Thursday, July 21, 2022

The Disappearing American Dream

Age of Barbarism 🤐🤑🤐🛒🐕‍🦺🐾🐒 technological 🛒🤐🤑💻📱evolution*🕎✡️🔯✝️* 1776/1789/1792/1892/1913/1917/ FED CIVILIZATION & CULTURE. Bankers 🏦 revolution 🐕‍🦺🐾 manipulation of history/  Democratic desilusión 😉😂🤣, industrial revolution enslavement; philosophical theories / stimulation & response, no different than a 📞. The season is over/ however good things happened confort & technological/ bad things took place mind control, gangster, rober Barons money shylocks usury, Ignorance & world citizens mind 😶‍🌫️🥸 regression to Barbarism 💔 . To Have Marks, industrial revolution was needed  ⚙️ vice verse, the two sides of the coin. Stimulation reflection & response. The cicle is now completed, from Climate change 💦💥 to end of dollar ♻️🤑💱🔚/ And welcome to the 21 century that functions on Mayan Mathletics number 2020 😥👽😉🤗🍾🍶🍷CHAMPAGNE DIPLOAMCY/ From Moscow to Begin from Versailles to Washington via ☸️☯️😇

Sunday, July 17, 2022

The Greater Depression is Here—Doug Casey's Take

Main problem is america the 1492 realm is out of sync his day's are over and they will never return/ welcome to the BRAVE NEW WORLD Without the Dollar as global reserve currency wall street rigging is over the technology desired & learning is now accomplished / WALL STREET IS RIGGED / since 1913/ = CIVILIZATION is over now / However what do you expect the WASHINGTON gangsterism 🤑🤐🤑🕎✝️🤣🤣🐕‍🦺 to do Al capone would do the same until is over. The dollar fights like a cancer 🧬🩸🩺💉 patience & the fools that believe that it will survive, invest on it, that is their own fault & they will learn the same way FRANCE LEARNS TODAY ABOUT UKRAINE & AUKUS, 🐒😶‍🌫️⛓️⌚🙄📱🛒

Postmodernism explained for beginners! Jean Baudrillard Simulacra and Hy...

WHAT IS CULTURE what is the West who can claim the right to design, Name & proclaim he knows what & who are the west / certainly now Washington 1492 experiment the west ,, ?5000 years of history written by the winners determines the west as history is written by the winner, what is the west is it a holly roman empire , Rothchild's empire, 1913 FED CIVILIZATION 🙄🛒🐒⛓️📱 Britain empire louis the XIV Empire, Leonardo da Vinci, Hieronimo's BOSH William Shakespeare , Poincare. D'Ostrogorski, The Romanoff, Clovis & Brennus.🤔 #culture #design #

Friday, July 15, 2022

The World of Spirit, or Devachan by Rudolf Steiner

😉🎨🖼️🎭🎪👑 KINGDOM OF ARTS: 🩰🎵🎼🤗🍾🍷🍸🍹🫖🍶🧉

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Sachs: We've divided the world, now paying the cost

1989 was the End of the Soviet Union & the END of the US JEWISH HOLLY ROMAN EMPIRE: the collapse of the dollar stated in 2001/ 20 years later the DOLLAR🤐🤑 as global reserve currency disappears ☠️💀 and a new global reserve currency emerge/💱🔚 all this exist by a stimulation a response & the ingredients to achieved the desire objective.🤔 In Ukraine BHL OBAMA / ZALENSKI BIDEN & Victoria Nolan are part of the collapse / they are the stimulus Russia and the events from 2011 to 2022 are the responses. same as Jesús & the end of the Roman Empire, the AD became a reality ingredients are Israel Rabbis Ponceaus Pilatus Jesus & the crucifixion. out of this 70 AD became a reality, no different than 2001, and 1989 & 1945 Israel 🕰️👽✝️🕎☯️☸️🔯😥👽 same as a meal🍽️  the ingredients 🍾🍷🍸

Thursday, July 07, 2022

La Russie a-t-elle gagné la guerre du Donbass ?

Russia Holds Nuclear Drill, Kyiv Kills 5 Russian Saboteurs, Putin Ally S... 

Wednesday, July 06, 2022

The Prince | Machiavelli (All Parts)

The art of war ' Divided to better cooperate on the art market 😉🎨🖼️🎭🎪⚖️🛡️⚔️ All taking place since the cave men discover 😉🎨👙💱🔚😥 #art #
The Prince | Machiavelli (All Parts) via @YouTube

Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Guerre en Ukraine: La crise économique par Philippe Béchade et Yannick H...

The confusion of the reasons under an outdated logic, brings Technology ⚙️☸️ the industrial key to survival. The nuclear roach motel: 😥💥 you get in, you can’t get out. The Master enters the scene & obeys the master. Is just a question of reasoning between users & industry nature mind & what are men & women. Dyslexia has taken perception inverted cognition & neutralized logic, on such a tower of Babel,🎨🪐 reason &  languages are inverted & divided to be conquered by an economical logic🤐🤑 of 1913 reasoning on the 21 century, where technology has the same master as the nuclear roach motel.  😥👽🍷

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

How Technology Prevent Your Enlightenment - Eckhart Tolle

Our current economical reality is related to technology/ 🤐🤑📱🐕‍🦺🧬😂✝️🔯🛒 When you change the environment you change the behavior of those that exist on that environment/ example: COVID UKRANIAN WARS, INCOME🤑🐕‍🦺🧬 which is the cause of uncontrolled immigration & overpopulation. Thoughtless  intervention on what the economical rules & knowledge & education is concern, technology has affected the Economical environment, Pavlov methods of mind control do not work on  Artificial Intelligence 🧠 machine, neither on the bankers mind. The technological environment has modified the Economical 🤑📱🛒 world & how their perception reasoning logic & conclusions is concern, the problem is that now the economist DAVOS cartel: CLAIM we know it all are on the same level as the citizens that are part of the controlled circus society, modified by the environment they exit by. Ruled & Masters have no clue what is affecting them; a broken system where wars is the customary récipe. unfortunately Technology has changed the economical environment in such a way that there are no saviors🔯✝️🛒📱 no leaders no perception of reality in conclusion economist ignore reality & they are finding out they cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.🤔🍷😥👽😥

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Can particles really be in two places at once? Featuring @Arvin Ash

Particles/ 😉🌹💓💞 quite possible that women is one particle 💞 men is one particle/ however the same both are different & independent of each others however 👙😋 divided 💕 United to remain. Exist & survive/ Both are inseparable from each others / . The quantum superposition is the unity of both, which produces a new being/ on the same reality as the 2/ WOMEN & MEN /reality. Women has an integrity of self & mind & men also have the same characteristics. The theory of everything becomes 2/ however it is unity that develops as 2/ two different minds/ Masculine & Feminine/ the 1+1 makes 1. On the other hand it is possible that particles dislike to be smashed  on colliders to understand what they are made of  🤔

Friday, June 10, 2022

‘Fatal blow’ to nuclear deal: Iran disables cameras monitoring its nucle...

The riddle 🏔️ the pyramids:🕰️ the bottom represents the 70%/ 🎡🛒🤑🤐🐒* the center the 20%🎨🖼️🎭🎪🩰🎼 which are the wings of the structure & the 10% 👑🤐🤑🐕‍🦺 represent the top/ The center is how the plane🛬 fly's as all airplanes require wings, the same takes place in society.👠💄☘️ The reason that society fly's slowly and keeps repeating the same mistakes over & over again is because the center the 20% where the wings of civilizations are🖼️🎨 located is keep aside  silent by the 10%👑🤐🤑🐕‍🦺 at the top and by the 70% 😶‍🌫️😩🛒 at the bottom. the result is the 70% will always be slaves🐑 & the 10% will always be 🙈🙉🙊🐵insane. This explain how the logic & reason of  ZALESNKI & BIDEN are  pushing Iran to get Nuclear weapons/ Destroy Ukraine create a game of thrones as the Republics & Democracy collapses Globally / the 10% 😶‍🌫️👑🤑🤐🐕‍🦺 Economical wizard are the nail on the coffin of the current technological civilization🧬📱📡🎥🛰️  welcome to the planet of the Apes 🐒 version My📱 EYE PHONE/🤐🤑😶‍🌫️

Saturday, June 04, 2022

Tim Berners-Lee: The next Web of open, linked data

MAGNA CARTA: MEDIA WARS Media Barons, media wars, Currency Barons Media wars: 😉🍾🍷🍸🍶Surveillance for Climate change: on a  collapsing capitalism & a authoritarian world: 🤔🩰🎼 WEB PARLIAMENT: WEB DEMOCRACY: 🤔 To Keep it alive: 🤔😥👽
Tim Berners-Lee: A Magna Carta for the web:

Have the Boomers Pinched Their Children’s Futures? - with Lord David Wil...

How Thought Control Works in Democratic Societies: 🐒📡🐽⛓️⛽🛒📱🖥️📺🎥BOOMERS main media brainwashing / on the royal court, not quite Parliament: ⚔️ How to arrange the useless workers that scarified/ sacrificed their own time ⌚ to keep the ROYALS in Place/ now the consequences are emerging & the society must find a victim, "The labor class" And KEEP THE ROYALS ON A JUBILEE  🥳👻/ 🤐🤑🤐🛒⛽⛓️🐽📡🐒📱🖥️📺🎥👑🤔
How Thought Control Works in Democratic Societies: Noam Chomsky

Friday, June 03, 2022

“Imagining the Future – if there is one!” by Prof. Noam Chomsky

one thing is a problem / society goings-on backwards another is how to fix it /  where the real problem is 🤑🤐🤑🧬⚙️/ a solution that does work / 1776 did not gave you liberty just new masters🤑🤐 same 🐑🐑🐕‍🦺 slaves 🤐🤑📱🐑🐕‍🦺🙉🙊🙈/ making understand the new Masters how they are going the wrong way is the challenge / Jesus might had the same problem & fail Israel got destroyed & the Roman Empire became the new Holly Roman Empire : with its new masters & somewhat the same slaves . no different than any other so called revolution.📱🕰️⚖️🕹️🤔

Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Ukraine : Les ravages de l'Etat profond anglo-américain - Politique & Ec...

Biden WASHINGTON / CONGRESS FED/ "DEMOCRACY" 🤔🎥📡 NEW ATLANTIST: version 2022* 1776 realm hiding from the minds* 🤔The problems of the FED 1913 industrial🤐🤑🤐🤑😥 bankers 🤔 revolution '  the concept of colonialism crusades🗺 in the new world New Jerusalem* & how concepts are embedded for some purposes, and quite difficult to erase. Sir Francis Bacon, published posthumously in 1626🤔 NEW WORLD ORDER to erase the embedded concepts* 🎭🎬🖼️🎨🩰🎼

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Lavrov Denies That Russian President Vladimir Putin Is Ill + More | Russ...

The restructuring of consumerism/ and the return of Quality above Quantity/ To achieve climate change The reality of Ukraine Russia is giving you a chance to perceive/ however 99% perceive this fact as something else the 1913 Fed civilization has it all wrong, not their fault it is a domestication since 1500 / Industry , and Quality is replaced by quantity the reason of Overpopulation and a climat HAVOC that will destroy Humanity unless changes are done quite soon: 👽😥🤐🤑DEMOCRACY DOES NOT EXIST Washington Brainwashing democracy is what animal farm USA is/ a consumerism 📱🛒🐒 brainwash society with technological tools.🔭 A government where the blind🧑‍🦯 leads the blind 🧑‍🦯, all on the name of progress which is industry & consumption nothing else morals the 1492 Americas has no idea what it is 1492 pilgrims are conditioned "PROGRAMED" to exist as a colonial power AI since 1500 reason for the pilgrims domestication & conditioning making them AI superior machines/ home of the efficient land of the obedient/   is what in GOD WE TRUST IS: MORAL:  while we kill native Americans & replace them with Black slaves. FOR INDUSTRY & CONSUMERISM. That is Democracy version USA ANIMAL FARM/ you exist / To work until you die to shop until your suicide. 🤑🤐😥🤢🥴

Saturday, May 28, 2022

MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

It is not A transhumanism that hopes to introduce technology to enhance the living experience but rather the secondary uncontrollable effects of technological divises introduced as technological progress becoming the dominating devices for economical control of the population which is slowly taking control of the human psyche independently of the controller master:🤐🤑🤳  Doctor Strange-love is coming alive☎️😥🔭🤿: however the west is not America, America is a 1776 experiment /economical industrial & a language domination / the language civilization is the result of the 1492 elimination of the native Americans and the imposition of the English language / America in reality does not exist what does exist is a collective form of social economical 🤐🤑 society🛒👠💄 constructed under economy industry & enslavement, false ideology of unfounded morals and conviction, without any foundations but profit and monetary income🚘🚁⛵, The American dream/  .  The problem America faces today is a mechanical collectivism & the domination of machines, created by the same elites that impose the FED civilization of 1913 🤑🤐🤑, they are now the victims of their own creation. leaders of the nation consciousness is now teleguided by machines 🔭🧬📱📡📽️🛰️🚀/ in simple terms machines are the dominant factor on the American collective mind🤳, from the lower classes to the eventual ruling elites. Americans are approaching the term of hybrid humans , consciousness is half machine creation half sensible human nervous system response.  😥🤖👼🧔‍♂️😥

Alexandr Dugin and John David Ebert in Conversation

GOTHS: German tribes zalesnki & the hypothetical Jerusalem 🔭🤿1917/ 1197🤔📱☸️collectivism 📱🤔🤿🔭😥 Having a one flat society of collectivistic nature for the many📱  including the leaders on the equation,  it can become a lot without a head. and  machine's as the 📐 classes 😥☎️📱  Alexandr Dugin and John David Ebert in Conversation:

Friday, May 27, 2022

Norman Naimark: Genocide, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Absolute Power | Lex ...

PERCEPTION; Repairing the conditioning since a long time ago/ it is possible to say Jesus was an economist/  The Roman Empire did not wish to change its economical rules/ no different than the Dollar as global reserve currency.🤐🤑 one thing is history another what history say, another who wrote that history & in the end what was said & done that is keep outside of history. consequences are the result of an action, which has multiples aftermath, often paradoxical in 1917 the TZAR was dispose off & Russia got something worse, now they understand the TZAR a lot better than in 1917/ however 1917/ brought some good things as some bad things, which is the paradox of consequences, understanding reality is understanding the paradox of action & its results. History are just picture's on an art exposition, vision is the understanding of the artwork, with your mind, not with your ears. 🎨🖼️🎭🎼⚔️⚖️🥇  GOLDEN RUBLE 😥👽😥

Stephen Kotkin: Putin, Stalin, Hitler, Zelenskyy, and War in Ukraine | L...

Colonization:  how 1492 pilgrims conditioning is now surfacing on the American minds: We have JOE BIDEN Washington, which believe they are the illuminates from 1492 & claim culture morals and civility, 😶‍🌫️ 1965, gave you Martin Luther KING, an example of colonization, conditioning 1492 slave trade, superiority however the pilgrims where not philosopher or scientist but rather preconditioned individuals to conquer oppress and destroy another civilization on the name of cuture & enlighten ideologies. That they themselves had no idea about it,😥👽😥 Just Mayflower🚽 adventurers with a believe in freedom while they are in fact servants of a higher mind:   🤔😶‍🌫️/ 2022- colling Powell clone IRAQ WAR AI repeats . strange how colonization has disturb American minds to the point that they are now colorblind. 🔌🐬🔓🍀 Ukraine civil war a fact of blindness since you perceive🤿🧬🔭 with your brains 🍟🍿 not with your eyes 👀 

Reform of Government Institutions w/ Samo Burja


Thursday, May 26, 2022

From German Idealism to American Pragmatism, & Back - Bob Brandom

The capacity of judgment 🔓CHINA⚔️🥇 GOLDEN RUBLE / Beaumont Texas: 1066 revolution 🎨🐬climate change 🍾🍇🍷⏳

TIMELINKS: Solomon's Famous Judgment

Solomon's Famous Judgement

The capacity of judgement: 
CHINA GOLDEN RUBLE: The market president XI : cac 40./ Tokyo/ Brasil/ the lot/ CLIMATE CHANGE:  Beaumont Texas:  "ENERGY" 🔌🎨🐬 Street: 1066 revolution  🌹⏳📱1966/ NATO:  NEW SYSTEM President Xi: 😉🔓 Versailles ⚖️🖼️ ideal place for peace treaties: UKRAINE/PALESTINE/INDIA/PAKISTAN/ The crop circle gardens 🍁🌹🌺🌼🌷🌻 climate change:   😉🍾🍷🍸🍶 ENERGY & Beaumont Texas: 🔓 ⛽ ⚖️⚔️🥇🫖🍵new global climatic world currency ⚔️🥇🍾climate change 🍇🍷Australian 🍷 

Dollar is dying there is no question about it

The DEBT CLOCK end of dollar RIP/ is gone for ever 😥👽😘✝️🕎✡️ FED CIVILIZATION 1913 is officially dead/ ✝️ the West no longer exist president Putin is just Artificial Intelligence :  all media & conditioned elites, Big problem 😥👽😥 you are sort of on your own, the west has no leaders no policies is a AI system 😥👽😥 functions as a AI/ Chess game!! 💔🩴🛡️
Russia Loads Kalibr Missiles Onto Submarines As Tensions With West Mount..

Russia Loads Kalibr Missiles Onto Submarines As Tensions With West Mount...

the West no longer exist president Putin is just Artificial Intelligence :  all media & conditioned elites, Big problem 😥👽😥 you are sort of on your own, the west has no leaders no policies is a AI system 😥👽😥 functions as a AI/ Chess game!! 💔🩴🛡️
Russia Loads Kalibr Missiles Onto Submarines As Tensions With West Mount..

President Biden addresses the nation after Texas elementary school shoot...

what a lot of idiocy no wonder Ukraine is a piece of dust an actor that has no role & American leader that is useless worse no one to replace it / therefore a occident without a head, & a collapsing population going insane day by day, leaders with absent minds what a mess the 21 century////  2022/ find a real president america & the west better grow up get some real wise intelligent leaders in economy & politics before it will disappear on its own weight.  😥👽😥🛡️

H.G.Wells - The man who could work miracles (1936)(last 4 minutes missing)

Things to Come 1936 - HG WELLS time travel . ⏳😥👽😥🛡️welcome to the fourth dimension: CLIMATE CHANGE GOES TO UKRAINE birds are complaining. Reincarnation of the new economical system, with a new reserve currency independent of all nations/ like religion from polytheistic to economical monotheistic/ all nations are equal: No currency wars, sanctions neither industrial military complex:  to economical Monotheistic : MAGNA CARTA to survey ' Electronic currencies' to keep all nations as equal. Planetary nations unity. GOLDEN RUBLE/GOLDEN EURO😥👽😥silver dollar/ GOLDEN YUAN😥🎎 #currency #pakistan #power #climatechange #like #travel #military #euro #dollar #

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Has Russia achieved its war objectives in Ukraine? | Inside Story

Israel palestine /1967/ the relativity of time is taking winding roads / The existence of NATO is what needs to be removed. Until that moment conflicts will never end. as Washington is declining the occident is on WAIMAR & CHINA EXIST. A war that is already lost, reason why Ukraine is now the loser. and a lot more than the last time:

Anges déchus (démons): conférence du Père Ange Rodriguez (ancien exorci...

 The angels come from a distant star: the energy form inside a human form: both made as one, quantity & balance, the silent scales of time: DISCERNMENT: time divides itself history exist. Not quite 1492 however 1917: Golden Ruble: WHY 1917/ same as 1967: Divided to be conquered: 😥👽😥 weapons & wars/ no weapons no wars/ Imaginary/ world war IIII/ sticks & stones, 🧙‍♂️ easier to render peaceful/ 💞NUCLEAR ROACH 🪳 K 🪳MOTEL has the door "OPEN" 🔓 global nuclear disarmament: 😉🍾🍷🍸🍹Australian wine 🥐🥨🎎 😥👽😥: MORE ART less wars:✍️🎪🩰🎵 GOLDEN RUBLE VENEZUELA gold mines & BORIS YELTSIN: 🤔 Gold stays underground, sort of catch 22/ Climate change & "energy" 😉 you might get unexpected help 🤔🧙‍♂️👽🪐

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

A. J. Ayer - What has Become of Philosophy? (1978)

The decline of Europe is part of unconscious industrialization , Washington Bankers & industrial slave🐕‍🦺🐑 trade revolution 1776::  FED 1913🛒📺📸🎥 civilization of propaganda consumption & insanity FED 1913,  economical believes brainwashing  ignoring facts of reality later coercing  those that do not aligne with the FAKE Democracy of Washington DC. Petrodollars / War industry, main media Brainwashing 🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦽📱hoping to do the same thing & expecting different results 🐕‍🦺🐑🛒😥

Paradoxes of irrationality - Donald Davidson (1981)

As long the minister of truth CNN Brainwashing 📱main media media 🤐🤑🤐😥 methods persist to keep the dollar😉🤑🤑 FED / 1913 / CIVILIZATION🏟️ junk $ afloat things will get worse not better. Europe is getting close to a WEIMAR republic & USA into a wild west. Brainwashing does not change facts neither rhetoric.  America is no longer a leading democratic nation it never was / it is a factory a industrial factory, not a philosophical  land*   Brainwashing 📱🤐🤑😥 stupidity and confusion & CNN main media* brainwashing cannot fix that all you do is create social instability increase crimes and destruction & soon a, American civil war will take place a lot worse than the one of the 19 century. 😥👽😥💔 Washington already created a civil war in Ukraine with the front page  actor 📱📽️🎬🎥📡📸📺 the result is worse than 2021 & that is a fact 📸🛒🧵

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Scott Ritter and Ray McGovern Interviewed by Garland Nixon

Understanding IDIOCY: BHL/ ZALESNKI/ EU leaders insistence on destroying EUROPE , worship the dollar 🤐🤑😶‍🌫️ putting in danger the ecosystem, these incidental tendency of Christine Lagarde EU leaders CANNOT be fix, Boris Johnson 😶‍🌫️ is a fact as Prince Charles inadequacy, weakness and confusion/ probably not his own fault 😥Brain washed of the crowd, by main media  FED 1913- 📱🔌🛒👟 '''' ///Kingdom of Hungary (1526–1867)) //// Theodor Herzl petrodollars / ISRAEL realm/ CIVIL WAR no DIFERENT THAN UKRANIAN CIVIL WAR, 💔 😥👽😥🔌

'Very dangerous point': Former British Commander makes chilling WWIII claim

The nuclear roach motel is 🧙‍♀🪳/ any nation that has nuclear weapons cannot lose a war neither cannot win it, REASON WHY WASHINGTON/ NATO EUROPEAN UNION:  WILL NEVER WIN & RUSSIA CANNOT LOSE: That is why nuclear weapons exist:😥👽😥  Better ask ZALESNKI to accept Russian terms there is no other choice for NATO WASHINGTON THE WEST & RUSSIA, simple reason why Putin won the civil war before it begun.😥👽😥

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Anotol Lieven: U.S. Lawmakers' Framing of Ukraine as Proxy War Is Wonder...

IS main media brainwashing it is unavoidable since journalist are also brainwashed, there is nothing you or anyone can do is a set democracy where you are told what to believe what to think / not how to think. moreover it cannot be undone, is like American democracy you have no choice but select between the two faces 🎭 which are in fact one, DEMOCRATS 🐽 REPUBLICANS you will have no one else, is the boot on your face forever. ANIMAL FARM 🐕‍🦺😀🦘🐖🙉🐘USA OF AMERICA SINCE 1776. Reason why when louis the XVI liberated America he got 1789 as a payback * hope you get it is a BANKERS🤐🤑😂😂🤣🤣 INDUSTRIALIST FED CIVILIZATION SINCE 1776.🐒🛒📺🎥📱🎱🥖😂🤣

Monday, May 09, 2022

The Art Market is a Scam (And Rich People Run It)

  PROPAGANDA:  COMMENT MANIPULER L'OPINION EN DÉMOCRATIE:  a good way to explain the current economical colapse / indirectly covid & wars 🤔🤔 reason why ART needs to go a steep upwards and affect objective reality . 🤗🤗 Now with the Ukranian realm, Creative destruction, the pieces are getting together & these 1913 Current civilization of Bankers, entrepreneurs & merchants is slowly going to the morgue, as the art that they speculated manipulated and used as a trade investment for proletarian to become bourgeoisie, 💪🤳Has in fact reduce their intelligence to undeveloped individual transforming their own realm into a superficial reality that no longer exist as a fact on their current realm.🍽️😥👽😇😥 However there is a good side ☯️ a bad side since 1913 WIZARDS invented the FED and EDWARD BERNAYS ET L'INVENTION DU. “GOUVERNEMENT INVISIBLE”. EDWARD Bernays became the guiding roadmap of publicity & customization of the large majority of minds.📱📡 That is over the triangle of reality can be explained by the son the father & the holly Goth,  390 BC// return to earth and change the Fiat money into gold. ⚔️⚖️ WELCOME THE GOLDEN RUBLE 👑😉🪐🥠🥟🥨🍾🍶🍸🍷🍽️ & CLIAMATE CHANGE 💱 😉🌍🌎🌏🌌

Money Killed Art. Here's how we take it back

GOD has no sides no division no preference he exist as he is invisible. however he understand the duality ☯️ of the mind & the mind above that duality🪐
 ☸️🔯 The 1913/ CIVILIZATION has transformed art into a commerce art is indeed a market a industry & a speculative way to corrupt destroy the 🎨 and profit from the creative destruction. However today 2022/  you have a surreal🎨🖼️🎭🎪  Zionist realm in UKRAINE who is the puppet master / 3 possibilities, one from above the worse one 👽/ 2🤐🤑the bad one/ 3 😶‍🌫️🐕‍🦺🐑🤔☯️😥 stupidity, the cultural one from 1913 civilization 😥🐕‍🦺📱🥐🥨🥠 These 1913 Civilization of Bankers entrepreneurs and Republics & laws / Is now Deadwood 😥☠️✝️ the Dollar King is "DEAD" Renaissance is an evolution in art crafts, Art takes a steep forward & becomes what it was in the past / The blind leading the blind & the tower of BABEL By BRUGLE now shows to humanity what they failed to perceive during the renaissance . in fact it is ALIVE/  Noam  COMNSKY Ukraine, linguistic is quite inventive, however only 6 % of the ruling power will understand it . This particular fact shows how the concepts & logic & reasoning have evolved from the 1913 FED 🤐🤑🤐😂 CONDITIONED CIVILIZATION.💪🤳 Technology have evolved as probably expected minds have remained behind & current world leaders & their respective populations is a proof of that realm.  where only 20% of the world population is aware of facts & reality while the other 60% follow as gullible domesticated pets, expecting their master to train them feed them and keep them alive as long as they obey & keep their mind lock 🔒 from any independent thoughts. Loving your servitude if you like. Renaissance of ARTS becomes the tool that neglected manipulated & transformed by the 1913 CIVILIZATION now takes control of reality  upturns the  HOLLYWOOD ROMAN EMPIRE and throws its sword on the scales ⚖ demands GOLD as its payment value, No different than ROMULUS & BRENNUS & the collapse of ROME . Way before the birth of CHRIST and his money lenders revolt on the market in JERUSALEM😥🤐🤑🐕‍🦺☠️😉👑👼

Sunday, May 08, 2022

Audio | J. Krishnamurti & David Bohm - Ojai 1980 - The Ending of Time - ...

Maintenant, Le Gouvernement Confirme Cette Catastrophe
Maintenant, Le Gouvernement Confirme Cette Catastrophe

🌎 Le nouvel ordre monétaire mondial va bouleverser l'économie (Bretton W...


🌎 Le nouvel ordre monétaire mondial va bouleverser l'économie (Bretton W...

Saturday, May 07, 2022

Audio | J. Krishnamurti & David Bohm - Ojai 1980 - The Ending of Time - ...

Renaissance:   🎨🖼️🎭🎪✍️🎵🩰 Western civilization ended in 1776 / merchants & bankers economical revolution /1789/ was Louis the xvi Payback from the bankers for actually helping Americans to obtain their independence/ in 1913 a new civilization begun THE FED BANKERS INDUSTRIALIST  CIVILIZATION, called industrial revolution  which is today ending hopefully thanks to RUSSIA CHINA & INDIA. The conflicts that the world is experiencing is the end of the FED shylocks Jekyll Island Bankers / Industrialist EMPIRE scheme, from ww1 It transform by the industrial military complex on a bankers war machine/ 1917/ the expansion of the war machine since the FED & shylocks did had a lot to do with the 1917 Russians revolution all in the plan since 1776/ now completed / 1939 was the continuity of the bankers reason why they financed & supported Hitler the aim of finally destroying Western European civilization & impose their own BRAND OF FED bankers industrialist civilization to achieved they must destroy Europe & anything that remains them of the past good manners. Europe no longer is a civilization but rather an investment.  The Ukrainian war the new Churchill with Ukrainian accent wall street the CAC 40 / Euronex Bankers & shylocks is a fact as it is the buy until you die concept & domestication of citizens, The British royal family and its current decline & disappearance. Is also a fact. However the FED empire is ending & soon we shall find once again culture & civilization flourish once again on planet earth. 🤗✍️🎵🩰🎨🎪🖼️

Russia-Ukraine crisis: Russia destroys Skovoroda Museum with missile str...

RENAISANCE 🎨🖼️🎭🎪🩰🎵✍️ Western civilization ended in 1776 / merchants & bankers economical revolution /1789/ was Louis the xvi Payback from the bankers for actually helping Americans to obtain their independence/ in 1913 a new civilization begun THE FED BANKERS INDUSTRIALIST 🤑🤐😥🤣 CIVILIZATION,  OFFICIALLY:  called industrial revolution  which is today ending hopefully thanks to RUSSIA CHINA & INDIA. The conflicts that the world is experiencing is the end of the FED shylocks🤐🤑🤐💄🤳 Jekyll Island Bankers / Industrialist EMPIRE scheme, from ww1 It transform by the industrial military complex on a bankers war machine/ 1917/ the expansion of the war machine since the FED & shylocks did had a lot to do with the 1917 Russians revolution all in the plan since 1776/ now completed / 1939 was the continuity of the bankers reason why they financed  🤑🤐🤑🤣🤣😥 supported Hitler the aim of finally destroying Western European civilization & impose their own BRAND OF FED bankers industrialist civilization to achieved they must destroy Europe & anything that remains them of the 🍷🍾🫖🕰️🛡️👑 past good manners. Europe no longer is a civilization but rather an😉♻️💱💲 investment.  The Ukrainian war the new Churchill with Ukrainian accent wall street the CAC 40 / Euronex Bankers & shylocks 💪🤳is a fact as it is the buy🛒📱 until you die concept & domestication🐕‍🦺🙈🙉🙊, monopoly's of industry main media communication🎧📡📺  control of citizens emotional 🧠, The British Royal family and its current decline & disappearance. Is also a fact. However the FED 💱💲🤣🤑 Empire is ending & soon we shall find once again culture & civilization flourish once again on planet earth. 🤗😥👽😥

Intervención de Noam Chomsky en el seminario 'Ucrania: Solución Negociad...

George Orwell “  In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” 'If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."""  ' how Washington created & financed ww1 ww2 to his own benefits bankers & shylocks🤑🤐🤑🤣🤣😂   and promoted enslavement of European citizens / US first🤣😂 lady Jill Biden meets with Ukrainian refugees in Romania: "Those children really have suffered" like Palestinians reason why we send weapons to ISRAEL since 1948/ & UKRAINE/ Afghanistan/IRAN/VIET NAM / SYRIA/ LIBYA  that way they can create refuges, all are now in Europe  😂🤣 like you see now worldwide 🤣😂😉🤑🤐🤑🤣🤣😂👡

Friday, May 06, 2022

Pirate Television: The Myth of Capitalism with Michael Parenti

Enslavement since 1776/ time 🐕‍🦺to claim your freedom 😥🐑🐕‍🦺🐑🐕‍🦺🤑🤐💱😥
Pirate Television: The Myth of Capitalism with Michael Parenti

Historian Timothy Snyder: Russia's Invasion of Ukraine Is a Colonial War

time travel on & the wrong rhetoric, AMERICA WASHINGTON TODAY IS A COLONIALIST EMPIRE "economically" IT TREATS EVEN HIS OWN CITIZENS as animals, 🤑🤐🐕‍🦺🐑 since 1776/ FED 1913 is the new colonial power that is collapsing & are the ones that keep our good professors paycheck coming, since is all about money all this BS about history and colonialism is just a lot of BULL as expected. However all BS is important as it is the way to discern the fake from the truth.  the real from fiction, therefore it is not BAD to have our professor talk about something that He, might know but wishes to ignores however the good point is that gives those that do understand perceive how Money buys minds control nations and pays propaganda. reason why all wars are money wars as all university's are conditioning of students and schooling is telling you what to think & not how to think.😥👽😥🤐🤑🤗

Wednesday, May 04, 2022

When Language Is Used to Deceive You: How Doublespeak Distorts Reality a...

Zelenskyy like ‘Churchill during the blitz’: Congressman on Ukrainian pr...

How is the brainwashing / One example is the New Churchill "ZALENSKI" however ZALENSKI himself never said that he was the new "Churchill", main🖥️🎥📡📺📱 media did & politicians and weapons manufacturers BIDEN & the lot. ZALENSKI just accepted the title & obeyed . Main media brainwash works as long the lot believes the main 📱🖥️media brainwashing. Therefore Ukraine elected ZALENSKI, & he got them into a mess, part of the blame are the ukranian themselves / part of the brainwashing done by main media bankers & Shylocks & Zalesnki obedience to those that put him in power. 🥲📱📺📡🎥🖥️🥲 In conclusion it is main media the one that conducts the war, on your minds they decide what you think how you think & how you will react.🥲📱

Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Putin's famous Munich Speech 2007

to understand SHYLOCKS😥🤑🤐🤑🤐🤣 of wall street since 1913/1917/1945--😥🪴🍁💓💗🌹😥📱

Putin's famous Munich Speech 2007

Bonhoeffer Speaks Out Against Hitler

Is he speaking against NATO in 2022 🤔😥🪴🍁🌹😥
Bonhoeffer Speaks Out Against Hitler !!!!

Bruegel, Tower of Babel

new world order kingdom👑 of arts 😥👽😥🖼️🎭🎪🎨IS all programed🔗💽 long ago same as ISRAEL 1917/ President BIDEN / JESUS never wrote anything neither MOHAMED or Charlemagne/ 🤔 THE RUSSIAN EU dilema is already done before 1900 / however you understand it today is concept ⌚program 😥👽😥 sort of a Magna Carta & king john, & king john has no other choice / NEITHER THE EU or WASHINGTON or anyone else 😥👽😥💥nukes is a roach motel 🪳🪳/ nukes created for that precise purpose😥🔐😥 lock situation & no-one can 🔓😥👽 reason why is a test & comply time is waning out 😥👽😥💥🕰️⌚ It cannot be erase the concepts are inside your mind as the stimulus & response conditioning & ego self survival instinct, domestication, schooling if you like, "education is like JESUS no reading no letters no words left behind. reason why is a fact/  the programed rulers🤑🤐🤑😥👽 of the planet do not have any other choice.   😥 the ultimate art 🎨 of war is defeating the enemy without fighting 👽😥👽😥⌚🎨 #education #like #art #BIDEN #RUSSIA #CHINA #

Will the Invasion of Ukraine Lead to Nuclear War?

New world order "ARTISTIC" nuclear weapons💥 is a roach motel 🪱🪳🪳🕷️made  to force all nations  to disarm😥👽😥//  you lot will test your intelligence & comply or disappear in fact nukes are created for that purpose  😥👽😥 nuke candies distributed worldwide or humanity improves  shylocks🤐🤑🤐  egos 🤳go down👇 or you might just end permanently 😥👽😥** 🤔reason why an artistic🎨🖼️🎪🎨🖼️🎭🎪🩰🎵 New world order👑 is your last chance since conditioning🐕‍🦺🐑 domestication is what goes on on most elites 💪🤳minds. "cannot be erase neither fix" / only perception time ⌚ total cooperation can save humanity.  😥👽😥👑🎨 #intelligence #war #nukes #

Roland Gori - Faut-il renoncer à la liberté pour être heureux ?

liberte 🤔🤔🤔🤔👽😇👽😇👽😥

Et si l’effondrement avait déjà eu lieu - Roland Gori

Albert Einstein a-t-il plagié les travaux d'Henri Poincaré sur la relativité restreinte ?                       🌎🤔🕰️📱🧵🎪🎨🖥️😥🤑😥                                             

Monday, May 02, 2022

Koestler - The Roots of Coincidence

Ukraine and the Doomsday Machine - Larry Wilkerson and Paul Jay

How about the citizens, so far it is a somewhat NATO NAZI INVERTED realm,🙃 Russia playing the old soviet union, where in 1939 Jews where the victims today are those against war demanding peace by consolidating Russia, with the minks agreement/ 2022 have created a new antihumanism the new victims with the yellow start, and the opposite side the New NATO nazis that have created a collective hate society. the difference is that is now a global problem rather than a limited complication of a Hitler 1939 realm. The solution is on the elites that control the media bankers & 🤑🤐🤑😄🤐🤑 industrialist, once they accept their mistakes peace will arrive/ however these fact requires a new system a new logic and reasoning, and an end of the dollar as global reserve currency 💱/ unfortunately Stupidity cannot be fix with words it requires a concept reconfiguration and a acceptance from the inside out. The individuals psyche needs a review & rewind a different point of view, since they now exist on a upside-down realm🙃🙃. To accomplish order out of the current chaos reality. 😥 #society #media #currency #bankers #NATO #dollar #

The Dunning-Kruger Effect - Cognitive Bias - Why Incompetent People Thin...

La guerre, c’est la paix. La liberté, c’est l’esclavage. L’ignorance, c’est la force.😥

 ou comment faire appliquer Le Fait du Prince
Dietrich Bonhoeffer : The THEORY OF STUPIDITY,😥

She's exposing the TRUTH in Ukraine and they don't like it | Redacted Co...

She's exposing the TRUTH in Ukraine and they don't like it | Redacted Conversation with Eva Bartlett
318,767 viewsMay 2, 2022

She's exposing the TRUTH in Ukraine and they don't like it | Redacted Co...

Who really benefits from war? | UpFront

Who really benefits from war? | Upfront😥⌚🤐🤑🤐🤑😉🤣😃😂😄

Sunday, May 01, 2022

Guerre en Ukraine : Quel avenir pour l’économie mondiale ? [Charles GAVE]

la France esclave du dollar🤑🤐 Washington " c'est pour quand 1789 😵🤑🥴🤔😥😥
États-Unis : adoption d'un projet de loi autorisant l'utilisation des ac.

Guerre en Ukraine : Quel avenir pour l’économie mondiale ? [Charles GAVE] 


Thursday, April 28, 2022

:T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets, read by Jeremy Irons: II. East Coker (extra...

Poutine et l'arme nucléaire, bluff ou réelle menace ?

le problème c'est que la guerre civil 'UKRANIA"  c'est en EUROPE, WASHINGTON ne atacara pas la Rusia nonobstant c'est Europe qui est en danger pas l'amerique.👽⏳😥 Gents sophistique 🙃🤔EURO IN DANGER Washington MARSHALL PLAN for the euro* beware/ GOLDEN RUBLE🥇 COMING / buy GOLD . Time travel is on !!!! 1967 value🍾🔓🥇👑