Friday, November 07, 2014

Visite d’État - Ukraine - Russie - Discours de M. François Hollande, président (...) - La France en Ukraine

Visite d’État - Ukraine - Russie - Discours de M. François Hollande, président (...) - La France en Ukraine

World ominously close to nuclear war’

In the worst case scenario the current international instability, especially with tensions between US and Russia resembling a new cold war, could result in a nuclear war, in which all parties that initiate it would be eliminated.
“And it’s come ominously close several times in the past, dramatically close. And it could happen again, but not planned, but just by the accidental interactions that take place,” Chomsky said. “There have been many cases, not that serious, but pretty close, where human intervention with a few-minutes choice has prevented a nuclear war. You can’t guarantee that’s going to continue."

Piketty, Verhofstadt, Goulard… Leurs pistes pour relever l'économie - L'Obs

Piketty, Verhofstadt, Goulard… Leurs pistes pour relever l'économie - L'Obs

Le triangle ce glabre avec le hexagone.
La Russie est dans l’Europe unique solution pour
une Europe unie ce avec la Russie pour la technologie la paix et la croissance
sage  écologique tout autre arrangement ne fonctionnera pas dans le 21
siècle la Russie fera partie de l’Europe et la OTAN-NATO malheureusement
deviendra inutile, rare solution pour l’emploi la paix et la croissance, pour
les idéologues financiers de wall street mais  il ne existe nullement aucune autre solution.  

Thursday, November 06, 2014

» Million Mask March: Met Police Ban Masks at Anonymous Protest Designed to Bring London to Gridlock Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Million Mask March: Met Police Ban Masks at Anonymous Protest Designed to Bring London to Gridlock Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

the treason of 1776 took place no long after the revolution how who knows perhaps pranksters and Rothschild had something to do but what america was meant to be it never did happened, america became a traitor to the revolution, Louis the XVI the men who hoped america will be a free republic was cheated by someone an organization or something this is the reason why 1789 became a disaster because america rather than becoming a free republic it became a bankers heaven. and they themselves helped the transition from a would be democracy into a plutocracy, Lincoln tried but he also failed, and in 1913 the coffin was finally seal and america will never be a free nation again.

banks owns your soul mind and labor.

Mini Documentary - Million Mask March - Washington DC 2013

r Lt. Gen. Frederick “Ben” Hodges : please stay away go fishing, go home,  american army navy and air weakness, go home: Go home do not come to Europe or Asia,  GO HOME, apply the illegal immigrants laws to yourself  american forces and NATO..GO HOME.. you are not wanted or loved rather hated by most of the planets 8 billions citizens, GO HOME. live your live and leave others alone.. when Americans arrive is just chaos go to Ferguson or Detroit and keep all your I-Phone at home they are not wanted.  they need you there go home, and take all your soldiers with you they deserve better than be killed for wall street , so GO HOME and STAY AWAY.PLEASE.....! end NATO go home leave us alone.

PressTV - Hacktivist group Anonymous holds protest in London

PressTV - Hacktivist group Anonymous holds protest in London

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Legitimacy wars — RT CrossTalk

Legitimacy wars — RT CrossTalk

the reality is not quite dictated by the EU rulers, however they want domination something that by now should be off the conscious minds, Europe is somehow regressing they act as barbarians and show that is force brute force the one that rules. a distinction must be made between the rulers and the people, the people follow however today they have different ways to communicate understand and reflect such as alternative media, it is not 1939, hitlers propaganda domain. main corporate media operates as HITLERS propaganda, but they do not control the planets minds, face&book has more impact than CNN for instance. the problem here is the leaders , Merkel, Hollande, cameron the BCE. this institutions are the ones that rule the soldiers and volunteers they do not rule over the populations minds, the citizens the bulk of persons that compose the European continent as well Russia and america. the logic of the current $ domination systems and their banking practices no longer performs as desired, things will always give a negative result. this systems are obsolete, therefore new systems will emerge. the Rothschild banking practices are no longer needed for the system, they were important in 1776 not now today "in other words" and for the new system to emerge the old one must die. the fight today are of those that want to keep the obsolete systems alive and refuse to accept the reality the facts that is over, they refuse the 21 century which demands a new mentality a new way of perception. how far they will go, is how far they will understand their own vulnerability.

Sanitas Radio - Dr. Amit Goswami | Quantum Creativity: Think Quantum, Be Creative | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Sanitas Radio - Dr. Amit Goswami | Quantum Creativity: Think Quantum, Be Creative | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

" L'Oligarchie et Le Sionisme " (Version étendue)

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Who owns America? Ask Congress - YouTube

Who owns America? Ask Congress - YouTube

Millions of Americans vote in midterm elections

Gerald Celente -- Middle East Ablaze with Terror Groups? | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Gerald Celente -- Middle East Ablaze with Terror Groups? | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

the problem is g w Washington revolution was transformed and stolen probably by some on his same circle friends he was lie to. therefore the constitution democracy and liberty in america never existed for long period of time, just a few years: however this revolution did had some natural bases so it went on and off, until Lincoln them it just turn itself off permanently, and in 1913 the coffin was seal and democracy permanently die...!  today you america exist on a sort of zionasism a mixture of a Jewish lobby dominance "AIPAC" that dominates america, and hopes to do the same to the planet, on a Nazi warfare propaganda  strategy, the ideology of media superpowers is part of this Nazism propaganda machine, as well the too big to fail. therefore democracy in america does not exist in 2014 votes are a joke, as presidential candidates are actors for a tv show. this american dynasties are just a result of a well crafted and intelligently planet Nazi  propaganda apparatus. you define this as wall street and freedom of speech in fact is Orwellian reality since  the 1900.

reason why there is a natural return to the traditional the ancient the occult the old Clovis integrity and the real nobility of the 1010 in Europe, the founding fathers of america. however this time is correction time.

Monday, November 03, 2014

Bill Gates: Banks Can, Should Take the 'Unbanked' | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Bill Gates: Banks Can, Should Take the 'Unbanked' | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Good idea should have being done long ago, the technological democracy, rather than this armed industrial complexity call endless wars for  An unknown outcome. the technology owes a lot to Africa, and they "Africans" sacrificed themselves during the industrial revolution, petrol and other materials, is what allow the industrial revolution to be..  now that the technology has taken hold is the moment to shared. however wisely. the old system is obsolete it has to go; for the new technological democracy to work.
a brave new world without SOMA.

34ème Salon d’art de Seloncourt | Annuaire Culturel

34ème Salon d’art de Seloncourt | Annuaire Culturel : Vidéo 03 : la Grâce de l’Histoire (I) : Vidéo 03 : la Grâce de l’Histoire (I)

Les questions abordent des sujets extrêmement divers, suggérés par la lecture du livre, sans pour cela nécessairement suivre la trame du livre mais bien entendu en recoupant ses grands thèmes. Cette méthode donne une grande impression de liberté intellectuelle, tout en permettant de prendre la mesure de la substance du contenu de La Grâce de l’Histoire, et notamment sa diversité. Parmi les thèmes abordés, on trouve l’appréciation du rôle des USA et les rapports de la France et des USA surtout dans la phase originelle de la création des USA, le rôle de l’Allemagne au long du XIXème siècle et au début du XXème selon la thèse du livre, la Grande Guerre et son importance fondamentale par rapport à l’événement dit du “déchaînement de la Matière” et par rapport à la modernité, etc.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Occult Forces [1943]

What Really Happened Radio Show: Michael Rivero Tuesday October 21 2014:...

France is
in the hands of Zionist reason why France is now under occupation, the BHL
philosopher is probably one of the moles, as he incites wars and is the shadow
of destruction, therefore a key element on the way the French government
functions, the French government cares little about their own nations Sarkozy
dismantle the industry in France the same way G W BUSH did to America, so their
governments are for themselves they do not care about nations people or even Europe,
or America. French public is as brainwashed as the British one so soon they
will become just robots of the main media. Sad but true.

Movie from 1943 EXPOSES Illuminati Must See!!) May 2013