Sunday, February 09, 2014

Art Bell Weighs In On the Present Coast to Coast Controversy | Media

Art Bell Weighs In On the Present Coast to Coast Controversy | Media: "A Man of Conviction

John B. Wells could have basked in his glory as he had it made. He is one of, if not the most, sought after voice over talents in the world. John had a long history of broadcasting successes long before he joined Coast to Coast in 2011 as their permanent Saturday night host.  He had great ratings on Coast and he enjoyed a huge fan following. Life was wonderful for John B. Wells. However, this was not enough for him because at the end of the day, the listening public should find it compelling that John B. Wells was willing to invest a significant sum of his own money into a creating a network from which he could bring the public the truth. This is the same truth that Wells had to fight both tooth and nail to bring to his Coast to Coast audience. The listening audience who craves the truth will soon be rewarded as Caravan to Midnight hits the airwaves."

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