Sunday, May 24, 2015

20th Anniversary of the Desert Shield-Desert Storm Video - YouTube

20th Anniversary of the Desert Shield-Desert Storm Video - YouTube

OK corral: there is no strategy just hope: crazy conflict from Kabul is reaching Jerusalem/ the south  & north Libya & Yemen, Iran & the saudi kingdom, and the Taliban... "IRAQ & SYRIA..!!! the 2003 strategy? Russia & china, India & breezily.the BRICs is the answer..

Operation Desert Storm, The Battle of Khafji - Iraq War Documentary Movie

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Who owns America? Ask Congress

since 1990 + 2001 scheme: washington AIPAC insanity is on the path of destroying humanity: this murder nation call the usa of america where congress is closer to hitler than george washington has killed more people than hitler and stalin together no wonder the murder nation is a mess and americans are no longer on a democracy but a AIPAC murderous regime: AIPAC main media brainwashing reason why the murder nation is now in full bloom: wall street gangsterism, congress closer to Hitler than george washington, this murder nation under the AIPAC rule hopes for freedom from the "jewish lobby" and AIPAC, save america end AIPAC ruling of america and over americans minds and bodies..

Absolute Proof Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

france now is experiencing a very confusing moment, or better say french politicians & citizens, the reason is that the inverted impose reality created by AIPAC via his main media hollywood techniques and banking gangsterism is no longer working as expected, and the french politics & politicians somehow on one hand have chosen Le pen to continue the insanity dictated by AIPAC, however on the confusion the rests demand a inverted tactics and this in the short and long term will unwind the french citizens mentality and liberate them from this holocaust trickster manufactured by AIPAC "american jewish lobby" .  Le pen neither the other politicians understand what is happening to them however it does not matter what matter is independence from AIPAC . freedom at last from this organization in europe and america, worldwide.

‘We must resist corporations’: Le Pen targets troubled TTIP deal in new campaign — RT News

‘We must resist corporations’: Le Pen targets troubled TTIP deal in new campaign — RT News:

france now is experiencing a very confusing moment, or better say french politicians & citizens, the reason is that the inverted impose reality created by AIPAC via his main media hollywood techniques and banking gangsterism is no longer working as expected, and the french politics & politicians somehow on one hand have chosen Le pen to continue the insanity dictated by AIPAC, however on the confusion the rests demand a inverted tactics and this in the short and long term will unwind the french citizens mentality and liberate them from this holocaust trickster manufactured by AIPAC "american jewish lobby" .  Le pen neither the other politicians understand what is happening to them however it does not matter what matter is independence from AIPAC . freedom at last from this organization in europe and america, worldwide.

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L’alternative de la Banque Asiatique (BAII) - Jacques Cheminade

économie en Europe 

Monday, May 18, 2015

Soumission de Michel Houellebecq sort en Espagne

Soumission de Michel Houellebecq sort en Espagne: "Soumission de Michel Houellebecq sort en Espagne"

colonisation en Europe par l'Europe sur les étranges force:  plus simplement la france ce transforme en l'Algérie coloniale, les puisant est ses servant ces employés de maison. , ces aide maison, ce ne pas l'islam qui fait la conquête de la france mais la colonisation qui ce transporte en france: car ce les immigres qui feront le ménage: conclusion ça explique le manque de natalité en Allemagne le resurgissent pyramidal dominant, d'antan. donc houllebecq dit une vérité mais manque totale de décrire la réalité: nonobstant prévue. que la perception ce  ne-pas vraiment dans la culture mondaine mais dans la sagesse privilégié.

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Saturday, May 16, 2015

"Fighting a Lost War: The German Army in 1943" by Dr. Robert Citino

Mistral: Paris a remis à Moscou son offre de "dédommagement" the AXIS is OTAN-NATO today 2015: be careful that the NATO axis powers is not a insurmountable disaster. from 1989 to 2001, the AXIS of evil NATO-OTAN AIPAC:::

Napoleon Bonaparte - 1812 Road To Moscow

Mistral: Paris a remis à Moscou son offre de "dédommagement"

Monday, May 11, 2015

Gerald Celente -- Everything Is About To Collapse | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Gerald Celente -- Everything Is About To Collapse | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:

the NATO NAZI REGIME: on the upside world ready to kill europeans on behalf of AIPAC and IBM same plot same victims and same army only in 2005 is a upside down realm. but same AIPAC again. perhaps NATO wants a new holocaust 2015 version this time with the Muslim and christian faith as martyrs. reason why everyone is claiming tax the orthodox church but never AIPAC. 

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Friday, May 08, 2015

Plato's cave analysis

hope by now Nigel FARAGE : will understand that British citizens do NOT  have a mind of their own they are robotized, "in common jargon" brainwash" however  they will be free and have a mind of their own in the coming future for now europe is on plato s cave: 400 million citizens totally blind including police and armed forces.

Plato's Cave (animated version)

hope by now Nigel FARAGE : will understand that British citizens do NOT  have a mind of their own they are robotized, "in common jargon" brainwash" however  they will be free and have a mind of their own in the coming future for now europe is on plato s cave: 400 million citizens totally blind including police and armed forces.

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Farrakhan: Netanyahu aims to undermine Obama, drive U.S. to war with Iran

the roman empire is invading jerusalem: the romans is ISRAEL the real jews are the palestinians.! complex complicated. reason why AIPAC has to go. as AIPAC is film industry, networks, "not internet, because of the nature, not the wire communication"
banks,lobbied ,congress,senate, wall street, banks,financial swindle, arms industry,wars,ideologies, Political Elections, poverty, riots, race wars,  police nation, foreign interventions.  solution::
1967 borders or war crimes "the paradox" i like an offer they cannot refuse..!

Farrakhan on Israel's Genocide in Gaza

Saturday, May 02, 2015

» House committee approves $200 million for arming Ukraine Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» House committee approves $200 million for arming Ukraine Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

alex independent alternative media is Facebook, twitter, thumbler, you-tube, real news etc, the platform is the alternative media  "not zukerman or Bill Gates" he is just the tool to make it reasonable possible to wall street AIPAC capitalism/ . forget CEO they are tools, understand that Facebook puts you & CNN on the same footing. CNN website has the advantage of television news, they do not have that advantage in twitter, Facebook, tumbler or any other platform that allows multiple users. therefore the fight is not of main-media versus alternative: alternative media is the free users platform// main media is the school conditioning media platform & television:  the war is of ideas, but of ways & forms that does ideas are properly understood, and followers, reason, logically to their own realm:   AIPAC dislike bloggers and independent minds, because they can change the way you perceive. your point of view created by AIPAC educational capitalism.  and them their own power over you the lot vanishes. so forget the illuminates, Rothchilds, prince andrews and queen elizabeth, and the new British born queen they are just tools, justifications, part of a global media sitcom.  the  so call modern elites they do not exist concentrate on the quantity of minds that you can reach and how to invert the main media and school conditioning & propaganda concept conditioning.

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Charlie Hebdo and Free Expression -

Charlie Hebdo and Free Expression -

alex independent alternative media is Facebook, twitter, thumbler, you-tube, real news etc, the platform is the alternative media  "not zukerman or Bill Gates" he is just the tool to make it reasonable possible to wall street AIPAC capitalism/ . forget CEO they are tools, understand that Facebook puts you & CNN on the same footing. CNN website has the advantage of television news, they do not have that advantage in twitter, Facebook, tumbler or any other platform that allows multiple users. therefore the fight is not of main-media versus alternative: alternative media is the free users platform// main media is the school conditioning media platform & television:  the war is of ideas, but of ways & forms that does ideas are properly understood, and followers, reason, logically to their own realm:   AIPAC dislike bloggers and independent minds, because they can change the way you perceive. your point of view created by AIPAC educational capitalism.  and them their own power over you the lot vanishes. so forget the illuminates, Rothchilds, prince andrews and queen elizabeth, and the new British born queen they are just tools, justifications, part of a global media sitcom.  the  so call modern elites they do not exist concentrate on the quantity of minds that you can reach and how to invert the main media and school conditioning & propaganda concept conditioning.

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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve - YouTube

Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve - YouTube:

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IN MY VIEW A GLOBAL NEW RESERVE CURRENCY that will replace the dollar is a must: I have develop the BREN 25% silver;  because of irish myth, oriental mythology and the BRENT petrol, it also blends beautifully with the indian Brahman as with the chinese Brics bank. petrol nomination, reserves gold:  Bren 25% silver and indeed peg to energy, why, because everything depends on energy from nuclear to charcoal, however it does not function as the current dollar reserve currency but is above it. america has its own green Bag. having that privilege it regulates speculations and is abel to balance corruption and in the long term have the humans evolve properly, as the BREN will control how much each nations pays for energy in relation to the energy exchange rate and the nations current economical balance and unbalance; in other words is no longer the market that dictates the price of petrol but the BREN as reserve currency over the market: in relation to the needs of each individual nation a rich nation pays more for energy than a poor nation/and moreover the Bren 25% SILVER, balances how much each nation pays for that energy in relation to its individual development americans will pay a lot more than haitians or argentinians for instance. moreover banks deposit from the saudi kingdom to israel are controlled by the BREN as it s the global exchange currency, same for arms and other elements of commerce. nations do have more independent possibilities because of their own intellectual cultural and technological development, as is intelligence, wisdom the wealth of a nation and not rent, rentiers.

G Edward Griffin - Creature From Jekyll Island - A Second Look at the Fe...

IN MY VIEW A GLOBAL NEW RESERVE CURRENCY that will replace the dollar is a must: I have develop the BREN 25% silver;  because of irish myth, oriental mythology and the BRENT petrol, it also blends beautifully with the indian Brahman as with the chinese Brics bank. petrol nomination, reserves gold:  Bren 25% silver and indeed peg to energy, why, because everything depends on energy from nuclear to charcoal, however it does not function as the current dollar reserve currency but is above it. america has its own green Bag. having that privilege it regulates speculations and is abel to balance corruption and in the long term have the humans evolve properly, as the BREN will control how much each nations pays for energy in relation to the energy exchange rate and the nations current economical balance and unbalance; in other words is no longer the market that dictates the price of petrol but the BREN as reserve currency over the market: in relation to the needs of each individual nation a rich nation pays more for energy than a poor nation/and moreover the Bren 25% SILVER, balances how much each nation pays for that energy in relation to its individual development americans will pay a lot more than haitians or argentinians for instance. moreover banks deposit from the saudi kingdom to israel are controlled by the BREN as it s the global exchange currency, same for arms and other elements of commerce. nations do have more independent possibilities because of their own intellectual cultural and technological development, as is intelligence, wisdom the wealth of a nation and not rent, rentiers.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Economic Collapse a Mathematical Certainty - Top 5 Places Where Not To Be

Malcolm X - The House Negro and the Field Negro

Malcolm X - The House Negro and the Field Negro

Martin Luther King The Three Evils of Society

the end of AIPAC on the horizon at last president  Obama shall be a free men, AIPAC is collapsing and freedom is back to america

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 4/27/15: The Real War on the Middle Class

jews represent 3% of the population in america however they control the congress the senate and wall street main media hollywood and probably the pentagon and the arms industry : reason why democracy in america is imposible. and will never exist until this configuration of  dictatorship changes: killing muslims is the role of AIPAC & congress & the senate!  alias america:  they being doing it since 2001 and have not killed sufficient muslim childrens: this crusade to eliminate the islamic realm is on: so more effective weapons are needed to destroy the muslim world from the core. biochemicals are on the table be aware.!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Greece 'Grexit' Issue and the Problem of Free Trade :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

The Greece 'Grexit' Issue and the Problem of Free Trade :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website:

le collapse de l'Europe  approche comme dit BFM "la france a tout pour ce détruire" et elle a commencé avec la libye, sarkozy BHL, glucksman, etc:  le Mali la Syrie, l'Ukraine et un euro nulle avec du pétrole a 150$ Le baril, sauvez vous ::

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The Greece 'Grexit' Issue and the Problem of Free Trade :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

The Greece 'Grexit' Issue and the Problem of Free Trade :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website:

le collapse de l'Europe  approche comme dit BFM "la france a tout pour ce détruire" et elle a commencé avec la libye, sarkozy BHL, glucksman, etc:  le Mali la Syrie, l'Ukraine et un euro nulle avec du pétrole a 150$ Le baril, sauvez vous ::

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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Economic Collapse a Mathematical Certainty - Top 5 Places Where Not To Be - YouTube

Economic Collapse a Mathematical Certainty - Top 5 Places Where Not To Be - YouTube

finally you are getting to understand the plot President Putin: is AIPAC, not israel, israel is just a police station a post to keep arabs in line but it could disappear any minute,  AIPAC is the problem not just of moscow but of president OBAMA, Europe, france,germany and the holocaust publicity recurrence, AIPAC nazi hunters:   the american citizens, health, education, and evolution of the humankind, once AIPAC is out of the way humanity will finally feel free from insanity. hope you get the drift.!!! 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

EndGame - VOSTFR - Alex Jones - YouTube

EndGame - VOSTFR - Alex Jones - YouTube

alex the problem of america is AIPAC they control the nation officially from 1913, until they are dismantle 1776 will be a fiction, and they might destroy texas the moment they feel is becoming a hindrance, is all up to you to communicate to your followers, the danger is not obama, putin, or even iran, is AIPAC, israel is the trojan horse that is destroying europe now on the benefit of AIPAc, they call it globalization made by AIPAC which translates israel rules into practice and the globalize world obeys israel : Israel is not israel is just the front page of AIPAC. so act soon. like last month. have a look at the end game your film once again.!!! and AIPAC is the puppet master reason why congress is a joke and the senate is another joke they do not exist as well reason why you got 2 political entities that are sponsored by AIPAC. Obama is a prisoner of AIPAC if you like..!! liberate OBAMA apply democracy and the real 1776 shall become a fact.

Who owns America? Ask Congress

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Final Countdown - Movie Trailer - Blue Underground

pavlov DOGS, remember him president OBAMA : well CNN audience could be in fact brainwash, like pavlov dogs:  however CNN newscasters, and producers:  as well, so don't panic: not ww3 but the end OF AIPAC: finally since 1913 All presidents of america has being enslaved by AIPAC is OVER: now president Obama the monkeys on your back are going home. yes it could have being done earlier "negligence" perhaps.. or timing. however be careful as israel could be the creator of the  mushroom cloud that GW BUSH expected from iraq it could come from israel so you have being put on alert this time ahead of time!!

Qu'est ce que le Sionisme? Voici la Réponse - YouTube

Qu'est ce que le Sionisme? Voici la Réponse - YouTube

"many mention someone on the middle east that has being grabbing land since 1947" however this is another AIPAC attempt to finally understand that the party is over for AIPAC, anyhow the roman empire lasted longer  but it collapsed at some point for AIPAC is the same rule as for congress and the senate..!! you can say is the rule of the masters...!  and they are unavoidable...

Monday, April 13, 2015

Sheikh Imran Hosein - America UK to be Destroyed and Isreal Will Emerge ...

The problem is that AIPAC is the device by which Israel exist, Israel is
morally supported by this holocaust appliance that has the power of recreating compassion
and guilt on humans minds, this passion is powered by the main media marketing
worldwide, recreating Hitler crimes as a guilt mechanism that comprises a
somewhat Christian compassion ingredient that renders it acceptable to Jews and
Christians, which are the ones that face the Islamic realm as undemocratic and uncivilized;
some call it the Jewish & Christian alliance..

 Wars and the dollars as reserve
currency are the resources by which America dominates the world, not principles
and democracy. America in consequences is dominated by AIPAC, reason why
congress & senate are under the hands of AIPAC, and this is the reason of a
false difference between democrats and republicans in America. democracy does
not exist in America democracy collapsed definitely in America in 1913, as fact
it never existed from 1776, it was just a twisting maneuver to a formal global
genocide of the American natives and the destruction of their land and
religion, which is the same that is going on today in Europe and the Middle East.
Russia, China, India are the last frontier of this destruction of nations and believes
to impose a preformatted homogeneous consent as true of globalism; this globalization
is to the benefit of AIPAC to the detriment of the world citizens, big brother
is somehow AIPAC. AIPAC however has nothing to do with religion democracy or
even Israel, AIPAC is just a BRAND a useful institution for a precise purpose “domination”
reason why most call it “the Zionist invaders” but it is the organization that
is the ruler Zionism is just a firewall, like Israel, and democracy. AIPAC
itself is just an institution is those that run the institution that are the
danger to humanity. On the other hand Jews were somewhat beneficial from 1066
to 1200 in Britain, somehow things change, but it was the individuals that
created the problem, not the religion of Judaism.  .today is the same this ideology of power and knowledge
that most seek and looks will never achieve is the cause of this mayhem. 

Sheikh Imran Hosein 2015 : America Knocking Down Every Nation to Slavery...

Michael Scheuer: Fareed Zakaria Knows As Much About The Middle East As My Chair - YouTube

Michael Scheuer: Fareed Zakaria Knows As Much About The Middle East As My Chair - YouTube

AIPAC at work same in america with clinton: we came we saw he/she died, just like libya; as AIPAC is a somewhat modern dajjal.    wake up BRAZIL and stop dreaming on facebook illusions. america does not exist folks is AIPAC from 1913, so you get the opposite of the last time 10 years democrats 10 years republicans which both are own by AIPAC, so learn hebrew, not because is necessary but is part of the conditioning. and get on with life. 

I'd Dump the Israelis Tomorrow --Ex-CIA Michael Scheuer Tells Congress

AIPAC at work same in america with clinton: we came we saw he/she died, just like libya; as AIPAC is a somewhat modern dajjal.    wake up BRAZIL and stop dreaming on facebook illusions. america does not exist folks is AIPAC from 1913, so you get the opposite of the last time 10 years democrats 10 years republicans which both are own by AIPAC, so learn hebrew, not because is necessary but is part of the conditioning. and get on with life. 



AIPAC at work same in america with clinton: we came we saw he/she died, just like libya; as AIPAC is a somewhat modern dajjal.    wake up BRAZIL and stop dreaming on facebook illusions. america does not exist folks is AIPAC from 1913, so you get the opposite of the last time 10 years democrats 10 years republicans which both are own by AIPAC, so learn hebrew, not because is necessary but is part of the conditioning. and get on with life. 

How Mr. Spock Changed Our Perception Of Science

How Mr. Spock Changed Our Perception Of Science

Rume and The Hagia Sophia in Constantinople Sheikh Imran Hosein

Pour la première fois, un souverain pontife a employé le mot symbolique de « génocide » pour qualifier le massacre des Arméniens il y a cent ans. La Turquie n’a pas tardé à réagir.
En savoir plus sur

Rume and The Hagia Sophia in Constantinople Sheikh Imran Hosein

Pour la première fois, un souverain pontife a employé le mot symbolique de « génocide » pour qualifier le massacre des Arméniens il y a cent ans. La Turquie n’a pas tardé à réagir.
En savoir plus sur

Sunday, April 12, 2015

5 U.S. Banks Each Have More Than 40 Trillion Dollars In Exposure To Derivatives | Zero Hedge

5 U.S. Banks Each Have More Than 40 Trillion Dollars In Exposure To Derivatives | Zero Hedge

the BRIC are here to balance the damage: anyhow end of $ as reserve currency is unavoidable and its end can be speed up as the BRICS become more stable.last days of the saudi kingdom and a breathing for democracy. hope soon that way the petrodollar will just be put aside forever as the $ as reserve currency another AIPAC minion.!!! not mentioning congress and the senate which ARE employers of AIPAC, perhaps in the future americans will liberate its own president & themselves from AIPAC grip of insanity.    

Anti-Semitism is a trick? Oh Dear! | Biblicism Institute

Anti-Semitism is a trick? Oh Dear! | Biblicism Institute

BEGUN ON THE MIDDLE EAST: somehow real however a balance exist between two equals, now there is an unbalance, the dollar has created this unbalance and is represented from vietnam to kiev, this economical unbalance can only be resolve by a gradual disappearance of the dollar as reserve currency; only option for peace in 2015. the 3 continents must come to an accord, alliances are no longer possible. a european alliance against russia is suicide for europe russia is in europe; NATO -OTAN is in washington, congress, and AIPAC. therefore is the impossible alliance of the 2.    Nuclear arms makes it so, reason why nuclear weapons are a paradox. the washington AIPAC aggression is only allied to europe because of Russia, while the chinese & Russian axe is against washington AIPAC. israel on the middle east is the trojan horse of europe & and an aggressor to russia, because of its ambiguity and mixture of religion and location. and you have yemen syria, libya, egypt, and saudi arabia on a confusing quite uncontrollable state. the only remaining stable state is Iran, and AIPAC is doing all it can to inflame further dangerous results. petrol is another factor, and europe once again suffers the most. to untangle the situation, a middle eastern cleanup of nuclear weapons beginning with israel, and them the rest is the only solution: having china russia and washington as policemen, and europe as the diplomatic interpreter of an offer that they can't not refuse...!!    

putin on iran and israel

putin on iran and israel

A PROPOS - Une fille ordinaire

A PROPOS - Une fille ordinaire


Peur, angoisse... Représentation de la situation atomique - LE CONFLIT

Peur, angoisse... Représentation de la situation atomique - LE CONFLIT

un peu de politique, l'argent et source des conquêtes sans bataille et de perte des batailles sans argent. Edward 1 & 2 ont bien pratique le pouvoir d'argent dans leur temps..!! révolte contre le père: Gérard Mendel . équilibre économique entre les 3  piliers de l’économie..!

Peur, angoisse... Représentation de la situation atomique - LE CONFLIT

Peur, angoisse... Représentation de la situation atomique - LE CONFLIT

un peu de politique, l'argent et source des conquêtes sans bataille et de perte des batailles sans argent. Edward 1 & 2 ont bien pratique le pouvoir d'argent dans leur temps..!! révolte contre le père: Gérard Mendel . équilibre économique entre les 3  piliers de l’économie..!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Une histoire de l'autorité. Permanences et variations

Une histoire de l'autorité. Permanences et variations

un peu de politique, l'argent et source des conquêtes sans bataille et de perte des batailles sans argent. Edward 1 & 2 ont bien pratique le pouvoir d'argent dans leur temps..!! révolte contre le père: Gérard Mendel . équilibre économique entre les 3  piliers de l’économie..!

Jihad made in USA - Investig'Action - boutique -

Jihad made in USA - Investig'Action - boutique -

Dark Side of the Moon Full Album

la loi rothschild "france 1973. history is back sometimes humanity takes a long trip to achive a small vacation properly, the elite folks and the repetitions of history???  perhaps they are not really elites as expected and that creates this rift.

Friday, April 10, 2015

AMAZING Women Body Transformations! MSG me to put your link in this video!!!!! - YouTube

AMAZING Women Body Transformations! MSG me to put your link in this video!!!!! - YouTube

bio-sex...  to prevent corruption, as well it prevents; unsavory links to the past complains  on what modern sexual behaviour realms to an ancient sexual behaviour; is; as it demands a new explanation.! sex-bio-sex! can be the answer!  ecological sexual practices  on a decaying planet.  pollution, radiation and dangerous co/2, wars, corruption, religious warfares, insanity, you named is happening. bio-sex..

AMAZING Women Body Transformations! MSG me to put your link in this video!!!!! - YouTube

AMAZING Women Body Transformations! MSG me to put your link in this video!!!!! - YouTube

bio-sex...  to prevent corruption, as well it prevents; unsavory links to the past complains  on what modern sexual behaviour realms to an ancient sexual behaviour; is; as it demands a new explanation.! sex-bio-sex! can be the answer!  ecological sexual practices  on a decaying planet.  pollution, radiation and dangerous co/2, wars, corruption, religious warfares, insanity, you named is happening. bio-sex..

▶ LE BLOG DE PRUNE - Biosex ! - vidéo dailymotion

▶ LE BLOG DE PRUNE - Biosex ! - vidéo dailymotion

bio-sex...  to prevent corruption, as well it prevents; unsavory links to the past complains  on what modern sexual behaviour realms to an ancient sexual behaviour; is; as it demands a new explanation.! sex-bio-sex! can be the answer!  ecological sexual practices  on a decaying planet.  pollution, radiation and dangerous co/2, wars, corruption, religious warfares, insanity, you named is happening. bio-sex..

Pas d'ambassadeur gay au Vatican -

Pas d'ambassadeur gay au Vatican -

bio-sex...  to prevent corruption, as well it prevents; unsavory links to the past complains  on what modern sexual behaviour realms to an ancient sexual behaviour; is; as it demands a new explanation.! sex-bio-sex! can be the answer!  ecological sexual practices  on a decaying planet.  pollution, radiation and dangerous co/2, wars, corruption, religious warfares, insanity, you named is happening.

Discours féroce de Sahra Wagenknecht au Bundestag : « Mme Merkel, votre politique atlantiste emmène l’Europe droit dans le mur » - Agoravox TV

Discours féroce de Sahra Wagenknecht au Bundestag : « Mme Merkel, votre politique atlantiste emmène l’Europe droit dans le mur » - Agoravox TV

Ce AIPAC l'organisme qui contrôlé l’Europe avec Goldman sachs et la FED, donc: raison de la guerre en Ukraine et le holocaust industrie.§ une foi la France libre et la démocratie en Europe sans AIPAC ni OTAN, le universalisme de AIPAC, le quelle et défini "le peuple sont tous égaux" mais nous AIPAC ont est l’élite dominante et pensant ..!!   là la vie sera meilleur.

Syriza, Podemos… Restructuration ou annulation de la dette illégitime ? | Mondialisation - Centre de Reserche sur la Mondialisation

Syriza, Podemos… Restructuration ou annulation de la dette illégitime ? | Mondialisation - Centre de Reserche sur la Mondialisation

Espoirs en Grèce ? Mesures anti-austéritaires et audit de la dette 

Syriza, Podemos… Restructuration ou annulation de la dette illégitime ? | Mondialisation - Centre de Reserche sur la Mondialisation

Syriza, Podemos… Restructuration ou annulation de la dette illégitime ? | Mondialisation - Centre de Reserche sur la Mondialisation

Espoirs en Grèce ? Mesures anti-austéritaires et audit de la dette 

Thursday, April 09, 2015

White House Computers Hacked by Russians | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

White House Computers Hacked by Russians | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:

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2017 : « Le Pen plutôt que Sarkozy ! » - AgoraVox le média citoyen

2017 : « Le Pen plutôt que Sarkozy ! » - AgoraVox le média citoyen:

Le Pen dit la vérité effectivement ce des étrange qui dirige la france: nonobstant ce ne pas ni Manuel Valls ni François Hollande les étrange qui dirige la nation mais AIPAC, Goldman Sachs La FED et OTAN-NATO, donc monsieur Le Pen bien corriger votre discours car il est un peu Orwellian, puis la logique immigre FN et identique a la logique immigre de Israël qui est une dépendance de AIPAC, golden sacs et la Fed. donc wall street et des armes a destruction massive, voila le vrais étrange qui domine la france dans la réalité concrète. mais il domine aussi Obama le président américain enchaine par AIPAC et le congres américain qui est en réalité AIPAC. 

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"Charlie Hebdo, USA, Daesh : les 7 médiamensonges" par Michel Collon - Avril 2015 - Agoravox TV

"Charlie Hebdo, USA, Daesh : les 7 médiamensonges" par Michel Collon - Avril 2015 - Agoravox TV:

Le Pen dit la vérité effectivement ce des étrange qui dirige la france: nonobstant ce ne pas ni Manuel Valls ni François Hollande les étrange qui dirige la nation mais AIPAC, Goldman Sachs La FED et OTAN-NATO, donc monsieur Le Pen bien corriger votre discours car il est un peu Orwellian, puis la logique immigre FN et identique a la logique immigre de Israël qui est une dépendance de AIPAC, golden sacs et la Fed. donc wall street et des armes a destruction massive, voila le vrais étrange qui domine la france dans la réalité concrète. mais il domine aussi Obama le président américain enchaine par AIPAC et le congres américain qui est en réalité AIPAC. 

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"Charlie Hebdo, USA, Daesh : les 7 médiamensonges" par Michel Collon - Avril 2015 - Agoravox TV

"Charlie Hebdo, USA, Daesh : les 7 médiamensonges" par Michel Collon - Avril 2015 - Agoravox TV:

Le Pen dit la vérité effectivement ce des étrange qui dirige la france: nonobstant ce ne pas ni Manuel Valls ni François Hollande les étrange qui dirige la nation mais AIPAC, Goldman Sachs La FED et OTAN-NATO, donc monsieur Le Pen bien corriger votre discours car il est un peu Orwellian, puis la logique immigre FN et identique a la logique immigre de Israël qui est une dépendance de AIPAC, golden sacs et la Fed. donc wall street et des armes a destruction massive, voila le vrais étrange qui domine la france dans la réalité concrète. mais il domine aussi Obama le président américain enchaine par AIPAC et le congres américain qui est en réalité AIPAC. 

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Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Does Germany owe Greece wartime reparations money? - BBC News

Does Germany owe Greece wartime reparations money? - BBC News:

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there is no shadow government is simply AIPAC that owns congress and once they own congress the president becomes a servant of congress which is AIPAC, they call it democracy but is not democracy is just a very well done mafia join done by AIPAC and supported by the holocaust ideology. which says jews are victims and WW 2 hitler allow that to happen, reparations and other woes, reason why the world must morally suffer:  the jews that die are no different than martyrs because they die for AIPAC. in order to create israel is simple without WW 2 israel would not have existed. therefore the reason of WW 2 was to allow israel to exist as fact " what ever hitler preached  becomes irrelevant now" as that is the concrete result, anti-semitism is the psychological means to morally summit america to AIPAC/ the problem with america is AIPAC they run the nation & the petrodollars the FED and congress, therefore the president is unable to be a real president. you lot are slaves of wall street bankers and hollywood. you do not have a president since 1913.

reason why europe is hostage of AIPAC and NAZI hunters... china and russia are not neither IRAN.. 

zionism is just a proxy excuse think properly and you shall find AIPAC as the master of the game.

» The Iran Nuclear Energy Agreement: Force Again Prevails Over Law Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Iran Nuclear Energy Agreement: Force Again Prevails Over Law Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

there is no shadow government is simply AIPAC that owns congress and once they own congress the president becomes a servant of congress which is AIPAC, they call it democracy but is not democracy is just a very well done mafia join done by AIPAC and supported by the holocaust ideology. which says jews are victims and WW 2 hitler allow that to happen, reparations and other woes, reason why the world must morally suffer:  the jews that die are no different than martyrs because they die for AIPAC. in order to create israel is simple without WW 2 israel would not have existed. therefore the reason of WW 2 was to allow israel to exist as fact " what ever hitler preached  becomes irrelevant now" as that is the concrete result, anti-semitism is the psychological means to morally summit america to AIPAC/ the problem with america is AIPAC they run the nation & the petrodollars the FED and congress, therefore the president is unable to be a real president. you lot are slaves of wall street bankers and hollywood. you do not have a president since 1913.

reason why europe is hostage of AIPAC and NAZI hunters... china and russia are not neither IRAN.. 

zionism is just a proxy excuse think properly and you shall find AIPAC as the master of the game.

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» The Iran Nuclear Energy Agreement: Force Again Prevails Over Law Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Iran Nuclear Energy Agreement: Force Again Prevails Over Law Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

there is no shadow government is simply AIPAC that owns congress and once they own congress the president becomes a servant of congress which is AIPAC, they call it democracy but is not democracy is just a very well done mafia join done by AIPAC and supported by the holocaust ideology. which says jews are victims and WW 2 hitler allow that to happen, reparations and other woes, reason why the world must morally suffer:  the jews that die are no different than martyrs because they die for AIPAC. in order to create israel is simple without WW 2 israel would not have existed. therefore the reason of WW 2 was to allow israel to exist as fact " what ever hitler preached  becomes irrelevant now" as that is the concrete result, anti-semitism is the psychological means to morally summit america to AIPAC/ the problem with america is AIPAC they run the nation & the petrodollars the FED and congress, therefore the president is unable to be a real president. you lot are slaves of wall street bankers and hollywood. you do not have a president since 1913.

reason why europe is hostage of AIPAC and NAZI hunters... china and russia are not neither IRAN.. 

zionism is just a proxy excuse think properly and you shall find AIPAC as the master of the game.

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» The Iran Nuclear Energy Agreement: Force Again Prevails Over Law Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Iran Nuclear Energy Agreement: Force Again Prevails Over Law Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

there is no shadow government is simply AIPAC that owns congress and once they own congress the president becomes a servant of congress which is AIPAC, they call it democracy but is not democracy is just a very well done mafia join done by AIPAC and supported by the holocaust ideology. which says jews are victims and WW 2 hitler allow that to happen, reparations and other woes, reason why the world must morally suffer:  the jews that die are no different than martyrs because they die for AIPAC. in order to create israel is simple without WW 2 israel would not have existed. therefore the reason of WW 2 was to allow israel to exist as fact " what ever hitler preached  becomes irrelevant now" as that is the concrete result, anti-semitism is the psychological means to morally summit america to AIPAC/ the problem with america is AIPAC they run the nation & the petrodollars the FED and congress, therefore the president is unable to be a real president. you lot are slaves of wall street bankers and hollywood. you do not have a president since 1913.

reason why europe is hostage of AIPAC and NAZI hunters... china and russia are not neither IRAN.. 

zionism is just a proxy excuse think properly and you shall find AIPAC as the master of the game.

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» The Iran Nuclear Energy Agreement: Force Again Prevails Over Law Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Iran Nuclear Energy Agreement: Force Again Prevails Over Law Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

there is no shadow government is simply AIPAC that owns congress and once they own congress the president becomes a servant of congress which is AIPAC, they call it democracy but is not democracy is just a very well done mafia join done by AIPAC and supported by the holocaust ideology. which says jews are victims and WW 2 hitler allow that to happen, reparations and other woes, reason why the world must morally suffer:  the jews that die are no different than martyrs because they die for AIPAC. in order to create israel is simple without WW 2 israel would not have existed. therefore the reason of WW 2 was to allow israel to exist as fact " what ever hitler preached  becomes irrelevant now" as that is the concrete result, anti-semitism is the psychological means to morally summit america to AIPAC/ the problem with america is AIPAC they run the nation & the petrodollars the FED and congress, therefore the president is unable to be a real president. you lot are slaves of wall street bankers and hollywood. you do not have a president since 1913.

reason why europe is hostage of AIPAC and NAZI hunters... china and russia are not neither IRAN.. 

zionism is just a proxy excuse think properly and you shall find AIPAC as the master of the game.

'via Blog this'

» The Iran Nuclear Energy Agreement: Force Again Prevails Over Law Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Iran Nuclear Energy Agreement: Force Again Prevails Over Law Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

there is no shadow government is simply AIPAC that owns congress and once they own congress the president becomes a servant of congress which is AIPAC, they call it democracy but is not democracy is just a very well done mafia join done by AIPAC and supported by the holocaust ideology. which says jews are victims and WW 2 hitler allow that to happen, reparations and other woes, reason why the world must morally suffer:  the jews that die are no different than martyrs because they die for AIPAC. in order to create israel is simple without WW 2 israel would not have existed. therefore the reason of WW 2 was to allow israel to exist as fact " what ever hitler preached  becomes irrelevant now" as that is the concrete result, anti-semitism is the psychological means to morally summit america to AIPAC/ the problem with america is AIPAC they run the nation & the petrodollars the FED and congress, therefore the president is unable to be a real president. you lot are slaves of wall street bankers and hollywood. you do not have a president since 1913.

reason why europe is hostage of AIPAC and NAZI hunters... china and russia are not neither IRAN.. 

zionism is just a proxy excuse think properly and you shall find AIPAC as the master of the game.

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Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Greece wants Germany to repay €279bn it was forced to loan the Nazi authorities during WWII - Europe - World - The Independent

Greece wants Germany to repay €279bn it was forced to loan the Nazi authorities during WWII - Europe - World - The Independent

suggestion place SS-26 Stone) is a mobile Short-range ballistic missile system produced and deployed by the Russian Federation. in greece to protect ukraine and europe from the nasty iran, it goes well with the orwellian logic of washington.  open a navy port in greece together with china and give the junk dollars to greece so she can become a real democracy independent of AIPAC and washington wall street rule.

Sunday, April 05, 2015

NEW! Dieudonné Révolution Pacifique VS Démocratie Satanique

This is easy to understand "congress" which is AIPAC wants a division between Russia & CHINA  & EUROPE: and the American nation, Putin & Obama are unable to fend off the aggression against America and Russia. Americans are dominated by congress and congress belongs to AIPAC. The same situation exist in ISRAEL, the mirror image of confusion and divisions:  Palestinians, Iran and terrorism. Some call it the economical holocaust industry, which is link to arms deals and wars, something that Americans have experience from Vietnam to today Ukraine. so you both leaders of the world understand the problem "the Israeli economical holocaust ideology, is simple to perceive" what the brave soldiers and army air force and diplomats can do" probably not much; only the majority of the American citizens can do something when they themselves understand what is AIPAC who they are and what is their AIM. Discern between Jews and those that have Jewish names and have create a private main media propaganda banking and industrial conglomerate. «Some call it the holocaust economical industry and many are employers of this project, from bankers to religious leaders, politician’s congressmen philosopher’s actors and movie directors, investors and arms dealers. Discern between the correct way to act and the propaganda way to act. Understand the alternative media. And reflect. Until them is austerity, wars and economically intellectually and sexual decline worldwide..!! .

The Neo-Nazis Money-poly - English

The Neo-Nazis Money-poly - English

This is
easy to understand "congress" which is AIPAC wants a division between
Russia and the American nation, Putin & Obama are unable to fend off the
aggression against America and Russia. Americans are dominated by congress and
congress belongs to AIPAC. The same situation exist in ISRAEL, the mirror image
of confusion and divisions:  Palestinians,
Iran and terrorism. Some call it the economical holocaust industry, which is
link to arms deals and wars, something that Americans have experience from Vietnam
to today Ukraine. so you both leaders of the world understand the problem
"the Israeli economical holocaust ideology, is simple to perceive"
what the brave soldiers and army air force and diplomats can do" probably
not much; only the majority of the American citizens can do something when they
themselves understand what is AIPAC who they are and what is their AIM. Discern
between Jews and those that have Jewish names and have create a private main
media propaganda banking and industrial conglomerate. «Some call it the
holocaust economical industry and many are employers of this project, from
bankers to religious leaders, politician’s congressmen philosopher’s actors and
movie directors, investors and arms dealers. Discern between the correct way to
act and the propaganda way to act. Understand the alternative media. And
reflect. Until them is austerity, wars and economically intellectually and
sexual decline worldwide..!! .

Lawrence Lessig: The unstoppable walk to political reform

This is
easy to understand "congress" which is AIPAC wants a division between
Russia and the American nation, Putin & Obama are unable to fend off the
aggression against America and Russia. Americans are dominated by congress and
congress belongs to AIPAC. The same situation exist in ISRAEL, the mirror image
of confusion and divisions:  Palestinians,
Iran and terrorism. Some call it the economical holocaust industry, which is
link to arms deals and wars, something that Americans have experience from Vietnam
to today Ukraine. so you both leaders of the world understand the problem
"the Israeli economical holocaust ideology, is simple to perceive"
what the brave soldiers and army air force and diplomats can do" probably
not much; only the majority of the American citizens can do something when they
themselves understand what is AIPAC who they are and what is their AIM. Discern
between Jews and those that have Jewish names and have create a private main
media propaganda banking and industrial conglomerate. «Some call it the
holocaust economical industry and many are employers of this project, from
bankers to religious leaders, politician’s congressmen philosopher’s actors and
movie directors, investors and arms dealers. Discern between the correct way to
act and the propaganda way to act. Understand the alternative media. And
reflect. Until them is austerity, wars and economically intellectually and
sexual decline worldwide..!! .

The Holocaust Industry- Norman Finkelstein with Michael Coren - YouTube

The Holocaust Industry- Norman Finkelstein with Michael Coren - YouTube

This is
easy to understand "congress" which is AIPAC wants a division between
Russia and the American nation, Putin & Obama are unable to fend off the
aggression against America and Russia. Americans are dominated by congress and
congress belongs to AIPAC. The same situation exist in ISRAEL, the mirror image
of confusion and divisions:  Palestinians,
Iran and terrorism. Some call it the economical holocaust industry, which is
link to arms deals and wars, something that Americans have experience from Vietnam
to today Ukraine. so you both leaders of the world understand the problem
"the Israeli economical holocaust ideology, is simple to perceive"
what the brave soldiers and army air force and diplomats can do" probably
not much; only the majority of the American citizens can do something when they
themselves understand what is AIPAC who they are and what is their AIM. Discern
between Jews and those that have Jewish names and have create a private main
media propaganda banking and industrial conglomerate. «Some call it the
holocaust economical industry and many are employers of this project, from
bankers to religious leaders, politician’s congressmen philosopher’s actors and
movie directors, investors and arms dealers. Discern between the correct way to
act and the propaganda way to act. Understand the alternative media. And
reflect. Until them is austerity, wars and economically intellectually and
sexual decline worldwide..!! .

The Holocaust Industry- Norman Finkelstein with Michael Coren - YouTube

The Holocaust Industry- Norman Finkelstein with Michael Coren - YouTube

This is
easy to understand "congress" which is AIPAC wants a division between
Russia and the American nation, Putin & Obama are unable to fend off the
aggression against America and Russia. Americans are dominated by congress and
congress belongs to AIPAC. The same situation exist in ISRAEL, the mirror image
of confusion and divisions:  Palestinians,
Iran and terrorism. Some call it the economical holocaust industry, which is
link to arms deals and wars, something that Americans have experience from Vietnam
to today Ukraine. so you both leaders of the world understand the problem
"the Israeli economical holocaust ideology, is simple to perceive"
what the brave soldiers and army air force and diplomats can do" probably
not much; only the majority of the American citizens can do something when they
themselves understand what is AIPAC who they are and what is their AIM. Discern
between Jews and those that have Jewish names and have create a private main
media propaganda banking and industrial conglomerate. «Some call it the
holocaust economical industry and many are employers of this project, from
bankers to religious leaders, politician’s congressmen philosopher’s actors and
movie directors, investors and arms dealers. Discern between the correct way to
act and the propaganda way to act. Understand the alternative media. And
reflect. Until them is austerity, wars and economically intellectually and
sexual decline worldwide..!! .

Thursday, April 02, 2015

Michel collon sarkozy bhl tueurs d enfants

Iran and washington the future or shall we say history repeats itself, never trust washington never unless iran hopes for a iraq repeat. forget nuclear talks ask rumsfeld he can do a lot better.!!

L'Amerique contre De Gaulle, histoire secrète, 1961-1969

Iran and washington the future or shall we say history repeats itself, never trust washington never unless iran hopes for a iraq repeat. forget nuclear talks ask rumsfeld he can do a lot better.!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

​US support for two-state solution at 20-year low – report — RT USA

​US support for two-state solution at 20-year low – report — RT USA

In 1824 Noah and Nancy Tevis settled on the west bank of the Neches River and organized a farm. Soon after that, a small community grew up around the farm, which was named Tevis Bluff or Neches River Settlement.[5] In 1835 the land of Tevises together with nearby community of Santa Anna (in total, 50 acres (200,000 m2) or 200,000 m2) was purchased by Henry Millard[6] (1796?–1844), Joseph Pulsifer[7] (1805–1861) and Thomas B. Huling[8] (1804–1865), who began planning a town to be laid out on this land.[5] This town was named Beaumont, after Jefferson Beaumont the brother in law of Henry Millard.