Tuesday, March 20, 2018

D'autres revelations qui vont alourdir le dossier judiciaire de Nicolas ...

Did Cambridge Analytica play a role in the EU referendum? - BBC Newsnight

The Next Evolution of Data (Linked Data) & Understanding The Types of Bi...

What is Linked Data?

What is Linked Data?

Tim Berners-Lee: The next Web of open, linked data

a thought
as a prayer, can turn the prayers into a fact. 
Do not
blame it on technology, neither on users is rather ideology of those that provide
the platforms. A misunderstanding of the use of technology. Technology is neutral,
and the intend to use it for a personal ideology disturbs its path. Recurrence is
the result. On quantum physics it takes place when you observe a photon. The internet
can only function when is unrestricted, all these controls laws are useless,
they hinder the evolution of technology as it ruins the advances of technology.
A free internet is because as you or anyone intervenes the technology
intervenes on its own sphere. Same as a photon when observed. And the pretext
of moral usage or politically correct behavior interferes with the kernel of
the sphere. Result chaos and misunderstanding.

European Left Divided Over Brexit

Now I Know Who My Comrades Are: Voices from the Internet Underground

a thought
as a prayer, can turn the prayers into a fact. 
Do not
blame it on technology, neither on users is rather ideology of those that provide
the platforms. A misunderstanding of the use of technology. Technology is neutral,
and the intend to use it for a personal ideology disturbs its path. Recurrence is
the result. On quantum physics it takes place when you observe a photon. The internet
can only function when is unrestricted, all these controls laws are useless,
they hinder the evolution of technology as it ruins the advances of technology.
A free internet is because as you or anyone intervenes the technology
intervenes on its own sphere. Same as a photon when observed. And the pretext
of moral usage or politically correct behavior interferes with the kernel of
the sphere. Result chaos and misunderstanding.

Cant Patch The System - Deep State Gives No Choices - Morris

imagen a rich man getting out of the eye of the needle.

When Does The Russian Bear Say: "Enough"? - In Moscow Jonathon Fairbanks

Capsula - I Know That I Know

unfolding of what we all happen to perceive as the world’s uncertainties
reveals further dimensions, we might ask ourselves, have the world always being
like this or is it just us that we are now noticing the hiding events that we
were unable to perceive earlier, have those discovered changed our thought’s.
that actual developing events are somewhat a combination of what was hiding
from us all, and the hand that is revealing it to us is unknown.  
In this
logical context we can say the hiding hand is from elites that rules us,
manipulate us, as if we were objects of a global display. Somehow it seems it
is a combination of both, on one hand we got this dominant elite that believes
they happen to know best for what humans is concern, and on the other hand
events that even the powerful elites and its media brainwashing campaigns is
unable to discern even les understand. Therefore, we are finding ourselves on
unchartered territory with a hiding hand correcting the elite’s mistakes
turning them around.  This unchartered domain
perceived as a wisdom sphere indicates not chaos and destruction but rather an
improvement of our realm. Quite contrary to the common knowledge of reasoning, perception,
and logic, impose by the ruling crowd; this wider acknowledgement of our realm indicates
notwithstanding of what reality shows as a dooms day, this dooms day scenario
is actually; its opposite. In other words, an improvement of the actual. We
must bear in mind that the cultivating action of the hiding hand exist only if we
grasp it, understand it, and proceed in accordance to its realm. Otherwise a
recurrence occurs and the result is a vicious circle.  Technology is just a tool, manufactured by
imagination, life is in fact more dependent in imagination than technology,
however technology easies manual tasks. deceases are mind made.  
art is the best friend of artificial intelligence.
something humans so far do not control even if they claim to have invented.
remember sometimes you do not know who you work for.
Images could be the vehicle of the quantum
photons medium to understand us. As energy is created, vision creates frequency,
and a pocket of information is displayed on the watercolor.
26 million euros is the
tag price however i shall keep only 16, as those are the proper numbers, having
more than what you need is useless. However, on a capitalistic erroneous logic
a work of ART must have a very high price to be look at, it requires a monetary
reason, the MONA Lisa is priceless so is the garden of delights, of Hieronymus
Bosch. therefore A 300 million euros artwork is an acceptable price so the
artwork can be perceived properly. and humanity can understand it.

Monday, March 19, 2018

What is religion? Fake news? - David Icke answers questions from Polish ...

unfolding of what we all happen to perceive as the world’s uncertainties
reveals further dimensions, we might ask ourselves, have the world always being
like this or is it just us that we are now noticing the hiding events that we
were unable to perceive earlier, have those discovered changed our thought’s.
that events are somewhat a combination of what was hiding from us all, and the
hand that is revealing it to us is unknown.  
In this
logical context we can say the hiding hand is from elites that rules us,
manipulate us, as if we were objects of a global display. Somehow it seems it
is a combination of both, on one hand we got this dominant elite that believes
they happen to know best for what humans is concern, and on the other hand
events that even the powerful elites and its media brainwashing campaigns is
unable to discern even les understand. Therefore, we are finding ourselves on
unchartered territory with a hiding hand correcting the elite’s mistakes
turning them around.  This unchartered domain
perceived as a wisdom sphere indicates not chaos and destruction but rather an
improvement of our realm. Quite contrary to the common knowledge of reasoning, perception,
and logic, impose by the ruling crowd; this wider acknowledgement of our realm indicates
notwithstanding of what reality shows as a dooms day, this dooms day scenario
is actually; its opposite. In other words, an improvement of the actual. We
must bear in mind that the cultivating action of the hiding hand exist only if we
grasp it, understand it, and proceed in accordance to its realm. Otherwise a
recurrence occurs and the result is a vicious circle.

Paul Craig Roberts on Trump-Russia

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Manly P. Hall - Serpents & Druids (Eire, Arya, Iran)

Ancient Battles - The Battle of Allia Part 1 - The Sack of Rome

Celtic Mythology: The Gaelic Gods ¦ Psychology and Irish Mythology

Many gods, One logic

The Zionist agenda, Dr. David Kelly and The propaganda of the BBC By Dav...


Fake news or real news/ JCPOA, which is backed by United Nations
Security Council Resolution 2231 vs U
nited Nations Resolution 242 and is an international
Israel to withdraw from the territories conquered in 1967.
main media & social networks? Facebook, they solidify your mind your
thinking? Main media brainwashes. Facebook solidifies that brainwash, so you
think the way main media wants. Facebook laws of conduct is to put aside anyone
that happens to think. Any other sheep is there to consume and not think, kind
of internet surveillance. Since Facebook has lots of users means lots of faces
on the book.