how we can evolve into a fourth dimensional realm. history plasticity realism, as a memory fact. a realm that continues to be hiding to most folks, will open the door to a unified mind, body and self of the individual entities of our world..
Saturday, January 04, 2020
FORO DE LA CULTURA - Diálogo entre Zygmunt Bauman y Javier Goma (Burgos,...
le problema arnault est louis vuitton est la fin de la culture avec jeff koons est l’abrutissement généralise par les BARONS DE LA MODE😥
Friday, January 03, 2020
La position de la France vis-à-vis de l'OTAN en 1966 - .mov
TIME TO ACT PRESIDENT MACRON EXIT NATO NOW----------!France : « ce dont nous avions peur s'est produit !»
Fri Jan 3, 2020 12:20PM
best time to quit the idiots of 1776 & make Europe great again / forget the 1492 retards “government” YOU CANNOT HELP THEM 🤔👽👽👽 TIME TO ACT PRESIDENT MACRON / 🤔
La position de la France vis-à-vis de l'OTAN en 1966 - .mov
France : « ce dont nous avions peur s'est produit !»
Fri Jan 3, 2020 12:20PM
best time to quit the idiots of 1776 & make Europe great again / forget the 1492 retards YOU CANNOT HELP THEM 🤔👽👽👽 TIME TO ACT PRESIDENT MACRON / let BREXIT TAKE HIS COURSE.🤔
Libya, War, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Sarkozy and Rebels
Thursday, January 02, 2020
Friday, December 27, 2019
Climate change took center stage in 2019 with Greta Thunberg
the art of the deal /climate change politics.Mind is connected to the climate as the meteorological conditions is connected to the mind, wars perturb the thinking, the mind & the climate. everything is related.
climate change is PEACE .
Money, happiness and eternal life - Greed (director's cut) | DW Documentary
Ego is not quite the subject what looks like is a conditioning / a program/ however this program is embedded since birth/ conclusion, those that brought you to existence & somehow educate you, have a % of who you are today. the ego system is link to buying & selling, is basically trade. and the programmed desire to have more is nothing more than an industrial programmed behavior where all are co conspirator of the deed. true life can be a lot better among humans if they really become humans.
today seems they are below the animals they enslave 🤔 and continue going downwards. 😥
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
"Ahora la opinión del sabio y la del ignorante valen lo mismo; es una ép...
y buenas navidades especial agárrate 🍾🍾🍾 EL verdadero Tema🙈🙉🙊 Ahora la opinión del sabio y la del ignorante valen lo mismo; es una época DEMAGOGICA🧐
Monday, December 23, 2019
Jean William Prevost at flatland bmx Pro World Circuit round 1 FINAL
BIKES are back "velo" 🚲🚲🚲 Good for your legs 👙👠& body 👩🦱👩👩🦰👱♀️👷♀️🤶👮♀️👩⚖️👩🌾🥂🍾🍾🍷😉 NEW AMSTERDAM "larger & brighter/ climate change /tale of two cities/ BREXIT swing* 🎨👕💜💖👩🦰👱♀👩⚖🍾🍾🍦climate change the New Amsterdam/ BIKES "velo" 🚲🚲🚲& the coming realm. " Atlantis😉 On a renaissance Mood. 🎨🎨🖼🎭 Ne laissez jamais le passé gâcher le futur - Manly P. Hall
En Angleterre, un phénomène urbain a pris d'assaut les rues de Londres. Ce phénomène s'appelle "BikeStormz", littéralement "Tempête de vélos". Des milliers d'adolescents venus des banlieues dites sensibles déferlent sur la capitale Anglaise équipés de vélos tous plus stylés les uns que les autres. Leur credo ? "Bikes up, Knives out". "Vélos en l'air et couteaux à terre". Pour essayer d'endiguer le crime, qui fait toujours plus de victimes en Angleterre, les kids des faubourgs de Londres se retrouvent entre eux pour rider et kiffer. Riding Zone s'est frayé un passage au cœur de la dernière Bikestormz pour tenter d'analyser ce nouveau phénomène. English version:
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Detrás de la Razón: ¿Trump y su clon británico contra el mundo? ¿Qué dic...
TRUMP 🤡🤡 BDS "INQUISITION" BORIS JOHNSON "BDS" INQUISITION IS NOW "ON" 🙈🙉🙊BEWARE / keep yourself healthy and discret/ knowing TRUMP🙄🤡🤡 a burning can be orchestrated by BORIS JOHNSON to start the BDS inquisition on time square. 🤔🤔🤔
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Tu cerebro programa tus emociones
to understand TRUMP🤪 auto 🚘🚘🚘Proclaimed PRESIDENTS / & NASTY RESULTS****🤔 Los Barones de los medios confunden y distorsionan la realidad / las 74 ONG 🤡🤡/ impulsadas por la propaganda de 🔨📲📳💻📺NTN24 es dirigida exclusivamente a el cerebro 🤑🤑"emocional" resultado/ el cerebro racional el cual debería analizar el discurso de NTN24 no funciona como previsto🙈🙉🙊 y es el cerebro emocional el que dirige la mente del individuo "el resultado" es chaos verdades que NTN24 y los ONG convierten en mentiras y mentiras que convierten en verdades 🤔🙃🙃/ luego la retórica es apoyada por los medios y dirigida a el cerebro emocional🙄😣/ el individuo no es mas un ser racional sino puramente emocional/ 🙄🐩🐩🐑🐑🐑🐑😥😨🤪
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Marsili, un vulcano ancora attivo ~ Marsili, a still active volcano WWW....
Salomon's House (or Solomon's House) is a fictional
institution in Sir Francis Bacon's utopian work New Atlantis, published in
English in 1627, La Turquie se serait intéressée au gaz israélien🤔🤔🤔🤔
institution in Sir Francis Bacon's utopian work New Atlantis, published in
English in 1627, La Turquie se serait intéressée au gaz israélien🤔🤔🤔🤔
William the Conqueror ("Sexyback" by Justin Timberlake)
Boris the time has come* Salomon's House (or Solomon's House) is a fictional institution in Sir Francis Bacon's utopian work New Atlantis, published in English in 1627,
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Jehovah's Witnesses Part 1/4 - Dr. Walter Martin
special BOLIVIA to understand the nuts 🤔🤪🤪of BOLIVIA and fake bible🤡🤡professors and mind controllers/ christian Zionist brainwashing & presidential elections 🤔🤔🤔 auto 🚘🚘🚘 Proclamados y distorsiones en BOLIVIA 🛴🤔🤔
Friday, December 13, 2019
Life Is Worth Losing - Dumb Americans - George Carlin
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Jeff Koons bat un record avec un lapin vendu 91,1 millions de dollars | ...
all is related from terrorism to banker suicides to art dealers & wall street market shows to investors of junk art/ art market a junk house & dangerous for current civilization CEO/ of proletarian origin "remain" proletarians🙈🙉🙊 result chaos "100 million $ art money laundering/ upheavals & fake art/ from mind control to minds out of contro🤪🤪 manipulation of art market & creators of mental terrorism/ "End of jeep KOONS art hoax , speculative money laundering by CEO & others 🤔😏 19 century mind manipulators creators of JUNK ART & terrorism. Bad for their CV & history.👸🤴👳♀🤔
Monday, December 09, 2019
MÉXICO ESTÁ FELIZ FELIZ!!! Encuentran gigantesco yacimiento petrolero | ...
Alfredo Jalife Conferencia:"El Caos en Latinoamerica: Agonía del Neoliberalismo" en Congreso Toluca
Sunday, December 08, 2019
Art Press Agency | En direct de la Demeure du Chaos / Abode of Chaos
Art Press Agency | En direct de la Demeure du Chaos / Abode of Chaos
the complexity of the pyramid is the complexity
of a human / from top to bottom. from time & space ✨the top "a bit
rusty" 🤔
of a human / from top to bottom. from time & space ✨the top "a bit
rusty" 🤔
The media Barons
probably wanted 🍰& mind control
& now we face minds out of control! 🤔
probably wanted 🍰& mind control
& now we face minds out of control! 🤔
WEB. 🍾🍾
WEB. 🍾🍾
Thursday, December 05, 2019
Looking Forward to Retirement is a Thing of the Past | Retro Report
retraite le monde Amérique; france spécial retraites pour les syndics black blocs puis ++ le reste // artiste ++😊😊 gilet jeunes et autres 😥
�� The Coming Retirement Crisis Explained and Explored (w/ Raoul Pal)
special retraites por les sindicas black blocks puis ++ le reste // artiste ++😊😊 gilet jeunes et autres 😥
Wednesday, December 04, 2019
De Gaulle et l'Or
The EXFOLIATION economy 🙃is the current main problem of the 21 century, it creates a chain of corruption & transform citizens into a leech / this bedbugs multiply & developed what most called capitalism, but it is a sponge economy by which one sucks the blood of his brother as he grows larger a new Leech comes along and continues the ritual, most obey the rules of the market which they call civilization but rather it is a hive of bedbugs hoping to have more blood that will guarantee them a longer & happier existence. Unfortunately believing is quite different than faith.🤔🤔 1967 borders for ISRAEL president "President MACRON" 🍾🍾 DIPLOMACY😊😊
De Gaulle et l'Or
The EXFOLIATION economy 🙃is the current main problem of the 21 century, it creates a chain of corruption & transform citizens into a leech / this bedbugs multiply & developed what most called capitalism, but it is a sponge economy by which one sucks the blood of his brother as he grows larger a new Leech comes along and continues the ritual, most obey the rules of the market which they call civilization but rather it is a hive of bedbugs hoping to have more blood that will guarantee them a longer & happier existence. Unfortunately believing is quite different than faith.🤔🤔 1967 borders for ISRAEL president "President MACRON" 🍾🍾 DIPLOMACY😊😊
De Gaulle sur le sionisme et sur la réalité belliqueuse de l'etat d'Israel
ISRAEL is a British creation so it is USA of America & TRUMP/🙄/ They bare the responsibility* 1967 Borders fo israel is the only way to peace as Charles De Gaulle said/ & only a French President can accomplish🤔🤔 the task 💜🍾🍾The schizophrenic democracy,😣😣 no longer an eye for an 🙄eye but rather give life with one hand & take it away with the other 😥/ a world according to "ISRAEL" / certified by Abraham🤔🤔🤔🤔
Tuesday, December 03, 2019
Monday, December 02, 2019
How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio
La démocratie schizophrène avec une main ont donné
de la vie😥🍾🍾 , avec l'autre ont tué l’Europe 🤔🤔
de la vie😥🍾🍾 , avec l'autre ont tué l’Europe 🤔🤔
Iran: la France joue avec le feu ? (débat)
Iran: la France joue avec le feu ? (débat)
la democratie schizophrène avec une main ont donne de la vie😥🍾🍾 , avec l'autre ont tue l'europe 🤔🤔
la democratie schizophrène avec une main ont donne de la vie😥🍾🍾 , avec l'autre ont tue l'europe 🤔🤔
indirectamente le diré que pienso que el problema humano es algo complejo /tanto como en funcionamiento mental como / su condicionamiento social. Este fenómeno reside en la configuración económica de la sociedad humana. La economía rige el funcionamiento del individuo, lo irracional de la economía es que esta construida de forma tal que definitivamente elimina las dificultades humanas, lo extraño es que existe otra realidad en la cual los avances humanos se dirigen en dos direcciones opuestas/ por un lado los descubrimientos tecnológicos avanzan la humanidad y la ayudan a vivir mejor simultáneamente lo contrario se produce, socialmente / se puede deducir que el humano es un ser que da vida y muerte simultáneamente a su ser, algo extraño ya que un enfermo toma veneno con una mano y con la otra toma su antídoto a el veneno que tomo, el resultado es un humano que gradualmente se convierte en una maquina esquizofrenia/ aunque hay que tener en cuanta que una maquina moderna funciona con un programa correcto y la humanidad se encuentra que la maquina humana tiene un programa errado, inadaptado a su evolución tecnológica. El resultado es muerte y vida simultaneamente.. y en ese balance el humano o desaparecerá o lograra vencer su propia incoherencia.😊😊
indirectamente le diré que pienso que el problema humano es algo complejo /tanto como en funcionamiento mental como / su condicionamiento social. Este fenómeno reside en la configuración económica de la sociedad humana. La economía rige el funcionamiento del individuo, lo irracional de la economía es que esta construida de forma tal que definitivamente elimina las dificultades humanas, lo extraño es que existe otra realidad en la cual los avances humanos se dirigen en dos direcciones opuestas/ por un lado los descubrimientos tecnológicos avanzan la humanidad y la ayudan a vivir mejor simultáneamente lo contrario se produce, socialmente / se puede deducir que el humano es un ser que da vida y muerte simultáneamente a su ser, algo extraño ya que un enfermo toma veneno con una mano y con la otra toma su antídoto a el veneno que tomo, el resultado es un humano que gradualmente se convierte en una maquina esquizofrenia/ aunque hay que tener en cuanta que una maquina moderna funciona con un programa correcto y la humanidad se encuentra que la maquina humana tiene un programa errado, inadaptado a su evolución tecnológica. El resultado es muerte y vida simultaneamente.. y en ese balance el humano o desaparecerá o lograra vencer su propia incoherencia.😊😊
Friday, November 29, 2019
Malcolm X - The House Negro and the Field Negro
NAZI REGIME OF BOLIVIA & ISRAEL 😣😣no wonder the world according to Israel holocaust is expanding from gaza Palestine to Bolivia the new genocide nation of the israelí domain & PLANET OF THE APES Camacho the Gorila & the fake bible & mesa the chimp 🤔🤔🤔/ a worse genocide than the holocaust of 1492-- as the 170 millions natives that were exterminated in 1492 now the trend is a global holocausto on israelí terms.🙄😥😣😣
100+ million Native Americans Were Murdered By The American Government
NAZI REGIME OF BOLIVIA & ISRAEL 😣😣no wonder the world according to Israel holocaust is expanding from gaza Palestine to Bolivia the new genocide nation of the israelí domain & PLANET OF THE APES Camacho the Gorila & the fake bible & mesa the chimp 🤔🤔🤔/ a worse genocide than the holocaust of 1492-- as the 170 millions natives that were exterminated in 1492 now the trend is a global holocausto on israelí terms.🙄😥😣😣
1989 - American Indian Activist Russell Means testifies at Senate Hearing
NAZI REGIME OF BOLIVIA & ISRAEL 😣😣no wonder the world according to Israel holocaust is expanding from gaza Palestine to Bolivia the new genocide nation of the israelí domain & PLANET OF THE APES Camacho the Gorila & the fake bible & mesa the chimp 🤔🤔🤔/ a worse genocide than the holocaust of 1492-- as the 170 millions natives that were exterminated in 1492 now the trend is a global holocausto on israelí terms.🙄😥😣😣
100 million Native Americans Were Murdered By The American Government
NAZI REGIME OF BOLIVIA & ISRAEL 😣😣no wonder the world according to Israel holocaust is expanding from gaza Palestine to Bolivia the new genocide nation of the israelí domain & PLANET OF THE APES Camacho the Gorila & the fake bible & mesa the chimp 🤔🤔🤔/ a worse genocide than the holocaust of 1492-- as the 70 millions natives that were exterminated in 1492 now the trend is a global holocausto on israelí terms.🙄😥😣😣
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
Chomsky explaining real anarchism
it is called main media democracy/ reason why media distribution is concentrated on a few hands & the existence of world markets such as wall street/ executed in animal farm usa of america/ get MAGNA CARTA save your do not have a democracy in america you have a Janus democracy / a system of democrats & Republicans that are in fact one/ the world according to Israël is no different than Russian bashing/ the roman forum of retarded american politicians/ Europeans just enjoy the show and their bank accounts.🤔
How Corporate Media Fueled Trump's Rise
it is called main media democracy/ reason why media distribution is concentrated on a few hands & the existence of world markets such as wall street/ executed in animal farm usa of america/ get MAGNA CARTA save your do not have a democracy in america you have a Janus democracy / a system of democrats & Republicans that are in fact one/ the world according to Israël is no different than Russian bashing/ the roman forum of retarded american politicians/ Europeans just enjoy the show and their bank accounts.🤔
How Corporate Media Fueled Trump's Rise
it is called main media democracy/ executed in animal farm usa of america/ get MAGNA CARTA save your do not have a democracy in america you have a Janus democracy / a system of democrats & Republicans that are in fact one/ the world according to Israël is no different than Russian bashing/ the roman forum of retarded american politicians/ Europeans just enjoy the show and their bank accounts.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Friday, November 08, 2019
Petrodólar: descanse en paz (E1121) - Keiser Report en español
el petro se puede utilizar de dos formas local y global/ local es una cosa de la nación y global es para empresas y el estado // TRUMP ON ART OF THE 🤡🤡🤡🤡 TRUMP the master of all tricks on art of the 🤡🤡🤡
Monday, November 04, 2019
Eduardo Galeano: Allende contribuyó a restituir la dignidad perdida del ...
more 🚘 proclaimed presidents / the story that never ends/ the allende coup/ on Bolivia 2019// 1989/ perestroika USA version 2019/ back to the future 🤔/// more havoc // 9/11 🤔
Sunday, November 03, 2019
Meghan Markle Doesn't 'Want People To Love Her' She Wants Them To 'Hear ...
Perestroika/ On american elections 20/20 on a 2019 version/ same purpose of the 1989 version/ end of wars 🤔 hope the same mistake would not be made 🤔👽 climate change 👸
Blowback: US-armed 'moderate rebels' slaughter Kurds in Syria
Antes de comprender la inteligencia artificial es importante saber cómo funciona su propio cerebro y hoy día nadie sabe cómo exactamente funciona el cerebro humano y mucho menos lo que llaman consciencia / es decir AI es algo aproximativo de la maquina humana // el ser humano es una dualidad/ está compuesto de maquina el cuerpo y mente lo que rige la maquina “cuerpo” el mismo cuerpo existe en una dualidad “masculino /femenino” el cuerpo humano vive en un mar de oxigeno y diferentes partículas sub atómicas respira/ se alimenta y muere/ en su mar invisible/ como el pez en su mar tangible. debido a esta particularidad acciones que parecen totalmente lógicas para el cuerpo pueden ser realizadas por la mente y destruir a su propio cuerpo/ NAYIB BUKELE es un ejemplo / ya que su acción de expulsar a diplomáticos venezolanos es totalmente en contra de su propia nación/ / Por que dicho presidente actúa contra su propio bienestar 🤔 y el bienestar del salvador 🤔 esto le sucede a presidentes como a obreros y elites de una nación, pais, familia comunidad🤔👽👽
Saturday, November 02, 2019
F1 is the real winner of US Grand Prix 2019 — Quartz
F1 is the real winner of US Grand Prix 2019 — Quartz
Après la délocalisation de la COP25 à Madrid, Greta Thunberg demande de l'aide pour revenir en Europe
ENTREVISTA con famoso CriptoEmpresario ruso Alex Belov ������ | Marshal Lio...
bit coin trump dijo que el auto 🚘 proclamado va a excitar las chicas venezolanas en el episodio 11/ 😉😉mes de noviembre / que sudaran de placer😋 y serán electrificadas en todo el cuerpo✨✨ y el alma🎇 y que disfrutaran hasta el mes de enero 20/20*🎐🌅 y tendrán grandes noches😋😉 & días y mañanas 🤗de placer y gritaran en el momento exacto 💜💌"LIBERTAD" 👸👱♀️👩🦰👩👩🦱😉😋🍾🍷🥂👩🦳😋😎
Friday, November 01, 2019
Gladiator Barbarian Horde Battle Scene
roman forum gladiators ///// World arena// Roman Orgies different kind of gladiators & they have more fun. 🤔 the 1% leads the charge / est tube baby's * male & female 👸😋 suffering on the roman forum 🤔🍾🍾roman orgies even for roman slaves, ✨ the 1% leads the charge// no test tube baby's. sex protest 🤔 freedom of the press 🤔Brave new world 👽Test tube baby's * male & female
suffering on the roman forum
roman orgies even for roman slaves,
the 1% leads the charge// no test tube baby's. sex protest
freedom of the press Brave new world
Thursday, October 31, 2019
La Fracture esthétique par Alexandre Landre.
hi painter & aesthetically introducing myself to you / art/ and the many dimensions of art/ the triangle painter /artwork & the audience. the mystical philosophy of art.
Pierre Yves Rougeyron Entretien d'actualité septembre 2 Brexit - Trump -...
Ce cercle commence à rouiller/ complètement correcte est tout est faux / donc stagnation étendu / des aperçue de 1984 chez les intellectuelles journaliste, résultat une réalité inverse une population confuse est des journalistes intellectualisés avec une perception amétrope/ curieusement c'est ne pas une exclusivité de la France mais l'Amérique est dans le même État de confusion généralisé. la réalité devient la mensonge est la mensonge se transforme en réalité// donc MAGNA CARTA FOR THE WEB // 😇👽👽 simón dit 🤔
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Municipales : lobby citoyen contre lobby bancaire
New global reserve currency/ only way to keep nations & others in check/ rigging will end no nations has power over other nations "economically End of foolish military expending/ end of global sanctions & a decent & intelligent way to distribute the wealth & the needs of all nations on a humanly perceptive way// regarding each nations natural resources & preserving them// protecting them from speculation and toxic waste/ BREN /new global reserve currency/ Mystical/ ancient & blends with the current realm of the BRIC/ BANK/ BRENT Petrol & James Joyce. To keep electronic currency & cashless societies in check// local🤔 & international electronic currency . The new global reserve currency is watching you/ / Bren New global Reserve currency/ the currency of the people/ that keeps / nations citizens with a voice. 👽
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
“América para los Americanos “
evo morales assange/ MACRI/ Piñera/ lenin moreno el presidente que huyo a Guayaquil/ el ladrón de derechos humanos/ ASSANGE/ CHILE/ otro desastre grupo de lima 🤡🤡 TRIAR 😣🤡🤡 TRUMP y como destruir america con fake news 🙄😥🤡😳🤪
Entrevista con Noam Chomsky y Tariq Ali - Diálogos con Julian Assange (E10)
lenin moreno😥👺👹/ Piñera/😣😴😴 san juan guaido/ 🤡🤡TRUMP 😥🤣🤪🤡🤡/ Chile ruge 😨😩Jun 26, 2012 *** a despertarce amigos todo sobre las technicas para controlar america latina🤔🤔// «La guerra es paz, la libertad es esclavitud, la ignorancia es la fuer-za» 1984 George Orwell. assange encarcelado por y Vendido por LENIN MORENO presidente de ECUADOR 🤔
Entrevista con Noam Chomsky y Tariq Ali - Diálogos con Julian Assange (E10)
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Monday, October 21, 2019
"La resistencia es vivir": La latente e incesante lucha del pueblo mapuc...
piñera/ asesino: el pinochet 2 / grupo de LIMA/ asesinos/MACRI/ BOLSONARO/ LENIN MORENO / asesinos usurpadores vendidos NARCOS// usurpadores destruyendo el amazonas / asesinos / presidentes en contra de su propio pueblo Piñera/ asesino/ usurpador vendido a wall street/ boten el $$ peligro para el amazonas y la salud / respiren sanamente Piñera asesino fuera/ usurpador vendido/🤔👽👽
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Friday, October 18, 2019
Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon
/ President MADURO UN / you the men to do the job/ 1967 borders for /ISRAEL/ "surprise" "have faith nothing will go wrong /😇/ ISRAEL/ MADURO LIBERATES PALESTINE/ ? Israel returns to its 1967 borders / "excitement " 🧐👽 new global reserve// currency IRELAND /BREXIT ISRAEL PALESTINE 🤔 IRELAND /BREN👽President Maduro/ 👽 GODS will 😇👽 🍾🍾
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Detrás de la Razón: ¿Podrán Rusia, China e Irán matar el dólar de EEUU? ...
From breton Woods to Brexit 😇 De Gaulle 1967/ GOLD/ 👽
Detrás de la Razón: ¿Podrán Rusia, China e Irán matar el dólar de EEUU? ...
tweeter wars / video games/ past & present/ / the war games are getting boring/ however /industrial military complex "reconversion" 😇 collapse of industrial military complex 👽
Erdogan talks Israel and creation of Palestinian state at UNGA
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Alfredo Jalife - Hacia el nuevo orden geofinanciero: Yuan Chino entra al...
welcome /
La guerra es la paz, la libertad es la esclavitud, la ignorancia es la fuerza
May 28, 2019
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Michel Midi avec Mohamed Hassan - Yémen, Soudan, Iran, Syrie : quatre te...
venezuela auto proclamados, lenin moreno assange climate change JG/ market crash end of dollar 🙄🤑🤑 Trump in 🍑🍑🍑 Climate change / ASSANGE/ lenin moreno / TRUMP AUTO PROCLAMADOS 🙄😓😨😩 EXTINCTION REBELLION/ SYRIE, "the wall Mexico "TRUMP" 😥😣☹😷🤕
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Énergie sexuelle, orgasmes et oeuf de jade - José Toiràn
special AMOUR ///🤪😳🤩 energie conf sex 😉😊😋🥰LILOU TV 🧐👽
Marie-Sophie L sur LCI présente une "rawtatouille" toute crue pour l'été...
lilou mager Cru 😉😊😋 sexy RAW 😍 sans photoshop 🙄👸👩👱♀️😉
EGYPTE : le mystère des pyramides - Jean-Pierre Petit
C’est au cours de son voyage en Égypte que Jean-Pierre Petit, ancien directeur de recherche au CNRS fait une voyage hors du corps, dans une vie passée, au temps de l’empire ancien d’Egypte. Mémorisant chaque détail de son voyage, il découvre les secrets de la constructions des pyramides. Il prend alors note et partage avec nous ses découvertes.
Pour télécharger ses bandes dessinées gratuitement dont celle sur l’Égypte dans laquelle il p
MALHAMA & THE ROLE OF CHINA - Imran Hosein Animated
GOLD SILVER, VENEZUELA MEXICO BOLIVIA /BREN 25% silver// VENEZUELA/ IRAN/ wall street/ auto proclamados/ LENIN MORENO/ CUCUTA/ Washington the IV REICH / AIPAC//---😇👽 JUAN GUAIDO 🙄🤡🤡🤡
La Crise au Venezuela par le Cheikh Imran Hosein
VENEZUELA/ IRAN/ wall street/ auto proclamados/ LENIN MORENO/ CUCUTA/ Washington the IV REICH / AIPAC//---😇👽 JUAN GUAIDO 🙄🤡🤡🤡
Michel Onfray : " Il faut virer le patron de LCI si il n'a pas compris ...
make love not wars / climate
change 😉Extinction Rebellion: Protesters gather as two week London
'shut down' begins The climate protesters have blocked streets around London
and taken over Westminster and Lambeth Bridges as they demand urgent action on
environmental crises/ climate change /😉
change 😉Extinction Rebellion: Protesters gather as two week London
'shut down' begins The climate protesters have blocked streets around London
and taken over Westminster and Lambeth Bridges as they demand urgent action on
environmental crises/ climate change /😉
The International Rebellion begins! - People from around the World Speak...
THE international rebellion// make love not wars / climate change 😉Extinction Rebellion: Protesters gather as two week London 'shut down' begins
The climate protesters have blocked streets around London and taken over Westminster and Lambeth Bridges as they demand urgent action on environmental crises/ climate change /😉
Wednesday, October 09, 2019
Monday, October 07, 2019
Simon de Montfort and the emergence of Parliament
the renaissance* PRINCE HARRY MEGHAM MERKEL/ castel reparation / MAGNA CARTA FOR THE WEB / to control tabloids & other things / save the internet from speculations hackers injustice, illogical laws & regulations, propaganda,banks, users, virus,politics, information, sharing,👸🍾🐣 & Climate change 🎯
¿Por qué Lenín Moreno entregó a Julian Assange?
LENIN MORENO DICTADOR narco // todos están en una red de mentiras y confusion la prensa mundial OCCIDENTAL de Washington pone las verdades como mentiras y las mentiras como verdades el resultado paralysis generalizada y todos confundidos / los que dicen socialismo hablan del capitalismo y los que hablan de capitalismo están hablando de socialismo/ el mundo invertido / resultado toda america latina botando a todos sus presidentes del grupo de lima
"To Make Use of Water" by Safia Elhillo
internet MAGNA CARTA for banks & regulations
transparency and facts/ Getting the Barons to agreed/ / the charter is done. 👽
EVEN the UN needs a MAGNA CARTA FOR THE WEB/ / MAGNA CARTA/ benefit to police
& plotters/ search engines dispute, from Bing to bing & google &
Bing/ all on the google store / 🐣🐣/ a good
gesture for clean air/ a philosophical change of climate on practical terms 😇 the amazons of information &
applications/ edge DEV/ 👽.
transparency and facts/ Getting the Barons to agreed/ / the charter is done. 👽
EVEN the UN needs a MAGNA CARTA FOR THE WEB/ / MAGNA CARTA/ benefit to police
& plotters/ search engines dispute, from Bing to bing & google &
Bing/ all on the google store / 🐣🐣/ a good
gesture for clean air/ a philosophical change of climate on practical terms 😇 the amazons of information &
applications/ edge DEV/ 👽.
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