Thursday, May 08, 2014

How The U.S. Government Really Works - Jordan Maxwell

america's TOP GUN mentality: engineered by NAZI paperclip techniques.. NAZIS working for washington 1945.. has created the same NAZI mentality on the american nation, you call it brainwashing but is just updated NAZI propaganda imposed on the american public, same as HITLERS films, hollywood does the same, reasoning why most americans are on NAZI-BRAINWASH mode, TOP GUN a clear example of this NAZI armed forces believe. "we are exceptional arians" comments rhetorics and reasoning originates from this paperclip methods of brainwash and make believe, that propaganda and hollywood has impose  "main media"  somewhat NAZI reasoning that even often activist practiced it themselves without even knowing it. this paperclip brainwash by the media & hollywood exist from 1945. somehow americans might be waking up.. remains to be experience.  folks from this collective hypnosis, even alex jones often Jordan Maxwell.. taxe marss, etc, might realise how this methods work. the internet looks is controlled surveyed; because it might wake up americans and the NAZI paperclip methods them will no longer work as expected. 

Jordan Maxwell - Raw & Uncut [2014 Intellihub News Exclusive]

america's TOP GUN mentality: engineered by NAZI paperclip techniques.. NAZIS working for washington 1945.. has created the same NAZI mentality on the american nation, you call it brainwashing but is just updated NAZI propaganda imposed on the american public, same as HITLERS films, hollywood does the same, reasoning why most americans are on NAZI-BRAINWASH mode, TOP GUN a clear example of this NAZI armed forces believe. "we are exceptional arians" comments rhetorics and reasoning originates from this paperclip methods of brainwash and make believe, that propaganda and hollywood has impose  "main media"  somewhat NAZI reasoning that even often activist practiced it themselves without even knowing it. this paperclip brainwash by the media & hollywood exist from 1945. somehow americans might be waking up.. remains to be experience.  folks from this collective hypnosis, even alex jones often Jordan Maxwell.. taxe marss, etc, might realise how this methods work. the internet looks is controlled surveyed; because it might wake up americans and the NAZI paperclip methods them will no longer work as expected. 

The Alex Jones Show(OVERDRIVE-VIDEO Commercial Free) Wednesday May 7 201...

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

The Alex Jones Show(3rd HOUR-VIDEO Commercial Free) Wednesday May 7 2014...

Breaking News Iran plans to target USA Aircraft Carriers in Persian Gulf - May 7 2014 | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Breaking News Iran plans to target USA Aircraft Carriers in Persian Gulf - May 7 2014 | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:

FACT: is not in america it is on the Persian gulf.. "remember" on the persian gulf inside of it he is right. the iranian general, what are those huge ships doing there? the persian gulf, is not the atlantic ocean, why don't they go home the american ships what are they doing there creating pollution.  FACT, naval forces as aircraft carriers are obsolete, useless, they can only use their planes from a distance, missiles are better faster and smaller. the emperor's army strategy reagan's huge navy of defence is not very good. reason size of the vessels. only destroyers are somewhat useful, the rest is junk. the weapons are not adapted to any war, the only weapon are missiles. faster accurate, thats all. perhaps hypersonic drones, you call them UFO.

'via Blog this'

Iran Navy Chief "We Aim To Destroy USA Navy"

FACT: is not in america it is on the Persian gulf.. "remember" on the persian gulf inside of it he is right. the gener, what are those huge ships doing there? the persian gulf, is not the atlantic ocean, why don't they go home.  FACT, naval forces as aircraft carriers are obsolete, useless, they can only use their planes from a distance, missiles are better faster and smaller. the emperor's army strategy of defence is not very good. reason size of the vessels. only destroyers are somewhat useful, the rest is junk. the weapons are not adapted to any war, the only weapon are missiles. faster accurate, thats all. perhaps hypersonic drones, you call them UFO. 

World War 3 Russia vs Ukraine and Europe Simulation

The clash of

the ones that believe they are part of western civilization, they are NOT
"Samuel Huntington included" they have being around from 1776, a
somewhat short period of time so they Obama and the rest of the American
government, do not really understand the western mind that created them, this
is one of the reason why Washington behaves the way it does, kind of
incivilities are common; and it is normal, western civilization has being
around for more than 2000 years. In Europe Not America or New York!!  1776, is just a wink away. And 1840, is also
not far away from today. Education in fact is lacking most Americans do not
even know where they came from and how they got there. the planet only hopes is
the education and manners, civility and class 
of the American minds; it is indeed a clash of civilizations and is
between the newly American 1766, civilization and western European culture that
is generating this clash's, something that Samuel Huntington quietly did not
mention. Most of his media manipulations have no foundation of actual knowledge
of the truth. The lack of capacity to fully understand the civilization that
engenders him, Mr: Samuel Huntington's is the logic of his writing's, nothing
more than media manipulation.

David Icke Interview Outside The Box Part 1

The clash of

the ones that believe they are part of western civilization, they are NOT
"Samuel Huntington included" they have being around from 1776, a
somewhat short period of time so they Obama and the rest of the American
government, do not really understand the western mind that created them, this
is one of the reason why Washington behaves the way it does, kind of
incivilities are common; and it is normal, western civilization has being
around for more than 2000 years. In Europe Not America or New York!!  1776, is just a wink away. And 1840, is also
not far away from today. Education in fact is lacking most Americans do not
even know where they came from and how they got there. the planet only hopes is
the education and manners, civility and class 
of the American minds; it is indeed a clash of civilizations and is
between the newly American 1766, civilization and western European culture that
is generating this clash's, something that Samuel Huntington quietly did not
mention. Most of his media manipulations have no foundation of actual knowledge
of the truth. The lack of capacity to fully understand the civilization that
engenders him, Mr: Samuel Huntington's is the logic of his writing's, nothing
more than media manipulation.

Ukraine Crisis Today: Democracy caught on camera (Mass genocide at the h...

The question: war and who wins! Is not a question? However reality is
economical, as weapons are bought and sold.  Therefore if a large army surrounds
you and those that have prepared that act go broke! The soldiers can only fight
for a reason. Wars do have reasons, unfortunately is reasoning that as it
becomes vital its timing is the key that understand the moment.  Therefore
wars today can only be nuclear; as nuclear war is the deterrence! “Somehow ww2
came and went for the now” Unfortunately, nuclear weapons are the only way, as
reason of the weapons was and is the positions were the lot is today. (Europe
2014-1914), same number, same date. only rational solution NATO retreats to its
borders, however the war games! who pays is the question, as all games cost. In
this case the games have cause and consequence; the deaths so far are in Ukraine.
How to dismantle the game or just ignored...! As wars friends can only be
nuclear. (From all sides - to all ends). Only Europe today has the key to
peace, as "NATO" is the key to war or to peace if you like. So ask
NATO- OTAN, in which continent do they exist in, breath eat and sleep. Them you
shall find out what Europe is all about. So NATO can create peace if they want;
“Europe as one” so is Europe the end of Ukrainians woos, but not the Europe of
now, of today, but the one of tomorrow. The one that will rather than have an American
NATO has a Russian one. Them Poland the evil plumbers and the advance minds, of
the lot could blend under one roof. So Europe is you Russia and the lot of
them. The result of this union is the return to the splendor of the western
civilization and a historical realm, to be experienced by the citizens of the
world, a holographic conscious involvement. America at the same time is
rediscovered, renew and transform itself into a demesne a lot Better than how
it is now. 

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Jeff Rense & Texe Marrs - The Destabilization Of America - YouTube

Jeff Rense & Texe Marrs - The Destabilization Of America - YouTube

what is taking place is that reality has reached america, if the citizens of america believe america is the greatest nation of the planet; it does not mean is true, however citizens believe it is. I think it is hollywood that created the greatest nation of the world, not the economy or anything else. this american empire is an illusion a hoax. today the truth is revealing itself, so all that you perceive as a great nation in the past it could have being a totally different story, than what americans believe.  however those that rule indeed to them they are the greatest nation of the world. america has being bless by the work and labour of others, from africa, south america europe and asia. is over and that is what you feel. business and governments extortion other nations so americans will believe they are better, that is also over. today politicians need you americans or any other citizen in any nation, because democracy is a vote. so they extortion other nations because of themselves and to keep voters happy, same in europe or any other democracy.that is also over. now a new realm is taking place. and america is not and it will not remain as it is, but a new arrangement amongst humans is the coming future.

Jeff Rense & Texe Marrs - The Destabilization Of America (+playlist)

PressTV - US official heading to Europe over Russia sanctions

PressTV - US official heading to Europe over Russia sanctions

the $ as reserve currency "petrodollars" is gone no matter what any nation government or religious group does, it has collapse the same way that HITLER had a collapse and the soviet union had a collapse, today is the USA of americas turn, and everyone on this planet has his chance to blink, its chance to shine and its defeat. so us toilet paper is worthless, for the americans for the chinese and for the planet. welcome to the new world order without the us $ as a reserve currency. not even Putin can save the $.

Jean Bricmont Les 3 victimes du mensonge de la guerre humanitaire en L...

the main problem of the planet is washingtons ideology and strange and destructive foreign policies, washington acts as a brainless elephant; but the worse of this chaos is europe the continent of europe is such a mess, France looks more an israeli domain than a french one, today the french president no longer exist, you got a BHL that is now the foreign minister and minister of defence! however never elected and moreover supported by the president hollande.  the economy is unworkable as what the ECB demands is follow the washington motto and ruin the continent. become a new FED and destroy the EURO: Russia the salvation of europe is consider an enemy because washington stupid ways of running a nation has collapse america the middle east and now is on the way of collapsing europe permanently. logically russia petrol and gas is a blessing to europe as it is industry and trade but the europeans act otherwise they impose austerity, try to have an economical war with russia and china and hope to destroy the euro. so this insane politicians are bunkers. Europe cannot save the $ as a reserve currency and by doing so are destroying europe. so it is for the american press and activist to make this brainwash corrupt european politicians that they had once HITLER elected democratically that destroyed europe and today they are repeating the same mistake, by using NATO-OTAN as means of their own destruction and following washington insane economical policies, so rather than, save america europeans are doing all they can to sink washington further into its folly. so is up to you the 99% to save america and europe as well ..

Pascal Boniface : BHL « seigneur et maître des faussaires »

the main problem of the planet is washingtons ideology and strange and destructive foreign policies, washington acts as a brainless elephant; but the worse of this chaos is europe the continent of europe is such a mess, France looks more an israeli domain than a french one, today the french president no longer exist, you got a BHL that is now the foreign minister and minister of defence! however never elected and moreover supported by the president hollande.  the economy is unworkable as what the ECB demands is follow the washington motto and ruin the continent. become a new FED and destroy the EURO: Russia the salvation of europe is consider an enemy because washington stupid ways of running a nation has collapse america the middle east and now is on the way of collapsing europe permanently. logically russia petrol and gas is a blessing to europe as it is industry and trade but the europeans act otherwise they impose austerity, try to have an economical war with russia and china and hope to destroy the euro. so this insane politicians are bunkers. Europe cannot save the $ as a reserve currency and by doing so are destroying europe. so it is for the american press and activist to make this brainwash corrupt european politicians that they had once HITLER elected democratically that destroyed europe and today they are repeating the same mistake, by using NATO-OTAN as means of their own destruction and following washington insane economical policies, so rather than, save america europeans are doing all they can to sink washington further into its folly. so is up to you the 99% to save america and europe as well ..

BHL, ministre des affaires étranges

the main problem of the planet is washingtons ideology and strange and destructive foreign policies, washington acts as a brainless elephant; but the worse of this chaos is europe the continent of europe is such a mess, France looks more an israeli domain than a french one, today the french president no longer exist, you got a BHL that is now the foreign minister and minister of defence! however never elected and moreover supported by the president hollande.  the economy is unworkable as what the ECB demands is follow the washington motto and ruin the continent. become a new FED and destroy the EURO: Russia the salvation of europe is consider an enemy because washington stupid ways of running a nation has collapse america the middle east and now is on the way of collapsing europe permanently. logically russia petrol and gas is a blessing to europe as it is industry and trade but the europeans act otherwise they impose austerity, try to have an economical war with russia and china and hope to destroy the euro. so this insane politicians are bunkers. Europe cannot save the $ as a reserve currency and by doing so are destroying europe. so it is for the american press and activist to make this brainwash corrupt european politicians that they had once HITLER elected democratically that destroyed europe and today they are repeating the same mistake, by using NATO-OTAN as means of their own destruction and following washington insane economical policies, so rather than, save america europeans are doing all they can to sink washington further into its folly. so is up to you the 99% to save america and europe as well ..

NATO Strategically Moving Assets In Preparation For War | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

NATO Strategically Moving Assets In Preparation For War | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

BHL : Histoire d'un vampire des carpettes qui aimerait bien que le sang ...

A 30-year-old civilian woman died after being shot in the head by sniper fire while standing on her balcony in Slavyansk. RT’s Paula Slier visited shocked relatives of the victim, who say a Ukrainian army sniper is responsible, though they don't know why.
Slier arrived to the small Slavyansk apartment just hours after Irina was murdered, a large pool of blood still marking the floor of the balcony. A hospital nurse earlier confirmed that the woman died of a gunshot wound to her head.
The apartment, located on the sixth floor of a small block of flats, appeared to be away from therecent fighting in Slavyansk, and no barricades or checkpoints could be seen anywhere near the area.

Monday, May 05, 2014

The Coming Economic Collapse by 2014 2015

The Coming Economic Collapse by 2014 2015

L’Europe ne existe pas il existe "NATO -OTAN" le IMF-FMI, Wall Street, et les agences des notations le EURO ce Goldman sachs et la CIA, "Frank carlucci, Barroso, le groupe Carlyle; mario dragi, "Goldman sachs"  donc: la polémique le meeting, les mots, même les lois sont inefficace. l'euro c'est une illusion, car l'europe est une création de L'OTAN c'est elle qui dicte et ce le $ comme monnais de reserve qui commande. reflechissez et peut être la reponse fera surface: unique sortie de cette Goldman sachs $ comme monnais de reserve qui domine et contrôle l'europe ce la russie.. donc: jusque a ce moment la l'europe sera tout jour perdant.    

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

▶ Qui gouverne réellement la France ? - Vidéo Dailymotion

▶ Qui gouverne réellement la France ? - Vidéo Dailymotion

Nathalie peut-elle faire la différence entre le général de Gaule et General Electric (GE)? Le premier est un politicien français ayant œuvré à la résistance contre les nazis et à l’éclosion de la Révolution tranquille par ses alliances avec le gouvernement de Jean Lesage, premier ministre du Québec élu au solstice d’été du 22 juin 1961. Le deuxième est une multinationale étasunienne, liée au groupe Carlyle, fonds de la CIA, dont les résistances sont des objets se retrouvant dans des circuits et qui, comme BPR, reçoit les bons soins du PLQ. Nous parlons principalement de turbines et de composantes électroniques de puissances, très dispendieuses, servant à la construction d’éoliennes. Par cet éclaircissement, elle devrait comprendre les dangers en 2011 de vivre dans un libre marché où s’achètent et se vendent des entreprises, souvent avec le consentement d’un gouvernement parlant «d’alignement des planètes» pour mandater ses choix en matière de développement économique?

WW3 ALERT -- Saudis Parade It's Nuclear Missiles For The First Time.

WW3 ALERT -- Saudis Parade It's Nuclear Missiles For The First Time.

russie wake up dump the dollar and get petrol and gas paid exclusively in rubbles,  european nations are servants of corruption so they will follow the coin, the silver the gold, they have no integrity, just a very small percentage of EU politicians! this is why the FMI rules in europe corruption even worse than africa, so dump the $ create your own system and dont forget the £ is as well the hiding winner above the dollar and the euro. but you can balance yourself, the aim of washington is to destroy europe, the £ will be the winner on this game! so hope you can make the europeans understand that, if they don't save yourself.forget the IMF-FMI junk and wall street.

Epic Levels of Corruption within The U.S. Government -- Dr. Dave Janda

Epic Levels of Corruption within The U.S. Government -- Dr. Dave Janda

is the unknown, however all this is taking place in europe, in america is tornados, and other things. Crimea was a surprise as the next move shall be. europe and russia are on the same continent, this creates a union, as NATO is in europe and it is the front of hagel calculations. indirectly most americans are of a variety of european Origins; as there are russians in america, germans, french, italians, in some respects, an italian american would have no reason to destroy his grandmother. in america you got north south europeans and those that were there originally. europeans brought in slaves. religions and believes, as there was exactly the same configuration including pyramids. . only solution is the inverse, Russia joins europe and enters the ASIA-EUROPEAN pact, with the BRICS. and economically all will benefit....!

Monday, April 28, 2014

War looms in Ukraine -- Alex Jones

War looms in Ukraine -- Alex Jones

the fact is a war russia nato is not predictable? therefore! the russians and their nukes and the americans and their weapons will have to use them; them we know? the problem looks is one side believes is stronger than the other, a confrontation a war is a verification of who is the strongest the wises the intelligent; a winner is supposed to emerge! it could also be a third party, as well it could be no winner!

Michel collon sarkozy bhl tueurs d enfants

la France en occupation par le axe Washington BHL, londrès. fin de une France libre elle est servant du Washington OTAN le confirme! régime GE version 2014, régime vichy mais économique..

Ukraine : BHL contre Vladimir Poutine !


la France en occupation par le axe Washington londrès. fin de une France libre elle est servant du Washington OTAN le confirme! régime GE version 2014, régime vichy mais économique..


la France en occupation par le axe Washington londrès. fin de une France libre elle est servant du Washington OTAN le confirme! régime GE version 2014, régime vichy mais économique..

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Moving Closer To War. Washington’s Arrogance is Capable of Driving the World to Destruction | Global Research

Moving Closer To War. Washington’s Arrogance is Capable of Driving the World to Destruction | Global Research

L’Occident principalement la France cherche toujours à avoir une mainmise sur les anciennes colonies africaines notamment celles riches en ressources minières telle l’Algérie qui contrairement à certains pays arabes, elle n’a pas été traversée par le blizzard printanier.
Est- la bonne gouvernance depuis 1999 ou tout simplement la maturité du peuple Algérien de ne plus revenir aux années de braises ? Le 4e mandat de Bouteflika serait-il une source de divergence pour faire glisser le pays vers une instabilité que certaines forces occultes préparent les ingrédients nécessaires. ?

Gog & Magog, Russia & The Zionist West- Sheikh Imran Hosein 26.04.2014

Gog & Magog, Russia & The Zionist West- Sheikh Imran Hosein 26.04.2014

Gog & Magog, Russia & The Zionist West- Sheikh Imran Hosein 26.04.2014

Gog & Magog, Russia & The Zionist West- Sheikh Imran Hosein 26.04.2014

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Une employée de la Bred se défenestre sur son lieu de travail

Une employée de la Bred se défenestre sur son lieu de travail

la fin de la société generale et la BNP, crédit agricole : car ce en masse les prochains suicides de banquier..!!! attention assurance vie..!!!!


rights of self determination:  however being aware of it the first step, once that achieve, the communication body and mind can bugun; brainwashing reverse itself, and reality is perceive as such. this hindrance for a purpose has liberated the lock that meep minds going in circles. as the world goes from amnesia to awakening.

Russian Roulette: The Invasion of Ukraine (Dispatch Twenty Eight)

Scottish referendum: why Chomsky's yes is more interesting than Bowie's no | Fraser MacDonald | Comment is free |

Scottish referendum: why Chomsky's yes is more interesting than Bowie's no | Fraser MacDonald | Comment is free |

rights of self determination:  however being aware of it the first step, once that achieve, the communication body and mind can bugun; brainwashing reverse itself, and reality is perceive as such. this hindrance for a purpose has liberated the lock that meep minds going in circles. as the world goes from amnesia to awakening.

World War 3 Russia vs Ukraine and Europe Simulation

Quelle est la marge de manœuvre des citoyens dans le conflit qui oppose l’«Occident» à la Russie? | Mondialisation

Quelle est la marge de manœuvre des citoyens dans le conflit qui oppose l’«Occident» à la Russie? | Mondialisation

Quelle est la marge de manœuvre des citoyens dans le conflit qui oppose l’«Occident» à la Russie?

Friday, April 25, 2014

La position de la France vis-à-vis de l'OTAN en 1966 - .mov - YouTube

La position de la France vis-à-vis de l'OTAN en 1966 - .mov - YouTube

US, NATO team up to wage war over Ukraine: Analyst

Interview de Pascal Marchand, spécialiste de la géopolitique de l'Europe...

basica america does not exist you got a Ceasar, however i'll advice, you folks are slaves, and forget the constitution, human rights bill of rights, today you are on the mayflower days, the king ceasar rules all over you slaves, and there is nothing you folks can do, just obey and die like in 9/11, vietnam, iraq, afghanistan, and the rest of the american invasions, for no reason and no benefit to the 99% of american slaves. they are done for banks and americans are slaves to banks, so who cares how many americans die, as long they have top gun believe on sitcoms, and work and obey the moment they have being chosen for slaughter, sad as america no longer exist as well surprisingly Ceasar has another problem the us is actually splitting internally, from zionism, to christian zionism, to jews to mormon and muslim, the end of america is coming so you slave folks do have a chance when the nation disintegrates; internally.

Ukraine : éviter la Guerre mondiale

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Syrie/Ukraine/OTAN : analyse géopolitique -- Entretien avec Robert Steuc...

Europe’s Next Moral Hazard by Hans-Werner Sinn via @ProSyn #oped

Europe’s Next Moral Hazard by Hans-Werner Sinn via @ProSyn #oped

ethnic cleansing, does not work, roaches folks, you folks are roaches as well, you kill one six are instantly out, reason why ethnic cleansing does not work, is the roaches gene. However so far no problem in the usa only police state and eventually other things but no slaughter. Europe however the (1914-2014) conspiracy theory; that describes how history repeats itself, however worse than the last time. what will be the result! in 1918, or now in 2014! "yellowstone" recent earthquake in canada? is connected earthquakes and wars; no wars no earthquakes..!  

Scientists Speechless At What They Find Beneath Egypt! One of the Most Controversial Mysteries Ever--Solved! (On-Site Video Footage and Photos) | Prophecy

Scientists Speechless At What They Find Beneath Egypt! One of the Most Controversial Mysteries Ever--Solved! (On-Site Video Footage and Photos) | Prophecy

BLACK Egypt's Silver Pharoah Documentary

BLACK Egypt's Silver Pharoah Documentary

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Senator Rand Paul HUMILIATES and EXPOSES John Kerry!!

le Front national remercie BHL pour le avoir aide a gagner les élections européennes en France, et éventuellement détruit le PS le UDI, puis la UMP, et Israël....: (Je vous souhaite la bienvenue en Europe).

Bernard-Henri Lévy (écrivain, philosophe, membre du Conseil de surveillance du "Monde")

Benghazi: The Truth Behind the Smokescreen.

le Front national remercie BHL pour le avoir aide a gagner les élections européennes en France, et éventuellement détruit le PS le UDI, puis la UMP, et Israël....: (Je vous souhaite la bienvenue en Europe).

Bernard-Henri Lévy (écrivain, philosophe, membre du Conseil de surveillance du "Monde")

JM LE PEN attaque BHL sur le conflit Ukrainien et Sotchi, et en fait son...

le Front national remercie BHL pour le avoir aide a gagner les élections européennes en France, et éventuellement détruit le PS le UDI, puis la UMP, et Israël....: (Je vous souhaite la bienvenue en Europe).

Bernard-Henri Lévy (écrivain, philosophe, membre du Conseil de surveillance du "Monde")

I, Claudius - by Robert Graves - Unabridged Audiobook - All Parts in One

Bit coin bills

Facebook world
does not exist however it does exist thanks to its user and electrical power;
however bitcoin is as well immaterial it exists on electricity, well most
humans do, or probably all. Therefore nations control nothing banks control nations,
via the $ as reserve currency, an immaterial believe. Reason to keep that
privilege WARS. However an independent global reserve currency from banks and
nations them it works as a fulcrum. The Bren is just a name for any central
global currency, it sounds nice. The current $ is related to the American dollar;
$ therefore that link has to be dissolve, and the new competition can get on
the proper path, some call it western civilization; at that time of its
creation, and others a brave new world, both meet at the same name. Surveillance
is finding who you are, as those that are graphed feel otherwise. On technological
terms the machine performs a task it is the programmer combine with the machine
and its objective, that forms a reality, on a liner mind you can form a machine
that prints $ or plastic, the value is determined by the user, and its reality
by its use. If it is useless, them trillions of printing machines have not
advance anyone, just more practical printing machines, so advance that will
print what you think. Unfortunately that is all they can do. Technology as
democracy is methods to coordinate the structure of a pyramid, to the many,
kings barons are just the same as the pharaoh, or the Atlantis. The pyramidal structure
remains. From nations to kingdoms from roman senators to Egyptian mosses; the gold
of the $ and the ancient call to mountain of the olive trees Creating the path
to the way of time and the battle of the trees.

Taliesin's Battle Of The Trees

Bit coin bills

Facebook world
does not exist however it does exist thanks to its user and electrical power;
however bitcoin is as well immaterial it exists on electricity, well most
humans do, or probably all. Therefore nations control nothing banks control nations,
via the $ as reserve currency, an immaterial believe. Reason to keep that
privilege WARS. However an independent global reserve currency from banks and
nations them it works as a fulcrum. The Bren is just a name for any central
global currency, it sounds nice. The current $ is related to the American dollar;
$ therefore that link has to be dissolve, and the new competition can get on
the proper path, some call it western civilization; at that time of its
creation, and others a brave new world, both meet at the same name. Surveillance
is finding who you are, as those that are graphed feel otherwise. On technological
terms the machine performs a task it is the programmer combine with the machine
and its objective, that forms a reality, on a liner mind you can form a machine
that prints $ or plastic, the value is determined by the user, and its reality
by its use. If it is useless, them trillions of printing machines have not
advance anyone, just more practical printing machines, so advance that will
print what you think. Unfortunately that is all they can do. Technology as
democracy is methods to coordinate the structure of a pyramid, to the many,
kings barons are just the same as the pharaoh, or the Atlantis. The pyramidal structure
remains. From nations to kingdoms from roman senators to Egyptian moses; the gold
of the $ and the ancient call to mountain of the olive trees Creating the path
to the way of time and the battle of the trees.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

ROAD TO WW3: More Anti-Terrorist Ops In East After POLITICIAN FOUND DEAD...

Biden the J I joy of murder.. this man is worse that any men, but are there any humans in washington or in america for that matter.  as americans love wars like vietnam, iraq, 1 &2 iraq, afghanistan libya, syria, cuba, vietnam, is on the american genes kill and be kill, Kennedy is an example !!  and if there are childrens or old ladies they are preferable targets join the navy kill childrens and them let washington kill you. as that is the deal.

The Frightening New Technology Transforming State Surveillance

Monday, April 21, 2014

Los Fantasmas de My Lay. (Vietnam, 16 de marzo de 1968)

USA of america the murder nation: NATO-OTAN:  the nazi organisation is a danger to europe as this iraq model of how to destroy humanity a creation of democrats and republicans, the american government the murder nation.. the murder nation is america washington..ask the us navy, war games you know the us loves to kill childrens.. like in afghanistan iraq, libya, vietnam. and kill their own people citizens..

Sunday, April 20, 2014

USA the Disposable People - New World Order Control System & Military In...

Chris Schmandt, director of the speech and mobility group at MIT's Media Lab, relates how "one of his grad students once recorded two years' worth of all the sounds he was exposed to—capturing every conversation. While the speech-to-text conversions were rough, they were good enough that he could perform a keyword search and recover the actual recording of a months-old conversation."

Is NBC predicting RFID implanted in Americans in 2017 or are they the mouth piece for the beast?

Friday, April 18, 2014

» Washington’s Corruption and Mendacity Is What Makes America “Exceptional” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Washington’s Corruption and Mendacity Is What Makes America “Exceptional” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

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Michel Collon : Ukraine et médiamensonges, comment ne pas se faire manip...

RASMUSSEN le dirigent de la OTAN-NATO a cote du criminel de guerre G W Bush, ce lui qui dirige l’Europe de la defence  soumisse a la Amérique, ce lui que a déclaré la guerre a la Russie, mais attention guerre en Europe exclusivement pour tuer des français pour rien comme en Afghanistan, Iraq, etc..OTAN cause du fascisme en Europe destruction de la France chômage car OTAN ce $, ce ne pas plus emplois mais plus de dette, OTAN destruction de la sante OGM, OTAN surveillance obéissance, "NSA, libya, Iraq, Iran, chine, Kosovo, centre afrique rwanda, espionnage, dans le monde $ monnais fictive, moody's fitch des agents de la mafia de Washington, IMF le destructeurs de nations est continent, car le FMI a détruit l’Afrique, les grecs, la Espagne, le Portugal, la France, la Amérique latine, le Portugal l’Irlande,  la solution pour la France et l'emplois ce la Russie raison pour la quelle Washington empêche l'europe de être libre et faire son commerce avec la Russie, car la Russie ce l’Arabie saoudite des européens, et Washington ne le permet pas a l'europe de ce développer et être libre, comme avec l’Iran et Sarkozy qui a détruit Peugeot etc.. réveillez vous citoyens votre ennemie ce la OTAN pas la Russie.

Michel Collon : Ukraine et médiamensonges, comment ne pas se faire manip...

RASMUSSEN le dirigent de la OTAN-NATO a cote du criminel de guerre G W Bush, ce lui qui dirige l’Europe de la defence  soumisse a la Amérique, ce lui que a déclaré la guerre a la Russie, mais attention guerre en Europe exclusivement pour tuer des français pour rien comme en Afghanistan, Iraq, etc..OTAN cause du fascisme en Europe destruction de la France chômage car OTAN ce $, ce ne pas plus emplois mais plus de dette, OTAN destruction de la sante OGM, OTAN surveillance obéissance, "NSA, libya, Iraq, Iran, chine, Kosovo, centre afrique rwanda, espionnage, dans le monde $ monnais fictive, moody's fitch des agents de la mafia de Washington, IMF le destructeurs de nations est continent, car le FMI a détruit l’Afrique, les grecs, la Espagne, le Portugal, la France, la Amérique latine, le Portugal l’Irlande,  la solution pour la France et l'emplois ce la Russie raison pour la quelle Washington empêche l'europe de être libre et faire son commerce avec la Russie, car la Russie ce l’Arabie saoudite des européens, et Washington ne le permet pas a l'europe de ce développer et être libre, comme avec l’Iran et Sarkozy qui a détruit Peugeot etc.. réveillez vous citoyens votre ennemie ce la OTAN pas la Russie.

La position de la France vis-à-vis de l'OTAN en 1966 - .mov

RASMUSSEN le dirigent de la OTAN-NATO a cote du criminel de guerre G W Bush, ce lui qui dirige l’Europe de la defence  soumisse a la Amérique, ce lui que a déclaré la guerre a la Russie, mais attention guerre en Europe exclusivement pour tuer des français pour rien comme en Afghanistan, Iraq, etc..OTAN cause du fascisme en Europe destruction de la France chômage car OTAN ce $, ce ne pas plus emplois mais plus de dette, OTAN destruction de la sante OGM, OTAN surveillance obéissance, "NSA, libya, Iraq, Iran, chine, Kosovo, centre afrique rwanda, espionnage, dans le monde $ monnais fictive, moody's fitch des agents de la mafia de Washington, IMF le destructeurs de nations est continent, car le FMI a détruit l’Afrique, les grecs, la Espagne, le Portugal, la France, la Amérique latine, le Portugal l’Irlande,  la solution pour la France et l'emplois ce la Russie raison pour la quelle Washington empêche l'europe de être libre et faire son commerce avec la Russie, car la Russie ce l’Arabie saoudite des européens, et Washington ne le permet pas a l'europe de ce développer et être libre, comme avec l’Iran et Sarkozy qui a détruit Peugeot etc.. réveillez vous citoyens votre ennemie ce la OTAN pas la Russie.

La bourgeoise UMP pro OTAN, De Gaulle doit se retourner dans sa tombe !

RASMUSSEN le dirigent de la OTAN-NATO a cote du criminel de guerre G W Bush, ce lui qui dirige l’Europe de la defence  soumisse a la Amérique, ce lui que a déclaré la guerre a la Russie, mais attention guerre en Europe exclusivement pour tuer des français pour rien comme en Afghanistan, Iraq, etc..OTAN cause du fascisme en Europe destruction de la France chômage car OTAN ce $, ce ne pas plus emplois mais plus de dette, OTAN destruction de la sante OGM, OTAN surveillance obéissance, "NSA, libya, Iraq, Iran, chine, Kosovo, centre afrique rwanda, espionnage, dans le monde $ monnais fictive, moody's fitch des agents de la mafia de Washington, IMF le destructeurs de nations est continent, car le FMI a détruit l’Afrique, les grecs, la Espagne, le Portugal, la France, la Amérique latine, le Portugal l’Irlande,  la solution pour la France et l'emplois ce la Russie raison pour la quelle Washington empêche l'europe de être libre et faire son commerce avec la Russie, car la Russie ce l’Arabie saoudite des européens, et Washington ne le permet pas a l'europe de ce développer et être libre, comme avec l’Iran et Sarkozy qui a détruit Peugeot etc.. réveillez vous citoyens votre ennemie ce la OTAN pas la Russie.

Manly P. Hall - Secret Powers and Why We Should Not Use Them

nature yellowstone and all this wars, from kabul, now to kief, it never ends.. this causes the planet to wiggle it reacts to this fact, so wars and the ring of fire are related! or could be link to each others, as the atmosphere that covers the planet. a veil of electrons covers the planet, however invisible to humans devices, as being porous, humans cannot exist outside of the planet, freely. the battle of the trees.
if you like. ending all aggressions, as the continents blend between themselves. end of NATO, as Russia is in europe on the european continent.  so reason is land as continents become one.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Discours de Villepin à l'ONU contre la guerre en Irak

Ce qui sépare le stratège du tacticien, la ? Dans de raisonnement fou l'stratégiste comme la tactique devient automatique; ce,le moment de la fête le grand ressemblent, la joie et le bien être. l'empire russe comme le français ont le même père, et probablement la même mère le moment de leur création, cet un ancien appelle qui dirige l'esprit vers son Origine ; est ce la; la stratégie de la tactique..., le tacticien attend que tout ce met en ordre pour reignier. Un bon stratège règne pour le bien-être de son conjoins comme de son voisin; est la il découvre que le monde ne pas aussi grand que ça! Et le fête commence. pour le bien être. du temps.

Sheikh Imran Hosein "De Gaulle doit être écrit en lettres d'OR" VOSTfr

the problem with JUPE and other french politicians including the president françois hollande is that they behave suspiciously Rama Yade BHL, ATTALI for some strange reason all they want is war with Russia like this Rasmussen one of the best friends of G W BUSH and promoter of the war on Iraq, why do this politicians do all they can to incite wars, fabious and Hollande doing the same in syria, what is the point the end game? what is the benefit of the nation? another afghanistan, another libya? Are they doing the president Poinçare world war one repeat? is that what president hollande hopes for the republic? the republic is half gone with Sarkozy very little will remain of Europe after this world war one crimea scene will unfold..!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

PressTV - Ukraine junta may spark civil war: Analyst

PressTV - Ukraine junta may spark civil war: Analyst

Globalization means that all citizens of the planet are middle class including president Obama, CNN newscasters amanpour, as congress intellectuals or foreign leaders UN no longer will have think thanks, this privilege ceases to be. participants,  elites such as Rothschild or others will  no longer exist as globalization means all are equal, mentally, intellectually and the capacity of each individual intellect, reason reaches just a point and cannot go any further. And their capacity to understand reality remains in balance no different between Obama the president and Obama the janitor,  this is what a globalization on a  world is, all equal, However each one of you is an individual but unable to be above anyone else and anyone else cannot be above anyone.

Wealth material wealth, does make a different, but no longer the intellect, regardless of legion des neuron, French philosophers or literary wizards, or actresses, only what you got as material possessions distinguish you from the other. so only materials objects will differs one from the other. any mind all mind cannot reach a higher level of understanding, knowledge or improvement. in fact there is none more intelligent than any other on a globalization realm. invention and progress only exist for a materiel result, meaning minds continue to create devices, I-phones, pc, cars and planes, is their knowledge their insight that stop growing. their wisdom if you like. Luis the XVI the king beheaded on the French revolution was beheaded for the simple purpose of eternity; "that was the plan" however historians do have all sorts of theories Rothschild etc.., the Rothschild's as well were part of the plan... today queens or kings have no power, as the global middle class includes them and makes them as equal, like the queen of England or Finland, or Spain he just plays a role like an actor the same way Obama plays a role like an actor. all are now equal. the elite is just 1. above all.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Nabilla clash Olivier Bourg

Dominique de Villepin devant l'ONU ( Heroic speech )

Les initiateurs des raides aériens sur la Libye. Sarkozy, Cameron et B.H.L. se claquemurent depuis, dans un silence monacal. Savaient ils que, par leur saillie précipitée ils allaient plonger l’Afrique dans des sanglants conflits ? Ils étaient parfaitement au courant des arsenaux sophistiqués que la France et les pays occidentaux ont vendu à la Libye. A l’époque ou Kadhafi le Magnifique plantait sa tente de bédouin dans les jardins de Marigny. Tout près de l’Elysées. Ils ont ouvert la boite à pandore. Ils n’ont pas prévu le service après raide. Aujourd’hui, c’est un jeu d’enfants de trouver sur les marchés de Bangui et d’ailleurs des armes de toutes sortes. Kalachnikovs, grenades. Même les machettes sont fabriquées en Occident

Russia Threatens U S with a Nuclear Strike - U S says Will Respond

RACIAL WARS TO DESTROY THE WHITE RACE:    that means speaking russians will not kill each others, however ukrainians will kill russians is not a language war is just infiltration from washington, ukraine is not the usa, is ukraine or what ever but they do not have the same rules neither the same conditioning. now you got languages and it is normal uk and the us both have the same language! easy to understand forcing russians to speak ukrainian or behave like it, is an abuse as well that part of ukraine has always being part of russia they did not immigrate they were there more than 200 years ago even more. is not an ethnic war, but washington, is doing the best to turn it into an ethnic war!! all this democracy and humans rights bit is just BS...washington is making it a racial war, whites kill whites, there are not many dark folks on the caucasian region besides the tartars. in fact when they ask what color of skin you have origin, legally.. caucasian is mentioned. is a wording manipulation to make believe in democracy while what you have is a language racial war amongst folks of the same race, or a programed destruction of that race in question, and fact. Perhaps washington does no longer like the realm of a caucasian.

États-Unis. Trois personnes abattues sur des sites juifs au Kansas

États-Unis. Trois personnes abattues sur des sites juifs au Kansas

RACIAL WARS TO DESTROY THE WHITE RACE:    that means speaking russians will not kill each others, however ukrainians will kill russians is not a language war is just infiltration from washington, ukraine is not the usa, is ukraine or what ever but they do not have the same rules neither the same conditioning. now you got languages and it is normal uk and the us both have the same language! easy to understand forcing russians to speak ukrainian or behave like it, is an abuse as well that part of ukraine has always being part of russia they did not immigrate they were there more than 200 years ago even more. is not an ethnic war, but washington, is doing the best to turn it into an ethnic war!! all this democracy and humans rights bit is just BS...washington is making it a racial war, whites kill whites, there are not many dark folks on the caucasian region besides the tartars. in fact when they ask what color of skin you have origin, legally.. caucasian is mentioned. is a wording manipulation to make believe in democracy while what you have is a language racial war amongst folks of the same race, or a programed destruction of that race in question, and fact. Perhaps washington does no longer like the realm of a caucasian.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Radio 3Fourteen - Robert Guffey - Cryptoscatology: Conspiracy Theory as Art Form

Radio 3Fourteen - Robert Guffey - Cryptoscatology: Conspiracy Theory as Art Form

ART and politics is on our way, and the best way to evolve into the new realm as the old reality is all but gone.

Ukraine : le chantage au gaz se fait plus risqué pour Moscou, Actualités

Ukraine : le chantage au gaz se fait plus risqué pour Moscou, Actualités:

et le chantage du $ comme papier pourrie, monnai de reserve excavatrice esclavagiste. et créatrice de guerres de sans abris, sans emplois puis des meurtres corruption, dictatures pétrodollars Arabie saoudite, qatar bahrain, etc.

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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Braveheart Freedom Speech (HD) - YouTube

Braveheart Freedom Speech (HD) - YouTube:

Scotland:: forget FITCH they are useless in fact FITCH is a CIA,NSA like the world bank and IMF,FMI, creation, so dump those dollars and hang on to your OIL and all shall be fine, moody s, Goldman sachs, the lot are CIA operatives all they want is serfdom, so be free brave-harts. keep your freedom, exit the UK monster of lies enslavement and hate, and hope that the British citizens will do the same..

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Wednesday, April 09, 2014

No Ukraine on Map Until 1918

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Poll: Even If Russia Invades Deeper Into Ukraine, 76 Percent of Americans Oppose Sending US Troops - Hit & Run :

Poll: Even If Russia Invades Deeper Into Ukraine, 76 Percent of Americans Oppose Sending US Troops - Hit & Run : "Only eight percent of respondents considered sending military troops and assets to be the right course of action for America., seems particularly significant given recent developments. Th"

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Le lobby sioniste tente de censurer le film de Béatrice Pignède : L'olig...

SIONISME: L'Effondrement, Préparez-vous au génocide ! - YouTube

SIONISME: L'Effondrement, Préparez-vous au génocide ! - YouTube:

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Sheikh Imran Hosein - Russie, Syrie et Fin des temps - mai 2013 - YouTube

Sheikh Imran Hosein - Russie, Syrie et Fin des temps - mai 2013 - YouTube:

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World War 3 United States of America , Russia and Syra :: Sheikh Imran H...

World War 3 United States of America , Russia and Syra :: Sheikh Imran H...

Monday, April 07, 2014

» Obama Issues Threats To Russia And NATO Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama Issues Threats To Russia And NATO Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

no way out for america and americans; you are now on a green back de j'avue, so dump the $ which is a FED currency not a dollar and them recreate a new currency "ONLY SOLUTION"  to become an free american as today is a joke america is Goldman Sachs, congress is Goldman Sachs, senate is Goldman Sachs, AIPAC is Goldman Sachs, so dump the $ use rubbles but you got to dislodge wall street and the FEd if the nation hopes to be a decent nation. today is just slaves mentally and physically and the rulers.

Saturday, April 05, 2014

Chilling Legacy of US Chemical Warfare in Vietnam

Jungle Rain- The NZ story of Agent Orange and the Vietnam War (2005) - YouTube

Jungle Rain- The NZ story of Agent Orange and the Vietnam War (2005) - YouTube:

US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says the United States is strongly committed to protecting Japan’s security amid territorial disputes with neighbors. vietnam and they are still in japan, fools japanese folks..hiroshima fukushima all usa made projects to destroy japan..

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Children of the Apocalypse - Vietnam - YouTube

Children of the Apocalypse - Vietnam - YouTube:

US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says the United States is strongly committed to protecting Japan’s security amid territorial disputes with neighbors. vietnam and they are still in japan, fools japanese folks..hiroshima fukushima all usa made projects to destroy japan..

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Petrodollar Alert: Putin Prepares To Announce "Holy Grail" Gas Deal With China | Zero Hedge

Petrodollar Alert: Putin Prepares To Announce "Holy Grail" Gas Deal With China | Zero Hedge

well island by aldous huxley..

Russia prepares to attack the petrodollar - News - Reality Check - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video

Russia prepares to attack the petrodollar - News - Reality Check - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video:

People want real money not us toilet paper, refuged of the global reserve currency. Very good news the soonest the petrodollars end and become thing else is the best. The US dollar's position as the base currency for global energy trading gives the US a number of unfair advantages. It seems that Moscow is ready to take those advantages away.

Read more:

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Thursday, April 03, 2014

Is US Preparing For War Against China? | PopularResistance.Org

Is US Preparing For War Against China? | PopularResistance.Org:

President Obama has been moving the US military into Asia in what has been dubbed the “Asia Pivot.”  He is moving 60% of the US Navy to the region along with other military resources.  At the same time there is more propaganda in the US media that is building fear against China like the article below from USA Today.  The US is pushing Japan to have a military something not allowed by the Japanese Constitution since World War II.  The US issupplying Japan with drones and saying the US will defend Japan if it is attacked by China. Was the decision not to go to war and seek a negotiated settlement with Iran part of an effort to focus the US military on China?   The Trans-Pacific Partnership, which has been described as a global corporate coup, is being negotiated with Pacific nations but does not include China.  Is one of the goals to isolate and weaken China economically?

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PressTV - Russia response to US bill, doomsday scenario: Analyst

PressTV - Russia response to US bill, doomsday scenario: Analyst:

send nukes to hezbollah Iran, nuclear suitcases dump the dollar end of petrodollars, buy gold, china must end $ india, brazil, africa, south america europe the world must dump the cancer of the planet call the us $ as reserve currency save lives dump the $ campaign....viral, global and for the sake of the human race human rights and living organism, reason and existence of the solar system, end of $ on the solar system,    america is even dangerous to aliens  from outspace this cancer of humanity must be cure so dump the $ cancer currency of hate and wars.

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La France est dirigée par Goldman Sachs, pas par Hollande...

payer en roubles le $ et une monnais dangereuse, fausse et tout nation qui utilise le dollar est une pris a la déstabilisation, comme exemples les grec, Iran, Venezuela,syrie,chine,india,la France le $ ce le cancer du monde, donc: unique maniéré de être sain et de mettre le $ comme monnais de reserve au congé, lui donner une place ou elle mérite au petit coin, au toilet, car le $ ce du payer sale, ignoble pourrie, ce lui qui détruit l'europe et sont peuple.  car

7 Reasons Obama Should Forget About Crimea | The St. Petersburg Times | The leading English-language newspaper in St. Petersburg

7 Reasons Obama Should Forget About Crimea | The St. Petersburg Times | The leading English-language newspaper in St. Petersburg:

U.S. sanctions against Russian officials are doomed to fail. No top Kremlin officials have assets in the U.S., and given a choice between loyalty to the state or vacations at Disneyland, each and every one of them would pledge loyalty to Russia.
Crimea's reunification with Russia is a fact. The U.S. does not have the will or the means to reverse this chapter of history. Obama would be wise to recognize this reality and return to the negotiating table with Russia to work on resolving truly important global issues. An expanding cycle of sanctions will only make a bad situation worse for everyone.
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Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Webster Tarpley - World Crisis Radio 3/29/2014 - Ukrainian Fascists Thre...

UKRAINE: Dominique de VILLEPIN une voix de raison

la brigade du tigre siberian, ce ne pas l'euro mais comme il est fait qui le dirige et le $ comme monnai de reserve dans la planète. donc: une fois la monnais de serve $ élimine, car cet cet $ comme reserve qui puni les français, pas l'euro proprement dit. changer l'euro fait un sens propre autrement dit cet un fausse euro qui vous vous attaqué car l'euro libre ne existe pas encore cet un euro Goldman sachs.

Comment sauver la France en 16 mesures ?(à voir absolument !)

la brigade du tigre siberian, ce ne pas l'euro mais comme il est fait qui le dirige et le $ comme monnai de reserve dans la planète. donc: une fois la monnais de serve $ élimine, car cet cet $ comme reserve qui puni les français, pas l'euro proprement dit. changer l'euro fait un sens propre autrement dit cet un fausse euro qui vous vous attaqué car l'euro libre ne existe pas encore cet un euro Goldman sachs.

Nouveau gouvernement : "bateau ivre" selon Copé, "politburo" selon Morano

Nouveau gouvernement : "bateau ivre" selon Copé, "politburo" selon Morano:

Pour comprendre la réalité il est impératif que la réalité
existe. Donc : donner du temps a le nouveau gouvernement. De la réponse patriotique,
et civilisé si l’objective est le bien être du citoyens et la nation. Les
prédictions du COPE et la UMP ces des Nostradamus négative, antipatriotique et
sans fondations, car cette persistance de la rationalisation, anticipe de un
fait future ; des négocies est la raison pour laquelle 'l'extrême devient jusqu'au-boutiste.
Donc : probablement le FN ce ne pas un parti politique extrémiste, mais la
UMP le télécommandé à devenir extrémiste. La cause ce la logique d'argument,
comme gagner sans mérite ; par les mots et par la réaction du FN ;
cette jeu des cirques bénéfice a la UMP, mais et au détriment de la république !
Car la méthode de stimulation et réponse et dirige a les électeurs, les quelles
par le conditionnement médique de la presse, réagis a la stimulation crée, la
quelle se transforme en l’Extrémisme. En conséquence le FN se transforme en un
parti à marchander à la place de devenir un parti politique de cohésion
nationale et patriotique. Donc les dernières Élections peut être considéré
comme des Élections affectives ; émotionnellement des élections de
stimulation & réaction à une stimulation prédétermine écartent l’intellectuelle
le raisonnable, au bénéfice de le émotionnelle. Cette méthode est la méthode le
plus répandu de la logique publicitaire. Tous derrière un Project pour bien le
comprendre, puis tous averti, pour bien percevoir si il existe des failles dans
la feuille de route, car la critique constructive et tout jours un bénéfice
pour celui qui pilote la république, et pour celui qui détecté la complication ;
ensuite ce la république et les citoyens qui bénéficie de cette aboutissement. Nonobstant
il existe tout jour des exceptions dans tout élection.

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End of U.S. Dollar & Collapse of Civilization as We Know It | James Corbett | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG « ArtsLogic

End of U.S. Dollar & Collapse of Civilization as We Know It | James Corbett | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG « ArtsLogic:

a lot sooner than expected; the military accelerates the process, as it survives. the 1984 scenario is modified as a brave new world technological realm, and that realm is incompatible with world on permanent war. the key item is the mind, the mind does two things it handles the body and also communicate with other minds, the same as a radio wave individually, and is the survival signal that sends. wars create suffering signals reason why other living organism freak out, from dolphins to humans, all humans become receptors of this signal the increase in amplitude of the signal is due to the emissions of this particular kind of signal, which creates a sense of danger and fear, warnings and wisdoms. plants do the same on a certain way. more like the soul of a flower is as the soul of a human. the flower reflects colors as the human molds and materialises the signals. as the human evolves the soul evolves and the signal in consequence merge for a common cause, it looks is a cellular call, an electromagnetic wave of the life element of the organism. which is all organism. rank in relation to a living organism as what life is; consciousness is not just an individual gift but rather a understanding. ..! 
the roots of the system are not deep, reason why is falling, it cannot be save, is just a revolution, a federation, a democracy a republic, however, a global currency cannot be any nation or of any nation; it can only be independant of all nations, just like the church , the vatican, the synagogue, or the buddha temples. if everyone was jesus them, caesar and god would have never had any impact on our minds. so it was just one, one Jesus "the coin" and Judaism hopes for the other jesus, "coin"the same is for the reserve currency like a jesus, in relation to the other's. and it is the currency the one that can or can-not, in fact. reason why there is no winning nation; as the oppressor can no longer be oppressed, when evolution takes place; but just demonstrate his intelligence. the wises is the winner. by being the wises it must exist in time & space, resolve its present and your present as well exist in your past. 
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Tuesday, April 01, 2014

» What does Crimea mean to Russia? Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind! « ArtsLogic

» What does Crimea mean to Russia? Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind! « ArtsLogic: the home of the #1 Internet News Show in the World.
the thing is russia is in europe not america and berlin is in europe not america, neither paris or madrid, that is the problem; Obama is convince russia is canada, well it reaches the coast of alaska, but ukraine is closer to moscow. they call it the siberian tiger, simple he wants his forest back, the good way or the bad way. "the tiger" the forest where this tygers live is the amazones of the south american continent, the large forest that the jaguar wants back as well. the continents once were just one, a band of one color. them suddenly they got separated and became two, one black and the other white, and they could not longer identify each others. the white go north the black goes south, in the center there was the mixture of the two. which was the beginning of them all. perhaps is not adam and eve but a separated self. In the kingdom of I.
for practical reality Russia is the best protector of Europe as Russia is as well part of the same families that shaped created and educated europe, and what you folks call today the western world; as louis the XVI would have said, revolutions are always part of an evolution. from kingdoms to republics from republics to federations and we return always to the ancient kingdoms of wisdom an reigns. the sun is indeed a very curious technological invention, don't you think?
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» What does Crimea mean to Russia? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» What does Crimea mean to Russia? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

le continent latin...! le bouclier de Brens et la fin du dollar $......!  l'europe diverse, l'europe géographique, nonobstant, le nucléaire et plus efficace que le mistral. Et justement la une guerre nucléaire peut effectivement sépare la Russie de l'europe grammaticalement et concrètement. chez les anciens , le siècle froid.......! comme designer la carte du voyage, et ce ou la destination? you-tube...Dailymotion.! une blague...! Et louis xvi et la statue de la liberte...!!!

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Propaganda Psy-Op? “Worldwide Wave of Action”. The “Global Spring” Begins | Global Research

Propaganda Psy-Op? “Worldwide Wave of Action”. The “Global Spring” Begins | Global Research

le continent latin...! le bouclier de Brens et la fin du dollar $......!  l'europe diverse, l'europe géographique, nonobstant, le nucléaire et plus efficace que le mistral. Et justement la une guerre nucléaire peut effectivement sépare la Russie de l'europe grammaticalement et concrètement. chez les anciens , le siècle froid.......!

Propaganda Psy-Op? “Worldwide Wave of Action”. The “Global Spring” Begins | Global Research

Propaganda Psy-Op? “Worldwide Wave of Action”. The “Global Spring” Begins | Global Research: "The Worldwide #WaveOfAction begins April 4th and runs through July 4th…”

Washington’s Blog has brought to our attention a series of videos produced by “ Wave of Action ” and “Anonymous” concerning the launching of a “Worldwide Global Awakening”, a so-called “Global Spr"

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» Ukraine Descending into ‘Gestapo Times,’ Russian Politician Says Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ukraine Descending into ‘Gestapo Times,’ Russian Politician Says Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

is NATO OBAMA does not get the message! so unfortunately this earthquakes will pin down NATO, but they could indeed put half of the west coast underwater, as the whammy is not just the volcano it goes synchronize with the polar shift, in other words the polar shift and the yellowstone eruption are part of a tilting of the planet towards the east so part of the west coast will be underwater as some of this ash from the volcano will eventually minimize, it just a great flood that coincides with yellowstone. looks Obama wants to watch the show, so why not given it to him, and CNN; you know they call it collateral damage so be it. enjoy the videos of destruction.

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