Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Late Show - The historic decision made by President Donald Trump

the problem is that Israel has become illogical it no longer holds a realm, but rather a media propaganda that feeds all. the fact that a polish fellow decides to return to Israel and them, a Palestinian must relinquish his land, and give to the polish fellow.  is the problem. the thing to do is to leave the polish in Poland as the Russian in Russia, and stop creating these Jewish nation, it will never work, as there is no Christian nation Buddhist nation mormon nation and the coming religions that have not even been invented will claim their own nation. Zoroastrian nation moon lovers nation etc. it will never work is more a war is peace ignorance is strength and freedom is slavery what Israel is and the rest of the planet is following that realm

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

David Icke: The 'Fake News' Hoax - The System is Desperate

washington the new HITLER on orwellian doublespeak. when washington says peace is war, when washington says freedom is slavery when washington says strength it is ignorance, welcome to HITLER'S ORWELLIAN ANIMAL FARM USA OF AMERICA.

George Orwell Double Speak - David Icke

washington the new HITLER on orwellian doublespeak. when washington says peace is war, when washington says freedom is slavery when washington says strength it is ignorance, welcome to HITLER'S ORWELLIAN ANIMAL FARM USA OF AMERICA.

Monday, December 18, 2017

China The Open Door Policy

Why are these 32 symbols found in caves all over Europe | Genevieve von ...

Basically, the
media dictates what are the policies of Washington, in consequence the power of
the president is limited. Fake news on fake news, explain the facts, however
nothing changes, the power that the president possesses is quite limited.  Therefore, the media is Washington, as it is feeding.
Banks can control the medias economical possibilities; however, banks do not directly
control the public. Technology has brought to the media visuals and sound, from
surround to 3D to virtual reality. All based on visual and sensory perception,
from the eye to what the eye perceives. And the main component is Images &
Therefore ART.

The cognitive
link to the first turning of the wheel of time & evolution. Technology in
fact is on the primitive paintings of the cave.

Science - Transmission of Sound

Basically, the
media dictates what are the policies of Washington, in consequence the power of
the president is limited. Fake news on fake news, explain the facts, however
nothing changes, the power that the president possesses is quite limited.  Therefore, the media is Washington, as it is feeding.
Banks can control the medias economical possibilities; however, banks do not directly
control the public. Technology has brought to the media visuals and sound, from
surround to 3D to virtual reality. All based on visual and sensory perception,
from the eye to what the eye perceives. And the main component is Images &
Therefore ART.
The cognitive
link to the first turning of the wheel of time & evolution. Technology in
fact is on the primitive paintings of the cave.

Pink Floyd - Money (1974) legendado

Basically, the media dictates what are the policies of Washington, in consequence, the power of the president is limited. Fake news on fake news, explain the facts, however, nothing changes, the power that the president possesses is quite limited.  Therefore, the media is Washington, as it is feeding. Banks can control the medias economical possibilities; however, banks do not directly control the public. Technology has brought to the media visuals and sound, from surround to 3D to virtual reality. All based on visual and sensory perception, from the eye to what the eye perceives. And the main component is Images & Sound.

Therefore ART.

The cognitive link to the first turning of the wheel of time & evolution. Technology, in fact, is on the primitive paintings of the caves.

The Dordogne, France: Lascaux's Prehistoric Cave Paintings

Basically, the media dictates what are the policies of Washington, in consequence, the power of the president is limited. Fake news on fake news, explain the facts, however, nothing changes, the power that the president possesses is quite limited.  Therefore, the media is Washington, as it is feeding. Banks can control the medias economical possibilities; however, banks do not directly control the public. Technology has brought to the media visuals and sound, from surround to 3D to virtual reality. All based on visual and sensory perception, from the eye to what the eye perceives. And the main component is Images & Sound.
Therefore ART.
The cognitive link to the first turning of the wheel of time & evolution. Technology, in fact, is on the primitive paintings of the caves.

What LOGIC (not EMOTION) Thinks About ALL Cops

What LOGIC (not EMOTION) Thinks About ALL Cops