how we can evolve into a fourth dimensional realm. history plasticity realism, as a memory fact. a realm that continues to be hiding to most folks, will open the door to a unified mind, body and self of the individual entities of our world..
Tuesday, February 06, 2018
Le tourisme en Lot-et-Garonne
U.K. Judge Upholds Julian Assange’s Arrest Warrant/: is your lucky day assange // forget the the court the, law "which they do not know much about" the issue can be understood the good way or the unpleasant one.
Monday, February 05, 2018
Best Documentary HD World's Biggest Sexual Revolution in China
no more 4 1
9, better 4 6 9, more fun. “9” is = to night-time.
9, better 4 6 9, more fun. “9” is = to night-time.
ORGASM as a CURE- Wilhelm Reich
Me 2 realm indicates more a psychological
problem than a judicial query.
problem than a judicial query.
We can have
a man that is dominated by a woman, as these events materialize on the men
mind, he can invert his personality and desire vengeance towards women. A man
dominated by his women; indicates that the origin of the unbalance can be
related to his parents. since the mother had parents as well, the answer can be
on the grandmother, rather than the actual grandson. A dominant grandmother can
bring a dominant daughter, a dominant mother can bring a weaker son and a
dominant daughter. once this dominant daughter marries a dominated man, the
result could a be a subconscious reaction from the dominated men towards women.
His daughters could inherit the dominant side of his mother and repel the
masculine side of the father. Since he is a weak man, the process of growth can
lead to inverted roles of the family and the youngest daughter can become the
replacement for the weaker father. The younger daughter might have inclination
to be a man rather than a woman that she biologically is, as she follows the sights
of the family unharmonious realm. Therefore, to inquire properly and understand
the issue Psychologist & philosophers could participate on the
investigation. It is a lot better not to oppress neither to be oppressed. Oppression demands a lot of energy and
defending yourself from an oppressor also demands a lot of energy. Better used
the energy on productive and beautiful projects than with incomprehension. I
suggest tolerance, however not open-endedly. Rape in many ways is strange and
does not make much sense now in our civilization. Love making forcefully is not
love but frustration, making love to someone that does not want you, is the converse
of pleasure, pleasure exist when the two blends into one, and the pleasure of
one is the pleasure of the other. The women reached pleasure is men’s accomplished
a man that is dominated by a woman, as these events materialize on the men
mind, he can invert his personality and desire vengeance towards women. A man
dominated by his women; indicates that the origin of the unbalance can be
related to his parents. since the mother had parents as well, the answer can be
on the grandmother, rather than the actual grandson. A dominant grandmother can
bring a dominant daughter, a dominant mother can bring a weaker son and a
dominant daughter. once this dominant daughter marries a dominated man, the
result could a be a subconscious reaction from the dominated men towards women.
His daughters could inherit the dominant side of his mother and repel the
masculine side of the father. Since he is a weak man, the process of growth can
lead to inverted roles of the family and the youngest daughter can become the
replacement for the weaker father. The younger daughter might have inclination
to be a man rather than a woman that she biologically is, as she follows the sights
of the family unharmonious realm. Therefore, to inquire properly and understand
the issue Psychologist & philosophers could participate on the
investigation. It is a lot better not to oppress neither to be oppressed. Oppression demands a lot of energy and
defending yourself from an oppressor also demands a lot of energy. Better used
the energy on productive and beautiful projects than with incomprehension. I
suggest tolerance, however not open-endedly. Rape in many ways is strange and
does not make much sense now in our civilization. Love making forcefully is not
love but frustration, making love to someone that does not want you, is the converse
of pleasure, pleasure exist when the two blends into one, and the pleasure of
one is the pleasure of the other. The women reached pleasure is men’s accomplished
Sunday, February 04, 2018
Christine (1983) Trailer
Hollywood politics: hollywood psychology/ probably some horror films are educative. christine for instance. by john carpenter.
Saturday, February 03, 2018
The Media Have No Morals 1 of 3 - BBC Intelligence Squared Debate
Guenon joins the show/ is just temporary power, the problems are not the giant
corporation, but who runs it, manages, directs it. how and to what end. temporary power applies
to the CEO, owners etc., wall street investors etc. Not to the corporation itself. the
corporation is plural. In other words, ethereal. Facebook and networks.
networks remain. !!! users are the corporation; the owner is Facebook. Google
or any other ranked cooperation. Intelligence (). A kingdom states is no different
than a kingdom of corporations, rulers. However, how the corporation is managed
it determines the life span of its current managers owners. They are replaced
as the corporation demands it.
Guenon joins the show/ is just temporary power, the problems are not the giant
corporation, but who runs it, manages, directs it. how and to what end. temporary power applies
to the CEO, owners etc., wall street investors etc. Not to the corporation itself. the
corporation is plural. In other words, ethereal. Facebook and networks.
networks remain. !!! users are the corporation; the owner is Facebook. Google
or any other ranked cooperation. Intelligence (). A kingdom states is no different
than a kingdom of corporations, rulers. However, how the corporation is managed
it determines the life span of its current managers owners. They are replaced
as the corporation demands it.
David Duke 'Trump is Playing 3D Chess'
AIPAC HOLLYWOOD ROMAN EMPIRE is on free fall, what is going to happen to Israel, after the collapse, not mentioning the fake media// AIPAC brainwashing that does not longer work // . AIPAC has reached the end of the rope. and there is no way out .RIP.for AIPAC.
Friday, February 02, 2018
RT Holocaust Propaganda - Poland, Holocaust,
AIPAC HOLLYWOOD ROMAN EMPIRE is on free fall, what is going to happen to Israel, after the collapse, not mentioning the fake media AIPAC brainwashing that does not longer work // . AIPAC has reached the end of the rope. and there is no way out .RIP.for AIPAC.
RT Holocaust Propaganda - Poland, Holocaust,
AIPAC HOLLYWOOD ROMAN EMPIRE is on free fall, what is going to happen to Israel, after the collapse, not mentioning the fake media AIPAC brainwashing that does not longer work // . AIPAC has reached the end of the rope. and there is no way out .RIP.for AIPAC.
RT Holocaust Propaganda - Poland, Holocaust,
AIPAC HOLLYWOOD ROMAN EMPIRE is on free fall, what is going to happen to Israel, after the collapse, not mentioning the fake media AIPAC brainwashing that does not longer work // . AIPAC has reached the end of the rope. and there is no way out .RIP.for AIPAC.
It's A Beautiful Day - Time Is (1969)
And time is too swift for those who fear
Time is too long for those who grieve
And time is too short for those who laugh
And love is too slow for those who wait
And love is too swift for those who fear
Love is too long for those who grieve
And love is too short for those that laugh
But for those who love
But for those who really love
But for those who love
Sweet time
Precious time
Lovely time
All the time
Time, time, time, time...
is eternity
Hours fly
Hours fly
Hours fly
But even flowers must die
And then a new day comes
And there's a new day's dawn
And there's a new day's sun
And love stays on
Sweet love stays on
Love stays on
Love stays on
Love, love, love, love
And time, time, time, time...
Thursday, February 01, 2018
Jean-Luc Mélenchon dénonce le CRIF et l'attitude d'Israël (24-08-2014)
Jean-Luc Mélenchon dénonce le CRIF et l'attitude d'Israël (24-08-2014)
WikiLeaks Exposes How Council on Foreign Relations Controls Most All Mai...
total piece of crap is over folks forget alternative media is gone forget cnn is gone forget fox news BBC etc. they are all junk. info wars is junk no loger any media now you are on the deep forest no news no reality just junk news from all sides.
Illuminati Exposed - America Is Babylon Something Is Going On End Times ...
forget any Jewish people, prophesy bible the lot/ , and any lords. things are changing in such a way that even lion heart, king richard will wonders whats going on. forget Jerusalem, Israel is collapsing right now no way to reverse the issue.why? ask 1917 tzar and de Gaulle 1967 Zionism speech.. they are both dead; however they know the current realm. good luck!!!!!!!! if you talk to them.!!!!! we all know dead men don't talk but they know. so hope you make the connection ?
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Roger Waters - "Pigs (Three Different Ones)"
“The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on,” Putin said on Tuesday,
Après jeff Koons à Versailles
le terrorisme accroit, le désastre de Koons plus efficace que télégramme/ donc Versailles
recrute le terrorisme par défaut, jeff Koons et son message donne comme résultat
l'idiotie donc les vierges sacrées au paradis... ! arrêter le fake new cet arrêter
les faux artistes. Résultat le musse Arnault digne d’une bourgeoisie moderne
mais purement économique libérale est fait pour les Bourgois moderne ceux du
1913. Ceux qui provient du prolétariat mal éduqué qui pour vos remercier vous
ont donné deux guerres mondiales est +.
le terrorisme accroit, le désastre de Koons plus efficace que télégramme/ donc Versailles
recrute le terrorisme par défaut, jeff Koons et son message donne comme résultat
l'idiotie donc les vierges sacrées au paradis... ! arrêter le fake new cet arrêter
les faux artistes. Résultat le musse Arnault digne d’une bourgeoisie moderne
mais purement économique libérale est fait pour les Bourgois moderne ceux du
1913. Ceux qui provient du prolétariat mal éduqué qui pour vos remercier vous
ont donné deux guerres mondiales est +.
Monday, January 29, 2018
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Général De Gaulle Conférence de presse 04/02/1965.. Un Grand Moment
Le Mossad devra revoir son mécanisme et son fonctionnement
Sun Jan 28, 2018 10:20AM
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Friday, January 26, 2018
Thursday, January 25, 2018
10 Things You May Not Know About Christine
instructive horror films can show the extreme desire for matter, same could happen to a house, haunted house . good for the intellect.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Aldous Huxley – The Mind – YouTube – ARTSLOGIC
Aldous Huxley – The Mind – YouTube – ARTSLOGIC
sociopaths & Psychopaths.
sociopaths & Psychopaths.
quantity of sociopath’s & psychopaths, Increases. it might indicate other elements
than just Genetics development. It is possible that psychological elements can influence
genes. Perhaps from young age, the environments that changes could also
influence the genetic processes. Genes
are not quite fix, perhaps? In any case the increase of these mental states, needs
to be address. To me is a mixture of circumstances that develops as the
individual grows, the gene components indeed can be influence and modified the
child. The answer depends more on the father & Mother than to the child. They
themselves as well exist on an environment that can drive them to harm. Past generations
can be ways to understand the current generation, the mistakes of the grandfather
can also be the mistakes committed by the children of his son/daughter. In other
words, the effect is accentuated on the second generation of existence. Depriving
the current mother & father of the knowledge to properly perceive detailed
aspects of the actual. In consequence the child suffers. Looking on ancient Chinese
logic, the family had a hierarchy from top to bottom/ father & mother &
first born & second born, third and so on. The end joins the beginning on
the hierarchical path. And evolves. The current is also related to the speed of
technological evolvement which accelerates the perception of time. Technology speeds
up the need for multiple understanding of the many, and a disequilibrium can emerge
between the speed of growth of the child, and his parents, leading the child to
believe she/he, is something they are not, in time & space. Genetics,
sociopaths, Psychopaths, blends into the existence of one. DNA helix, A helix plural helixes or helices is a type of smooth space
curve, i.e. a curve in three-dimensional space. From Wikipedia.
quantity of sociopath’s & psychopaths, Increases. it might indicate other elements
than just Genetics development. It is possible that psychological elements can influence
genes. Perhaps from young age, the environments that changes could also
influence the genetic processes. Genes
are not quite fix, perhaps? In any case the increase of these mental states, needs
to be address. To me is a mixture of circumstances that develops as the
individual grows, the gene components indeed can be influence and modified the
child. The answer depends more on the father & Mother than to the child. They
themselves as well exist on an environment that can drive them to harm. Past generations
can be ways to understand the current generation, the mistakes of the grandfather
can also be the mistakes committed by the children of his son/daughter. In other
words, the effect is accentuated on the second generation of existence. Depriving
the current mother & father of the knowledge to properly perceive detailed
aspects of the actual. In consequence the child suffers. Looking on ancient Chinese
logic, the family had a hierarchy from top to bottom/ father & mother &
first born & second born, third and so on. The end joins the beginning on
the hierarchical path. And evolves. The current is also related to the speed of
technological evolvement which accelerates the perception of time. Technology speeds
up the need for multiple understanding of the many, and a disequilibrium can emerge
between the speed of growth of the child, and his parents, leading the child to
believe she/he, is something they are not, in time & space. Genetics,
sociopaths, Psychopaths, blends into the existence of one. DNA helix, A helix plural helixes or helices is a type of smooth space
curve, i.e. a curve in three-dimensional space. From Wikipedia.
In other words,
a visual DNA.
a visual DNA.
Sight and
Sight/ is a
person that lost himself, now it must find it. Perception becomes the
discernment of this quest.
person that lost himself, now it must find it. Perception becomes the
discernment of this quest.
Knowing: is
the proper perception of himself? Understanding: reveals itself as being.
the proper perception of himself? Understanding: reveals itself as being.
The Mayan calendars.
acceleration of time on the wheels of time, is technology.
acceleration of time on the wheels of time, is technology.
Deep into the Mind of Narcissists
sociopaths & Psychopaths.
sociopaths & Psychopaths.
quantity of sociopath’s & psychopaths, Increases. it might indicate other elements
than just Genetics development. It is possible that psychological elements can influence
genes. Perhaps from young age, the environments that changes could also
influence the genetic processes. Genes
are not quite fix, perhaps? In any case the increase of these mental states, needs
to be address. To me is a mixture of circumstances that develops as the
individual grows, the gene components indeed can be influence and modified the
child. The answer depends more on the father & Mother than to the child. They
themselves as well exist on an environment that can drive them to harm. Past generations
can be ways to understand the current generation, the mistakes of the grandfather
can also be the mistakes committed by the children of his son/daughter. In other
words, the effect is accentuated on the second generation of existence. Depriving
the current mother & father of the knowledge to properly perceive detailed
aspects of the actual. In consequence the child suffers. Looking on ancient Chinese
logic, the family had a hierarchy from top to bottom/ father & mother &
first born & second born, third and so on. The end joins the beginning on
the hierarchical path. And evolves. The current is also related to the speed of
technological evolvement which accelerates the perception of time. Technology speeds
up the need for multiple understanding of the many, and a disequilibrium can emerge
between the speed of growth of the child, and his parents, leading the child to
believe she/he, is something they are not, in time & space. Genetics,
sociopaths, Psychopaths, blends into the existence of one. DNA helix, A helix plural helixes or helices is a type of smooth space
curve, i.e. a curve in three-dimensional space. From Wikipedia.
quantity of sociopath’s & psychopaths, Increases. it might indicate other elements
than just Genetics development. It is possible that psychological elements can influence
genes. Perhaps from young age, the environments that changes could also
influence the genetic processes. Genes
are not quite fix, perhaps? In any case the increase of these mental states, needs
to be address. To me is a mixture of circumstances that develops as the
individual grows, the gene components indeed can be influence and modified the
child. The answer depends more on the father & Mother than to the child. They
themselves as well exist on an environment that can drive them to harm. Past generations
can be ways to understand the current generation, the mistakes of the grandfather
can also be the mistakes committed by the children of his son/daughter. In other
words, the effect is accentuated on the second generation of existence. Depriving
the current mother & father of the knowledge to properly perceive detailed
aspects of the actual. In consequence the child suffers. Looking on ancient Chinese
logic, the family had a hierarchy from top to bottom/ father & mother &
first born & second born, third and so on. The end joins the beginning on
the hierarchical path. And evolves. The current is also related to the speed of
technological evolvement which accelerates the perception of time. Technology speeds
up the need for multiple understanding of the many, and a disequilibrium can emerge
between the speed of growth of the child, and his parents, leading the child to
believe she/he, is something they are not, in time & space. Genetics,
sociopaths, Psychopaths, blends into the existence of one. DNA helix, A helix plural helixes or helices is a type of smooth space
curve, i.e. a curve in three-dimensional space. From Wikipedia.
In other words,
a visual DNA.
a visual DNA.
Sight and
Sight/ is a
person that lost himself, now it must find it. Perception becomes the
discernment of this quest.
Knowing: is the proper perception of himself? Understanding:person that lost himself, now it must find it. Perception becomes the
discernment of this quest.
7 Psychopathes - Bande annonce VF
film éducative pour bien comprendre le psychopats & sociopaths car 1 peut etre chez vous ce soir;
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Saturday, January 20, 2018
Friday, January 19, 2018
Geopolitics Faculty of Law, Belgrade, Serbia By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Israel is collapsing , in 1939 HITLER was very famous and strong in 1945 he no longer was, Israel is following the same path.
The Saker: Why is Putin “allowing” Israel to bomb Syria?
The Saker: Why is Putin “allowing” Israel to bomb Syria?: The Saker: Why is Putin “allowing” Israel to bomb Syria? -
Israel is collapsing , in 1939 HITLER was very famous and strong in 1945 he no longer was, Israel is following the same path.
Israel is collapsing , in 1939 HITLER was very famous and strong in 1945 he no longer was, Israel is following the same path.
The Saker: Why is Putin “allowing” Israel to bomb Syria?
The Saker: Why is Putin “allowing” Israel to bomb Syria?: The Saker: Why is Putin “allowing” Israel to bomb Syria? -
Israel is collapsing , in 1939 HITLER was very famous and strong in 1945 he no longer was, Israel is following the same path.
Israel is collapsing , in 1939 HITLER was very famous and strong in 1945 he no longer was, Israel is following the same path.
10 Life Lessons From Confucius We Should All Follow
US Pacific military chief says China a disruptive force in region
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Ludwig Wittgenstein - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus - Preface
One thing is certain technology does offers a solution "FREE
INTERNET" the connected life; in other words, no restrictions. open facts,
trust. and curiosity. no longer a deep state dark internet. banning people from
twitter for one reason or another, is against the laws of technology.
diversion, is what technology demands, and free space & time. The many that
own the technological means are not its essence, the owner of Facebook, google
Apple, etc., these entities own the workers of the enterprise, technology as an
absolute is the technological kingdom, the components are the individual enterprises
such as those on the Nasdaq or any other market. Technology as an entity is not his wall street
value owner ‘It’s the technology itself” the real owner. The Big Brother if you
like of the technological fairs. & technology demands total freedom, for
his logic to be. The opposite of the Orwellian world of big brother 1984.
INTERNET" the connected life; in other words, no restrictions. open facts,
trust. and curiosity. no longer a deep state dark internet. banning people from
twitter for one reason or another, is against the laws of technology.
diversion, is what technology demands, and free space & time. The many that
own the technological means are not its essence, the owner of Facebook, google
Apple, etc., these entities own the workers of the enterprise, technology as an
absolute is the technological kingdom, the components are the individual enterprises
such as those on the Nasdaq or any other market. Technology as an entity is not his wall street
value owner ‘It’s the technology itself” the real owner. The Big Brother if you
like of the technological fairs. & technology demands total freedom, for
his logic to be. The opposite of the Orwellian world of big brother 1984.
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Richard Grieco Sexual Predator Trailer 2001
All the rules, however the fun side is what matters. make love not wars.
Le message de Zoroastre - Khorso Khazai Pardis - Les Racines du Ciel
Iran's Rouhani warns of new US plot against Syria integrity
Monday, January 15, 2018
The Zionist Project 4. Puppet Masters, The Last Regime Change
all about info junk TRUMP and alex jones fake news enterprise
The Zionist Project 4. Puppet Masters, The Last Regime Change
all about info junk TRUMP and alex jones fake news enterprise
The Zionist Project 4. Puppet Masters, The Last Regime Change
Blast from the past & how time is irrelevant , when the good the bad and the ugly get together.
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