Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Noam Chomsky à Paris July 02, 2017 (3 Discours)

all for epsilons gammas and deltas an upgrade coming soon //

Right-Wing Terrorist Influenced by Alex Jones, Stefan Molyneux, and Paul...

molyneux is an idiot anyhow so give him a chance to revenge his mind, but indeed he promotes terror / forget the usa and the collapsing dollar jump out of the sinking boat dump those dollars buy toilet paper is more valuable than the usa junk dollars, wise up buy euros rubble anything but dump the junk currency $ NOW.

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Israel Gay Men In The Promised Land

1947 Indian Independence rare color video clip

as we all know 1947, realm //  Pakistan - INDIA // israel -- Palestine, perhaps regime change coming to India 1947 style as GANDHI would have wish !!!!

Pourquoi kadhafi a été assassiné ?

sarkozy le president American qui détruit la france avec BHL end of petrodollars and finally end of dollar junk currency , la umps et la fin de la France avec sarko BHL

Sarkozy, le président traitre humilié

sarkozy le president American qui détruit la france avec BHL end of petrodollars and finally end of dollar junk currency , la umps et la fin de la France avec sarko BHL

Friday, June 23, 2017

NWO - Michael Parenti debunks New World Order and U.S. war on Yugoslavia...

Washington is incapable of understanding anything the whole nation in
some ways unfortunately are idiots, true, they were allowed to become what they
are is called creative destruction, creative destruction is temporary power, so
they are declining after the task has being accomplished. they are no longer
needed, is over for America no way to save it, reason why as time evolves
idiocy reveals the facts and the reality sinks deeper and deeper. from Kennedy
to trump / trump an actor Kennedy a statement. hope you understand by now.!!!

NWO - Michael Parenti debunks New World Order and U.S. war on Yugoslavia...

washington is incapable of understanding anything the whole nation in some ways unfortunately are idiots, true, they were allow to become what they are is called creative destruction, creative destruction is temporary power, so they are declining after the task has being accomplished. they are no longer needed, is over for america no way to save it, reason why as time evolves idiocy reveals the facts and the reality sinks deeper and deeper. from Kennedy to trump / trump an actor Kennedy a statement. hope you understand by now.!!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Glenn Frey-The Heat Is On

F-16 catches fire on takeoff in Texas, pilot ejects

Monday, June 19, 2017

George Carlin We Like War

finally Putin understand the AIPAC HOLLYWOOD ROMAN EMPIRE this trump russia coalition interférence is a hoax is a media warfare to confuse russia and europe; america does not have a president  it is a sitcom a tv show // at last hope you get it // is just media hype alex jones is a joke is all fake america is the fake news itself,  entirely; so wake up president Macron/ president Putin never trust washington, is a sick person do not trust them never never they are ill mentally ill, talk to bill gates he is a better reasonable men forget washington /

The Owners of the Country

finally Putin understand the AIPAC HOLLYWOOD ROMAN EMPIRE this trump russia coalition interférence is a hoax is a media warfare to confuse russia and europe; america does not have a president  it is a sitcom a tv show // at last hope you get it // is just media hype alex jones is a joke is all fake america is the fake news itself,  entirely; so wake up president Macron/ president Putin never trust washington, is a sick person do not trust them never never they are ill mentally ill, talk to bill gates he is a better reasonable men forget washington /

Noam Chomsky: US is world's biggest terrorist

advice to president macron, and how TRUMP under the american pentagon orders fuels terrorism so if you want to stop terrorism be real be serious and honest otherwise you just could be the last president of the french republic.//  if you fail it will collapse !!!

Sunday, June 11, 2017

psychologie cognitive

le continent parano le début de la fin, car tout la population est suspect donc robotise vous pour être normal devenir une machine c'est la normalité des européens  la fin de l'europe par elle mémé car comme il recommande certains journaliste:: est autres vous êtes tous des suspect donc transformer la population en gendarme de surveillance amène a la fin de la pensé/  le big brother français habille a la H&M est arrive//  les cafard humains qui ce tue eux même....   les barbares civiles de la république ::