Sunday, February 09, 2014

Racial Change IS Possible | SmarterLifestyles

Racial Change IS Possible | SmarterLifestyles:

simply time-travel: Google was freer probably years ago, it was a small media; them only after it becomes a mass media, (in this context; however?) in other words extreme freedom or just total freedom, leads to control of freedom. however to be free is to have being enslave; otherwise there is no point in freeing yourself from freedom.  perhaps freedom could be easier of access as many think, Google are its user's, as it is the same for the internet, the restriction of internet freedom becomes after a certain freedom.the round table: king Arthur::: the new Atlantis is coming into realm, the birds can finally breath, consciousness has taking hold of a concious world. BREN-line, Europe plays the wisdom as america plays the technology, the old guidance of the ancient times, and the existing time; when we time-travel.

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