only way for you and america to survive. have confidence many will help you if you follow the right path.
Monday, October 30, 2017
Marshall Mcluhan - Understanding Media
When the
American citizens exist by twitter and Facebook, what is the used of talking to
them? as having a twitter mind or a Facebook consciousness, politics, science,
philosophy, even technology, becomes irrelevant; as critical thinking no longer
exist. The purpose of technology was to
get the 99% to evolve, however what these Facebook twitter, global media shows
is quite the opposite “regression” the
end result is a modern middle ages, and these events do not benefit the current
new rich neither the industrial aristocrats as they do not have the wisdom and
knowledge that the elites had during the middle ages, and there is no way that
Zukerman or Bill gates or any other proletarian that has become bourgeoisie, to
pierce reality they remain temporary rulers, and always would be. That is the
reason of the one that controls the past controls the future and the one that
controls the future controls the present. why don't you stop using twitter for
one day globally, have all users worldwide to follow the one day without
twitter & Facebook "watch and you shall see the result" the
ultimate revolution !! forget social medias they are gone, it looks 1984
version Orwell’s 2017 is now the rule for the 99%, so what is the use of
anything, or you overpower them or you, obey. Trump in this respect is not
helping the issue. social media are the users have a facebook, no use for a day
and Facebook collapses. however
"HOW" ? ends and means !!!! if they do it to conserve energy you can
do it to preserve sanity !!!
American citizens exist by twitter and Facebook, what is the used of talking to
them? as having a twitter mind or a Facebook consciousness, politics, science,
philosophy, even technology, becomes irrelevant; as critical thinking no longer
exist. The purpose of technology was to
get the 99% to evolve, however what these Facebook twitter, global media shows
is quite the opposite “regression” the
end result is a modern middle ages, and these events do not benefit the current
new rich neither the industrial aristocrats as they do not have the wisdom and
knowledge that the elites had during the middle ages, and there is no way that
Zukerman or Bill gates or any other proletarian that has become bourgeoisie, to
pierce reality they remain temporary rulers, and always would be. That is the
reason of the one that controls the past controls the future and the one that
controls the future controls the present. why don't you stop using twitter for
one day globally, have all users worldwide to follow the one day without
twitter & Facebook "watch and you shall see the result" the
ultimate revolution !! forget social medias they are gone, it looks 1984
version Orwell’s 2017 is now the rule for the 99%, so what is the use of
anything, or you overpower them or you, obey. Trump in this respect is not
helping the issue. social media are the users have a facebook, no use for a day
and Facebook collapses. however
"HOW" ? ends and means !!!! if they do it to conserve energy you can
do it to preserve sanity !!!
Aldous Huxley - Knowledge and Understanding
When the American
citizens exist by twitter and Facebook, what is the used of talking to them? as
having a twitter mind or a Facebook consciousness, politics, science,
philosophy, even technology, becomes irrelevant; as critical thinking no longer
exist. The purpose of technology was to
get the 99% to evolve, however what these Facebook twitter, global media shows
is quite the opposite “regression” the
end result is a modern middle ages, and these events do not benefit the current
new rich neither the industrial aristocrats as they do not have the wisdom and knowledge
that the elites had during the middle ages, and there is no way that Zukerman or
Bill gates or any other proletarian that has become bourgeoisie, to pierce
reality they remain temporary rulers, and always would be. That is the reason
of the one that controls the past controls the future and the one that controls
the future controls the present. why don't you stop using twitter for one day
globally, have all users worldwide to follow the one day without twitter & Facebook
"watch and you shall see the result" the ultimate revolution !! forget
social medias they are gone, it looks 1984 version Orwell’s 2017 is now the
rule for the 99%, so what is the use of anything, or you overpower them or you,
obey. Trump in this respect is not helping the issue. social media are the
users have a facebook, no use for a day and Facebook collapses. however "HOW" ? ends and means !!!!
if they do it to conserve energy you can do it to preserve sanity !!!
citizens exist by twitter and Facebook, what is the used of talking to them? as
having a twitter mind or a Facebook consciousness, politics, science,
philosophy, even technology, becomes irrelevant; as critical thinking no longer
exist. The purpose of technology was to
get the 99% to evolve, however what these Facebook twitter, global media shows
is quite the opposite “regression” the
end result is a modern middle ages, and these events do not benefit the current
new rich neither the industrial aristocrats as they do not have the wisdom and knowledge
that the elites had during the middle ages, and there is no way that Zukerman or
Bill gates or any other proletarian that has become bourgeoisie, to pierce
reality they remain temporary rulers, and always would be. That is the reason
of the one that controls the past controls the future and the one that controls
the future controls the present. why don't you stop using twitter for one day
globally, have all users worldwide to follow the one day without twitter & Facebook
"watch and you shall see the result" the ultimate revolution !! forget
social medias they are gone, it looks 1984 version Orwell’s 2017 is now the
rule for the 99%, so what is the use of anything, or you overpower them or you,
obey. Trump in this respect is not helping the issue. social media are the
users have a facebook, no use for a day and Facebook collapses. however "HOW" ? ends and means !!!!
if they do it to conserve energy you can do it to preserve sanity !!!
CrossTalk Bullhorns: Dossier-Gate
When the American
citizens exist by twitter and Facebook, what is the used of talking to them? as
having a twitter mind or a Facebook consciousness, politics, science,
philosophy, even technology, becomes irrelevant; as critical thinking no longer
exist. The purpose of technology was to
get the 99% to evolve, however what these Facebook twitter, global media shows
is quite the opposite “regression” the
end result is a modern middle ages, and these events do not benefit the current
new rich neither the industrial aristocrats as they do not have the wisdom and knowledge
that the elites had during the middle ages, and there is no way that Zukerman or
Bill gates or any other proletarian that has become bourgeoisie, to pierce
reality they remain temporary rulers, and always would be. That is the reason
of the one that controls the past controls the future and the one that controls
the future controls the present.
citizens exist by twitter and Facebook, what is the used of talking to them? as
having a twitter mind or a Facebook consciousness, politics, science,
philosophy, even technology, becomes irrelevant; as critical thinking no longer
exist. The purpose of technology was to
get the 99% to evolve, however what these Facebook twitter, global media shows
is quite the opposite “regression” the
end result is a modern middle ages, and these events do not benefit the current
new rich neither the industrial aristocrats as they do not have the wisdom and knowledge
that the elites had during the middle ages, and there is no way that Zukerman or
Bill gates or any other proletarian that has become bourgeoisie, to pierce
reality they remain temporary rulers, and always would be. That is the reason
of the one that controls the past controls the future and the one that controls
the future controls the present.
Oil rules the world Documentary
o" A good way to understand how the proletarian becomes bourgeoisie however the good side is that since it is a temporary power it enhances creativity and technology. which was the end game since 1066.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
1984 George Orwells WARNING has come to life.
china is not usa junk nation, they have 2 billon folks ancient society, as well ancient customs philosophy and medicine, usa junK nation is a 1776 capitalist man mede. not quite the same try to understand china and you shall find what the usa is israel true is the algernon land for 1984.
Friday, October 27, 2017
(1:06:25) Israel HAS Killed Americans From The Crew Of The USS LIBERTY T...
who can believe the murder nation US of america, from "Hiroshima to las vegas" the UN junk organization the one that ignores reality but now even hopes to ignore the consequences of ignoring reality, when will the 1967 borders for ISRAEL will be implemented by the junk hypocritical organization and its psychopaths employees. or better say employer. as nowadays telling the truth is A crime, for the UN. but falsehood and lies is the political correct.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Monday, October 23, 2017
Gen David L Goldfein
Time to
tell America the truth/ What America does need is a father, it behaves as a sociopath
without any parental guidance. The reason is Europe the eventual guidance has
put America as if it was an exceptional nation which is not, in fact America does
not exist is a fiction its language is English its education culture is European,
not American, the same takes place in south America, 1492 was a planned
destruction of natives an invasion of murderers to the new colonized land. That
is how colonization is done. 1776 never existed and never will exist is science
fiction. That is why the natives were eliminated, for that precise reason of
the graft will be European with an English language “not American”. French have
the French language as the Russians have the Russian language and culture, America
does not have its own culture neither its own language. Israel is
the latest example of that fact. Israel main language is English not Hebrew,
same for most Jews worldwide. bear in
mind that in 1492 8% of the European population knew how to read and write, the
rest were illiterate. Telling America what
it really is and put it on its proper place is what Washington needs. This compliance
with the illiterate Americans is for the benefit of the very few, is now
counterproductive. The world must unite and tell president trump the truth, of
what America really is. And stop letting that nation believe on a lie, for the
benefit of an industrial elites, which in fact are nothing more than
proletarians that has become bourgeoisie. That is what industrial elites are,
and were made for, then what they are.
tell America the truth/ What America does need is a father, it behaves as a sociopath
without any parental guidance. The reason is Europe the eventual guidance has
put America as if it was an exceptional nation which is not, in fact America does
not exist is a fiction its language is English its education culture is European,
not American, the same takes place in south America, 1492 was a planned
destruction of natives an invasion of murderers to the new colonized land. That
is how colonization is done. 1776 never existed and never will exist is science
fiction. That is why the natives were eliminated, for that precise reason of
the graft will be European with an English language “not American”. French have
the French language as the Russians have the Russian language and culture, America
does not have its own culture neither its own language. Israel is
the latest example of that fact. Israel main language is English not Hebrew,
same for most Jews worldwide. bear in
mind that in 1492 8% of the European population knew how to read and write, the
rest were illiterate. Telling America what
it really is and put it on its proper place is what Washington needs. This compliance
with the illiterate Americans is for the benefit of the very few, is now
counterproductive. The world must unite and tell president trump the truth, of
what America really is. And stop letting that nation believe on a lie, for the
benefit of an industrial elites, which in fact are nothing more than
proletarians that has become bourgeoisie. That is what industrial elites are,
and were made for, then what they are.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Saturday, October 21, 2017
(33) Roger Penrose: The Emperor's New Mind, Quantum Mind, Quantum Consciousness, The Laws of Physics - YouTube
(33) Roger Penrose: The Emperor's New Mind, Quantum Mind, Quantum Consciousness, The Laws of Physics - YouTube
No todos los reyes son sabios, aunque no todos los sabios son reyes.!! algunos lo son ........ Los euroidiots clinton BHL y KOSOVO, Kurdistan .::. los que siembran las tempestades recollection los platos rotos.!!!!!!!!!!
No todos los reyes son sabios, aunque no todos los sabios son reyes.!! algunos lo son ........ Los euroidiots clinton BHL y KOSOVO, Kurdistan .::. los que siembran las tempestades recollection los platos rotos.!!!!!!!!!!
El traje nuevo del Emperador - Cuento Completo en español
No todos los reyes son sabios, aunque no todos los sabios son reyes.!! algunos lo son ........ Los euroidiots clinton BHL y KOSOVO, Kurdistan .::. los que siembran las tempestades recollection los platos rotos.!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Donald Trump tells widow of soldier killed in action: 'He knew what he signed up for'
Donald Trump tells widow of soldier killed in action: 'He knew what he signed up for'
Dr. Doom’ Marc Faber thanking God white people populated America
Published time: 18 Oct, 2017 12:27
Dr. Doom’ Marc Faber thanking God white people populated America
Published time: 18 Oct, 2017 12:27
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Malcolm X talking about Jews & Christians.
'Dr. Doom' Faber: 'Thank God white people populated America'
American Indian Activist Russell Means Powerful Speech, 1989
'Dr. Doom' Faber: 'Thank God white people populated America'
American Indian Activist Russell Means Powerful Speech, 1989
'Dr. Doom' Faber: 'Thank God white people populated America'
Saturday, October 14, 2017
WAR ROOM (3rd HOUR) Fri - 10/13/17 • Alex Jones Infowars • Kaya Jones Th...
Senator BOB Corker blasts Trump for ‘publicly castrating’ Tillerson, great help trump MAKE AMERICA GAY AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, castrate the entire congress and follow the trend at school. MAKE AMERICA GAY AGAIN TRUMP START WITH TILLERSON CRUZ WILL FOLLOW even RON PAUL who knows, alex jones infowars etc. ??? IVANKA HELP MEGAMIND TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GAY AGAIN the nation wants it the military the public they want a GAY NATION .. US GAY US GAY US GAY.hurra. DONALD TRUMP! MAKE AMERICA GAY AGAIN!
It's Happening! Trump going to the heart of the Elite Pedophile Network ...
Senator BOB Corker blasts Trump for ‘publicly castrating’ Tillerson, great help trump MAKE AMERICA GAY AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, castrate the entire congress and follow the trend at school. MAKE AMERICA GAY AGAIN TRUMP START WITH TILLERSON CRUZ WILL FOLLOW even RON PAUL who knows ??? IVANKA HELP MEGAMIND TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GAY AGAIN the nation wants it the military the public they want a GAY NATION .. US GAY US GAY US GAY.hurra. who knows even alex jones is willing to promote GAY AMERICA !!
Sunday, October 08, 2017
Saturday, October 07, 2017
the health upkeeps.
on a world of fantasy, the artistic elites; the show, worldwide. Such a chaos
globally right now would not be. that is precisely the point that the current chaotic
messages reality is sending to the current elites. The artistic elites are the
elites of wisdom, time and understanding timing, nature, rather than stock market
-shares, and industrial subjugates as political canons. The real elites are
social. The current elites are stock -market industry. Social security when the
words mean something. To, mend the catastrophic realm that the current elites have
plunge their world and ours, the more balance solution is the social security
on a world of fantasy, the artistic elites; the show, worldwide. Such a chaos
globally right now would not be. that is precisely the point that the current chaotic
messages reality is sending to the current elites. The artistic elites are the
elites of wisdom, time and understanding timing, nature, rather than stock market
-shares, and industrial subjugates as political canons. The real elites are
social. The current elites are stock -market industry. Social security when the
words mean something. To, mend the catastrophic realm that the current elites have
plunge their world and ours, the more balance solution is the social security
the health upkeeps.
To achieve this on an economical realm that
fits to the current elite’s reality, a transfer of money must be accomplished realized.
On the You buy you sale ideology, banks stock markets such as wall street, etc.
and currencies all function as a receiving end and a spending end. No different than the flow of blood if you ask
me. A blood infusion is done to stimulate the economy the same way you
stimulate a human being. To mend this
mishap for the current elites satisfactorily. Art becomes the pumping hart of
the economy, as it educates as well it brings in partnership with health care a
national wellbeing. However, discernment is required for the artist and for the
elites that are buying the items. As art also has his healthy rules, to avoid
the disappearance of healthy wise artist. * Corruption is one of the components
of the economy, and the arts function only when they are truthful in relation
to the reality of the current elites and the artistic elites. In other words,
art is what gives value to a currency, in partnership with the health care
services. In practice is simple an artwork that is worth 36 million euros,
dollars and rubbles is equal to the value for the artwork. In whatever currency
you buy it, sell it, dollars rubble euros £; the art work will not lower its
value, therefore one currency falls in parity you can sell that artwork for
equal value in any currency you like. Your wealth never changes it always
remains the same. This fact gives the artwork an acceptable reality to the
current elites, and gives value to the surplus income that the artist receives.
The artwork itself after is sold becomes the value for the current elites,
while as that income flows to the hand of the artist 50% goes to health care,
social services, and public wellbeing. The remaining % * is divided between the
artist and independent artistic endeavors all in equal share. The reality of
the current real elite resides rather on the intelligence and wellbeing that
the artist contributes to reality and the current elite’s reality purpose which
is the benefit of all. To enhance the pleasure of a peace game rather than a
war game to the current elites 16% will be collected and send by buyer and
seller to the health services of any buying or selling of the artistic work. We
can call this notion artistic charity by the current elites to the nation. By
this means all benefit have fun play games and save lives.
fits to the current elite’s reality, a transfer of money must be accomplished realized.
On the You buy you sale ideology, banks stock markets such as wall street, etc.
and currencies all function as a receiving end and a spending end. No different than the flow of blood if you ask
me. A blood infusion is done to stimulate the economy the same way you
stimulate a human being. To mend this
mishap for the current elites satisfactorily. Art becomes the pumping hart of
the economy, as it educates as well it brings in partnership with health care a
national wellbeing. However, discernment is required for the artist and for the
elites that are buying the items. As art also has his healthy rules, to avoid
the disappearance of healthy wise artist. * Corruption is one of the components
of the economy, and the arts function only when they are truthful in relation
to the reality of the current elites and the artistic elites. In other words,
art is what gives value to a currency, in partnership with the health care
services. In practice is simple an artwork that is worth 36 million euros,
dollars and rubbles is equal to the value for the artwork. In whatever currency
you buy it, sell it, dollars rubble euros £; the art work will not lower its
value, therefore one currency falls in parity you can sell that artwork for
equal value in any currency you like. Your wealth never changes it always
remains the same. This fact gives the artwork an acceptable reality to the
current elites, and gives value to the surplus income that the artist receives.
The artwork itself after is sold becomes the value for the current elites,
while as that income flows to the hand of the artist 50% goes to health care,
social services, and public wellbeing. The remaining % * is divided between the
artist and independent artistic endeavors all in equal share. The reality of
the current real elite resides rather on the intelligence and wellbeing that
the artist contributes to reality and the current elite’s reality purpose which
is the benefit of all. To enhance the pleasure of a peace game rather than a
war game to the current elites 16% will be collected and send by buyer and
seller to the health services of any buying or selling of the artistic work. We
can call this notion artistic charity by the current elites to the nation. By
this means all benefit have fun play games and save lives.
Russia: Russia's 2017 grain harvest progress as of Sept 28 - Times of India
Russia: Russia's 2017 grain harvest progress as of Sept 28 - Times of India
forget forbes they are just managers elites "no wisdom" dump them simply ram up titanium 50% increase to european minions ram up petrol, and other materials since europe does not have any, they could easily collapse sooner than iran russia and china., lithium 80% tarifs up for all eu members, just concentrate on what europe needs and you shall find yourselfs as winners. and to the US 90% more expensive forget the junk dollar that is running wall street is just toilet paper. first priority is FOOD not $ or £..!!!
forget forbes they are just managers elites "no wisdom" dump them simply ram up titanium 50% increase to european minions ram up petrol, and other materials since europe does not have any, they could easily collapse sooner than iran russia and china., lithium 80% tarifs up for all eu members, just concentrate on what europe needs and you shall find yourselfs as winners. and to the US 90% more expensive forget the junk dollar that is running wall street is just toilet paper. first priority is FOOD not $ or £..!!!
The Future of Humanity - with Yuval Noah Harari
The existence
of modern slaves and insane elites or had better say stupid industrial elites
that have not understood their real position in western civilization. bankers
and industrialist are not elites but managers of the production lines. and that
is one of the greatest faults of democracy it confuses wisdom with profits. Industrial
realms exist to help evolve the masses not to subjugate them to enslavement and
crown the industrialist magnates as elites; as they are nothing more than
managers from the day they were born until they die. They cannot achieve any
further improvement of their consciousness simply because they do not have the necessary
knowledge required for evolution, due to their original background and family. An
industrial elite will produce an industrial offspring, not a wise one. Wisdom is
verbally transmitted reason history does not specify the facts but a convenient
anecdote, for the masses and the industrial management. Yet, these elite’s
managers are needed for the development of technology in any social arrangement.
of modern slaves and insane elites or had better say stupid industrial elites
that have not understood their real position in western civilization. bankers
and industrialist are not elites but managers of the production lines. and that
is one of the greatest faults of democracy it confuses wisdom with profits. Industrial
realms exist to help evolve the masses not to subjugate them to enslavement and
crown the industrialist magnates as elites; as they are nothing more than
managers from the day they were born until they die. They cannot achieve any
further improvement of their consciousness simply because they do not have the necessary
knowledge required for evolution, due to their original background and family. An
industrial elite will produce an industrial offspring, not a wise one. Wisdom is
verbally transmitted reason history does not specify the facts but a convenient
anecdote, for the masses and the industrial management. Yet, these elite’s
managers are needed for the development of technology in any social arrangement.
Friday, October 06, 2017
Thursday, October 05, 2017
9/11 Dancing Israelis and Urban Moving Systems - ABC News 20/20 preview,...
the CUBA syndrome & trump// MOSSAD CIA the 9/11 masters// why search any further, and fake news CNN, fox news abc cbs etc disney and the aipac hollywood roman empire// we all know will blame the usual suspect russia china and north korea, but the world knows it is mossad CIA operation to help more land grabbing for israel, same as 1967 and the liberty ship.
Jeff Rense with USS Liberty Survivor Phil Tourney
the CUBA syndrome & trump// MOSSAD CIA the 9/11 masters// why search any further, and fake news CNN, fox news abc cbs etc disney and the aipac hollywood roman empire// we all know will blame the usual suspect russia china and north korea, but the world knows it is mossad CIA operation to help more land grabbing for israel, same as 1967 and the liberty ship.
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