Why Venezuela is so divided – CNN.com « artslogic
is easy Washington loves blood one recent example Boston (Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Granada, Vietnam, Korea, china, Russia, India, iran, Pakistan, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, the Philippines, Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, Cuba, Salvador, panama, even world war II Is a bit obscure "Hitler" ? as well 9/11) and more) and probably more to come, as well caprilezs rondonski, the Zionist spy actions knowing full well and being instructed at the moment Chavez was declared a dead men, ""(BY USA-CIA,MOSSAD..BY USA-CIA,MOSSAD..) is the trigger for blood spilling on the tarmac! they do not recognize The president Maduro so Capriles will excite the Venezuelans citizens so they kill each others, and more Blood on the grounds. this is done with the help of the main media, fox news, CNN and news corps papers worldwide, el universal, +other private news media in Venezuela, Cisneros etc. is easy Washington's blood rituals are world known. so it is up to capriles the spy and also to you the citizens to die for Washington and news corps, or to use your own intelligence.
how we can evolve into a fourth dimensional realm. history plasticity realism, as a memory fact. a realm that continues to be hiding to most folks, will open the door to a unified mind, body and self of the individual entities of our world..
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Monday, April 15, 2013
Former Isreali Ambassador: North Korea Needs to Be Wiped Off the Map - YouTube
Former Isreali Ambassador: North Korea Needs to Be Wiped Off the Map - YouTube
zionist wisdom, destroy the planet, remember we are in israel to kill palestinians and hopefully palestinians will kill us, lets kill iranians and hope they will kill us, we have being at it since 1947.. so join in and kill like every good israeli boy kill and be kill, follow washington zionist dictum, we send them they die, long live death, as it is our dogma. as this is the zionist dogma of the ME, we got folks that bang their own heads against a wall until they go mad, the same goes for zionist muslim fanatics, we kill they kill we all die. follow the zionist dogma for the end of the world, have washington nuke moscu; have capriles start a civil war in venezuela, and south america! and follow the syrian mayhem. so moscow will nuke new york, this is the zionist dogma of we shall all die and go to heaven. long live zionist long live israel so it will be we all die, again to be born and die again.
zionist wisdom, destroy the planet, remember we are in israel to kill palestinians and hopefully palestinians will kill us, lets kill iranians and hope they will kill us, we have being at it since 1947.. so join in and kill like every good israeli boy kill and be kill, follow washington zionist dictum, we send them they die, long live death, as it is our dogma. as this is the zionist dogma of the ME, we got folks that bang their own heads against a wall until they go mad, the same goes for zionist muslim fanatics, we kill they kill we all die. follow the zionist dogma for the end of the world, have washington nuke moscu; have capriles start a civil war in venezuela, and south america! and follow the syrian mayhem. so moscow will nuke new york, this is the zionist dogma of we shall all die and go to heaven. long live zionist long live israel so it will be we all die, again to be born and die again.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Top Economic Advisers Forecast War and Unrest | Washington's Blog
Top Economic Advisers Forecast War and Unrest | Washington's Blog
Top Economic Advisers Forecast War and Unrest
Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) interdit de conférence à New York par le lobby sioniste | Mondialisation « artslogic
Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) interdit de conférence à New York par le lobby sioniste | Mondialisation « artslogic
new york jews should understand facts and that history does repeat itself, and it might well do sooner than expected. most never believed in the holocaust now you do. so beware of the wrath of god. and don't provoque history and its wimps of repeating itself when she is misunderstood.
new york jews should understand facts and that history does repeat itself, and it might well do sooner than expected. most never believed in the holocaust now you do. so beware of the wrath of god. and don't provoque history and its wimps of repeating itself when she is misunderstood.
Wednesday, April 03, 2013
Fukushima meltdown appears to have sickened American infants | Grist
Fukushima meltdown appears to have sickened American infants | Grist
Elevated airborne beta levels in Pacific/West Coast US States and trends in hypothyroidism among newborns after the Fukushima nuclear meltdown
Elevated airborne beta levels in Pacific/West Coast US States and trends in hypothyroidism among newborns after the Fukushima nuclear meltdown
WW3 PREPARATION?!: Putin ORDERS Large scale MILITARY exercises in the Black Sea region!
WW3 PREPARATION?!: Putin ORDERS Large scale MILITARY exercises in the Black Sea region!
a somewhat better strategy for the BRICS block as american forces are tied up elsewhere like iran and north korea, american military not wise however government is even worse. and perhaps is all an AIPAC design to kill americans
a somewhat better strategy for the BRICS block as american forces are tied up elsewhere like iran and north korea, american military not wise however government is even worse. and perhaps is all an AIPAC design to kill americans
AIPAC 101 — What Every American Should Know – YouTube « artslogic
AIPAC 101 — What Every American Should Know – YouTube « artslogic
the real power that controls NATO + and you, as well europe and the rest of the western world. so liberate europe liberate america if you can, unite europe and america against the power that oppresses the lot of you, and before it gets worse and americans become 9 class citizens slaves of zionism.
the real power that controls NATO + and you, as well europe and the rest of the western world. so liberate europe liberate america if you can, unite europe and america against the power that oppresses the lot of you, and before it gets worse and americans become 9 class citizens slaves of zionism.
Tuesday, April 02, 2013
Ruined Urban Economy, Detroit Crisis Escalates. Legal Action and Exposure of Bank Fraud | Global Research
Ruined Urban Economy, Detroit Crisis Escalates. Legal Action and Exposure of Bank Fraud | Global Research
is disturbing synchronicity, tracing the ideological roots of the current debacle in Iraq to the Chilean coup. Allende, a committed socialist, hadn’t even entered office when the Ad Hoc Committee on Chile was formed by U.S. corporations worried about their holdings in the country. Citing the report of the U.S. Senate Committee that ultimately investigated the matter, Klein writes that “the committee’s single purpose was to force Allende to back off his nationalizations ‘by confronting him with economic collapse.’” The “de facto leader of the committee” was the International Telephone and Telegraph Company (ITT), and it went a lot further than mere economic pressure, offering $1 million to Allende’s opposition and attempting to interest the CIA in a plot to manipulate the results of the 1970 presidential election.
is disturbing synchronicity, tracing the ideological roots of the current debacle in Iraq to the Chilean coup. Allende, a committed socialist, hadn’t even entered office when the Ad Hoc Committee on Chile was formed by U.S. corporations worried about their holdings in the country. Citing the report of the U.S. Senate Committee that ultimately investigated the matter, Klein writes that “the committee’s single purpose was to force Allende to back off his nationalizations ‘by confronting him with economic collapse.’” The “de facto leader of the committee” was the International Telephone and Telegraph Company (ITT), and it went a lot further than mere economic pressure, offering $1 million to Allende’s opposition and attempting to interest the CIA in a plot to manipulate the results of the 1970 presidential election.
David Icke : The Rothschild Agenda...Third World War & New World Order
David Icke : The Rothschild Agenda...Third World War & New World Order
The ancient Greeks understood this well. In Greek mythology, Cassandra was the prophetess who no one believed despite her 100 percent record of being right. Telling the truth to Americans or to Europeans is just as expensive as telling the truth to the Greeks in ancient mythology.
The ancient Greeks understood this well. In Greek mythology, Cassandra was the prophetess who no one believed despite her 100 percent record of being right. Telling the truth to Americans or to Europeans is just as expensive as telling the truth to the Greeks in ancient mythology.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Économie : L\’Argentine fait son offre aux \ « artslogic
Économie : L\’Argentine fait son offre aux \ « artslogic
En Amérique du nord (FED-BCE-WALL Street) il ne existe pas de justice pourtant des lois à l'avantages des banques prive, les quelles sont dans leur dernier jour d’existence, car le cercle mafieux, (FED, IMF,WORLD BANK) et banques prive est l'origine du casino financier, global ce eux la cause de l’austérité est le malheur de Chypre cet eux le promoteur de la corruption, cet eux les promoteur des crimes est injustice, de la destruction d'emplois et principalement de guerres, en complicité avec les nations Unies, voilà un exemple de leur connivence "BCE-FED". Guerre mondial avec la Corée du Nord. DONC ARGENTINE LES MARCHES MONDIAUX, sont des cercles mafieux, organisé par des incapables. C’est un danger mortel pour l'espèce humaine, car l’armement et des guerres à répétition sur des mensonges de démocratie que eux même ne pratique pas, payes rien, le citoyens du monde sont avec vous. Est-ce les citoyens les consommateurs, et les travailleurs du monde, pas les Nations Unie ni les banques prive.
En Amérique du nord (FED-BCE-WALL Street) il ne existe pas de justice pourtant des lois à l'avantages des banques prive, les quelles sont dans leur dernier jour d’existence, car le cercle mafieux, (FED, IMF,WORLD BANK) et banques prive est l'origine du casino financier, global ce eux la cause de l’austérité est le malheur de Chypre cet eux le promoteur de la corruption, cet eux les promoteur des crimes est injustice, de la destruction d'emplois et principalement de guerres, en complicité avec les nations Unies, voilà un exemple de leur connivence "BCE-FED". Guerre mondial avec la Corée du Nord. DONC ARGENTINE LES MARCHES MONDIAUX, sont des cercles mafieux, organisé par des incapables. C’est un danger mortel pour l'espèce humaine, car l’armement et des guerres à répétition sur des mensonges de démocratie que eux même ne pratique pas, payes rien, le citoyens du monde sont avec vous. Est-ce les citoyens les consommateurs, et les travailleurs du monde, pas les Nations Unie ni les banques prive.
Économie : L'Argentine fait son offre aux "fonds vautour" - BFMTV.com
Économie : L'Argentine fait son offre aux "fonds vautour" - BFMTV.com
en Amérique du nord (FED-BCE-WALL Street) il ne existe pas de justice mais de lois à l'avantages de banques prive, les quelles sont dans leur dernier jour d’existence, car le cercle mafieux, FED, IMF,WORLD BANK et banque prive est l'origine du casino financier, mondial ce eux la cause de l’austérité est le malheur de Chypre cet eux le promoteur de la corruption, cet eux les promoteur des crimes est injustice, de la destruction d'emplois et principalement de guerres, en complicité avec les nations Unies, voila un exemple de leur connivence BCE-FED. guerre mondial avec la Corée du Nord. DONC ARGENTINE LES MARCHES MONDIAUX réglé par ces incompetent cet une danger mortel pour l'espèce humaine, car l’armement et des guerres a répétition sur des mensonges de démocratie que eux même ne pratique pas, payes rien, le citoyens du monde sont avec vous. est ce les citoyens le consommateurs, et les travailleurs du monde, pas les Nations Unie ni les banques prive.
en Amérique du nord (FED-BCE-WALL Street) il ne existe pas de justice mais de lois à l'avantages de banques prive, les quelles sont dans leur dernier jour d’existence, car le cercle mafieux, FED, IMF,WORLD BANK et banque prive est l'origine du casino financier, mondial ce eux la cause de l’austérité est le malheur de Chypre cet eux le promoteur de la corruption, cet eux les promoteur des crimes est injustice, de la destruction d'emplois et principalement de guerres, en complicité avec les nations Unies, voila un exemple de leur connivence BCE-FED. guerre mondial avec la Corée du Nord. DONC ARGENTINE LES MARCHES MONDIAUX réglé par ces incompetent cet une danger mortel pour l'espèce humaine, car l’armement et des guerres a répétition sur des mensonges de démocratie que eux même ne pratique pas, payes rien, le citoyens du monde sont avec vous. est ce les citoyens le consommateurs, et les travailleurs du monde, pas les Nations Unie ni les banques prive.
World War – QE III…The world is in a Currency World War…MUST WATCH! « artslogic
World War – QE III…The world is in a Currency World War…MUST WATCH! « artslogic
strange as it looks nuclear nuclear war rather than currency war or they are together. schizophrenia in other words. basically mental collapse sometime soon.
strange as it looks nuclear nuclear war rather than currency war or they are together. schizophrenia in other words. basically mental collapse sometime soon.
World War – QE III…The world is in a Currency World War…MUST WATCH! « artslogic
World War – QE III…The world is in a Currency World War…MUST WATCH! « artslogic
Currency wars & Nuclear Wars.
A war is always a war, and they are bloody in most cases; as currency wars are wars between financial partners, and enemies! There are no currency wars, between the old roman coinage and the brand new euro, or is it?
Whatever the developments are is all most go into military spending, therefore it is more likely as a financial military battleground, by coincidence on finance the aim is to survive, while on wars there is no aim, just communal suicide. Wars unfortunately cannot be predicted, there is no way today that a winner can be call a winner if there is a nuclear-currency war. Simply because nuclear wars are fought on the environment, on the planet itself, more precisely it is a declared war against nature, currency wars are as well against nature, they got weapons of mass destruction themselves they call it finances. However we might ask? what keeps the organism alive if you like? Nuclear wars or currency, wars. As insane as it appears, a war is a war, as a man as a mind, when they declared a currency –nuclear war to the “Pacha Mama”, the Greeks call it Gaia. You might ask what has made humans the desire to declare war on to planet earth, when they exist on it! Strange behavior you might say, quite strange, however it is true it is call a currency-nuclear war.
On one hand we got the most powerful army bankrupt, and what is the use of a wonderful powerful army if the nation is bankrupt; I think not much as in fact is not protecting the nation, which is his purpose, but rather destroying it. Therefore the most powerful army has destroyed its own nation, more precisely the people of that nation, with a nuclear-currency war.
Therefore we can say nuclear wars are close related with financial wars, therefore China and the BRIC nations are probably at war against the dominant currency dollar, while North Korea is exercising the nuclear option, which is nothing more than a financial currency war. It makes the dollar-army on many fronts, while Iran is encircled by the army-dollar; in many fronts. As a consequence the dollar-army is being encircled by a nuclear-currency. The currency war married to the military-dollar is by no means a nuclear war; however, a nuclear war married to a currency war is a nuclear war. Envelope on a currency war, the probability that we are capable of being destroyed by a nuclear war is probable.
Now what we got here is a question of logic, reason, reasoning in relation to a situation, it looks simple as it is complicated, it has a psychological side that styles it closer to an organism than to many organism, a singularity rather than an absolute. Humans in size in relative terms to the planet are minute. As a mass, a nuclear war could kill all humans on planet earth and the planet probably will survive the event and continue existing as a sphere! Therefore probably this battle against nature; the dollar and the nuclear devices are impotent, between themselves; and amongst themselves, they can never win, and they cannot reach the countless dimensions, which the sphere is able to. However they could create an atom bomb and blow themselves off, but they could never, create a globe. An sphere where living organisms exist, the currency-nuclear technology wars reasoning could never reach such a degree of amplitude, they are condemn to their own size, just like the penguin is condemn to his own size, otherwise he would not be a penguin, as a humanoid is a human.
The logic of the military men is we bomb them, nuclear war (“axis of evil”) (the logic of the financier we bankrupt them currency wars) the financier has institutions, (FMI, WORLD BANK, and plays the dominant currency) “the military man has weapons of mass destruction” however to obtain those weapons he needs money, and the financiers are quite happy to lend them the money, therefore the financiers logic would be to make money, though the bankrupted nations in consequence will be defeated. Therefore sanctions and military strategy is part of a currency war.
In this context the logic of the military men is the same as the logic of the financier, or is it?
We can ask what logic is or what it would be; on this setting of existence, suicide. Or fear!
The advertising men being ingenious he thinks that fear is the key, advertising, brainwashing; however, he needs as well finances to carry out his project, as the one that makes the breed needs grains to make his bread. He grows them or he buys them.
And we all know that without bred there is no wars, soldiers must eat, as financiers and adverting fellows, they all got to eat at some point. So we got now an unexpected guess, the baker, our good friend the baker, we should ask him what does he thinks of the currency wars, and the nuclear wars. I believe! He thinks he rather have the advertising once and for all, as nuclear wars are unknown to us, we only got Hiroshima, as an example and collapsing nuclear plants. They are part of a nuclear currency wars. A nuclear war in Asia, now would not be good for Japan, neither for China; however a nuclear war in Miami can be more convenient for them, or better say the environment, in china, even if nuclear clouds do travel.
On the Middle East could be very dangerous to Europe, as the Middle East is closer to Europe than to china or Miami. In geopolitics it appears geography is quite an important factor, location, where you are at the moment, and were everyone is, stays, remains, location matters, it can be a very important factor on a nuclear war as on a currency war.
So there is no defense, to the unaware. You are on Your own, no one, and everyone, wholly alone in some ways, only the stronger will survive, on this nuclear-currency war, being the law of the tougher, is it in such a environments that we shall know, will he just die like the rest or survive? Can a bodyguard protect you from a heart attack, or a lack of oxygen? No, certainly not; he can’t, only time and space could do that, and as time is getting short, I propose the Bren 25% silver to end the nuclear-currency wars.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Mike Rivero ~ All Wars Are Bankers' Wars
Mike Rivero ~ All Wars Are Bankers' Wars
things are getting better,for us as a whole things will take place the proper way, i lean towards peter schiff, he seams to know the way. bit com is not the answer as it can become bit chip any moment, as a total electronic currency at the present time is not advisable. however is not negligible either for a purpose! this global freedom fight is liberty for all as bankers oppress all in the USA as well in Europe, etc.
IMF world bank FED the lot. once the global minds link, the bankers party should be over in no time.
things are getting better,for us as a whole things will take place the proper way, i lean towards peter schiff, he seams to know the way. bit com is not the answer as it can become bit chip any moment, as a total electronic currency at the present time is not advisable. however is not negligible either for a purpose! this global freedom fight is liberty for all as bankers oppress all in the USA as well in Europe, etc.
IMF world bank FED the lot. once the global minds link, the bankers party should be over in no time.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
La leçon ironique de Nicolas Sarkozy à François Hollande - Le Nouvel Observateur
La leçon ironique de Nicolas Sarkozy à François Hollande - Le Nouvel Observateur
Mes cher compatriotes le bateau a touché le iceberg en 2007 avant l’élection présidentiels de mr: Sarkozy, certes vous ignores tout, mais, madame Lagarde vous a répète « la crise est fine » donc : réfléchir un peu sur la réalité concrète pour saisir ; vous arriverais à comprendre vous mémé. 2013 le bateau a coulé, ce fini. Donc: pouvoir d'achat, ce mieux de regarde comme ont acheté avant de devenir un consommateur robotisé sur commande. Donc, ne cherche pas le coupable de tout mais il y un % de culpabilité dans tous ! Des autres acteurs de la démocratie de la propagande ont aussi contribué à vous rendre aveugle. Le future ce ne pas de chercher de fautifs mais de arranger une situation qui a éventuellement change complètement. Donc avec une nation unie il existe tout jour de bateau des sauvetages donc utilise les, devenir sages, soignes vous des malentendus, courage est moins de prétentions. , vives ! Sainement, naturellement aimes la nature, instruisez-vous, car tout malheur apporte de la connaissance est de la sagesse.
Venezuela\’s oil future a \’shambles\’ after Chavez – Business 360 – CNN.com Blogs « artslogic
Venezuela\’s oil future a \’shambles\’ after Chavez – Business 360 – CNN.com Blogs « artslogic
best reason to drop the US $ And the cripple £, form a bank with the BRIC nations, stop using dollars worldwide it is toilet paperer bogus currency! forget wall-street, it is a useless market it is not even a market but a printing machine of bogus money, leave the OPEC form anew petrodollars ditch the current petrodollars, by bankrupting america Venezuela can save the american citizens from the current fascist regime of Washington, act now. think, calculate, US BONDS are zero, in fact useless, the $ is useless, electronic scam. reason why qatar, Saudi Arabia are buying Europe like crazy to get those useless dollars in solid assets, the ill advice economist in should wake up (IN FRANCE) which do not have any knowledge of the actual realm of the economy. the BREN 25 % silver is the last chance, as after Cyprus is Greece, Belgian, Luxembourger, them Spain and ITALY. and the unavoidable end of the euro. there is no way out, FMI, IMF, world bank, depend on the FED printing machine. remember Breton woods, and the end of GOLD as equilibrium of world currencies.. analyse it inquire be wise . a south american union with a new petrol BREN 25% silver is the only solution until them suffer and austerity will be your daily existence. reflect North Korea is in fact a false flag to veil the toilet paper dollar $ currency.
best reason to drop the US $ And the cripple £, form a bank with the BRIC nations, stop using dollars worldwide it is toilet paperer bogus currency! forget wall-street, it is a useless market it is not even a market but a printing machine of bogus money, leave the OPEC form anew petrodollars ditch the current petrodollars, by bankrupting america Venezuela can save the american citizens from the current fascist regime of Washington, act now. think, calculate, US BONDS are zero, in fact useless, the $ is useless, electronic scam. reason why qatar, Saudi Arabia are buying Europe like crazy to get those useless dollars in solid assets, the ill advice economist in should wake up (IN FRANCE) which do not have any knowledge of the actual realm of the economy. the BREN 25 % silver is the last chance, as after Cyprus is Greece, Belgian, Luxembourger, them Spain and ITALY. and the unavoidable end of the euro. there is no way out, FMI, IMF, world bank, depend on the FED printing machine. remember Breton woods, and the end of GOLD as equilibrium of world currencies.. analyse it inquire be wise . a south american union with a new petrol BREN 25% silver is the only solution until them suffer and austerity will be your daily existence. reflect North Korea is in fact a false flag to veil the toilet paper dollar $ currency.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Your Money is Safer under the mattress than in a bank Account ?
Your Money is Safer under the mattress than in a bank Account ?
the end is closer than expected, a lot of BS, because the question and the answers are irrelevant to the current reality.
the end is closer than expected, a lot of BS, because the question and the answers are irrelevant to the current reality.
Monday, March 18, 2013
» The Rape Of Cyprus By The European Union & The IMF Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» The Rape Of Cyprus By The European Union & The IMF Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
“Up to five or six ships must be on a permanent basis in the Mediterranean Sea. They should be controlled through the command of the Black Sea Fleet,” Russian TV channel Zvezda quoted Admiral Chirkov as saying.
Supply vessels will also be included in the permanent deployment to the Mediterranean.
The decision to send Russian ships to the Mediterranean’s waters was first announced on March 11 by Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu.
Greece sell asset for IMF Debt
Greece sell asset for IMF Debt
And the US government knew it, charges Stiglitz, at least in the case of the biggest privatisation of all, the 1995 Russian sell-off. 'The US Treasury view was: "This was great, as we wanted Yeltsin re-elected. We DON'T CARE if it's a corrupt election
And the US government knew it, charges Stiglitz, at least in the case of the biggest privatisation of all, the 1995 Russian sell-off. 'The US Treasury view was: "This was great, as we wanted Yeltsin re-elected. We DON'T CARE if it's a corrupt election
The World in 2030: Global Trends and Alternative Worlds
The World in 2030: Global Trends and Alternative Worlds
If we put a gallon of water on a container heated to an extreme temperature it becomes solid. While if we do the same and put this container under extreme cold temperature it evaporates.
Certainly it looks quite illogical to as we understand as heating water should create evaporation, while freezing water it solidifies it. Nature in this case shows how human reasoning and logic is contrary to what is expected, as well what common logical reasoning knows as a fact. The reality is that what takes place on a black hole is just that, an extreme cold temperature, what humans instruments read is the outside boundary of the black hole, what is inside remains unknown. While theories of the big bang, reason an extreme heated temperature. We believe that this big bang in question is a product of that extreme heat, while it is the contrary what took place. It was extreme cold temperatures that created the big bang. The universe in some way is a complex paradox extreme cold and extreme heat on a sphere, the universe is as well this paradox, and the extreme cold inside the black hole ejects their opposites, which eventually become the future rearrangement of a galaxy.
The same erroneous logic is applied to the estimation the think-tanks that participate on the illustrated debate. They got it all wrong, however it is quite logical, in fact what they say; in many words they have nothing new to reveal, nothing changes, the IMF will continue its insane policies, the petrodollars will remain and the current economical and financial system as we know it is the only answer to progress. Therefore a think-tanks charade if you like a useless study on what economical terms are related, a waste of time effort and ideas.
On the other hand its construction argument participants and presentation looks quite reasonable, the speakers very intelligent and the subjects’ charts and interpretations on a total accord with what reason is interconnected to.
This is a very good example not only to human citizens reasoning but better say the politicians and financiers in power of how they by manipulation words, and sentences are able to create a new idea that in fact is the same old idea, promote insights that say nothing, and indoctrinate reason to a point of creating false realities, while presenting them as quite as newer feasible insights. We can conclude it is a financial think-thank manipulation to unaware audiences. Which what it looks like is the way the planet will behave in the future. As the result in 2030 will certainly be the opposite of everything the think-thank reports predicts. The point here is to show why and how the think-tanks of the current system are somewhat in another reality more a virtual than a real one. They practically mistake symbol’s from facts; it is like saying that the American flag is the nation, (while the nation is matter, its people its land), and the flag is just a symbol. The switching around is a method the financial system uses to save itself from the coming inevitable global collapse, that an erroneous logic and understanding of nature and the human being procure.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Documentary Exposes US Role in Iraq Sectarian Conflict
Documentary Exposes US Role in Iraq Sectarian Conflict
la France est Le terrorism made in USA..............
la France est Le terrorism made in USA..............
Armer les rebelles syriens - Fabius : "Il faut bouger" - Le Point
Armer les rebelles syriens - Fabius : "Il faut bouger" - Le Point
ce nest pas sure car ce dans 6 mois que ont peu verifier la réalité FABIOUS! comme le mali est la Libye. plus d'armes plus de morts, plus d'armes plus de danger, moins d'armes moins de mort, logique sage, embargo total sur d'armes aussi bien au Qatar que en Arabia Saudi, comme au Yemen est Israel, puis si ce la paix, mais si ce la guerre suivre fabious ce la bonne direction.
ce nest pas sure car ce dans 6 mois que ont peu verifier la réalité FABIOUS! comme le mali est la Libye. plus d'armes plus de morts, plus d'armes plus de danger, moins d'armes moins de mort, logique sage, embargo total sur d'armes aussi bien au Qatar que en Arabia Saudi, comme au Yemen est Israel, puis si ce la paix, mais si ce la guerre suivre fabious ce la bonne direction.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Woody Harrelson 'Ethos' - Epic Documentary! - Time to Unslave Humanity - YouTube
Woody Harrelson 'Ethos' - Epic Documentary! - Time to Unslave Humanity - YouTube:
'via Blog this'
it looks as the-main enemy of american lives is the British government; them we got Israel, or better say Zionist . Israel.. is not a wise nation, neither Jews are not showing great intelligence, in fact Israel looks more a tool of the UK government than that Israel will rule the world prediction.. Britisher citizens are somehow unaware of all this so citizens are not guilty of anything at all.
'via Blog this'
it looks as the-main enemy of american lives is the British government; them we got Israel, or better say Zionist . Israel.. is not a wise nation, neither Jews are not showing great intelligence, in fact Israel looks more a tool of the UK government than that Israel will rule the world prediction.. Britisher citizens are somehow unaware of all this so citizens are not guilty of anything at all.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and Arthur C. Clarke - God, The Universe and Everything Else (1988) - YouTube
Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and Arthur C. Clarke - God, The Universe and Everything Else (1988) - YouTube
new world is here so be prepare for the happy beginning. and a happier continuity..
new world is here so be prepare for the happy beginning. and a happier continuity..
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Large-Scale Russia-Belarus War Games in Response to Deployment of US Missile Shield in Europe | Global Research
Large-Scale Russia-Belarus War Games in Response to Deployment of US Missile Shield in Europe | Global Research
voilà raison pour la quelle la FRANCE doit de sortir de la OTAN, impérative, car comme d'habitude ce l’Europe qui paie les débordement de Washington, alors Économiser ce avoir moins d'armes de guerres inutiles est d'armement.
voilà raison pour la quelle la FRANCE doit de sortir de la OTAN, impérative, car comme d'habitude ce l’Europe qui paie les débordement de Washington, alors Économiser ce avoir moins d'armes de guerres inutiles est d'armement.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Capriles joins Venezuelan presidential race — RT News « artslogic
Capriles joins Venezuelan presidential race — RT News « artslogic
Democracy is a nation behind one men, which was what took place somewhat in Venezuela, the enormous error of Mr capriles is that his intention is not the nation, but rather its division his aim is not democracy (one nation behind one men), but rather the opposite. Once a nation is divided it stops evolving it creates hate a rift between his citizens, it is a pray for foreign beast, the idea of foreign investment “now days” is the, the methods of banks, IMF, World bank to destroy and demoralize a nation, steal his wealth, and divide and impoverish his citizens, create a wealthy servant ruling class and a corrupt military and police force. This is mirror image of western society; it takes place in Greece, Spain, North America, France, Italy practically the whole planet that is under the financial bankers rule. If Mr. Capriles was an intelligent and sincere individual he will push even further the union of the nation, cooperate with Mr Maduro and promote the union of the South American continent, not the continuous division he practiced for the past years. This is the reason why he somehow portraits itself more of a SIONIST MOLE RATHER THAN A NOBLE AND HONEST CITIZEN.
Friday, March 08, 2013
Un tribunal de Argentina condena al expresidente Menem por contrabando | Internacional | EL PAÍS
Un tribunal de Argentina condena al expresidente Menem por contrabando | Internacional | EL PAÍS
olvidese de menen perdida de tiempo concentre-ce en Rusia misiles nucleares y un pueblo unido en américa latina "si es que argentina es en fin una nación honesta y sur-americana que quiere a sus habitantes y los protege)
olvidese de menen perdida de tiempo concentre-ce en Rusia misiles nucleares y un pueblo unido en américa latina "si es que argentina es en fin una nación honesta y sur-americana que quiere a sus habitantes y los protege)
» Hugo Chavez may be dead, but the great cancer of socialism continues to spread Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind! « artslogic
» Hugo Chavez may be dead, but the great cancer of socialism continues to spread Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind! « artslogic
mike Adams mind reflects were minds are today, he describe Chavez as a dictator while Obama acts on a similar fashion therefore describing Chavez he describes the american congress and Washington however on his mind is talking about Chavez. you might say he loves THE FED, THE IMF and Goldman Sacks, but on the other hand he claims the opposite. as Alex Jones claim 1776, big brother is here "prison planet" true the planet is a prison, and Americans, will be killed by their own government, socialism is coming to america the end of private property. banks rule the planet all that is real. however, the rhetoric does not mention solutions neither describes the root of the problem, but rather creates a paradox, we love OBAMA, we hate OBAMA simultaneously, we are with the 99% and we are against it, we worship the 01% and we hate it; simultaneously. paradoxical desires and solutions; the military does the same, the financial system acts likewise, the government behaves on similar fashion, and private lives of humans look as if they are following the same trend. the question is, where these schizophrenic paradoxical impulses originates from. as this makes planet earth a laboratory, and humans as rats on an a labyrinth. rats are instinctive however they are unable to reason why they are caught on a cage and moreover communicate with the scientist that is using them for an experiment. a monkey with some electrodes on his brain is unable to express his discontent and abuse to the scientist that had planted the electrodes on his brain. likewise in this case humans are unable to complain, because they ignore what they got on their own brains that makes them behave as they do.
this kind of technology is not from the Illuminati neither Rothschild bankers, or Plato's cave.. it looks a lot more sophisticated than that. world leaders got it all wrong, however what looks like it is not them but the lack of understanding, what is preventing them to perceive properly, what is blinding them, as what is directing mike Adams mind to behave the way he does. that is the question to ask.
Thursday, March 07, 2013
De Tripoli à Damas à l’Imam Mahdi – Sheikh Imran Hosein – 7 octobre 2011 (Français) – YouTube « artslogic
De Tripoli à Damas à l’Imam Mahdi – Sheikh Imran Hosein – 7 octobre 2011 (Français) – YouTube « artslogic
monsieur (Calvie C-dans l'air) attention car l'information est distribuée dans la planète très rapidement donc: ce fini l’époque Sarkozy, de propagande! le lavage de cerveaux par vôtres invites devient encore --- peu crédibles mais plus simple à comprendre, démonté est reconstruit.. par tous dans la planète. donc: plus de vérité... nonobstant il a y des gens crédible est intelligent suivant.. dans l'émission..
monsieur (Calvie C-dans l'air) attention car l'information est distribuée dans la planète très rapidement donc: ce fini l’époque Sarkozy, de propagande! le lavage de cerveaux par vôtres invites devient encore --- peu crédibles mais plus simple à comprendre, démonté est reconstruit.. par tous dans la planète. donc: plus de vérité... nonobstant il a y des gens crédible est intelligent suivant.. dans l'émission..
A Leader's Cry in Venezuela – ‘I Am Chávez' ... - Viadeo
A Leader's Cry in Venezuela – ‘I Am Chávez' ... - Viadeo
I suggest to mr Maduro to harden the stance towards Washington, Chavez in fact was to soft with Washington. "you do not go to war to create peace" however in what Washington is concern, you must look for alliances, open a nuclear base for ICBM, topol missiles in Venezuela, give access to Russian nuclear submarines on the caribbean, cooperate and create a South american union with the people not the elites servants of wall street and the world bank, sever ties with the IMF. explain this logic to the whole population not just of Venezuela but the whole of south america, do the same with the Canadian Mexican and american citizens, forget OBAMA, congress and Washington, talk to the people use, the media the proper way, use TELESUR to explain the logic clearly, and make american citizens understand your intend. forget governments, talk to the people, enhance your mobile and technological capabilities "smartphones etc" cooperate with china, and do it wisely as china is on a paradox at the moment and they do not really know how to behave diplomatically, you can become the third voice of consensus negotiate always negotiate, but do not give one nano-meter to Washington credence, understand Washington politicians are in fact savages, uncivilized folks so treat them as such, with care patience and understanding as they are below normal, civilized beings. just act wisely. and take the opportunity now as the whole population of south america has become ONE, thanks to Chavez death, he has become the Jesus Christ of south american people, therefore his crucifiction has an intend as it has a reason.
and explain to Washington that (You do not go to war to have peace" )
BBC News – Hugo Chavez and the era of anti-American bogeymen « artslogic
BBC News – Hugo Chavez and the era of anti-American bogeymen « artslogic
No.. it is the global beginning of it as it is taking place now inside the nation, as gun control will divide the nation as( Spielberg has said on his film Lincoln which is a preview of the coming american realm), folks don't like drones hovering above their own head, neither warmonger AIPAC and the end of the second amendment so it is the end of IMF, the world bank, and the current american system of politics the end of a 2 party system which are in fact the same, meaning Americans will taste freedom and democracy, mind and body at last in this 21 century, Britain will follow. and end of the queen as you know it, "sorry Kate"
No.. it is the global beginning of it as it is taking place now inside the nation, as gun control will divide the nation as( Spielberg has said on his film Lincoln which is a preview of the coming american realm), folks don't like drones hovering above their own head, neither warmonger AIPAC and the end of the second amendment so it is the end of IMF, the world bank, and the current american system of politics the end of a 2 party system which are in fact the same, meaning Americans will taste freedom and democracy, mind and body at last in this 21 century, Britain will follow. and end of the queen as you know it, "sorry Kate"
BBC News - Hugo Chavez and the era of anti-American bogeymen
BBC News - Hugo Chavez and the era of anti-American bogeymen
No.. it is the global beginning of it as it is taking place now inside the nation, as gun control will divide the nation as( Spielberg has said on his film Lincoln which is a preview of the coming american realm), folks don't like drones hovering above their own head, neither warmonger AIPAC and the end of the second amendment so it is the end of IMF, the world bank, and the current american system of politics the end of a 2 party system which are in fact the same, meaning Americans will taste freedom and democracy, mind and body at last in this 21 century, Britain will follow. and end of the queen as you know it, "sorry Kate"
No.. it is the global beginning of it as it is taking place now inside the nation, as gun control will divide the nation as( Spielberg has said on his film Lincoln which is a preview of the coming american realm), folks don't like drones hovering above their own head, neither warmonger AIPAC and the end of the second amendment so it is the end of IMF, the world bank, and the current american system of politics the end of a 2 party system which are in fact the same, meaning Americans will taste freedom and democracy, mind and body at last in this 21 century, Britain will follow. and end of the queen as you know it, "sorry Kate"
Adrian Salbuchi : Latin America on brink of tough post Chavez Geopolitical Battle « artslogic
Adrian Salbuchi : Latin America on brink of tough post Chavez Geopolitical Battle « artslogic
it looks as if Washington is independent, however is not, they belong to the global british empire, remember they are a colony, by language, (they speak English not american) the south american speak Spanish, french and Portuguese, not american! like south america is a language colony of Spain, Portugal and france. however Americans as a continent, can obtain independence. remember Obama is a puppet: the ? is who pulls the strings. he is the master in this case! and he divides his language colonies into north and south. when they misbehave.
it looks as if Washington is independent, however is not, they belong to the global british empire, remember they are a colony, by language, (they speak English not american) the south american speak Spanish, french and Portuguese, not american! like south america is a language colony of Spain, Portugal and france. however Americans as a continent, can obtain independence. remember Obama is a puppet: the ? is who pulls the strings. he is the master in this case! and he divides his language colonies into north and south. when they misbehave.
Adrian Salbuchi : Latin America on brink of tough post Chavez Geopolitical Battle
Adrian Salbuchi : Latin America on brink of tough post Chavez Geopolitical Battle
it looks as if Washington is independent, however is not, they belong to the global british empire, remember they are a colony, by language, (they speak English not american) the south american speak Spanish, french and Portuguese, not american! like south america is a language colony of Spain, Portugal and france. however Americans as a continent, can obtain independence. remember Obama is a puppet: the ? is who pulls the strings. he is the master in this case! and he divides his language colonies into north and south. when they misbehave.
it looks as if Washington is independent, however is not, they belong to the global british empire, remember they are a colony, by language, (they speak English not american) the south american speak Spanish, french and Portuguese, not american! like south america is a language colony of Spain, Portugal and france. however Americans as a continent, can obtain independence. remember Obama is a puppet: the ? is who pulls the strings. he is the master in this case! and he divides his language colonies into north and south. when they misbehave.
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
MALI. Sarkozy : "Que fait-on là-bas ?" - Le Nouvel Observateur
MALI. Sarkozy : "Que fait-on là-bas ?" - Le Nouvel Observateur
on continue le désastre de la libye crée par vous est votre compatriote BHL, donc après avoir détruit la nation "la libye" engouffre la France avec des dettes infernale, la quelle cause des suicides collectives est une mare des chômeurs. dans une impasse la FRANCE est ça population est esclave des banques internationales, les quelles vous avez encourage a s'enrichire. ont se demande que fait-on là ba" détruire est continuer la destruction du peuples français depuis 2007. heureusement la France existe depuis long temps même avant votre arrive dans le territoire donc elle sera intacte de tout attente à son existence avant vous est après vous est quiconque d'autre successeurs..
on continue le désastre de la libye crée par vous est votre compatriote BHL, donc après avoir détruit la nation "la libye" engouffre la France avec des dettes infernale, la quelle cause des suicides collectives est une mare des chômeurs. dans une impasse la FRANCE est ça population est esclave des banques internationales, les quelles vous avez encourage a s'enrichire. ont se demande que fait-on là ba" détruire est continuer la destruction du peuples français depuis 2007. heureusement la France existe depuis long temps même avant votre arrive dans le territoire donc elle sera intacte de tout attente à son existence avant vous est après vous est quiconque d'autre successeurs..
Carlos Santana – En vivo en Japón – YouTube « artslogic
Carlos Santana – En vivo en Japón – YouTube « artslogic
un bon voyage pour votre ami chavez mr: mélenchon est le front de gauche! le temps d'agir s'approche rapidement "courage"......... car vous est déjà au MALI.......... encore du chemin a faire................ mais vous sen pas seule..
un bon voyage pour votre ami chavez mr: mélenchon est le front de gauche! le temps d'agir s'approche rapidement "courage"......... car vous est déjà au MALI.......... encore du chemin a faire................ mais vous sen pas seule..
Carlos Santana - En vivo en Japón - YouTube
Carlos Santana - En vivo en Japón - YouTube
un bon voyage pour votre ami chavez mr: mélenchon est le front de gauche! le temps d'agir s'approche rapidement "courage"......... car vous est déjà au MALI.......... encore du chemin a faire................ mais vous sen pas seule..
un bon voyage pour votre ami chavez mr: mélenchon est le front de gauche! le temps d'agir s'approche rapidement "courage"......... car vous est déjà au MALI.......... encore du chemin a faire................ mais vous sen pas seule..
Tuesday, March 05, 2013
Adrian Salbuchi ~ Chains of A Global Debt System
Adrian Salbuchi ~ Chains of A Global Debt System
petroplus une bon message pour vous, les chômeurs, le front de gauche, le PCF, Melanchon!!!!! et montebourg, une compréhension sur la dette, comme ce les français qui paye la dette pour les banques, malheureusement les français ne sont pas dupe! ont dire que OUI... car austérité sur commande devient une forme de vie.
petroplus une bon message pour vous, les chômeurs, le front de gauche, le PCF, Melanchon!!!!! et montebourg, une compréhension sur la dette, comme ce les français qui paye la dette pour les banques, malheureusement les français ne sont pas dupe! ont dire que OUI... car austérité sur commande devient une forme de vie.
Adrian Salbuchi ~ Chains of A Global Debt System
Adrian Salbuchi ~ Chains of A Global Debt System
ladies on the go! est le Français ne sont pas Dupe peut être pas car il ont été dupé. le réveille de la france: reveillé ce proche car le long sommeil ce termine en MAY
ladies on the go! est le Français ne sont pas Dupe peut être pas car il ont été dupé. le réveille de la france: reveillé ce proche car le long sommeil ce termine en MAY
Monday, March 04, 2013
» Ex-Russian General: America Must Be Kept at Gunpoint Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind! « artslogic
» Ex-Russian General: America Must Be Kept at Gunpoint Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind! « artslogic
totally agreed anyone that trust Washington is totally MAD, look at Gorbachev, or even you the Russia nation encircle by Washington missiles, look at china and Iran, once a democratic nation until Washington imposed the sha of Iran a brutal dictator, israel another proxy warmonger racist enclave, Europe slave to the bone and servant of the FMI and Goldman sacks, Europeans are a bit naive, however hope you keep your mind clean and keep the terrorist nation usa of AMERICA at bay! but remember it is the brutal government that is a terrorist not the people..
totally agreed anyone that trust Washington is totally MAD, look at Gorbachev, or even you the Russia nation encircle by Washington missiles, look at china and Iran, once a democratic nation until Washington imposed the sha of Iran a brutal dictator, israel another proxy warmonger racist enclave, Europe slave to the bone and servant of the FMI and Goldman sacks, Europeans are a bit naive, however hope you keep your mind clean and keep the terrorist nation usa of AMERICA at bay! but remember it is the brutal government that is a terrorist not the people..
Webster Tarpley ~ Beppe Grillo is a Right Wing Demagogue « artslogic
Webster Tarpley ~ Beppe Grillo is a Right Wing Demagogue « artslogic
What we can now perceive in our current reality is that the logic and reasoning of that reality is evolving into a new parading were, the reasoning and logic of that reality is no longer applicable, it is giving the opposite result of what is meant to do; the old logic that humans once knew does not longer work in their social strata neither on what institutions, financial systems and well-being is concern. what is logically said from government to commentators and revolutionaries becomes the opposite of its intend. reality of this 21 century has nothing to do with what most humans knew in the previous century, technology somehow has turn the tables upside-down and it is in fact technology the one that is running the show. humans are no longer able to control or even comprehend how and what they believe think and reason, which has becomes unrelated to what they have expected to obtain. wealth as it is; the name of the game! is no longer following the accustomed path. a rich men does not exist today on its own circumstances, as what A wealthy person is, is not determined by himself but rather by the context in which he finds himself, wealth is determined by the imposed crowd that you belong to, humans are somehow put into categorical hierarchical boxes into which the old say of the american dream is to become part of the wealthy crown, however this event are no longer controlled by the individual but rather by the circumstantial context. for instant the process of being rich has nothing to do with your well-being but is rather determined by your hierarchical status, a poor men that becomes a rich men, behaves and exist as being rich the moment he begins to create his own environmental context were his residence location and behavior is equal to the other rich individuals that he happens to share his time with. in other words ranks and close spaces are created where humans are sort out and put there by fate, but more precisely by force, very rich on the top floor not so very rich on the second floor, middle class on the ground floor and poor on the basement. this hierarchical structure is no longer part of a will of the individual but is more a law that is imposed to all, moreover there is no master , no elite just boxes were each bunch of individuals is place, in a kind of chicken industrial factory. the individual in many-ways no longer controls his fate even less his own desires everything is dictated, manipulated and executed by dictatorial technological realms, were there is no master, but just unknowable circumstances and unexplainable causes. therefore humans are on the process of loosing their own freedom of mind if you like. technology is the main cause of this reality, however it is not technology itself but rather the way this technology is being use, the cause of this human enslavement. if we take the main media as an example we can determine that the owner of the enterprise the boss determines what the public sees, hear and wants, therefore he the creator should have the possibility to manipulate those under his command! unfortunately this is not so, the same technology that allows him to enslave his own population acts as a paradox and inverts the intend and that technology becomes the tools of liberation. the drone watching you the small citizens is the same drone that can spy on the president or even the congressmen. the tool itself is neutral, as technology itself evolves it does not serve a master it is itself the master. therefore to actually understand the nature of reality we should indeed understand what en-globes that reality now. and to understand the current master "technology" it is indeed a necessity to perceive on a 360 degrees angle, to achieve such a task, how we reason and how we arrive to conclusions a new paradigm should be added to the current ones by which our perception becomes larger, ample and more perceptive of what the needs of our reality is. humans cannot longer survive on the same principles of the 20th century, as technology is rapidly modifying behavior and manual task, there is no sense in creating jobs that will be replaced by a machine a few weeks later, it is wiser to look at activities that the machine is unable to replace. and those activities are the arts in all of its spectrum. a computer can create a nice painting, but that painting will always be logically created by the logical programs that the computer has on its memory, a computer cannot create an illogical art-form to his nature, humans can. therefore the 2013 year is the moment to dislodge the old 20 century mind and reach up to the 21 century of the now, explore more the mind rather than the bodywork's of a car. reach upwards and progress on the mind-body matters, enhance the ethereal the philosophical, the immaterial, and let the machines deal with simple matters simple task. it is the season of the mind.
Sunday, March 03, 2013
The Crossroads of Humanity
The Crossroads of Humanity
The power of accurate observation, is often called cynicism, by those that don't have it"
George Bernard Shaw
"The highest good is not to seek to do good,but to allow yourself to become good."
Lao Tzu
The power of accurate observation, is often called cynicism, by those that don't have it"
George Bernard Shaw
"The highest good is not to seek to do good,but to allow yourself to become good."
Lao Tzu
L’incident sur le site nucléaire du Tricastin n’est pas terminé | Mondialisation
L’incident sur le site nucléaire du Tricastin n’est pas terminé | Mondialisation
Le nouvel incident – une explosion précédée d’un immense flash bleu – qui s’est produit jeudi 28 février 2013 vers 20h à la centrale nucléaire du Tricastin, l’une des plus vieilles centrales nucléaires, n’est pas clos.
A ce jour les investigations indépendantes menées en dehors de la parole officielle et de l’exploitant EDF révèlent :
- See more at
Russian Arms Trade Czar Says "War" Declared on Weapon Supplies to Syria | Russia | RIA Novosti
Russian Arms Trade Czar Says "War" Declared on Weapon Supplies to Syria | Russia | RIA Novosti
NUKE israel: and the problem will be solve end of wars all over the middle east, as well Obama will not put wall street in any danger, remember bankers rule the world. wall street is more important to congress than even AIPAC......
NUKE israel: and the problem will be solve end of wars all over the middle east, as well Obama will not put wall street in any danger, remember bankers rule the world. wall street is more important to congress than even AIPAC......
Webster Tarpley ~ Obama to cut Welfare , Increase Military Expenses and Taxes on The Poor
Webster Tarpley ~ Obama to cut Welfare , Increase Military Expenses and Taxes on The Poor
discutions, assimilation parallèle publicité politique: resultat, MEIN KAMPF: donc indoctrination intellectuelle, mais ce plus le nom "Laurant OBER-TONE" car dans ce sens la! cet une bonne chose, le nom de l’écrivant cet une preuve que depuis Guillaume le conquérant finalement les nom de famille commence a donner un resultat positive, le dernier succès ce les ROTHSCHILD, nom de famille fabrique, le quelle cet accompli avec succès. car la raison est le propos de Guillaume le conquérant a été de donner la liberté individuelle a chaque individu, est équilibrer la hierarchy sociale justement avec le succès personnelle de chaque individu. "le nom ce son drapeau d’indépendance" donc le Project est dans la bonne route, finalement. après 1000 ans la récompense sera grand.
est la société avec un peu plus d'ajustement sera équilibre proprement, sagement est justement " individuellement" ça mis du temps mais cet une projet complique est difficile.
discutions, assimilation parallèle publicité politique: resultat, MEIN KAMPF: donc indoctrination intellectuelle, mais ce plus le nom "Laurant OBER-TONE" car dans ce sens la! cet une bonne chose, le nom de l’écrivant cet une preuve que depuis Guillaume le conquérant finalement les nom de famille commence a donner un resultat positive, le dernier succès ce les ROTHSCHILD, nom de famille fabrique, le quelle cet accompli avec succès. car la raison est le propos de Guillaume le conquérant a été de donner la liberté individuelle a chaque individu, est équilibrer la hierarchy sociale justement avec le succès personnelle de chaque individu. "le nom ce son drapeau d’indépendance" donc le Project est dans la bonne route, finalement. après 1000 ans la récompense sera grand.
est la société avec un peu plus d'ajustement sera équilibre proprement, sagement est justement " individuellement" ça mis du temps mais cet une projet complique est difficile.
On n'est pas couché : le clash entre Laurent Obertone et Aymeric Caron (vidéo) - Actualité Télévision - Reviewer.fr
On n'est pas couché : le clash entre Laurent Obertone et Aymeric Caron (vidéo) - Actualité Télévision - Reviewer.fr
discutions, assimilation parallèle publicité politique: resultat, MEIN KAMPF: donc indoctrination intellectuelle, mais ce plus le nom "Laurant OBER-TONE" car dans ce sens la! cet une bonne chose, le nom de l’écrivant cet une preuve que depuis Guillaume le conquérant finalement les nom de famille commence a donner un resultat positive, le dernier succès ce les ROTHSCHILD, nom de famille fabrique, le quelle cet accompli avec succès. car la raison est le propos de Guillaume le conquérant a été de donner la liberté individuelle a chaque individu, est équilibrer la hierarchy sociale justement avec le succès personnelle de chaque individu. "le nom ce son drapeau d’indépendance" donc le Project est dans la bonne route, finalement. après 1000 ans la récompense sera grand.
est la société avec un peu plus d'ajustement sera équilibre proprement, sagement est justement " individuellement" ça mis du temps mais cet une projet complique est difficile.
discutions, assimilation parallèle publicité politique: resultat, MEIN KAMPF: donc indoctrination intellectuelle, mais ce plus le nom "Laurant OBER-TONE" car dans ce sens la! cet une bonne chose, le nom de l’écrivant cet une preuve que depuis Guillaume le conquérant finalement les nom de famille commence a donner un resultat positive, le dernier succès ce les ROTHSCHILD, nom de famille fabrique, le quelle cet accompli avec succès. car la raison est le propos de Guillaume le conquérant a été de donner la liberté individuelle a chaque individu, est équilibrer la hierarchy sociale justement avec le succès personnelle de chaque individu. "le nom ce son drapeau d’indépendance" donc le Project est dans la bonne route, finalement. après 1000 ans la récompense sera grand.
est la société avec un peu plus d'ajustement sera équilibre proprement, sagement est justement " individuellement" ça mis du temps mais cet une projet complique est difficile.
La France Orange mécanique : le vrai parcours de «Laurent Obertone» | Mediapart
La France Orange mécanique : le vrai parcours de «Laurent Obertone» | Mediapart
discutions, assimilation parallèle publicité politique: resultat, MEIN KAMPF: donc indoctrination intellectuelle, mais ce plus le nom "Laurant OBER-TONE" car dans ce sens la! cet une bonne chose, le nom de l’écrivant cet une preuve que depuis Guillaume le conquérant finalement les nom de famille commence a donner un resultat positive, le dernier succès ce les ROTHSCHILD, nom de famille fabrique, le quelle cet accompli avec succès. car la raison est le propos de Guillaume le conquérant a été de donner la liberté individuelle a chaque individu, est équilibrer la hierarchy sociale justement avec le succès personnelle de chaque individu. "le nom ce son drapeau d’indépendance" donc le Project est dans la bonne route, finalement. après 1000 ans la récompense sera grand.
est la société avec un peu plus d'ajustement sera équilibre proprement, sagement est justement " individuellement" ça mis du temps mais cet une projet complique est difficile.
discutions, assimilation parallèle publicité politique: resultat, MEIN KAMPF: donc indoctrination intellectuelle, mais ce plus le nom "Laurant OBER-TONE" car dans ce sens la! cet une bonne chose, le nom de l’écrivant cet une preuve que depuis Guillaume le conquérant finalement les nom de famille commence a donner un resultat positive, le dernier succès ce les ROTHSCHILD, nom de famille fabrique, le quelle cet accompli avec succès. car la raison est le propos de Guillaume le conquérant a été de donner la liberté individuelle a chaque individu, est équilibrer la hierarchy sociale justement avec le succès personnelle de chaque individu. "le nom ce son drapeau d’indépendance" donc le Project est dans la bonne route, finalement. après 1000 ans la récompense sera grand.
est la société avec un peu plus d'ajustement sera équilibre proprement, sagement est justement " individuellement" ça mis du temps mais cet une projet complique est difficile.
John Kerry, médiateur dans la crise politique égyptienne? | euronews, monde
John Kerry, médiateur dans la crise politique égyptienne? | euronews, monde
FMI danger pour la démocratie éloignés vous du FMI........
FMI danger pour la démocratie éloignés vous du FMI........
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Nord-Mali : l’ensablement de la France, une réalité qui se précise | Mondialisation
Nord-Mali : l’ensablement de la France, une réalité qui se précise | Mondialisation
Non seulement la France est désormais contrainte de renoncer à son scénario optimiste, mais obligée d’admettre qu’elle s’est fourvoyée dans une opération militaire dont le bout n’est pas près d’être atteint. Il est passé le temps des« cocoricos » triomphalistes lancés en France et de l’unanimisme favorable dont ont bénéficié Hollande et son gouvernement quand ils ont ordonné l’opération Serval. L’on reconnaît désormais en France que le pays s’est piégé en lançant seul celle-ci. Pire, l’on s’interroge si la France a « bien fait » d’engager une guerre en train de prendre une tournure à laquelle l’armée française est manifestement incapable de faire face si elle ne reçoit pas les renforts d’Etats alliés.
Non seulement la France est désormais contrainte de renoncer à son scénario optimiste, mais obligée d’admettre qu’elle s’est fourvoyée dans une opération militaire dont le bout n’est pas près d’être atteint. Il est passé le temps des« cocoricos » triomphalistes lancés en France et de l’unanimisme favorable dont ont bénéficié Hollande et son gouvernement quand ils ont ordonné l’opération Serval. L’on reconnaît désormais en France que le pays s’est piégé en lançant seul celle-ci. Pire, l’on s’interroge si la France a « bien fait » d’engager une guerre en train de prendre une tournure à laquelle l’armée française est manifestement incapable de faire face si elle ne reçoit pas les renforts d’Etats alliés.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Friday, February 22, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Should the euro never have existed? - CNN.com
Should the euro never have existed? - CNN.com
La réalité économique préconise par tous les économistes confondu a comme conclusion une baisse de salaire est une austérité budgétaire, la logique est que dans un siècle l’économie ce équilibrera est tout le monde sera heureux. Pendant ce temps-là, la classe moyen haut, restera bien gracier avec des salaires haut, car ces eux qui amené la croissance, est les grands patrons sont eux qui développe l’austérité la baisse de travail est le bénéfice de les entreprises. Cette formule existe depuis 1789, laquelle a amené, des gouvernements confus a des inégalités des guerres monétaire est finalement meurtrières. Donc personne a une solution valable dans notre société du 21 siècle !
Que des solutions du 18 siècle, dans laquelle la fin de syndicats est assure est les inégalités accentue au même niveau que au début de la industrialisation économique du 18 siècle. Cette réalité montre que la solution ne existe pas dans la logique économique actuel, ni dans la austérité du 18 siècle. Elle indique que la solution ce trouve dans une autre recherché, une autre forme de regarder le problème, un autre approché totalement adverse à celui propose par la loi Galois ou ne importe quiconque économistes dans notre sphère. Pour pouvoir bien comprendre le problème est trouver une solution juste est adapté à notre réalité du 21 siècle. Une autre configuration de regarder la réalité est impérative, est pour arriver à pouvoir regarder la réalité autrement, la mémoire comme le système éducative est la logique du raisonnement du capitalisme doit de évoluer progresser est devenir plus ample est adapté à la réalité actuelle. Est pour arriver là tout doit d’être modifie, révise est amélioré, de l’éducation, a la moral de la raison d’être a la raison de l’existence, du concept d’âge comme le concept de valeurs, de la définitions de la honnêteté comme des lois est de la justice, le fonctionnement des fonctionnaires comme la logique des employeurs, prive est publiques ; la logique de banques comme la logique de la presse prive est les journalistes, le raisonnement de les entreprises publicitaire comme des rentiers est investisseurs ! Tout doit être révise est amélioré, autrement ce la guerre c’est la destruction assure qui vous attend.
Nonobstant il existe de collaborateurs est des penseurs qui peut aider les nations à comprendre est à avancer vers la nouvelle société prévue, malheureusement ceux qui peut en réalité améliorer la société ce retrouvé dans les aliènes artistiques comme politiques, les philosophes inconnue, ou sociologues méprisé ceux qui personne écouté car, c’est la politiques est la logique du 19 siècle que perdure dans notre réalité actuelle est-ce la raison du terrorisme, des confusions est inégalités a répétitions qui nous rappelle à l’ordre est à la raison.
La réalité économique préconise par tous les économistes confondu a comme conclusion une baisse de salaire est une austérité budgétaire, la logique est que dans un siècle l’économie ce équilibrera est tout le monde sera heureux. Pendant ce temps-là, la classe moyen haut, restera bien gracier avec des salaires haut, car ces eux qui amené la croissance, est les grands patrons sont eux qui développe l’austérité la baisse de travail est le bénéfice de les entreprises. Cette formule existe depuis 1789, laquelle a amené, des gouvernements confus a des inégalités des guerres monétaire est finalement meurtrières. Donc personne a une solution valable dans notre société du 21 siècle !
Que des solutions du 18 siècle, dans laquelle la fin de syndicats est assure est les inégalités accentue au même niveau que au début de la industrialisation économique du 18 siècle. Cette réalité montre que la solution ne existe pas dans la logique économique actuel, ni dans la austérité du 18 siècle. Elle indique que la solution ce trouve dans une autre recherché, une autre forme de regarder le problème, un autre approché totalement adverse à celui propose par la loi Galois ou ne importe quiconque économistes dans notre sphère. Pour pouvoir bien comprendre le problème est trouver une solution juste est adapté à notre réalité du 21 siècle. Une autre configuration de regarder la réalité est impérative, est pour arriver à pouvoir regarder la réalité autrement, la mémoire comme le système éducative est la logique du raisonnement du capitalisme doit de évoluer progresser est devenir plus ample est adapté à la réalité actuelle. Est pour arriver là tout doit d’être modifie, révise est amélioré, de l’éducation, a la moral de la raison d’être a la raison de l’existence, du concept d’âge comme le concept de valeurs, de la définitions de la honnêteté comme des lois est de la justice, le fonctionnement des fonctionnaires comme la logique des employeurs, prive est publiques ; la logique de banques comme la logique de la presse prive est les journalistes, le raisonnement de les entreprises publicitaire comme des rentiers est investisseurs ! Tout doit être révise est amélioré, autrement ce la guerre c’est la destruction assure qui vous attend.
Nonobstant il existe de collaborateurs est des penseurs qui peut aider les nations à comprendre est à avancer vers la nouvelle société prévue, malheureusement ceux qui peut en réalité améliorer la société ce retrouvé dans les aliènes artistiques comme politiques, les philosophes inconnue, ou sociologues méprisé ceux qui personne écouté car, c’est la politiques est la logique du 19 siècle que perdure dans notre réalité actuelle est-ce la raison du terrorisme, des confusions est inégalités a répétitions qui nous rappelle à l’ordre est à la raison.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Currency Wars Often Lead to Trade Wars ... Which In Turn Can Devolve Into Hot Wars - Washington's Blog
Currency Wars Often Lead to Trade Wars ... Which In Turn Can Devolve Into Hot Wars - Washington's Blog
The last time there was a series of competitive devaluations … it ended in world war two.
The last time there was a series of competitive devaluations … it ended in world war two.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Hollande rejette une Europe de «l\’austérité sans fin» – Libération « artslogic
Hollande rejette une Europe de «l\’austérité sans fin» – Libération « artslogic
Bon intention est belles paroles, donc action car une nation puisant est une nation ou ces citoyens sont en bonne état, sain, propre, souriant, accueillants, noble, sage, intelligents, en bonne santé.
La priorité est la santé, leur dents, comme leur vue, leur esprit comme leur espace prive, leur foi. Certes la dette est grande, mais réfléchisses bien ! L’économie ces les hommes, leur savoir, leur partage, ce nés pas ni les banques, ni le CAC 40, ou wall street, ni la banque mondial. L’état est impuissants devant la finance, mais pas le citoyens, car ce lui la finance, la banque mondial, le FMI, la consommation, la création, le travail est la inventivité. Donc oublier la cour des comptes (Didier Migout) est évité un printemps Français. Car il sera pire..
Bon intention est belles paroles, donc action car une nation puisant est une nation ou ces citoyens sont en bonne état, sain, propre, souriant, accueillants, noble, sage, intelligents, en bonne santé.
La priorité est la santé, leur dents, comme leur vue, leur esprit comme leur espace prive, leur foi. Certes la dette est grande, mais réfléchisses bien ! L’économie ces les hommes, leur savoir, leur partage, ce nés pas ni les banques, ni le CAC 40, ou wall street, ni la banque mondial. L’état est impuissants devant la finance, mais pas le citoyens, car ce lui la finance, la banque mondial, le FMI, la consommation, la création, le travail est la inventivité. Donc oublier la cour des comptes (Didier Migout) est évité un printemps Français. Car il sera pire..
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