Monday, November 25, 2019

Chomsky explaining real anarchism

it is called main media democracy/ reason why media distribution is concentrated on a few hands & the existence of world markets such as wall street/ executed in animal farm usa of america/ get MAGNA CARTA save your do not have a democracy in america you have a Janus democracy / a system of democrats & Republicans that are in fact one/ the world according to Israël is no different than Russian bashing/ the roman forum of retarded american politicians/ Europeans just enjoy the show and their bank accounts.🤔

How Corporate Media Fueled Trump's Rise

it is called main media democracy/ reason why media distribution is concentrated on a few hands & the existence of world markets such as wall street/ executed in animal farm usa of america/ get MAGNA CARTA save your do not have a democracy in america you have a Janus democracy / a system of democrats & Republicans that are in fact one/ the world according to Israël is no different than Russian bashing/ the roman forum of retarded american politicians/ Europeans just enjoy the show and their bank accounts.🤔

How Corporate Media Fueled Trump's Rise

it is called main media democracy/ executed in animal farm usa of america/ get MAGNA CARTA save your do not have a democracy in america you have a Janus democracy / a system of democrats & Republicans that are in fact one/ the world according to Israël is no different than Russian bashing/ the roman forum of retarded american politicians/ Europeans just enjoy the show and their bank accounts.

�� El presidente que quebró 6 Empresas | Biografía Donald Trump

Friday, November 08, 2019

Petrodólar: descanse en paz (E1121) - Keiser Report en español

el petro se puede utilizar de dos formas local y global/ local es una cosa de la nación y global es para empresas y el estado // TRUMP ON ART OF THE 🤡🤡🤡🤡 TRUMP the master of all tricks on art of the 🤡🤡🤡

Monday, November 04, 2019

Eduardo Galeano: Allende contribuyó a restituir la dignidad perdida del ...

more 🚘 proclaimed presidents / the story that never ends/ the allende coup/ on Bolivia 2019// 1989/ perestroika USA version 2019/ back to the future 🤔/// more havoc // 9/11 🤔

Sunday, November 03, 2019

Meghan Markle Doesn't 'Want People To Love Her' She Wants Them To 'Hear ...

Perestroika/ On american elections 20/20 on a 2019 version/  same purpose of the 1989 version/ end of wars 🤔 hope  the same mistake would not be made 🤔👽 climate change  👸

Blowback: US-armed 'moderate rebels' slaughter Kurds in Syria

Antes de comprender la inteligencia artificial es importante saber cómo funciona su propio cerebro y hoy día nadie sabe cómo exactamente funciona el cerebro humano y mucho menos lo que llaman consciencia / es decir AI es algo aproximativo de la maquina humana // el ser humano es una dualidad/ está compuesto de maquina el cuerpo y mente lo que rige la maquina “cuerpo” el mismo cuerpo existe en una dualidad “masculino /femenino” el cuerpo humano vive en un mar de oxigeno y diferentes partículas sub atómicas respira/ se alimenta y muere/ en su mar invisible/ como el pez en su mar tangible.  debido a esta particularidad acciones que parecen totalmente lógicas para el cuerpo pueden ser realizadas por la mente y destruir a su propio cuerpo/ NAYIB BUKELE es un ejemplo / ya que su acción de expulsar a diplomáticos venezolanos es totalmente en contra de su propia nación/ / Por que dicho presidente actúa contra su propio bienestar 🤔 y el bienestar del salvador 🤔 esto le sucede a presidentes como a obreros y elites de una nación, pais, familia comunidad🤔👽👽

Saturday, November 02, 2019

F1 is the real winner of US Grand Prix 2019 — Quartz

F1 is the real winner of US Grand Prix 2019 — Quartz

Après la délocalisation de la COP25 à Madrid, Greta Thunberg demande de l'aide pour revenir en Europe

ENTREVISTA con famoso CriptoEmpresario ruso Alex Belov ������ | Marshal Lio...

bit coin trump dijo que el auto 🚘 proclamado va a excitar las chicas venezolanas en el episodio 11/ 😉😉mes de noviembre / que sudaran de placer😋 y serán electrificadas en todo el cuerpo✨✨ y el alma🎇 y que disfrutaran hasta el mes de enero 20/20*🎐🌅 y tendrán grandes noches😋😉 & días y mañanas 🤗de placer y gritaran en el momento exacto 💜💌"LIBERTAD" 👸👱‍♀️👩‍🦰👩👩‍🦱😉😋🍾🍷🥂👩‍🦳😋😎

Friday, November 01, 2019

Gladiator Barbarian Horde Battle Scene

roman forum gladiators ///// World arena//  Roman Orgies different kind  of gladiators & they have more fun. 🤔 the 1% leads the charge / est tube baby's * male & female 👸😋 suffering on the roman forum 🤔🍾🍾roman orgies even for roman slaves, ✨ the 1% leads the charge// no test tube baby's. sex protest  🤔 freedom of the press 🤔Brave new world 👽Test tube baby's * male & female

suffering on the roman forum

roman orgies even for roman slaves,

the 1% leads the charge// no test tube baby's. sex protest

freedom of the press Brave new world

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Presidente Maduro: Venezuela va rumbo a 100% soberanía de semillas de to...

La Fracture esthétique par Alexandre Landre.

hi painter & aesthetically introducing myself to you / art/ and the many dimensions of art/ the triangle painter /artwork & the audience.  the mystical philosophy of art.

Pierre Yves Rougeyron Entretien d'actualité septembre 2 Brexit - Trump -...

Ce cercle commence à rouiller/ complètement correcte est tout est faux / donc stagnation étendu / des aperçue de 1984 chez les intellectuelles journaliste, résultat une réalité inverse une population confuse est des journalistes intellectualisés avec une perception amétrope/ curieusement c'est ne pas une exclusivité de la France mais l'Amérique est dans le même État de confusion généralisé. la réalité devient la mensonge est la mensonge se transforme en réalité// donc MAGNA CARTA FOR THE WEB //  😇👽👽 simón dit 🤔

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Municipales : lobby citoyen contre lobby bancaire

New global reserve currency/ only way to keep nations & others in check/ rigging will end no nations has power over other nations "economically End of foolish military expending/  end of global sanctions & a decent & intelligent way to distribute the wealth & the needs of all nations on a humanly perceptive way// regarding each nations natural resources & preserving them// protecting them from speculation and toxic waste/   BREN /new global reserve currency/ Mystical/ ancient & blends with the current realm of the BRIC/ BANK/ BRENT Petrol & James Joyce. To keep electronic currency & cashless societies in check// local🤔 & international electronic currency .  The new global reserve currency is watching you/ / Bren New global Reserve currency/ the currency of the people/ that keeps / nations citizens with a voice. 👽