U.N. panel criticizes Vatican for ‘systematically’ covering up sexual abuse - NY Daily News
human rights propaganda, and media BS: Vatican should investigate the UN and the Israeli mess, genocide, murder, crimes, money laundering, the UN is even worse that Attila the HUNT, so when they begun to act as civilize folks this UN bunch of nothing them they can have A say until them the UN is just a joke, act on Palestine, Iraq,Afghanistan viet-nam,Syria,Iran.. and be honest to yourself, not to the main media, and their hypocritical demands................ show the example them you can be credible. until them all the UN say's is BS, and always will be. and it is not anti-Semitic to ask for the truth either, help yourself to be humans and honest folks and find who you people are in fact. as it looks you folks are something else.
how we can evolve into a fourth dimensional realm. history plasticity realism, as a memory fact. a realm that continues to be hiding to most folks, will open the door to a unified mind, body and self of the individual entities of our world..
Wednesday, February 05, 2014
Moscovici - Le Pen : le duel - 03/02/2014 - News et vidéos en replay - Mots croisés - France 2
Moscovici - Le Pen : le duel - 03/02/2014 - News et vidéos en replay - Mots croisés - France 2:
les pais du BRIC, mais elle peut aussi servir comme monnaie d’échange (new
global reserve currency) éventuellement cette opération peut donner naissance
a un système plus juste, moins corruptif, est plus honnêtement équilibré
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Il existe un processus dans la réalité concrète, 1) les
mots, 2) l’action 3) le résultat finale.
mots, 2) l’action 3) le résultat finale.
Dans l’aventure de l’euro 2014, quitter l’euro ce l’inconnue,
car l résultat est inconnue, avant l’action, dans la réalité concrète. Dans le
discours c’est une autre chose Marine le Pen (FN) peut dire quitter l’euro ce
simple, mais elle le découvrira dans la réalité concrète, après que la France quitte
la monnaie fétiche. Le gouvernement a un argument contraire ; rester dans
l’euro ; malheureusement il ne existe pas de amélioration possible dans le
système actuel donc : Le problème actuel ce que le modelé économique,
ne fonctionne plus, malheureusement des idées pour un nouveau système sont absent,
politiques est économiste donne des avis adverse, nonobstant dans un même système
le quelle ne fonctionne plus, il est case, non réparable. Donc, quitter l’euro
ou le garder, ce la même chose car ce ne pas l’euro qui est en cause mais son fonctionnement
dans un système qui ne fonctionne pas. Un monnaie cet uniquement le emblème pour
échanger des biens, la monnaie est purement base sur la foi ; comme une
religion, car personne a certifie la valeur de l’euro comme substance, on affirme
son pouvoir d’achat, comme personé ne certifie la présence de Jésus ont crois à
jésus, comme ont crois à l’Europe au dollar ou au l’euro. Pour bien arriver à
un résultat finale productive il est impérative de assimiler tous les facettes
de notre problème, donc : les biens, la technologie, l’homme sont attachement
et fonctionnement social est les différences entre les générations est leur estimation
de vie, consécutivement tout doit être mis en sommaire.
car l résultat est inconnue, avant l’action, dans la réalité concrète. Dans le
discours c’est une autre chose Marine le Pen (FN) peut dire quitter l’euro ce
simple, mais elle le découvrira dans la réalité concrète, après que la France quitte
la monnaie fétiche. Le gouvernement a un argument contraire ; rester dans
l’euro ; malheureusement il ne existe pas de amélioration possible dans le
système actuel donc : Le problème actuel ce que le modelé économique,
ne fonctionne plus, malheureusement des idées pour un nouveau système sont absent,
politiques est économiste donne des avis adverse, nonobstant dans un même système
le quelle ne fonctionne plus, il est case, non réparable. Donc, quitter l’euro
ou le garder, ce la même chose car ce ne pas l’euro qui est en cause mais son fonctionnement
dans un système qui ne fonctionne pas. Un monnaie cet uniquement le emblème pour
échanger des biens, la monnaie est purement base sur la foi ; comme une
religion, car personne a certifie la valeur de l’euro comme substance, on affirme
son pouvoir d’achat, comme personé ne certifie la présence de Jésus ont crois à
jésus, comme ont crois à l’Europe au dollar ou au l’euro. Pour bien arriver à
un résultat finale productive il est impérative de assimiler tous les facettes
de notre problème, donc : les biens, la technologie, l’homme sont attachement
et fonctionnement social est les différences entre les générations est leur estimation
de vie, consécutivement tout doit être mis en sommaire.
Quitter l’Euro, c’est un risque national irréparable car ;
dans la configuration actuel de l’euro ce le dollar la monnaie d’échange
mondial (réserve currency
of the world) donc, ce le dollar qui décidera éventuellement le résultat de le nouveau
franc, pas les français mais le marché mondial pilote est dirigé par le dollar
est les pétrodollars. La France sera complètement impuissant devant les forces adverses
est-elle sera oblige à se soumettre a le dictat de Washington est Wall street. Aucune chance de concourir
Washington est militairement c’est une option que il nés même peut pas être
envisage, car les conséquences ce la fin de la France dans tous les domaines
existant ; une guerre économique ou militaire avec l’Amérique c’est un suicide.
Donc quitter l’euro cet impossible sans se soumettre encore plus a le dictat
des banques américaines est Washington. Les autre nations de l’Europe seront obligés
de se soumettre encore plus a le dictat de wall street, car dans le présent ce pratiquement les banquiers américain
est le FMI qui gouverne l’Europe est pratiquement le reste du monde a la
exception de la Russie est la chine.
dans la configuration actuel de l’euro ce le dollar la monnaie d’échange
mondial (réserve currency
of the world) donc, ce le dollar qui décidera éventuellement le résultat de le nouveau
franc, pas les français mais le marché mondial pilote est dirigé par le dollar
est les pétrodollars. La France sera complètement impuissant devant les forces adverses
est-elle sera oblige à se soumettre a le dictat de Washington est Wall street. Aucune chance de concourir
Washington est militairement c’est une option que il nés même peut pas être
envisage, car les conséquences ce la fin de la France dans tous les domaines
existant ; une guerre économique ou militaire avec l’Amérique c’est un suicide.
Donc quitter l’euro cet impossible sans se soumettre encore plus a le dictat
des banques américaines est Washington. Les autre nations de l’Europe seront obligés
de se soumettre encore plus a le dictat de wall street, car dans le présent ce pratiquement les banquiers américain
est le FMI qui gouverne l’Europe est pratiquement le reste du monde a la
exception de la Russie est la chine.
Rester dans l’euro est le transformer, peut fonctionner
uniquement si l’Europe crée un autre monnaie de échange mondial, un euro-pétrole,
comme un euro monnaie d’échange mondial ; le système BRIC est un exemple
de cette action. Une fois cette monnaie mondial mis en place chaque pais européen
peut négocier leur bien intentionnellement dans l’Europe, est ce protéger du
dollar est des pétrodollars par sa monnaie de échange mondial (EURO-RESERVE currency).
uniquement si l’Europe crée un autre monnaie de échange mondial, un euro-pétrole,
comme un euro monnaie d’échange mondial ; le système BRIC est un exemple
de cette action. Une fois cette monnaie mondial mis en place chaque pais européen
peut négocier leur bien intentionnellement dans l’Europe, est ce protéger du
dollar est des pétrodollars par sa monnaie de échange mondial (EURO-RESERVE currency).
Avec une monnaie indépendante qui remplace le dollar comme monnaie
des réserve mondial ; est le pétrodollar, la situation devient plus simple
car cette nouvelle monnaies servira de levier entre les pais européens comme
avec les pais du Bric est les pais du continent européen, est le reste du monde.
Car ce cette nouvelle monnaies mondial qui déterminerai l’équilibre pour que
les économies globale, leur système social est les inégalités économiques
puisse être maitrisé.
Ma proposition est le BREN, originalement propose ades réserve mondial ; est le pétrodollar, la situation devient plus simple
car cette nouvelle monnaies servira de levier entre les pais européens comme
avec les pais du Bric est les pais du continent européen, est le reste du monde.
Car ce cette nouvelle monnaies mondial qui déterminerai l’équilibre pour que
les économies globale, leur système social est les inégalités économiques
puisse être maitrisé.
les pais du BRIC, mais elle peut aussi servir comme monnaie d’échange (new
global reserve currency) éventuellement cette opération peut donner naissance
a un système plus juste, moins corruptif, est plus honnêtement équilibré
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Artists can now sell commission- free merchandise on Spotify - Internet - News - HEXUS.net
Artists can now sell commission- free merchandise on Spotify - Internet - News - HEXUS.net
Artists can now sell commission- free merchandise on Spotify
Gerald Celente : There is Panic on the Street | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG
Gerald Celente : There is Panic on the Street | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:
it looks american s want their nation back, to me it looks is perhaps Jewish financial domain that is on this context holds the nation, financially. identifying the lot can ease the task. for a art-technology system of justice.......! in other words Jews are suppose to be smart, if they run banks and financial operations, perhaps they no longer perform that well; so a replacement takes place, all those Jews CEO, what ever, there are choices, could be Mormons, Christians, any other religion race or creed; or just folks that like to help. The exit from financial transactions CEO of Jewish ties, they have served well, no even a need of an economical crash; just diplomatic symbols. however nations and religions must unite in good faith to accomplish the task. as the reason for their removal is that the planet is indeed in such a chaos; that most folks no longer understand where or what is happening around them. from endless wars to poverty and suffering; looks is the claim. ... ! is the planet in chaos, the survey....
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it looks american s want their nation back, to me it looks is perhaps Jewish financial domain that is on this context holds the nation, financially. identifying the lot can ease the task. for a art-technology system of justice.......! in other words Jews are suppose to be smart, if they run banks and financial operations, perhaps they no longer perform that well; so a replacement takes place, all those Jews CEO, what ever, there are choices, could be Mormons, Christians, any other religion race or creed; or just folks that like to help. The exit from financial transactions CEO of Jewish ties, they have served well, no even a need of an economical crash; just diplomatic symbols. however nations and religions must unite in good faith to accomplish the task. as the reason for their removal is that the planet is indeed in such a chaos; that most folks no longer understand where or what is happening around them. from endless wars to poverty and suffering; looks is the claim. ... ! is the planet in chaos, the survey....
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Tuesday, February 04, 2014
[TooBad] - Point Culture sur la Quenelle et le Sionisme (feat. Valls et la Licra) - YouTube
[TooBad] - Point Culture sur la Quenelle et le Sionisme (feat. Valls et la Licra) - YouTube: "http://youtu.be/YQ_TDXPFwFI"
speed, broadband, daylimotion,
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speed, broadband, daylimotion,
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History of Zionism (part 2) - YouTube
History of Zionism (part 2) - YouTube: "http://youtu.be/QN7jCkvA4ts"
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all about the now Palestine Zionism, history. congress. 1776. 1789.
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all about the now Palestine Zionism, history. congress. 1776. 1789.
Christophe Oberlin : "Israël est un état mafieux" - Egalite et Réconciliation
Christophe Oberlin : "Israël est un état mafieux" - Egalite et Réconciliation:
La deuxième notion que je voudrais discuter est la notion d’État. Contrairement à ce que l’on voudrait nous faire croire, il n’y a pas de définition précise, réglementaire, juridique de la notion d’État. En particulier il n’entre pas dans les prérogatives de l’ONU de faire ou de défaire les États. Un État, c’est une population animée par un sentiment d’appartenance, sur un territoire donné, sous une loi commune, une force unique chargée de faire respecter la loi, etc. Un État, nous disent les meilleurs juristes, c’est comme un enfant : il est né, il est sous nos yeux : son existence ne dépend ni de sa reconnaissance par ses parents, ni de son enregistrement à l’État civil : un État, c’est un fait ! La Palestine, Philistia, avec ses cinq villes historiques, Gaza (mentionnée sur les temples égyptiens), Ashquelon, Ashdot, Ekron et Gath, existe depuis trois mille ans ! Et elle figure sur toutes les cartes du Proche-Orient sans interruption depuis la plus ancienne carte du monde gravée sur le temple de Karnak en Égypte ! À l’époque moderne, en 1922, la Société des Nations issue de la première guerre mondiale, a reconnu l’État de Palestine, même si elle en a confié le mandat aux Britanniques. Et jusqu’en 1948 les Palestiniens ont bénéficié d’un passeport portant sur sa couverture la mention : « État de Palestine ». Un État est un fait, même s’il est sous mandat, ou sous occupation. Et il n’est pas nécessaire d’être enregistré à l’ONU pour constituer un État : les îles COOK, État indépendant, ne sont pas membres des Nations Unies. Elles ont préféré confier leur sécurité et leur politique étrangère à la Nouvelle Zélande toute proche. Mais ceci n’empêche pas les îles Cook, le cas échéant, de saisir la Cour Pénale Internationale.
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La deuxième notion que je voudrais discuter est la notion d’État. Contrairement à ce que l’on voudrait nous faire croire, il n’y a pas de définition précise, réglementaire, juridique de la notion d’État. En particulier il n’entre pas dans les prérogatives de l’ONU de faire ou de défaire les États. Un État, c’est une population animée par un sentiment d’appartenance, sur un territoire donné, sous une loi commune, une force unique chargée de faire respecter la loi, etc. Un État, nous disent les meilleurs juristes, c’est comme un enfant : il est né, il est sous nos yeux : son existence ne dépend ni de sa reconnaissance par ses parents, ni de son enregistrement à l’État civil : un État, c’est un fait ! La Palestine, Philistia, avec ses cinq villes historiques, Gaza (mentionnée sur les temples égyptiens), Ashquelon, Ashdot, Ekron et Gath, existe depuis trois mille ans ! Et elle figure sur toutes les cartes du Proche-Orient sans interruption depuis la plus ancienne carte du monde gravée sur le temple de Karnak en Égypte ! À l’époque moderne, en 1922, la Société des Nations issue de la première guerre mondiale, a reconnu l’État de Palestine, même si elle en a confié le mandat aux Britanniques. Et jusqu’en 1948 les Palestiniens ont bénéficié d’un passeport portant sur sa couverture la mention : « État de Palestine ». Un État est un fait, même s’il est sous mandat, ou sous occupation. Et il n’est pas nécessaire d’être enregistré à l’ONU pour constituer un État : les îles COOK, État indépendant, ne sont pas membres des Nations Unies. Elles ont préféré confier leur sécurité et leur politique étrangère à la Nouvelle Zélande toute proche. Mais ceci n’empêche pas les îles Cook, le cas échéant, de saisir la Cour Pénale Internationale.
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An American Made Holocaust: The History of US Wars, Deceptions and Crimes against Humanity | Global Research
An American Made Holocaust: The History of US Wars, Deceptions and Crimes against Humanity | Global Research:
The violence on the streets of Ukraine is far more than an expression of popular anger against a government. Instead, it is merely the latest example of the rise of the most insidious form of fascism that Europe has seen since the fall of the Third Reich.
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The violence on the streets of Ukraine is far more than an expression of popular anger against a government. Instead, it is merely the latest example of the rise of the most insidious form of fascism that Europe has seen since the fall of the Third Reich.
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Monday, February 03, 2014
Sunday, February 02, 2014
What's Behind the Venezuelan Exodus? | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG
What's Behind the Venezuelan Exodus? | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG
this review shows bad orwellian techniques, however for future candidate Capriles the problem unfortunately is global, therefore it looks a global collapse is coming, and it feels is accelerating. the problem is the dollar for the south american nations, wall street has exported his economical problems to europe, south america asia and the middle east. end of the dollar as a reserve currency and end of petrodollars and the problem will go away. otherwise more of the same until a world war 3 or global mayhem.
this review shows bad orwellian techniques, however for future candidate Capriles the problem unfortunately is global, therefore it looks a global collapse is coming, and it feels is accelerating. the problem is the dollar for the south american nations, wall street has exported his economical problems to europe, south america asia and the middle east. end of the dollar as a reserve currency and end of petrodollars and the problem will go away. otherwise more of the same until a world war 3 or global mayhem.
Snowden NSA Double Agent & The Mark of the Beast | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG
Snowden NSA Double Agent & The Mark of the Beast | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG
Find out who is behind the Global NSA spy ring? No, it is not the USA. It is Israel! It is not just a domestic affair. It is a worldwide operation where all citizens are being targeted. Read the exclusive and hard-hitting 12-page Special Report by renown investigative journalist Alexander Backman. This is highly sensitive information and due to the nature of its content which you must know it cannot be publicly posted.
Find out who is behind the Global NSA spy ring? No, it is not the USA. It is Israel! It is not just a domestic affair. It is a worldwide operation where all citizens are being targeted. Read the exclusive and hard-hitting 12-page Special Report by renown investigative journalist Alexander Backman. This is highly sensitive information and due to the nature of its content which you must know it cannot be publicly posted.
Saturday, February 01, 2014
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
Now Spain is in the process of offering the descendants of those Spanish Jews the right of return no matter where in the world they live. Meanwhile no such offer is being made to the descendents of the Moors. IJAN Spain declares, "we demand that the rights of the Moorish are equated with those of the Sephardim, and that the full diversity of the Spanish state is recognized, in a symbolic gesture of reparation for damages suffered in the past."
Now Spain is in the process of offering the descendants of those Spanish Jews the right of return no matter where in the world they live. Meanwhile no such offer is being made to the descendents of the Moors. IJAN Spain declares, "we demand that the rights of the Moorish are equated with those of the Sephardim, and that the full diversity of the Spanish state is recognized, in a symbolic gesture of reparation for damages suffered in the past."
Friday, January 31, 2014
Alex Jones -- Obama's Complete Destruction of America is Underway | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG
Alex Jones -- Obama's Complete Destruction of America is Underway | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG
applied to art, the applied technology is a tool, a form, while the
art-technology is applied to the mind; the perception; how you see, perceive cognate,
and think. a picture on a screen is fix, while a picture with art-technology it
moves subjectively on the mind, the tools art is objectively, for instance the
wireless, the network, the I phone, or Smartphone, is static. The phone remains
the same; reason why the new model is a new phone, not a new device of communication,
it does not make you telepathic if you like, is just remains a phone, static. While
art-technology evolves with time, it renews itself on your mind. It is kinetic.
However it can do the same as tools technology, on what wars are related,
social, and political events even economical ones, as it functions mostly on
the mind, rather than on the tool side of technology which is the qualified of
the past technology evolution, its linear development and tool characteristics.
String theories are linear for instance, and its conclusion is due to the
linear technological past, as that is how minds have operated under the
technological forms of tools. As a result the conclusion is geometrical and
leads to a circle a geometrical configuration of straight lines. Steel is a
form of static technology. Art-technology is a painting that as it remains fix,
its communication evolves with time. And what it displays is the present that
is becoming the future; it is timeless to the mind. Art technology does not work the same way as
tool technology, it works on the mind, the perception, the subjective non
geometrical side of it.
from Greek τέχνη, techne, "art,
skill, cunning of hand" technological art; new way to use only acrylics to
achieve; the same as cunning of hand......art prices, have a new technological
meaning, no longer bound by the art of war......! just what it does to the
mind. as it is the mind that imagines, or this way or that way, am I am I not,
or to B or not to B.
Art technology is not the same as technologyskill, cunning of hand" technological art; new way to use only acrylics to
achieve; the same as cunning of hand......art prices, have a new technological
meaning, no longer bound by the art of war......! just what it does to the
mind. as it is the mind that imagines, or this way or that way, am I am I not,
or to B or not to B.
applied to art, the applied technology is a tool, a form, while the
art-technology is applied to the mind; the perception; how you see, perceive cognate,
and think. a picture on a screen is fix, while a picture with art-technology it
moves subjectively on the mind, the tools art is objectively, for instance the
wireless, the network, the I phone, or Smartphone, is static. The phone remains
the same; reason why the new model is a new phone, not a new device of communication,
it does not make you telepathic if you like, is just remains a phone, static. While
art-technology evolves with time, it renews itself on your mind. It is kinetic.
However it can do the same as tools technology, on what wars are related,
social, and political events even economical ones, as it functions mostly on
the mind, rather than on the tool side of technology which is the qualified of
the past technology evolution, its linear development and tool characteristics.
String theories are linear for instance, and its conclusion is due to the
linear technological past, as that is how minds have operated under the
technological forms of tools. As a result the conclusion is geometrical and
leads to a circle a geometrical configuration of straight lines. Steel is a
form of static technology. Art-technology is a painting that as it remains fix,
its communication evolves with time. And what it displays is the present that
is becoming the future; it is timeless to the mind. Art technology does not work the same way as
tool technology, it works on the mind, the perception, the subjective non
geometrical side of it.
Ann Barnhardt -- USA Economic Collapse 2014 - Dollar Crash Coming - Prepare! | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG
Ann Barnhardt -- USA Economic Collapse 2014 - Dollar Crash Coming - Prepare! | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG
Goldman Sachs enemy of the human race, as it has destroy europe greece, italy palestine, iran, tried as hard as it can to russia south america, china, japan india all of africa; in the 21 century multinationals are the problem not individual banks, as well corporations such as louis vuitton, microsoft apple, boeing, raytheon, etc, big banks are the problem to employment, and traders are the soldiers of death. therefore it is the end of the Rothschilds banking logic, from 1789, It has ended folks, so big banks must disappear; by their own weight, and miscalculations.
Goldman Sachs enemy of the human race, as it has destroy europe greece, italy palestine, iran, tried as hard as it can to russia south america, china, japan india all of africa; in the 21 century multinationals are the problem not individual banks, as well corporations such as louis vuitton, microsoft apple, boeing, raytheon, etc, big banks are the problem to employment, and traders are the soldiers of death. therefore it is the end of the Rothschilds banking logic, from 1789, It has ended folks, so big banks must disappear; by their own weight, and miscalculations.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
The family of Trillionaires and the Rothschild Conspiracy (Full Documentary) - YouTube
The family of Trillionaires and the Rothschild Conspiracy (Full Documentary) - YouTube:
This study of modern Imperialism is designed to give more precision to a term which is on everybody’s lips and which is used to denote the most powerful movement in the current politics of the Western world. Though Imperialism has been adopted as a more or less conscious policy by several European States and threatens to break down the political isolation of the United States, Great Britain has travelled so much faster and farther along this road as to furnish in her recent career the most profitable guidance or warning.
While an attempt is made to discover and discuss the general principles which underlie imperialist policy, the illustration of that policy is mainly derived from the progress of British Imperialism during the last generation, and proceeds rather by diagnosis than by historical description.
In Part I the economic origins of Imperialism are traced, with such statistical measurements of its methods and results as are available.
Part II investigates the theory and the practice of Imperialism regarded as a “mission of civilisation,” in its effects upon “lower” or alien peoples, and its political and moral reactions upon the conduct and character of the Western nations engaging in it.
The book is addressed to the intelligence of the minority who are content neither to float along the tide of political opportunism nor to submit to the shove of some blind “destiny,” but who desire to understand political forces in order that they may direct them.
Those readers who hold that a well-balanced judgment consists in always finding as much in favour of any political course as against it will be discontented with the treatment given here. For the study is distinctively one of social pathology, and no endeavour is made to disguise the malignity of the disease.
The statistics given in Part I are derived, when the source is not stated, from the Statistical Abstracts published by the Government, reinforced, in some instances, by figures derived from the Statesman’s Yearbook.
I am indebted to the editor of the Financial Reform Almanac for permission to reproduce the valuable diagram illustrative of British expenditure from 1870, and to the editors of the Speaker, the Contemporary Review, thePolitical Science Quarterly, and the British Friend for permission to embody in chapters of this volume articles printed in these magazines.
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This study of modern Imperialism is designed to give more precision to a term which is on everybody’s lips and which is used to denote the most powerful movement in the current politics of the Western world. Though Imperialism has been adopted as a more or less conscious policy by several European States and threatens to break down the political isolation of the United States, Great Britain has travelled so much faster and farther along this road as to furnish in her recent career the most profitable guidance or warning.
While an attempt is made to discover and discuss the general principles which underlie imperialist policy, the illustration of that policy is mainly derived from the progress of British Imperialism during the last generation, and proceeds rather by diagnosis than by historical description.
In Part I the economic origins of Imperialism are traced, with such statistical measurements of its methods and results as are available.
Part II investigates the theory and the practice of Imperialism regarded as a “mission of civilisation,” in its effects upon “lower” or alien peoples, and its political and moral reactions upon the conduct and character of the Western nations engaging in it.
The book is addressed to the intelligence of the minority who are content neither to float along the tide of political opportunism nor to submit to the shove of some blind “destiny,” but who desire to understand political forces in order that they may direct them.
Those readers who hold that a well-balanced judgment consists in always finding as much in favour of any political course as against it will be discontented with the treatment given here. For the study is distinctively one of social pathology, and no endeavour is made to disguise the malignity of the disease.
The statistics given in Part I are derived, when the source is not stated, from the Statistical Abstracts published by the Government, reinforced, in some instances, by figures derived from the Statesman’s Yearbook.
I am indebted to the editor of the Financial Reform Almanac for permission to reproduce the valuable diagram illustrative of British expenditure from 1870, and to the editors of the Speaker, the Contemporary Review, thePolitical Science Quarterly, and the British Friend for permission to embody in chapters of this volume articles printed in these magazines.
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