how we can evolve into a fourth dimensional realm. history plasticity realism, as a memory fact. a realm that continues to be hiding to most folks, will open the door to a unified mind, body and self of the individual entities of our world..
Thursday, October 31, 2019
La Fracture esthétique par Alexandre Landre.
hi painter & aesthetically introducing myself to you / art/ and the many dimensions of art/ the triangle painter /artwork & the audience. the mystical philosophy of art.
Pierre Yves Rougeyron Entretien d'actualité septembre 2 Brexit - Trump -...
Ce cercle commence à rouiller/ complètement correcte est tout est faux / donc stagnation étendu / des aperçue de 1984 chez les intellectuelles journaliste, résultat une réalité inverse une population confuse est des journalistes intellectualisés avec une perception amétrope/ curieusement c'est ne pas une exclusivité de la France mais l'Amérique est dans le même État de confusion généralisé. la réalité devient la mensonge est la mensonge se transforme en réalité// donc MAGNA CARTA FOR THE WEB // 😇👽👽 simón dit 🤔
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Municipales : lobby citoyen contre lobby bancaire
New global reserve currency/ only way to keep nations & others in check/ rigging will end no nations has power over other nations "economically End of foolish military expending/ end of global sanctions & a decent & intelligent way to distribute the wealth & the needs of all nations on a humanly perceptive way// regarding each nations natural resources & preserving them// protecting them from speculation and toxic waste/ BREN /new global reserve currency/ Mystical/ ancient & blends with the current realm of the BRIC/ BANK/ BRENT Petrol & James Joyce. To keep electronic currency & cashless societies in check// local🤔 & international electronic currency . The new global reserve currency is watching you/ / Bren New global Reserve currency/ the currency of the people/ that keeps / nations citizens with a voice. 👽
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
“América para los Americanos “
evo morales assange/ MACRI/ Piñera/ lenin moreno el presidente que huyo a Guayaquil/ el ladrón de derechos humanos/ ASSANGE/ CHILE/ otro desastre grupo de lima 🤡🤡 TRIAR 😣🤡🤡 TRUMP y como destruir america con fake news 🙄😥🤡😳🤪
Entrevista con Noam Chomsky y Tariq Ali - Diálogos con Julian Assange (E10)
lenin moreno😥👺👹/ Piñera/😣😴😴 san juan guaido/ 🤡🤡TRUMP 😥🤣🤪🤡🤡/ Chile ruge 😨😩Jun 26, 2012 *** a despertarce amigos todo sobre las technicas para controlar america latina🤔🤔// «La guerra es paz, la libertad es esclavitud, la ignorancia es la fuer-za» 1984 George Orwell. assange encarcelado por y Vendido por LENIN MORENO presidente de ECUADOR 🤔
Entrevista con Noam Chomsky y Tariq Ali - Diálogos con Julian Assange (E10)
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Monday, October 21, 2019
"La resistencia es vivir": La latente e incesante lucha del pueblo mapuc...
piñera/ asesino: el pinochet 2 / grupo de LIMA/ asesinos/MACRI/ BOLSONARO/ LENIN MORENO / asesinos usurpadores vendidos NARCOS// usurpadores destruyendo el amazonas / asesinos / presidentes en contra de su propio pueblo Piñera/ asesino/ usurpador vendido a wall street/ boten el $$ peligro para el amazonas y la salud / respiren sanamente Piñera asesino fuera/ usurpador vendido/🤔👽👽
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Friday, October 18, 2019
Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon
/ President MADURO UN / you the men to do the job/ 1967 borders for /ISRAEL/ "surprise" "have faith nothing will go wrong /😇/ ISRAEL/ MADURO LIBERATES PALESTINE/ ? Israel returns to its 1967 borders / "excitement " 🧐👽 new global reserve// currency IRELAND /BREXIT ISRAEL PALESTINE 🤔 IRELAND /BREN👽President Maduro/ 👽 GODS will 😇👽 🍾🍾
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Detrás de la Razón: ¿Podrán Rusia, China e Irán matar el dólar de EEUU? ...
From breton Woods to Brexit 😇 De Gaulle 1967/ GOLD/ 👽
Detrás de la Razón: ¿Podrán Rusia, China e Irán matar el dólar de EEUU? ...
tweeter wars / video games/ past & present/ / the war games are getting boring/ however /industrial military complex "reconversion" 😇 collapse of industrial military complex 👽
Erdogan talks Israel and creation of Palestinian state at UNGA
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Alfredo Jalife - Hacia el nuevo orden geofinanciero: Yuan Chino entra al...
welcome /
La guerra es la paz, la libertad es la esclavitud, la ignorancia es la fuerza
May 28, 2019
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Michel Midi avec Mohamed Hassan - Yémen, Soudan, Iran, Syrie : quatre te...
venezuela auto proclamados, lenin moreno assange climate change JG/ market crash end of dollar 🙄🤑🤑 Trump in 🍑🍑🍑 Climate change / ASSANGE/ lenin moreno / TRUMP AUTO PROCLAMADOS 🙄😓😨😩 EXTINCTION REBELLION/ SYRIE, "the wall Mexico "TRUMP" 😥😣☹😷🤕
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