Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Blue Wren

Celtic Tradition - The Wren The Wren

BREN new global reserve currency/ independant of all markets and institutions/ governments  & corporations & bankers & financiers, you can call it the GODS currency/ BREN 25% silver gold  & petrol reserves. all current currencies remain/ BREN is just above them.   Central BANk IN IRELAND. nothing changes is just the new GOD currency "BREN"  keeps all other currencies petrodollars included in check.

asselineau pourquoi sortir de l otan ?

Jeff Rense & David Duke - Zionists Want Trump Gone

Trump finally

 By fake true news beat AIPAC /global center of fake news ISRAEL/ how/ by fake interpretation news/

The White Goddess

Macron to Netanyahu: Jerusalem Embassy Move Led to People Dying, Didn't Promote Peace

Israeli PM says he did not ask France to quit Iran nuclear deal, saying he believes economic pressure will 'dissolve' it

Saturday, June 02, 2018

IDF Officer Says Israel 'Closest' to War With Gaza Since 2014 - Report - Sputnik International

IDF Officer Says Israel 'Closest' to War With Gaza Since 2014 - Report - Sputnik International

diplomatic terms. The mind creates what is fact from the ink of a pen. As GOD might
say. I am from far away a far away star. I created my image long ago on the
windows frame, I return for justice and surprise. All that was expected shall
not be, all that aim at oppression becomes the oppressed. GOD:  I shall just develop a device and furnished to
his image in consequence she became alive. I can call the it apple device?  it feeds on air, and operates all over, it
connects all without a server service provider. No more surveillance from the
machines you now only need a coper wire. Its attachable to your computer.
The west is
in fact Europe and the west has Russia. Without Russia the west does not exist;
that is Americas problem, top gun does not work. The real roman empire is not
in America. However, the Americas ancient natives did have their own Roman Empire.
They now exist as a fact to America and its old European Roman empire. Israel the
biblical city shines. As the west looks at it and wonders of ancient American Natives.
 And finds itself divided by their own

Consequences of the US Withdrawal From the Iranian Nuclear Deal - Sputnik International

Consequences of the US Withdrawal From the Iranian Nuclear Deal - Sputnik International

The west is
in fact Europe and the west has Russia. Without Russia the west does not exist;
that is Americas problem, top gun does not work. The real roman empire is not
in America. However, the Americas ancient natives did have their own Roman Empire.
They now exist as a fact to America and its old European Roman empire. Israel the
biblical city shines. As the west looks at it and wonders of ancient American Natives.
 And finds itself divided by their own

Friday, June 01, 2018

The Story of Moses,

what does israeli power means / to whom / what for  ? sounds incoherent/ build a pyramid if you like !!!

The Bosnian Pyramids UPDATE 2017

what does israeli power means / to whom / what for  ? sounds incoherent/ build a pyramid if you like !!!

Joe Sent Me