Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Hé l'athée !

The Messiah & Imam Al Mahdi By Sheikh Imran Hosein

Sheikh Imran Hosien Announcements For The UK, Pakistan & Malaysia

Keiser Report: American Gulag (E1209)

George Galloway: Zionism and Nazism cooperated

George Galloway: Question Time

wild party in america// Trump: 'We're going to be guarding our border with the military' until wall complete

By Betsy Klein, Barbara Starr and Catherine E. Shoichet, CNN

Updated 2337 GMT (0737 HKT) April 3, 2018


Tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter
the kingdom of heaven. Again, I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of ART.
The eye of the needle is space, the form of the eye of
the needle is of a woman. Perhaps they were all after Magdalena “and he got her”

Monday, April 02, 2018

Can Art Stop a War and Save the Planet? | Carol A. Wells | TEDxLoyolaMar...



Bernard-Henri Levy: «Je ne pense pas que Nicolas Sarkozy soit coupable»

In The Midst Of Lions - Herod's Demise [Lyrics Video]

Roger Cukierman face à Olivier Besancenot - Archive INA

Le CRIF donne des ordres au gouvernement Français !!!

“Sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out of the way to come back a short distance correctly.
best way to destroy Israel is to block UNSC. sadly,
the intelligent Israelis believe in main media fantasy however 1967 borders. is
the only way out or suffering until that happens unfortunately peace shall
never be and Jesus might return and send Israelis back to another 2000 years of
wondering “
“Victorious warriors
win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then
seek to win” 
― Sun TzuThe Art of War. as Jesus is not returning for the fake Israel/   but to reestablish order on the fake Israel.
as he once said the false prophets are now in Israel, it is Israel the usurper
of the faith of god. so, beware last time Jews got a 2000 years walkabout. so
be careful... this time around could be 3000 years so you learn the lesson
properly. Some people take along walk to do a short one correctly. And you lot
have done that “wise up”

Julian Assange - Mark Zuckerberg isn't leaking. He is selling user data !

Jeanne d'Arc : une passion française

The scandal-plagued Weinstein Company announced Monday that it has filed for bankruptcy protection with a stalking-horse bid in hand, and that it is releasing any victims of or witnesses to Harvey Weinstein’s alleged sexual misconduct from non-disclosure agreements preventing them from speaking out.

Sunday, April 01, 2018

A Debate on the Existence of God: The Cosmological Argument -- F. C. Cop...

“Sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out of the way to come back a short distance correctly.

best way to destroy Israel is to block UNSC. sadly, the intelligent Israelis believe in main media fantasy however 1967 BORDERS is the only way out or suffering until that happens unfortunately peace shall never be and Jesus might return and send Israelis back to another 2000 years of wondering. as Jesus is not returning for the fake Israel/   but to reestablish order on the fake Israel. as he once said the false prophets are now in Israel, it is Israel the usurper of the faith of god. so, beware last time Jews got a 2000 years walkabout. so be careful... this time around could be 3000 years so you learn the lesson properly. Some people take a long walk to do a short one correctly. And you lot have done that “wise up”

Celebrities On Israel And Gaza: The Ultimate Recap

“Sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out of the way to come back a short distance correctly.

best way to destroy Israel is to block UNSC. sadly, the intelligent Israelis believe in main media fantasy however 1967 BORDERS is the only way out or suffering until that happens unfortunately peace shall never be and Jesus might return and send Israelis back to another 2000 years of wondering. as Jesus is not returning for the fake Israel/   but to reestablish order on the fake Israel. as he once said the false prophets are now in Israel, it is Israel the usurper of the faith of god. so, beware last time Jews got a 2000 years walkabout. so be careful... this time around could be 3000 years so you learn the lesson properly. Some people take a long walk to do a short one correctly. And you lot have done that “wise up”

Israel war Crimes in Gaza, RUSSELL TRIBUNAL ON PALESTINE (4 March 2009)

“Sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out of the way to come back a short distance correctly.

best way to destroy Israel is to block UNSC. sadly, the intelligent Israelis believe in main media fantasy however 1967 BORDERS is the only way out or suffering until that happens unfortunately peace shall never be and Jesus might return and send Israelis back to another 2000 years of wondering. as Jesus is not returning for the fake Israel/   but to reestablish order on the fake Israel. as he once said the false prophets are now in Israel, it is Israel the usurper of the faith of god. so, beware last time Jews got a 2000 years walkabout. so be careful... this time around could be 3000 years so you learn the lesson properly. Some people take a long walk to do a short one correctly. And you lot have done that “wise up”

Israel war Crimes in Gaza, RUSSELL TRIBUNAL ON PALESTINE (4 March 2009)

“Sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out of the way to come back a short distance correctly.

best way to destroy Israel is to block UNSC. sadly, the intelligent Israelis believe in main media fantasy however 1967 BORDERS is the only way out or suffering until that happens unfortunately peace shall never be and Jesus might return and send Israelis back to another 2000 years of wondering. as Jesus is not returning for the fake Israel/   but to reestablish order on the fake Israel. as he once said the false prophets are now in Israel, it is Israel the usurper of the faith of god. so, beware last time Jews got a 2000 years walkabout. so be careful... this time around could be 3000 years so you learn the lesson properly. Some people take a long walk to do a short one correctly. And you lot have done that “wise up”

Comment se débarrasser de ses "mots" de tête ?

de la conscience réel dans l'espace temps et 2017 dec 6 c'est avril 1, 2018.  voilà la vision de la durée et la beaute.

Une ambassade pour le Mossad

Le sage et les singes

Le sage et les singes

israel killed kennedy for trying to stop the Israel Lobby in America

Israeli defense minister describes calls for probe into IDF use of force ‘hypocritical’

Rachel Corrie: American Peace Activist Killed by Israeli Bulldozer

Israeli defense minister describes calls for probe into IDF use of force ‘hypocritical’

Israel Attacks US Navy Ship USS LIBERTY.flv

Israeli defense minister describes calls for probe into IDF use of force ‘hypocritical’

Saturday, March 31, 2018


Qu'est-ce que la littérature ?

Peter Joseph interview w/ Abby Martin | Empire Files : Abolishing Capita...

Abby Martin with Ahed Tamimi, a Spirit That Can't Be Jailed

Israel decree war to the youth of the planet beware. if you are a child beware Israel wants your eyes.  and your vital organs.

'Assange is a war hero, he exposed American war crimes' – Vivienne Westw...

Do not know what the rift between Jesus and rabbis as a fact was, however the result shows that messing up with Jesus was a big mistake for the rabbis. whomever JESUS was that was not the men to mess with. hope Jews got the hint/ it looks they did not/ Jews look they might indeed disappear. as what they do indicates a communal suicide. and perhaps JESUS is not done with them?

on the other hand, zukerberg or Google owners might not have real control of the company, the same way Thomas Edison did not have sufficient control of his company. which became General Electrics. Power is having your thoughts materialize without any physical effort.

Rich men can only coerce you with his money, and government with his laws and police. The JESUS adventure shows that it is not shekels that give you power. How he got his power, we do not know but that is a reel example of what power is. Israel got wipe out and has never recovered from, Titus in 70 CE and it never will.  Judaea Capta coins

Judaea Capta coinage

Do not know what the rift between Jesus and rabbis as a fact was, however the result shows that messing up with Jesus was a big mistake for the rabbis. whomever JESUS was that was not the men to mess with. hope Jews got the hint/ it looks they did not/ Jews look they might indeed disappear. as what they do indicates a communal suicide. and perhaps JESUS is not done with them?

on the other hand, zukerberg or Google owners might not have real control of the company, the same way Thomas Edison did not have sufficient control of his company. which became General Electrics. Power is having your thoughts materialize without any physical effort.

Rich men can only coerce you with his money, and government with his laws and police. The JESUS adventure shows that it is not shekels that give you power. How he got his power, we do not know but that is a reel example of what power is. Israel got wipe out and has never recovered from, Titus in 70 CE and it never will.  Judaea Capta coins

'Anti-Semitism' hysteria - a scam to silence free speech and exposure of...

Do not know what the rift between Jesus and rabbis as
a fact was, however the result shows that messing up with Jesus was a big
mistake for the rabbis. whomever JESUS was that was not the men to mess with.
hope Jews got the hint/ it looks they did not/ Jews look they might indeed
disappear. as what they do indicates a communal suicide. and perhaps JESUS is
not done with them?

Mélenchon tres brillant et incisif sur le CRIF , Israel et l'immigration...

Don't know what was the rift between Jesus and rabbis as a fact, however the result shows  that messing up with Jesus was a big mistake for the rabbis. whom ever JESUS was that was not the men to mess with. hope Jews got the hint/ it looks they did not/ Jews look they might indeed disappear. as what they do indicates a comunal suicide. and perhaps JESUS is not done with them?

The Not So Chosen People part 1- REUPLOADED

Don't know what was the rift between Jesus and rabbis as a fact, however the result shows  that messing up with Jesus was a big mistake for the rabbis. whom ever JESUS was that was not the men to mess with. hope Jews got the hint/ it looks they did not/ Jews look they might indeed disappear. as what they do indicates a comunal suicide. and perhaps JESUS is not done with them?

History of the Jews in Russia - The Russian-Jewish Revolution - Part 1

is Israel Russia they do not like you, so beware Washington is Israel.  is not Trumps fault he is just an actor, a Dog with a rope around his neck.  not a president, America does not have a president since the death of Kennedy . so now you understand who the enemy of Russia is. and don't let these antisemitism media propaganda to coerce you. "you have been warn" is called main media democracy no different than your poison fake news war.

History of the Jews in Russia - The Russian-Jewish Revolution - Part 1

is Israel Russia they do not like you, so beware Washington is Israel.  is not Trumps fault he is just an actor, a Dog with a rope around his neck.  not a president, America does not have a president since the death of Kennedy . so now you understand who the enemy of Russia is. and don't let these antisemitism media propaganda to coerce you. "you have been warn" is called main media democracy no different than your poison fake news war.

How To Preach Jesus To Jews

is Israel Russia they do not like you, so beware Washington is Israel.  is not Trumps fault he is just an actor, a Dog with a rope around his neck.  not a president, America does not have a president since the death of Kennedy . so now you understand who the enemy of Russia is. and don't let these antisemitism media propaganda to coerce you. "you have been warn" is called main media democracy no different than your poison fake news war.

Bolton Acted Against US Interests to Push Israel's Agenda in Lebanon

Bolton Acted Against US Interests to Push Israel's Agenda in Lebanon: Bolton Acted Against US Interests to Push Israel's Agenda in Lebanon -

is Israel Russia they do not like you, so beware Washington is Israel.  is not Trumps fault he is just an actor, a Dog with a rope around his neck.  not a president, America does not have a president since the death of Kennedy . so now you understand who the enemy of Russia is. and don't let these antisemitism media propaganda to coerce you. "you have been warn" is called main media democracy no different than your poison fake news war.

CrossTalk on Anti-Russia Hysteria: Crisis Point?

is Israel Russia they do not like you, so beware Washington is Israel.  is not Trumps fault he is just an actor, a Dog with a rope around his neck.  not a president, America does not have a president since the death of Kennedy . so now you understand who the enemy of Russia is. and don't let these antisemitism media propaganda to coerce you. "you have been warn"


la democratie des medias en action  resultat "fin de la démocratie" maintenon c'est QUE LA DÉMOCRATIE MÉDIATIQUE//   HITLER A GAGNE  . «Journée de la terre» à Gaza : Israël ouvre le feu, au moins 16 morts.!!!!!!!!

John Pilger: Blocking internet access for Julian Assange is a war on fre...

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”
― Sun TzuThe Art of War

Friday, March 30, 2018

2009 : israel ne veut pas la paix

APARTHEID 2018. To understand terrorism, look at the Shia
Sunni rift on the middle east. The diplomacy of divide to conquer benefits from
this rift. In Europe you got the same event, the divide to conquer benefits
from the same fissure/ on one side the Shia “antisemitism” and on the other the
masked Sunni that can be called terrorist. No different than the middle east. Reason
1967 borders is the only solution as you will neutralize the apartheid nation
ISRAEL, in consequence you neutralize the rift in Europe simultaneously.

De Gaulle sa vision du sionisme et du conflit Israel Palestine - 1967

APARTHEID 2018. To understand terrorism, look at the Shia
Sunni rift on the middle east. The diplomacy of divide to conquer benefits from
this rift. In Europe you got the same event, the divide to conquer benefits
from the same fissure/ on one side the Shia “antisemitism” and on the other the
masked Sunni that can be called terrorist. No different than the middle east. Reason
1967 borders is the only solution as you will neutralize the apartheid nation
ISRAEL, in consequence you neutralize the rift in Europe simultaneously.

Jimmy Carter Exposes Israeli Apartheid

APARTHEID 2018.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Новый самолет России 2015 СТРАШНЫЙ СОН НАТО! Оружие России

Fact Checking Newsbud's "Syria Under Siege" Video

9/11 Suspects: The Dancing Israelis

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Coalition of the Willing (uncut)


Jefferson Airplane - Plastic Fantastic Lover

Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall (HQ)

JULIAN ASSANGE// get the no more or we vote you out  "anti gun rally" and assange gets his internet back simple. you can add a lot more instantly.   WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Chanting “never again,” hundreds of thousands of young Americans and their supporters answered a call to action from survivors of last month’s Florida high school massacre and rallied across the United States on Saturday to demand tighter gun laws.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

George Orwell and 1984: How Freedom Dies

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. George Orwell
Read more at:


1984 Hate Week

1984 Hate Week

1984 Hate Week

1984 Hate Week

Hot Take: Top Russian/Israeli Experts Worried That Putin Might be Too SO...

AIPAC/  Hollywood roman empire they pay to extortionate both:....TO  trump is to make him a clown. Putin accused of being the villain, this makes trump the clown credible and Putin the villain.  And since trump is a clown is a lot easier to manipulate than Putin the real fact.  AIPAC loves to become something like the roman empire, they will never achieve that. is just the deep state AIPAC.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Keiser Report: Petrodollar vs Petroyuan (E587)

Morgan Freeman "All The World's A Stage" Shakespeare

Ideas are bulletproof.
There Is Still One Man Publicly Defending Harvey Weinstein
Moritz de Hadeln, the former director of the Berlin and Venice film
festivals, wrote an op-ed defending the shunned producer. well you can also
make Relax everyone, Stormy Daniels does not have a ‘Monica Lewinsky type’
Published time: 27 Mar, 2018 19:22 // Stormy Daniels SAVES THE WORLD. On a
bridge in Paris/ marvel women on the space age of holograms, and facts. can
send a screenplay if you like. And indeed, anything could happen; she can save
the world which can blend with the film. as they say Never waste a good crisis.
"since you did made some nice films" 

Daniels makes Donald Trump sound a lot like Harvey Weinstein

says he used a job prospect to keep her interested, and threats and
intimidation to keep her quiet.


How Putin's arrogance handed Theresa May a diplomatic coup - CNN

How Putin's arrogance handed Theresa May a diplomatic coup - CNN

Ideas are bulletproof.
There Is Still One Man Publicly Defending Harvey Weinstein
Moritz de Hadeln, the former director of the Berlin and Venice film
festivals, wrote an op-ed defending the shunned producer. well you can also
make Relax everyone, Stormy Daniels does not have a ‘Monica Lewinsky type’
Published time: 27 Mar, 2018 19:22 // Stormy Daniels SAVES THE WORLD. On a
bridge in Paris/ marvel women on the space age of holograms, and facts. can
send a screenplay if you like. And indeed, anything could happen; she can save
the world which can blend with the film. as they say Never waste a good crisis.
"since you did made some nice films" 

Daniels makes Donald Trump sound a lot like Harvey Weinstein

says he used a job prospect to keep her interested, and threats and
intimidation to keep her quiet.


V for Vendetta - Ideas are bulletproof.

There Is Still One Man Publicly Defending Harvey Weinstein

Moritz de Hadeln, the former director of the Berlin and Venice film festivals, wrote an op-ed defending the shunned producer. well you can also make Relax everyone, Stormy Daniels does not have a ‘Monica Lewinsky type’ dress

Published time: 27 Mar, 2018 19:22 // SAVES THE WORLD . marvel women on the space age of holograms. can send a screenplay if you like. And indeeed anything could happen; she can save the world which can blend with the film. as they say Never waste a good crisis. "since you did made some nice films"  .

Congressman Takes on AIPAC and Gets Thrown in Prison

Israel Has Used America as a Whore

Les Ricains, la CIA, mai 68 et de Gaulle.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

PROVERBS of Wisdom by King SOLOMON

Mr. Zuckerberg you do not understand the meaning of what a
house - ‘boy’ means. Reflect.  This fact
gives an “advantag“.  you cannot be blame
for all the wrongdoings’ and you will not be blame.

House Boys The Series

The House Boy - starring Priyom Haider

Mr. Zuckerberg you do not understand the meaning of what a
house - ‘boy’ means. Reflect.  This fact
gives an “advantag“.  you cannot be blame
for all the wrongdoings’ and you will not be blame.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Trump Failed To "Drain The Swamp", Only Russia's Putin Stands in the Way...

The world is about to find out just how horrific the Khazarian mafia's c...

LIVE: Russian Ambassador to UK speaks in London following diplomats’ exp...

Main media brainwashes, social media consolidates the brainwashing. what
is the purpose. Most say is power, power is also electricity, heat, water. Power
to stay alive. There is not such a thing as power for the system, oppression if
you like. Power would be in tune with nature. What is perceive is oppression by
economical means, engendered probably from the brainwashing and the social
media consolidation of that brainwashing. Conclusion is confusing wars, erratic
behaviors, and irrational events. The refusal to understand a reality can drive
those that exercise economical oppression as power, to use technological means for
coercion and force oppressive rules that creates very large inequalities. It can
also cause their technological methods of coercion to capsize themselves by
natural persuasive rationality.  

US ‘Global Nuclear Report’ Contains Twisted World View

Friday, March 23, 2018

Chossudovsky: US will start WW3 by attacking Iran

Aldous Huxley - The Ultimate Revolution (1962)

Main media brainwashes, social media consolidates the brainwashing. what
is the purpose. Most say is power, power is also electricity, heat, water. Power
to stay alive. There is not such a thing as power for the system, oppression if
you like. Power would be in tune with nature. What is perceive is oppression by
economical means, engendered probably from the brainwashing and the social
media consolidation of that brainwashing. Conclusion is confusing wars, erratic
behaviors, and irrational events. The refusal to understand a reality can drive
those that exercise economical oppression as power, to use technological means for
coercion and force oppressive rules that creates very large inequalities. It can
also cause their technological methods of coercion to capsize themselves by
natural persuasive rationality.  

Islam des pauvres, islam des riches

Jesus said "It is
easier for 
a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of art.

Un sarcophage pour Sarko

Edgar Morin et Tariq Ramadan sur le plateau de Ce soir ou jamais

Edgar Morin et Tariq Ramadan sur le plateau de Ce soir ou jamais

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Edgar Morin et Tariq Ramadan sur le plateau de Ce soir ou jamais

Germany's Romantic Rhine and Rothenburg

PARIS, inside the magnificent NOTRE DAME CATHEDRAL (France)

Facebook saga, is; On.  Russian gate just ended.! however human interest are your followers. only yourself can improve yourself, the how and why resides on the human side. the problem is that indeed there are forces tempted to experiment control, control exist only when instability demands it. therefore, is not just a question of who controls but rather anyone that has any control is losing it, instability is the result, that multiplies itself, into more instability, in consequence control of the airplane on the unstable wind. the fact is "the pilot" and the possibility that the planet technological advances are evolving faster than the pilot understands, a speed up of time by technology if you like. the controllers get caught with technologies that they themselves fail to fully understand.

ART is the neutral medium to stability on the global airplane.

Control is a rational survival logical conclusion, the problem arises for the question of humans, human’s role is to abolish control, technology is what humans create to abolish any sort of control. Robots realization replace humans on task that are exclusively of control, the logic of the manufacturer is to totally control the robot. As the AI engineer. Therefore, using technology as a mean to control humans is in contradiction of the essence of the human itself. However, the owner of an industry could indeed go into a fantasy world and believe he is from somewhere else an exceptional kind. He must use economical means to coerce his victims. Jesus said "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of art. heaven is artistic.

The House Intelligence Committee has voted to formally end its Russia probe. Lawmakers found no evidence of collusion between associates of President Donald Trump and Russia.

Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve

Face book saga, is; On.  Russian
gate just ended.! however human interest are your followers. only yourself can
improve yourself, the how and why resides on the human side. the problem looks
is that indeed there are forces tempted to experiment control, control exist
only when instability demands it. therefore, is not just a question of who
controls but rather anyone that has any control is losing it, instability is
the result, that multiplies itself, into more instability, in consequence
control of the plane on the unstable wind. the fact is "the pilot"
and the possibility that the planet technological advances is evolving faster
than the pilot understands, a speed up of time by technology if you like. the controllers
get caught with technologies that they themselves fail to fully understand.
ART is the neutral medium to stability on the global airplane.

How Israel Rules The World Of Cyber Security, VICE on HBO, Full Episode

NATO Attack on Pakistan Sheikh Imran Hosain

Sheikh Imran Hosein Israel's war on Iran

When Israel Enters The War Muslims Of Asia Will Act - Sheikh Imran Hosein

Jeff & Jay Weidner - 3 Fingered ET Mummy Found In Peru

Jeff & Jay Weidner - 3 Fingered ET Mummy Found In Peru

BREAKING: Russia's Army Becomes The Only Military In The World To Featur...