Monday, May 25, 2015

Appel à un rassemblement le 29 mai 2015, 10 ans après le référendum sur la constitution européenne - Agoravox TV

Appel à un rassemblement le 29 mai 2015, 10 ans après le référendum sur la constitution européenne - Agoravox TV

Bush: "Mission Accomplished" -- REAL Speech

the global JOKE

Gaddafi speech:'America hanged Saddam and we might be next! (with English)

Defense Secretary Carter: Iraqis lack ‘will to fight’ to defeat Islamic State (alias AIPAC 'washington" )

Iraq TV Saddam speech in the eve of the war, March 20th 2003

Defense Secretary Carter: Iraqis lack ‘will to fight’ to defeat Islamic State (alias AIPAC 'washington" )

Pre-Islamic Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pre-Islamic Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

La Guerre civile qui vient.... - Agoravox TV

La Guerre civile qui vient.... - Agoravox TV

Sunday, May 24, 2015

20th Anniversary of the Desert Shield-Desert Storm Video - YouTube

20th Anniversary of the Desert Shield-Desert Storm Video - YouTube

OK corral: there is no strategy just hope: crazy conflict from Kabul is reaching Jerusalem/ the south  & north Libya & Yemen, Iran & the saudi kingdom, and the Taliban... "IRAQ & SYRIA..!!! the 2003 strategy? Russia & china, India & breezily.the BRICs is the answer..

Operation Desert Storm, The Battle of Khafji - Iraq War Documentary Movie

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Who owns America? Ask Congress

since 1990 + 2001 scheme: washington AIPAC insanity is on the path of destroying humanity: this murder nation call the usa of america where congress is closer to hitler than george washington has killed more people than hitler and stalin together no wonder the murder nation is a mess and americans are no longer on a democracy but a AIPAC murderous regime: AIPAC main media brainwashing reason why the murder nation is now in full bloom: wall street gangsterism, congress closer to Hitler than george washington, this murder nation under the AIPAC rule hopes for freedom from the "jewish lobby" and AIPAC, save america end AIPAC ruling of america and over americans minds and bodies..

Absolute Proof Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

france now is experiencing a very confusing moment, or better say french politicians & citizens, the reason is that the inverted impose reality created by AIPAC via his main media hollywood techniques and banking gangsterism is no longer working as expected, and the french politics & politicians somehow on one hand have chosen Le pen to continue the insanity dictated by AIPAC, however on the confusion the rests demand a inverted tactics and this in the short and long term will unwind the french citizens mentality and liberate them from this holocaust trickster manufactured by AIPAC "american jewish lobby" .  Le pen neither the other politicians understand what is happening to them however it does not matter what matter is independence from AIPAC . freedom at last from this organization in europe and america, worldwide.

‘We must resist corporations’: Le Pen targets troubled TTIP deal in new campaign — RT News

‘We must resist corporations’: Le Pen targets troubled TTIP deal in new campaign — RT News:

france now is experiencing a very confusing moment, or better say french politicians & citizens, the reason is that the inverted impose reality created by AIPAC via his main media hollywood techniques and banking gangsterism is no longer working as expected, and the french politics & politicians somehow on one hand have chosen Le pen to continue the insanity dictated by AIPAC, however on the confusion the rests demand a inverted tactics and this in the short and long term will unwind the french citizens mentality and liberate them from this holocaust trickster manufactured by AIPAC "american jewish lobby" .  Le pen neither the other politicians understand what is happening to them however it does not matter what matter is independence from AIPAC . freedom at last from this organization in europe and america, worldwide.

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L’alternative de la Banque Asiatique (BAII) - Jacques Cheminade

économie en Europe 

Monday, May 18, 2015

Soumission de Michel Houellebecq sort en Espagne

Soumission de Michel Houellebecq sort en Espagne: "Soumission de Michel Houellebecq sort en Espagne"

colonisation en Europe par l'Europe sur les étranges force:  plus simplement la france ce transforme en l'Algérie coloniale, les puisant est ses servant ces employés de maison. , ces aide maison, ce ne pas l'islam qui fait la conquête de la france mais la colonisation qui ce transporte en france: car ce les immigres qui feront le ménage: conclusion ça explique le manque de natalité en Allemagne le resurgissent pyramidal dominant, d'antan. donc houllebecq dit une vérité mais manque totale de décrire la réalité: nonobstant prévue. que la perception ce  ne-pas vraiment dans la culture mondaine mais dans la sagesse privilégié.

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Saturday, May 16, 2015

"Fighting a Lost War: The German Army in 1943" by Dr. Robert Citino

Mistral: Paris a remis à Moscou son offre de "dédommagement" the AXIS is OTAN-NATO today 2015: be careful that the NATO axis powers is not a insurmountable disaster. from 1989 to 2001, the AXIS of evil NATO-OTAN AIPAC:::

Napoleon Bonaparte - 1812 Road To Moscow

Mistral: Paris a remis à Moscou son offre de "dédommagement"

Monday, May 11, 2015

Gerald Celente -- Everything Is About To Collapse | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Gerald Celente -- Everything Is About To Collapse | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:

the NATO NAZI REGIME: on the upside world ready to kill europeans on behalf of AIPAC and IBM same plot same victims and same army only in 2005 is a upside down realm. but same AIPAC again. perhaps NATO wants a new holocaust 2015 version this time with the Muslim and christian faith as martyrs. reason why everyone is claiming tax the orthodox church but never AIPAC. 

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