The World in 2030: Global Trends and Alternative Worlds
If we put a gallon of water on a container heated to an extreme temperature it becomes solid. While if we do the same and put this container under extreme cold temperature it evaporates.
Certainly it looks quite illogical to as we understand as heating water should create evaporation, while freezing water it solidifies it. Nature in this case shows how human reasoning and logic is contrary to what is expected, as well what common logical reasoning knows as a fact. The reality is that what takes place on a black hole is just that, an extreme cold temperature, what humans instruments read is the outside boundary of the black hole, what is inside remains unknown. While theories of the big bang, reason an extreme heated temperature. We believe that this big bang in question is a product of that extreme heat, while it is the contrary what took place. It was extreme cold temperatures that created the big bang. The universe in some way is a complex paradox extreme cold and extreme heat on a sphere, the universe is as well this paradox, and the extreme cold inside the black hole ejects their opposites, which eventually become the future rearrangement of a galaxy.
The same erroneous logic is applied to the estimation the think-tanks that participate on the illustrated debate. They got it all wrong, however it is quite logical, in fact what they say; in many words they have nothing new to reveal, nothing changes, the IMF will continue its insane policies, the petrodollars will remain and the current economical and financial system as we know it is the only answer to progress. Therefore a think-tanks charade if you like a useless study on what economical terms are related, a waste of time effort and ideas.
On the other hand its construction argument participants and presentation looks quite reasonable, the speakers very intelligent and the subjects’ charts and interpretations on a total accord with what reason is interconnected to.
This is a very good example not only to human citizens reasoning but better say the politicians and financiers in power of how they by manipulation words, and sentences are able to create a new idea that in fact is the same old idea, promote insights that say nothing, and indoctrinate reason to a point of creating false realities, while presenting them as quite as newer feasible insights. We can conclude it is a financial think-thank manipulation to unaware audiences. Which what it looks like is the way the planet will behave in the future. As the result in 2030 will certainly be the opposite of everything the think-thank reports predicts. The point here is to show why and how the think-tanks of the current system are somewhat in another reality more a virtual than a real one. They practically mistake symbol’s from facts; it is like saying that the American flag is the nation, (while the nation is matter, its people its land), and the flag is just a symbol. The switching around is a method the financial system uses to save itself from the coming inevitable global collapse, that an erroneous logic and understanding of nature and the human being procure.