Saturday, June 01, 2019

Barbara Stiegler : S'adapter à une société malade ? [EN DIRECT]

REASON WHY 1492 needs a revamp, 🧐drop the 1492 washington regime 😨crash the dolar 😇 & A RENAISSANCE FOR EUROPE  a decent 1492 to erase the past MISTAKES😰🤕😶 keep the RETARDS at a distant/ 🤔RENAISSANCE POUR EUROPE /RENAISSANCE FOR EUROPE PRESIDENT MACRON/ to help america & give it a bit of more culture & civility 🎨🧵🎪🍦🤩  good move American products are of low quality only AMD INTEL and a few can be considered reliable the rest DUMP IT IS JUNK/ BUY EUROPEAN WINE AUSTRALIAN WINE EUROPE WAS PART OF THE SILK ROAD IN 5000 BC time to renew relations like in the old times, trash the old world of america and welcome the Renaissance🤩🤔👩😋😏 of EUROPE & ASIA🧐 with wisdom culture and understanding.✔🎨🧵EUROPEAN UNION" 😛🧐👽

China’s retaliatory tariffs on $60bn of US products kick in — RT Business News

China’s retaliatory tariffs on $60bn of US products kick in — RT Business News

good move american products are of low quality only AMD INTEL and a few can be considered reliable the rest DUMP IT IS JUNK/ BUY EUROPEAN WINE AUSTRALIAN WINE EUROPE WAS PART OF THE SILK ROAD IN 5000 BC time to renew relations like in the old times, trash the old world of america and welcome the Renaissance of EUROPE & ASIA with wisdom culture and understanding.✔🎨🧵EUROPEAN UNION" 😛🧐👽

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Aniko Villalba, mochilera y Nómada digital

pour  le PODEMOS españa, y viajes, comer puis sexo puis viajes san travaille mais plein de 💜👩‍🦰😋💋🍹

Aniko Villalba, mochilera y Nómada digital

pour  le PODEMOS españa, y viajes, comer puis sexo puis viajes san travaille mais plein de 💜👩‍🦰😋💋🍹

Que Rico Ser Pobre

PODEMOS ART EST plein plein de 💋💜👍😊👩‍🦰😋🥂💌😋


Abuela Kihilli: El conocimiento de las energías vitales mejoran la maner...

Kihili: “No podemos liberarnos del sistema pero sí podemos expulsarlo de...

Kihili: “No podemos liberarnos del sistema pero sí podemos expulsarlo de nuestra vida” | Parte 2

Barbara Stiegler : S'adapter à une société malade ? [EN DIRECT]

Monday, May 20, 2019

PressTV-Deutsche Bank staff suspected Trump, Kushner activity

PressTV-Deutsche Bank staff suspected Trump, Kushner activity

WHAT YOU EXPECTED FROM ISRAEL dignity democracy and culture/
created by war exist by war & will disappear on a war, Criminal roles is
the call of the day* full money laundromat for the AIPAC BANKERS 🤔time
to see reality and facts🤔👽

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Strait of Hormuz, Gulf of Tonkin? Trump warns Iran it will 'suffer greatly' if it does 'anything' — RT World News

Strait of Hormuz, Gulf of Tonkin? Trump warns Iran it will 'suffer greatly' if it does 'anything' — RT World News

it all dependents attacking the american fleet from both sides IRAN SIDE inside side : and from IRAQ KUWAIT can inflict very big damage, they are on a foreign land../IRAN is not can indeed devastee the fleet when you do act coordinated eventually a 1967 flash strike on israel could also do some irreparable damage as the object of any war is to win/ and you can put israel & washington on its knees, nukes you got pakistan to send you some in name of the muslim religion, and create a regime change in riyadh saudi kingdom simultaneously. think about it . a 1967 surprise attack can bring the end of the conflict to end in less than a week.!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 09, 2019

Tim Berners-Lee: A Magna Carta for the web

BREXIT MAGNA CARTA FOR THE WEB **MAGNA CARTA FOR THE WEB//, not well yes BREXIT +++++++! Facebook responds to breakup call, demands government regulation of Internet

Published time: 9 May, 2019 21:18

Magna Carta and the emergence of Parliament

MAGANA CARTA FOR THE WEB//, not well yes BREXIT +++++++! Facebook responds to breakup call, demands government regulation of Internet

Published time: 9 May, 2019 21:18