Friday, January 31, 2014

Ann Barnhardt -- USA Economic Collapse 2014 - Dollar Crash Coming - Prepare! | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Ann Barnhardt -- USA Economic Collapse 2014 - Dollar Crash Coming - Prepare! | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Goldman Sachs enemy of the human race, as it has destroy europe greece, italy palestine, iran, tried as hard as it can to russia south america, china, japan india all of africa; in the 21 century multinationals are the  problem not individual banks, as well corporations such as louis vuitton, microsoft apple, boeing, raytheon, etc, big banks are the problem to employment, and traders are the soldiers of death.  therefore it is the end of the Rothschilds banking logic, from 1789, It has ended folks, so big banks must disappear; by their own weight, and miscalculations.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Militant assault on Iraq ministry building kills 18 - reports — RT News

Militant assault on Iraq ministry building kills 18 - reports — RT News:

more of the same

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The family of Trillionaires and the Rothschild Conspiracy (Full Documentary) - YouTube

The family of Trillionaires and the Rothschild Conspiracy (Full Documentary) - YouTube:


This study of modern Imperialism is designed to give more precision to a term which is on everybody’s lips and which is used to denote the most powerful movement in the current politics of the Western world. Though Imperialism has been adopted as a more or less conscious policy by several European States and threatens to break down the political isolation of the United States, Great Britain has travelled so much faster and farther along this road as to furnish in her recent career the most profitable guidance or warning.
While an attempt is made to discover and discuss the general principles which underlie imperialist policy, the illustration of that policy is mainly derived from the progress of British Imperialism during the last generation, and proceeds rather by diagnosis than by historical description.
In Part I the economic origins of Imperialism are traced, with such statistical measurements of its methods and results as are available.
Part II investigates the theory and the practice of Imperialism regarded as a “mission of civilisation,” in its effects upon “lower” or alien peoples, and its political and moral reactions upon the conduct and character of the Western nations engaging in it.
The book is addressed to the intelligence of the minority who are content neither to float along the tide of political opportunism nor to submit to the shove of some blind “destiny,” but who desire to understand political forces in order that they may direct them.
Those readers who hold that a well-balanced judgment consists in always finding as much in favour of any political course as against it will be discontented with the treatment given here. For the study is distinctively one of social pathology, and no endeavour is made to disguise the malignity of the disease.
The statistics given in Part I are derived, when the source is not stated, from the Statistical Abstracts published by the Government, reinforced, in some instances, by figures derived from the Statesman’s Yearbook.
I am indebted to the editor of the Financial Reform Almanac for permission to reproduce the valuable diagram illustrative of British expenditure from 1870, and to the editors of the Speaker, the Contemporary Review, thePolitical Science Quarterly, and the British Friend for permission to embody in chapters of this volume articles printed in these magazines.
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This study of modern Imperialism is designed to give more precision to a term which is on everybody’s lips and which is used to denote the most powerful movement in the current politics of the Western world. Though Imperialism has been adopted as a more or less conscious policy by several European States and threatens to break down the political isolation of the United States, Great Britain has travelled so much faster and farther along this road as to furnish in her recent career the most profitable guidance or warning.
While an attempt is made to discover and discuss the general principles which underlie imperialist policy, the illustration of that policy is mainly derived from the progress of British Imperialism during the last generation, and proceeds rather by diagnosis than by historical description.
In Part I the economic origins of Imperialism are traced, with such statistical measurements of its methods and results as are available.
Part II investigates the theory and the practice of Imperialism regarded as a “mission of civilisation,” in its effects upon “lower” or alien peoples, and its political and moral reactions upon the conduct and character of the Western nations engaging in it.
The book is addressed to the intelligence of the minority who are content neither to float along the tide of political opportunism nor to submit to the shove of some blind “destiny,” but who desire to understand political forces in order that they may direct them.
Those readers who hold that a well-balanced judgment consists in always finding as much in favour of any political course as against it will be discontented with the treatment given here. For the study is distinctively one of social pathology, and no endeavour is made to disguise the malignity of the disease.
The statistics given in Part I are derived, when the source is not stated, from the Statistical Abstracts published by the Government, reinforced, in some instances, by figures derived from the Statesman’s Yearbook.
I am indebted to the editor of the Financial Reform Almanac for permission to reproduce the valuable diagram illustrative of British expenditure from 1870, and to the editors of the Speaker, the Contemporary Review, thePolitical Science Quarterly, and the British Friend for permission to embody in chapters of this volume articles printed in these magazines.
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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

PROPHETIC UPDATE 1-29-14 - YouTube

PROPHETIC UPDATE 1-29-14 - YouTube:

All about paradises, and fiscal headaches.

All houses need artworks on their walls, so the permanent colours do not feel isolated, however artworks have forms symbols, shape geometries and space-time properties; it can indicate time travels, as it composes its content; the interior decoration the granite floor, and the copper shaped symbols, that resemble a motherboard, shapes the time & spacecraft were the mind wonders of what does it all mean, on this painting this work of art. It is in fact a subject of conversation, discussions and debates; often with a glass of wine.  Ideas and diplomatic plots could be resolve, just by looking at a painting, wars can be defused as insane moods can be resolve, mysteries and realities, myth and theories could be wonder. More that it is worth; more that it will communicate, as it expands on the mind of the buyer. 30.000.000£… Euros for 3 paintings that make one are just cheap if it puts the world at your eye level and consequently on your hand.... (abn)

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Mister Hyde: Frontières de 1967

Mister Hyde: Frontières de 1967:

All about paradises, and fiscal headaches.

All houses need artworks on their walls, so the permanent colours do not feel isolated, however artworks have forms symbols, shape geometries and space-time properties; it can indicate time travels, as it composes its content; the interior decoration the granite floor, and the copper shaped symbols, that resemble a motherboard, shapes the time & spacecraft were the mind wonders of what does it all mean, on this painting this work of art. It is in fact a subject of conversation, discussions and debates; often with a glass of wine.  Ideas and diplomatic plots could be resolve, just by looking at a painting, wars can be defused as insane moods can be resolve, mysteries and realities, myth and theories could be wonder. More that it is worth; more that it will communicate, as it expands on the mind of the buyer. 30.000.000£… Euros for 3 paintings that make one are just cheap if it puts the world at your eye level and consequently on your hand.... (abn)

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Where are the world's most expensive luxury properties? -

Where are the world's most expensive luxury properties? -

All about paradises, and fiscal headaches.

All houses need artworks on their walls, so the permanent colours do not feel isolated, however artworks have forms symbols, shape geometries and space-time properties; it can indicate time travels, as it composes its content; the interior decoration the granite floor, and the copper shaped symbols, that resemble a motherboard, shapes the time & spacecraft were the mind wonders of what does it all mean, on this painting this work of art. It is in fact a subject of conversation, discussions and debates; often with a glass of wine.  Ideas and diplomatic plots could be resolve, just by looking at a painting, wars can be defused as insane moods can be resolve, mysteries and realities, myth and theories could be wonder. More that it is worth; more that it will communicate, as it expands on the mind of the buyer. 30.000.000£… Euros for 3 paintings that make one are just cheap if it puts the world at your eye level and consequently on your hand.... (abn)

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Les investissements directs étrangers en France sont en chute libre

Les investissements directs étrangers en France sont en chute libre:

Trés bonne nouvelle car les accumulateurs investisseurs, voleurs; ont compris, que ce en Allemagne est les USA ou ont triche est on dépouillé les citoyen des leur travaille, ce wall street le casino mondial, pas la FRANCE.

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Android brothels could be reality by 2050 - NMA - YouTube

Android brothels could be reality by 2050 - NMA - YouTube:

même dans la prostitutions le robots sont là! le future est la est le MEDEF revois sa copie.. donc: la semaine a 4 jours est proche...

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Top 5 Futuristic Technologies That Exist Today!

Laura Manach - aliaz

Laura Manach - aliaz:

fine lady great mind......

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Nuls en écriture, nuls en sciences, nuls en maths… Nos enfants sont-ils des cancres ? | Mondialisation

Nuls en écriture, nuls en sciences, nuls en maths… Nos enfants sont-ils des cancres ? | Mondialisation

explication sur la bourgeoisie," décadente" (bobo) est la raison du un pas en avant est deux pas en arrière. autrement dit la bourgeoisie mit cuit a le sens de l'honneur. elle a un subtilité dans le gout de la vie.

11 mythes sur la situation en Ukraine | Mondialisation

11 mythes sur la situation en Ukraine | Mondialisation

«Dieu a dit: vous serez tous égaux, mais il y en a qui seront plus égaux que d'autres» Coluche.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« fraternité Blanche et Européenne ».
president obama how are you going to fix israel, time is running short, them it will be to late. 1967 borders is a fact, politely is an offer that bibi cannot refuse! :Dans la soirée du 21 janvier courant, deux jeunes Palestiniens ont été liquidés – il n’y a pas d'autre terme – par un missile israélien.

Totalitarian Collectivism - Breaking All the Rules - James Hall | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Totalitarian Collectivism - Breaking All the Rules - James Hall | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Enquête sur un citoyen au-dessus de tout soupçon

Enquête sur un citoyen au-dessus de tout soupçon

Le film d'Elio Petri m'avait marqué à sa sortie en 1970, mais je n'en gardais aucun souvenir si ce n'est la figure de Gian Maria Volontè, un acteur politiquement engagé à une époque où le cinéma italien était particulièrement productif. Le scénario ne réserve aucune surprise puisque tout est posé dès la première scène, un crime gratuit qui vaudrait démonstration à son auteur, chef de la brigade criminelle promis au poste de directeur de la section politique qui considère droits communs et révolutionnaires de la même engeance. Son crime tendrait à prouver que personne n'aura l'audace de le démasquer même après avoir laissé sciemment une multitude d'indices qui l'accusent formellement.

La classe ouvrière va au paradis - La Ferme du Buisson

La classe ouvrière va au paradis - La Ferme du Buisson

Autour de "La classe ouvrière va au paradis" - Vidéo

Autour de "La classe ouvrière va au paradis" - Vidéo

▶ Zero Point : Volume I - Messages From The Past - FULL MOVIE 1080p - YouTube

▶ Zero Point : Volume I - Messages From The Past - FULL MOVIE 1080p - YouTube

blast frçom the past

Friday, January 24, 2014

» 20 Early Warning Signs That We Are Approaching A Global Economic Meltdown Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 20 Early Warning Signs That We Are Approaching A Global Economic Meltdown Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

is 1776 a 1789, on the new continet world.. were time and space reverse itself to become a new form of perceiving reality. on anew continet world "continet + internet is = to continet... and time ceases to exist as expected. reality takes a new turn while reason lingers. However dont forget those that gave you the power to reason can take it away. and it looks they have send a hint so far

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