Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Resistance Civile - Nablus,Palestine - Sous-titres français - YouTube

Resistance Civile - Nablus,Palestine - Sous-titres français - YouTube:

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comme bien comprendre le lien entre Palestine est l’holocauste hitlérien. est que la Palestine est responsable de l’holocauste juif? le lien entre les palestinien et HITLER son difficile a prouver, donc Israël ? Nation impose par la ONU dans une terre qui est palestinienne. cet histoire de terre sante est peuple élu ce le discours de HITLER. donc comme expliquer la nation israélienne sans HITLER est sans son idéologie de terre sainte? la Bible est que elle a programmé HITLER est après à désigne la terre des palestiniens comme coupable des la 2 guerre mondial. "réfléchir sur la réalité"

Sète : 1 300 opposants à la venue d'Agrexco sur le port

Sète : 1 300 opposants à la venue d'Agrexco sur le port:

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Israël-Palestine : Gros coup de gueule de Daniel Cohn-Bendit (vidéo)

Israël-Palestine : Gros coup de gueule de Daniel Cohn-Bendit (vidéo):

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Alternative Libérale, le parti pris de la Liberté

Alternative Libérale, le parti pris de la Liberté:

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Conscious Understanding: What is its Physical Basis?

Qu'est-ce qu'une nation ? par Ernest Renan LEXILOGOS >>

Qu'est-ce qu'une nation ? par Ernest Renan LEXILOGOS >>

Voyez les grands hommes de la Renaissance ; ils n'étaient ni Français, ni Italiens, ni Allemands. Ils avaient retrouvé, par leur commerce avec l'antiquité, le secret de l'éducation véritable de l'esprit humain, et ils s'y dévouaient corps et âme. Comme ils firent bien !

Prison » Secrets Of The Mega Zombie Banks

Prison » Secrets Of The Mega Zombie Banks
The economic destruction of Europe is a planned event

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

inflection points: Total Cultural Brainwashing (and Deprogramming)

inflection points: Total Cultural Brainwashing (and Deprogramming)

Epicenter ~ The Middle East by Joel Rosenberg | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Epicenter ~ The Middle East by Joel Rosenberg | Gerald Celente Trends Blog:

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friends there is no god coming from the sky, and it will not be in the future, this crazy prophesies coincidences and all this BS has created the first step towards the end of humanity, Israel a nation created by the UN, a real blunder as they did just the same as Hitler did invade and kill the natives just like the Britisher invaders killed the american natives and Hitler killed the polish nationals, Israel's realm and Hitlers are identical under the current logic. why ? who knows unless the Hitler realm is a lot deeper than what the press has say's there is no reason for the insane Israel on a occupied land "Palestine"   true we do not really know what were the wheeling and deals in 1945. however the reality shows that Israel is a mayhem and ever sense it was put in place by the winning powers it has become a real mess. we do not know if that was the intend, but it is the result.
Israel will disappear under the current logic. only way out to Israel to exist is to adopt a symbolic realm. and before that return to the 1967 borders as the natural laws will not let it survive.

Alan Watts - The game theory of ethics - YouTube

Alan Watts - The game theory of ethics - YouTube

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Noam Chomsky On The Purpose Of Education | Disinformation

Noam Chomsky On The Purpose Of Education | Disinformation:

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Corporation America the last Plantation | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Corporation America the last Plantation | Gerald Celente Trends Blog: "The Crown is The Temple Bar, lawyers who are inextricably linked to international bankers. They own nearly everything in the world, including you. PS. you are officially dead (lost at sea) .End the Fed, End income tax (it's unconstitutional) cut the illegal black ops (FISA), end the illegal pre-emptive wars, drop FEMA, drop HAARP, stop global stratospheric geoengineering. Boom, you've rescued the economy."

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