Sunday, April 14, 2019

Paul Craig Roberts Interview Julian Assange Arrest, Brexit, Venezuela

GJ et la révolution 1789 today we need a new 1776/ as some say some are more equal than others 1789/1776.

Friday, April 12, 2019

'Swedish software developer' linked to WikiLeaks arrested in Ecuador in flight attempt – reports — RT World News

'Swedish software developer' linked to WikiLeaks arrested in Ecuador in flight attempt – reports — RT World News

President PUTIN you have an ideal opportunity to study how the media manipulates the citizens minds, VENEZUELA/ the JUAN GUAIDO realm offers that opportunity, to understand how the main media operated on the Juan Guaido followers, methods and the way’s governments operate, mind manipulation. as well the group of gangsters from Washington how they operate & how they manipulate the lot. how the lot reacts behaves/  perceive exclusively one side of reality. In many ways is a living mind lab. “think about it’

Pursued for ‘exposing evidence of US atrocities’: Corbyn opposes extradition of Assange — RT UK News

Pursued for ‘exposing evidence of US atrocities’: Corbyn opposes extradition of Assange — RT UK News

washingtons chaos from jerusalem to JUAN GUIADO the new messiah👽😰

Thursday, April 04, 2019

El FMI: La Gran Estafa Capitalista del infame Linaje Psicópta Rothschild

El FMI: La Gran Estafa Capitalista del infame Linaje Psicópta Rothschild

Rothschild, Jesuitas y Sionismo: sus conexiones - Jorge Guerra

temps de libérer MACRON DE WASHINGTON $ l'esclave de washington MACRON a besoin d'aide pour être libre de washington voila le problème reel des français. la realite concrete,  Europe c'est une esclave de washington est le fake news de la OTAN NATO.. 1789 version 2019- c'est être  libre de washington OTAN autrement c'est la même chose qui se repete infiniment.👍.

U.S. has WARNED Germany on NATO Spending, Russia and Venezuela

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Trump tells Russia to ‘get out’ of Venezuela

fire & fury & the apprentice & 1492 dog that does not bite/  NEW* 1776 coming Renaissance version 2019 so americans will no longer suffer main media democracy and hollywood presidents. america will at last leave the very harmful brainwashing that they have endure since 1913. the Renaissance is coming american friends and your minds at last will gain independance soon the end of main media democracy and big brother surveillance the AIPAC brainwashing, jerusalem, antisemitism garbage  trump hollywood will finally ends. We shall make america great again not this TRUMP garbish and liberty ship israeli killing of innocent americans. rachel corrie murder by israelis/

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Hieronymus Bosch Art Documentary with Brian Sewell

renaissance, reason science / Washington & laws & regulations* 1776 is going through an adolescent crisis, it is a young nation, it believes it can do what it wishes, the answer is to denied him of his wish not by opposing Washington “the adolescent” but simply by ignoring Washington.  Go on with the world without Washington. Just as it was before 1492// 1400/ Renaissance / The eventual business, philosophers and artist of the nation will understand.  1776/ Proletarians capitalist bourgeoisie.  1776 was done too soon, and now the world is feeling the repercussions, the world of Washington created an industrial revolution, which evolved in part thanks to the proletarians that became bourgeoisie, however the evolution as any evolution evolves and now, we are on the technological evolution. Washington has based his power on a military doctrine, while the world has changed, it is no longer the industrial revolution, now we are on the technological one. The military is no longer that important as it previously was, wars become unproductive, wars no longer discover new technology but impedes the technological evolution, once the world ignores Washington military; it becomes senseless. Washington has to become a dictatorship to manifest itself. Since democracy is the world not just Washington DC. It is the nation that needs psychological help. By misusing technology Washington has perverted the nation during his adolescent years. misunderstands technology.  the path is to help america understand how & why the world runs, the most sophisticated way; once it learns how to properly behave, on the world that they inhabit, 1776 will make a lot of more sense. 

Friday, March 22, 2019

Former Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV): My experience with the Israel Lobby; The...

Questioning facts / from your description we can conclude that the logic of the holocaust is a episode and it is not israel what is on the middle east but a mengele experiment, following how israel behaves we can conclude that zionism & hitler were hand in hand "the plan was to create a holocaust so israel will have a justification to be , and validate the 1917 balfour declaration, the purpose is a somewhat animal farm having jews crammed into tiny israel and create a somehow orwellian realm where every month there is a hate week and israel fights palestinians and claims they are terrorist. moreover this whole doctors MOREAU, israel hell house is sponsored by the AIPAC lot and the industrial military complex. all adorned by beautiful beach houses and a rothschild avenue. in fact is not israel but hitler's dream alive on the middle east. in the book the morning of the magicians is a chapter somehow similar that describes what i am describing. author louis pauwel. moreover even the parclip adventure could be quite another realm a lot more sinister than the one described on paper bags. and anti semitism is a mind control product on the works. ?? true or false that is the ?

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Spiritual Alignment of the Mayflower Pilgrims and the Native Americans

Dear natives Americans
/ The blind leading the blind, Americas indeed slowly returning to 1492, HOPI
prophecy and SIOUX destiny. your time has come; natives of the land/ come to
take your nation back. and it can be a blessing to the citizens inhabitants of
the nations the real mother earth kibbutz returns to being happy & free.
reservation friends, injustice is now justice apply.  you will at last enjoy life in full. in the
new Eden. the newer world. sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out
of the way in order to come back a short distance correctly.

Clifford Mahooty - Traditional Zuni on the Past and Future

 for you***Dear natives americans / The blind leading the blind// americas indeed slowly returning to 1492, HOPI prophecy and SIOUX destiny. your time has come; natives of the land/ come to take your nation back. and it can be a blessing to the citizens inhabitants of the nations the real mother earth kibbutz return to  being happy & free. reservation friends, injustice is now  justice apply.  you will at last enjoy life in full. in the new eden. the newer world. sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out of the way in order to come back a short distance correctly.

The Oglala Sioux of Pine Ridge Reservation

Dear natives americans / The blind leading the blind, americas indeed slowly returning to 1492, HOPI prophecy and SIOUX destiny. your time has come; natives of the land/ come to take your nation back. and it can be a blessing to the citizens inhabitants of the nations the real mother earth kibbutz return to  being happy & free. reservation friends, injustice is now  justice apply.  you will at last enjoy life in full. in the new eden. the newer world. sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out of the way in order to come back a short distance correctly.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Entrevista GRETA THUNBERG, símbolo de las protestas por el CLIMA

El petróleo costoso y el euro débil no son una buena combinación, por lo que se avecina el fin de los petrodólares, y Rusia es el reino saudí de la UNIÓN Europea, a menos que EUROPA quiera contribuir a la destrucción del planeta y espere seguir TRUMP y reducir la COP21. ¿La UE es hipócrita sobre el cambio climático? Saber cómo se comportan no es una sorpresa. La única solución para el planeta y la UE es una integración con RUSIA para un cambio climático, CHINA está de acuerdo, al igual que IRAN.

Greta Thunberg - Our Political Leaders have Failed Us

expensive oil & weak euro not a good mix, therefore end of petrodollars is imminent, and russia is the saudi kingdom of the european UNION unless EUROPE wants to contribute to the destruction of the planet and hopes to follow TRUMP and slash COP21 / perhaps the EU is hypocrite about climate change ? knowing how they behave is not a surprise.! only solution for the planet and the EU is an integration with RUSSIA for a climate change, CHINA does agreed so is IRAN .

BRAZIL Favela Heroes

Technology is not good or bad it is the users that needs input not science. Confusing thoughts as it is not technology the problem but the AIPAC HOBBY LOBBY the real problem of our world, they have not evolve they still 150 years ago mentality which they believe that they have the duty to rule the lesser class, they do not understand that they got there for a purpose, and that purpose has been achieved, we got AI and other technological advantages which they indeed helped to create by stimulus and response, the media also has helped industry by influencing the public into BRAND names and false self-improvement, these proletariat that became bourgeoisie in the 19 and 20th century have accomplished their task. Now they have to be regulated as the divide to conquer is a fact that they no longer are able to understand, in fact they are becoming a danger because of their lack of understanding  the self, instead they worshiping the ego which is a definition of a hollywood star .

Max Blumenthal debunks corporate media lies about Venezuela at United Na...

problem is wall street rules and manipulations the proletarian capitalist
bourgeoisie, mergers and acquisitions , investors how they invest etc, capital
have to be regulated how is used and purpose, that was ok in the 1900 1850 however
today is no longer an advantage but a hindrance these amazon Bezos and other
warren buffet billionaires today are no longer needed they are in fact
producing the opposite while in 1850 it was that that was needed to stimulate
the technology. therefore, regulations are in great need for the sake of
humanity, today the world need science spiritual guidance philosophy arts, not these
industrial capitalist bourgeois investors running wild with proletarian 1850

Max Blumenthal debunks corporate media lies about Venezuela at United Na...

problem is wall street rules and manipulations the proletarian capitalist
bourgeoisie, mergers and acquisitions , investors how they invest etc, capital
have to be regulated how is used and purpose, that was ok in the 1900 1850 however
today is no longer an advantage but a hindrance these amazon Bezos and other
warren buffet billionaires today are no longer needed they are in fact
producing the opposite while in 1850 it was that that was needed to stimulate
the technology. therefore, regulations are in great need for the sake of
humanity, today the world need science spiritual guidance philosophy arts, not these
industrial capitalist bourgeois investors running wild with proletarian 1850

Max Blumenthal debunks corporate media lies about Venezuela at United Na...

Monday, March 18, 2019

The Economic Crash America Can Avoid... but Won't (w/ Richard Wolff)

special EMMANUEL MACRON GRAND DÉBAT pour bien comprendre les choses !! economie gilet jaunes sécurité sociale ..

HOW ISRAEL RULES — Barbarians Inside The Gates [Brendon O'Connel Mirror]

all about "you
are fire” democracy on the land of the insane home of the slave!!!!!!!!
MAKING it is not a sovereign continent "NATO" is a concrete fact of
how EUROPE is dominated by the 1900 CAPITALIST bourgeoisie and Washington DC
troops is a proof of European servitude to DC & ISRAEL/ hoping the European
renaissance will give Europe the chance of independence yellow vest is a
confirmation of these enslavement by DC. and the confusion of the French government
which somehow is also teleguided by DC. terrorism is another fact "made in
the usa tested in the Bataclan" facts.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Yellow Vests protest in Paris, Act 18 (Part 3)

Some after effects of the proletariat that became bourgeois capitalist, these fellows do harm society a regulation is needed from MURDOCH, Cisneros, Piñero, etc. to the rest of proletarian bourgeois capitalist, that are convinced that they became wiser by exploiting the weak, from yellow vest, to Christchurch New Zealand massacre to Israeli crimes, is also a result from these so called billionaires 1% of proletarian capitalist worldwide, a census should be taken to identify this lot. the industrial revolution ended and these billionaires do more harm than good to the human species from climate havoc to senseless killing from worship wall street to an AIPAC clan. 1776 did not meant a replacement of rulers that are mindless wizards. they've become a danger to the human mind and soul. do not blame social media blame the ego of this proletariat bourgeoisie 1% that have become capitalist savages.

Karl Marx: Bourgeois and Proletarians

all about proletarians that have become bourgeoisie/ sky news or better say murdoch australian instructions on the civilized world creates havoc BREXIT is some of his doing britain should get this fellow out . exile him back to australia. where he belongs .  hope by now you begin to understand why the proletarians that have become capitalist bourgeoisie are becoming a danger to the human species.

Top 10 Richest Jewish People In The World

all about proletarians that have become bourgeoisie/ sky news or better say murdoch australian instructions on the civilized world creates havoc BREXIT is some of his doing britain should get this fellow out . exile him back to australia. where he belongs .  hope by now you begin to understand why the proletarians that have become capitalist bourgeoisie are becoming a danger to the human species.

Maduro under threat as protests erupt in Venezuela

sky news or better say murdoch australian instructions on the civilized world creates havoc BREXIT is some of his doing britain should get this fellow out . exile him back to australia. where he belongs .  hope by now you begin to understand why the proletarians that have become capitalist bourgeoisie are becoming a danger to the human species.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Trabajadores de central hidroeléctrica atacada durante apagón en Venezue...

Venezuela 🇻🇪 - Desmontando la FAKE NEWS de la gente bebiendo agua residual - 11 Marzo 2019

Trabajadores de central hidroeléctrica atacada durante apagón en Venezue...

Venezuela 🇻🇪 - Desmontando la FAKE NEWS de la gente bebiendo agua residual - 11 Marzo 2019

Friday, March 15, 2019

Norman Finkelstein gets Ruffled by a Question "I could make you look foo...

Israel is a trick, however ask lord BALFOUR, 1917 why they gave Palestine to the Rothschilds, one thing is clear; we shall never know, he is dead. It is hard to know what he had on his mind. so far Rothschild is the front page but so is TRUMP so the truth is seal in Britain/ what we know as reality is that WW2 got displaced to the middle east since 1947 Israel has being killing Arabs and the Arabs are on the same state of affairs. perhaps the 1984 Orwellian realm begun in 1947 and Israel became the battle ground and testing ground for weapons and other items. there are more than one million Russians there, and they are not Semites, just Russians that got shipped to the middle east, why and what for we shall never know. same as other immigrants as Israel keeps killing Arabs and replacing them with Europeans which are not Semites, in many ways, strangely Jewish? as Israel is on the middle east not Russia or Scandinavia. therefore, the Israeli swindle is for the benefit of some and is not the Russian polish Ukrainians’ immigrants that got ship to the middle east. the one that destroyed Israel in 70 AD. was a Roman emperor not a Palestinian. however, Israel has the Palestinians as victims. strange but true. What would happen when the Christians decide to have their own nation as the Muslims and the protestants. they are no different than Jews. Even today this Israeli arrangement is obscure it is not logical and makes very little sense. Moreover, a psychological insane dogma exists about Israel which also makes more mysterious for what reason in reality Israel got created for and those that created it which were not Jewish but British. As well world war 2 was the reason for Israel today which rather than simplify  things complicate the facts. moreover thinking and giving an opinion so far creates a programed reaction from individuals and organisations which is also strange as if a program was embedded on the consciousness of some individuals.?

Norman Finkelstein gets Ruffled by a Question "I could make you look foo...

Israel is a trick, however ask lord BALFOUR, 1917 why they gave Palestine to the Rothschilds, one thing is clear; we shall never know, he is dead. It is hard to know what he had on his mind. so far Rothschild is the front page but so is TRUMP so the truth is seal in Britain/ what we know as reality is that WW2 got displaced to the middle east since 1947 Israel has being killing Arabs and the Arabs are on the same state of affairs. perhaps the 1984 Orwellian realm begun in 1947 and Israel became the battle ground and testing ground for weapons and other items. there are more than one million Russians there, and they are not Semites, just Russians that got shipped to the middle east, why and what for we shall never know. same as other immigrants as Israel keeps killing Arabs and replacing them with Europeans which are not Semites, in many ways, strangely Jewish? as Israel is on the middle east not Russia or Scandinavia. therefore, the Israeli swindle is for the benefit of some and is not the Russian polish Ukrainians’ immigrants that got ship to the middle east. the one that destroyed Israel in 70 AD. was a Roman emperor not a Palestinian. however, Israel has the Palestinians as victims. strange but true. What would happen when the Christians decide to have their own nation as the Muslims and the protestants. they are no different than Jews. Even today this Israeli arrangement is obscure it is not logical and makes very little sense. Moreover, a psychological insane dogma exists about Israel which also makes more mysterious for what reason in reality Israel got created for and those that created it which were not Jewish but British. As well world war 2 was the reason for Israel today which rather than simplify  things complicate the facts. moreover thinking and giving an opinion so far creates a programed reaction from individuals and organisations which is also strange as if a program was embedded on the consciousness of some individuals.?

Are You Racist? | George Galloway | Oxford Union

Israel is a trick, however ask lord BALFOUR, 1917 why they gave Palestine to the Rothschilds, one thing is clear; we shall never know, he is dead. It is hard to know what he had on his mind. so far Rothschild is the front page but so is TRUMP so the truth is seal in Britain/ what we know as reality is that WW2 got displaced to the middle east since 1947 Israel has being killing Arabs and the Arabs are on the same state of affairs. perhaps the 1984 Orwellian realm begun in 1947 and Israel became the battle ground and testing ground for weapons and other items. there are more than one million Russians there, and they are not Semites, just Russians that got shipped to the middle east, why and what for we shall never know. same as other immigrants as Israel keeps killing Arabs and replacing them with Europeans which are not Semites, in many ways, strangely Jewish? as Israel is on the middle east not Russia or Scandinavia. therefore, the Israeli swindle is for the benefit of some and is not the Russian polish Ukrainians’ immigrants that got ship to the middle east. the one that destroyed Israel in 70 AD. was a Roman emperor not a Palestinian. however, Israel has the Palestinians as victims. strange but true. What would happen when the Christians decide to have their own nation as the Muslims and the protestants. they are no different than Jews. Even today this Israeli arrangement is obscure it is not logical and makes very little sense. Moreover, a psychological insane dogma exists about Israel which also makes more mysterious for what reason in reality Israel got created for and those that created it which were not Jewish but British. As well world war 2 was the reason for Israel today which rather than simplify  things complicate the facts. moreover thinking and giving an opinion so far creates a programed reaction from individuals and organisations which is also strange as if a program was embedded on the consciousness of some individuals.?

Are You Racist? | George Galloway | Oxford Union

Israel is a trick, however ask lord BALFOUR, 1917 why they gave Palestine to the Rothschilds, one thing is clear; we shall never know, he is dead. It is hard to know what he had on his mind. so far Rothschild is the front page but so is TRUMP so the truth is seal in Britain/ what we know as reality is that WW2 got displaced to the middle east since 1947 Israel has being killing Arabs and the Arabs are on the same state of affairs. perhaps the 1984 Orwellian realm begun in 1947 and Israel became the battle ground and testing ground for weapons and other items. there are more than one million Russians there, and they are not Semites, just Russians that got shipped to the middle east, why and what for we shall never know. same as other immigrants as Israel keeps killing Arabs and replacing them with Europeans which are not Semites, in many ways, strangely Jewish? as Israel is on the middle east not Russia or Scandinavia. therefore, the Israeli swindle is for the benefit of some and is not the Russian polish Ukrainians’ immigrants that got ship to the middle east. the one that destroyed Israel in 70 AD. was a Roman emperor not a Palestinian. however, Israel has the Palestinians as victims. strange but true. What would happen when the Christians decide to have their own nation as the Muslims and the protestants. they are no different than Jews. Even today this Israeli arrangement is obscure it is not logical and makes very little sense. Moreover, a psychological insane dogma exists about Israel which also makes more mysterious for what reason in reality Israel got created for and those that created it which were not Jewish but British. As well world war 2 was the reason for Israel today which rather than simplify  things complicate the facts. moreover thinking and giving an opinion so far creates a programed reaction from individuals and organisations which is also strange as if a program was embedded on the consciousness of some individuals.?

Global Capitalism: US and China - 1 Global Economy, 2 Giants [March 2019]

all about the crash world democracy meratrocacy and fill full world of chaos

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Helen Thomas on Her Resignation and Middle East

même l'amerique dit la verite mais une fois la verite dite le mensonge est la corrupcion change tout comme en europe est dans le monde uncivilized, gg palestine palestine est fin a la nation apartheid en israel l'exemple de la torture global depuis 1947. des faits reel demander a lord BALFOUR 1947 guerres hitler et 1947 simple , israel 1967 pour vous refaire une santé..!!!

Global Capitalism: US and China - 1 Global Economy, 2 Giants [March 2019]

David Harvey's Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Value of Everything


Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Significance of China in the Global Economy

Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Significance of China in the Global Economy

Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Significance of China in the Global Economy

Salvador Allende's grandson thanks Roger Waters for supporting Venezuela

Salvador Allende's grandson thanks Roger Waters for supporting Venezuela

Salvador Allende's grandson thanks Roger Waters for supporting Venezuela

Thursday, March 07, 2019

Rep. Jayapal: We Must Protect Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Right to Critique U.S. F...

the only thing that TRUMP has accomplished since 2016/ is the jerusalem embassy so think and things become clear - Ilhan Omar’s Denunciation of Israel Lobby is Not Anti-Semitism - Phyllis Bennis and the aim is a war with IRAN pushing the europeans to agreed the venezuela bit is to distract the scheme/ same as vietnam 1967 and israeli war 1967 to grab land illegally.

Ouspensky: In Search of the Miraculous

Tuesday, March 05, 2019

The Time Machine (1978)

 media democracy  controls is not good as it operates unbalance leaning one side against the other kind of destructive, media democracy should play justice. 🧐

Monday, March 04, 2019

Kenya helicopter crash: Pilot and 4 American tourists killed - CNN

Kenya helicopter crash: Pilot and 4 American tourists killed - CNN

the butterfly effect is on Juan Guaido calls for mass protests before return to Venezuela

Anticipation grows before opposition leader's return with calls on social media for people to gather en masse. regime change in washington the time is now !!!!!!!

Sunday, March 03, 2019

Chavez : "C'est le FMI qui dirige l'Europe, pas les peuples"

What is Scientific Racism?

a nation for Jews who are different from the lot/ all easy to understand
ask EUGENICS THE CORE OF ZIONISM welcome to Israel the nation of race eugenics
version 2019/ facts by Eugenics and Francis Galton: Crash Course History of
Science #23, history coming to your living room not a 1947 sitcom.
'If liberty means
anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to
hear.' It is found in Orwell's 
proposed preface to
'Animal Farm', 'The Freedom of the Press'.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Poverty In USA, 46.5 Million People In USA Are Living In Poverty

GUAIDO HELP AMERICA 45 million of poor people in america where is BRANSON concert for food for america most americans die of hunger while GUAIDO IS IN COLOMBIA BRAZIL, branson food food . shelter 46.5 million of poor people venezuela has only 26 million people GUAIDO beware act now long live GUAIDO LIVE CONCERT FOR FOOD IN NEW YORK . GOD SAVE BRANSON he will help the poor in america

Gilets Jaunes : Avant la révolution ? François Boulo [EN DIRECT]

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Venezuela : la France doit cesser son soutien au coup d’État ! | MJCF | Mouvement Jeunes Communistes de France

Venezuela : la France doit cesser son soutien au coup d’État ! | MJCF | Mouvement Jeunes Communistes de France

the soul of Che Guevara is now in palestine, the connection already exist. as fact. it existed in the past. and exist Now.Exclusive: Venezuela removed 8 tons of central bank gold last week - legislator

Corina Pons, Mayela Armas


CARACAS (Reuters) - At least 8 tons of gold were removed from the Venezuelan central bank’s vaults last week, an opposition legislator and three government sources told Reuters, in the latest sign of President Nicolas Maduro’s desperation to raise hard currency amid tightening sanctions.

L HORREUR - Macron et sa Clique SIONISTE - une Loi Contre des Juifs !!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Friday, February 22, 2019

Gilets jaunes l'éveil de la domination Sioniste

dîner du CRIF à JÉRUSALEM // BIBI donne des ordre au CRIF retour à ISRAËL, BHL en sursis?  maintenant in many ways reality will act in such a way that finally anyone can criticize ISRAEL/ on this planet , reason and justice will be abel to criticize ISRAEL as a an apartheid regime, grabbing land and the UN at last will force ISRAEL to return to its 1967 borders, even some israeli official want the CRIF to return to israel, so the next dine du CRIF will be in JERUSALEM* and TRUMP CAN BE THERE AS WELL. Merci MACRON*

Oh Sheep!

Venezuela Opposition to Face Off With Maduro at Colombian Border

Soldiers kill one person, injure 15 others, during an indigenous protest over the delivery of tons of aid along the Brazil border

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Venezuela's Juan Guaidó: "Maduro is completely disconnected from reality"

global brainwashing by the euro wizards and AIPAC are having very unexpected results beware !!!!!!!!!!! MACRON PRESIDENTIAL current  HURDLES is a confirmation of this EURO WIZARDS ignorance.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Amb. John Bolton gives broad-ranging interview on what's wrong and how t...

HOW TO FIX THINGS/ After the experimental capitalism media brainwashing and now nobody understands how it works, it was expected, this consumption media, banks, state, employees, and employers; programming. We can mention the unexpected aftereffects on the population, riots, burning cars, suicides, strange senseless killings/ forcing people to sit on bayonets, and other confusing ideologies. The firsts thing to do is stop all this war, action* return to order starting with Israel 1967 borders/ and the UN returns to be what it represents. Mediations in Syria turkey MBS, and the petrodollars. Calm a bit the global population and pay a little more attention to the climate.



DONALD TRUMP GIVES ULTIMATE warning TO THE ZIONIST UNION / old EU/ we build jihadist and terrorism for Israel since 1990, we created Bin Laden, and ISIS, is all-USA MADE TESTED IN SYRIA IRAQ, we did the same with The atomic bomb in hiroshima.! now you complain BRUSSELS you are the ZIONIST UNION and we own you, AIPAC &  wall street agreed, otherwise we shall bankrupt you.   the Israeli government agrees and we hope you TOO. and me 2. the real men on the armed forces.

Sunday, February 17, 2019


DONALD TRUMP GIVES ULTIMATE warning TO THE ZIONIST UNION / old EU/ we build jihadist and terrorism for Israel since 1990, we created Bin Laden, and ISIS, is all-USA MADE TESTED IN SYRIA IRAQ, we did the same with The atomic bomb in hiroshima.! now you complain BRUSSELS you are the ZIONIST UNION and we own you, AIPAC &  wall street agreed, otherwise we shall bankrupt you.   the Israeli government agrees and we hope you TOO. and me 2. the real men on the armed forces.

Question A Massive Israel Lobby Group? You Anti-Semite! - The David Icke...

DONALD TRUMP GIVES ULTIMATE warning TO THE ZIONIST UNION / old EU/ we build jihadist and terrorism for Israel since 1990, we created Bin Laden, and ISIS, is all-USA MADE TESTED IN SYRIA IRAQ, we did the same with The atomic bomb in hiroshima.! now you complain BRUSSELS you are the ZIONIST UNION and we own you, AIPAC &  wall street agreed, otherwise we shall bankrupt you.   the Israeli government agrees and we hope you TOO. and me 2. the real men on the armed forces.

De Gaulle sa vision du sionisme et du conflit Israel Palestine - 1967

special d'Alain Finkielkraut, pour bien comprendre ISRAEl et L'antisemist ** Le philosophe a été la cible d’insultes ce 16 février en marge de la manifestation des Gilet jaunes dans le quartier de Montparnasse, à Paris. Un incident qui a provoqué l’indignation de plusieurs responsables politiques.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Battle of Las Queseras del Medio

GUAIDO & MADURO PROBLEM vs WASHINGTON IMPERIALISM/ it is just ethnic cleansing having all brown boys kill each other for AIPAC. same as Palestine, the new Venezuela. however, what the two of you can do is let the Americans in once they are inside unite; all your troops GUAIDO & MADURO DUKE and THE CARTEL, everyone in the continent form one solid body and destroy all of them "invaders from Washington"  from Caracas to Brasilia from Brasilia to Sao Paulo, and you shall see that they will never invade another nation on their whole existence. As you called it back face. cut the tree from its roots.  think about it south America will be free at last. MEXICO INCLUDED:)

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Why I Am Not a Christian by Bertrand Russell (1927)

news of the world The Battle of the Allia was fought between the Senones (one of the Gallic tribes which had invaded northern Italy) and the Roman Republic. / in 2019, they join forces and return to polytheism....!! religious problems solved. celtic medicine.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Roger Waters UN Address - Nov 29, 2012

UN DEMOCRACY. New army. How to destroy & construct the jiffy of democracy, however, none really revolts/ most argue about national items while military globalism is getting in gear. to protect forced liberalism, that pays for the military complex. The military is the main hindrance to democracy or is it liberalism. Perhaps liberalism is a democracy and the military are to defend it. UN DEMOCRACY. New army.!

Thursday, February 07, 2019

Noam Chomsky and Israel Shahak on Jewish Fundamentalism Part 1 of 2

the Rapture the return of Jesus is on to reform America and reveal the hidden curse of 1492 and why America is doom by Jesus and the bibble, some wonder why America was never mentioned on the bibble the reason KING JAMES BIBLE specially designed for Americans erased the curse. so pilgrims will go over and conquer the new world. they will believe in Israel holy land* Jesus is back to punish the evil nation. the reason why any nation on this planet that deals with the devil nation* "AMERICA" will perish Theresa may now understand. and the rest of the planet from Venezuela to Iran from Russia to Israel/ chaos will reign until all nations of the planet cease to believe in America Washington and its evil laws/

Why is America not mentioned in Bible prophecy?

the Rapture the return of Jesus is on to reform America and reveal the hidden curse of 1492 and why America is doom by Jesus and the bibble, some wonder why America was never mentioned on the bibble the reason KING JAMES BIBLE specially designed for Americans erased the curse. so pilgrims will go over and conquer the new world. they will believe in Israel holy land* Jesus is back to punish the evil nation. the reason why any nation on this planet that deals with the devil nation* "AMERICA" will perish Theresa may now understand. and the rest of the planet from Venezuela to Iran from Russia to Israel/ chaos will reign until all nations of the planet cease to believe in America Washington and its evil laws/

Nuit debout: Power to the people of France

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Le Libre Journal de Jean-Michel Vernochet n°17 – Christian Combaz

the lima group elects the new HITLER boy !! and the incapable dictator Maduro is label as a dictator/ oN this upsidedown world where democracy is now done by main corporate media democracy, poor Venezuelans and brainwashed  western world populations as it is not only Venezuela, BRAZIL FRANCE, Europe is all under this corporate main media democracy. forget yellow vest "gilet jeans" how will they curb the corporate media democracy looks mission impossible unless they all refuse facebook google and their smartphones. therefore the new world center of slaves is on the making going global..

BHL l'infâme...Piqûre de rappel ! Extraits

promoteur de la democratie coorporative du medias officiele, puis du savage importation des refugies depuis 2001, pour detruire l'europe son peuple, le peut qui reste de la democratie**

Monday, February 04, 2019

Detrás de la Razón: Invasión militar: ¿EEUU, Brasil y Colombia contra Ve...

news about mike tense/ in Miami/ all about MIKE TENSE  unable to relax because of nervousness, anxiety, or stimulation.

"he was tense with excitement" BOLTON OIL COMPANY ON THE MAKING. too bad for Poroshenko and the UKRANIAN REPEAT. will the yellow vest understand the new world disorder and the end of the main media democracy?

Pierre Hillard: "Le mondialisme et son activité"

Saturday, February 02, 2019

Then They Came for Me: Incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II | International Center of Photography

Then They Came for Me: Incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II | International Center of Photography

all about the FAKE NEWS NATION and the Washington hack, Beware Italians Americans & French Americans  & Brits Americans  and Irish American folks Trump could decide you are a danger to the nation same as he did in 1942 Japanese WW2 victims & native Americans and African Americans/, no one is safe in America since is not really a nation but a standardized group of people behind CAPITALISM, reason why there are no morals neither principles; no democracy and no liberty but wall street & Zionism.

Friday, February 01, 2019

Marion Sigaut - 1789 n'a jamais été la révolte du Peuple !

VIDEO. Quand Laurent Wauquiez et Eric Zemmour discutent de l'Histoire de France

BEST FRIENDS Les deux hommes se sont retrouvés en tête à tête et ont échangé sur l’Histoire de France et sur le dernier roman de l’essayiste

An Economic Hit Man Confesses and Calls to Action | John Perkins | TEDxT...

AFTER FIRING TRUMP FROM OFFICE,  BOLTON HAS TAKEN OVER VENEZUELAN OIL, the new BOLTON OIL COMPANY ..! poor GUAIDO saddam hussein should be a remainder!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 31, 2019

L' atlas du mondialisme (Pierre Hillard) et l'opposition entre le cathol...

Israel was created in 1947 now it no longer makes sense because is no longer needed. as a petrol guard, source of holocaust industry, becomes useless in the 21 century...related to the industrial revolution, now we are in the technological revolution the $ dogma is no longer needed neither the 1900 mentality, the zionism of 1913, is no longer valid and that is the real problem of washington, they refuse to enter the 21 century, and israel neither zionism AIPAC and the $ are not useful now, they have accomplish their task. as we all know once you rule you resist to give up power. but you do in the end.!!

L' atlas du mondialisme (Pierre Hillard) et l'opposition entre le cathol...

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


S'ils n'ont pas de pain, qu'ils mangent de la brioche...

Guy Debord (1/4) : L’art de déplaire

The time has come for
magna carta for the web, the media and the citizens, no one knows where truth
is or what to trust, a global fear of an unknown enemy, global fake news, and
the inability to discerned. The global medium is the web as that is how most communicate,
from fear to joy. To avoid media manipulation.
To avoid media manipulation. however,
you are on a globalized network. for what globalism goes, from Alex jones to Donald
trump. therefore, magna carta for the web becomes a must.

Max Headroom

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Histoire secrète de l'oligarchie AngloAméricaine "Juifs Anglais" 15.05.15

le non à oui ingérence face à oui liberte, un example de laneige orellian. le oui à l'ingérence face au non de la liberte.!!

Monday, January 28, 2019


pour comprendre la manipulation sioniste regarde abraham**  le problème de l’Europe c'est l’Europe sioniste dirigée par BHL et George SOROS, alors réveillez-vous. est changé l'europe sioniste pour une europe pour l'europe ...!!!!!!!!!! BHL c'est un danger pour l'europe libre indépendant 

C Politique, la suite - Ingrid Levavasseur, Théo Poulard, Fanny Agostini...

Normal gilet jeunes
conscient gilet jeunes inconscient. Il existe de difference entre tous les citoyens.
Donc Ingrid Levavasseur a raison les européennes c'est une chance pour les
idées nouvelles de changer la manière comme l'union européenne fonctionne, est
le climat car la terre sera toujours là par contre le gilet jeunes les retraite
les hommes les femmes c'est eux qui risquent de disparaître en concret vous,
les humains. La terre elle survivra tout sort des problèmes. Les femmes au
pouvoir. Plus elle peut dialoguer avec Jill Stein est le parti écolo anglais. +++
pour comprendre le gilet jeunes qui sont pour ZARCO version 2019

L'énergie du thorium, l'avenir vert du nucléaire? Jean-Christophe de Mes...

Fanny est née en Auvergne, à la Bourboule. Depuis septembre 2011, elle présente les bulletins météo sur BFMTV. Très engagée sur les questions environnementales et très attachée à la région, elle co-organise à la Bourboule en septembre 2015 le Climate Bootcamp avec Cédric Ringenbach et Nicolas Hulot, une session d’entrainement à destination des journalistes pour les sensibiliser et leur faire gagner en hauteur de vue sur les enjeux climatiques.


Symphonie « Du Nouveau Monde » (Orchestre philharmonique gilets jaunes )...

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Attempted Coup in Venezuela with Abby Martin, Greg Wilpert, Paul Jay

Democracy has never existed in america votes are just junk ideas for the american dreamer, TRUMP is just a hollywood tv actor same as OBAMA BUSH CLINTON LYNDON JOHNSON, therefore keep voting for your dreams that will never come true. america is animal farm since 1776, and under new management since 1913//  and it is a fact. how and when the citizens will reach democracy is where the question is. EURO IDIOTS and 1789 no diference since, these illusions of democracy created by the same people give the same result or total lobotomy or wars and destruction** . however the good the bad and the eagle is where fiction meets reality.