Thursday, February 13, 2014

L’Ukraine : un enjeu géostratégique, au cœur de la guerre tiède | Mondialisation

L’Ukraine : un enjeu géostratégique, au cœur de la guerre tiède | Mondialisation

save europe from this jewish lobby warmongers, save the human race, folks, is your planet, this warmongers such as BHL, and the jewish lobby, etc,  as you can now understand and verified; they created wars to kill children and other humans for no reason at all! save the human race stop this warmongers troublemakers.  french doctor world criminal, bhl, tony blair, cameroon, all this world criminals were is the justice that claims justice..

PressTV - Pro-Israel groups slam Berlin festival

PressTV - Pro-Israel groups slam Berlin festival

hand's off Britain, you lot, you got spain now your new holy land..

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

René Guénon - La Crise du monde moderne - 8/10 - YouTube

René Guénon - La Crise du monde moderne - 8/10 - YouTube

 "Les modernes, en général, ne conçoivent pas d'autre science que celle des choses qui se mesurent, se comptent et se pèsent, c'est-à-dire encore, en somme, des choses matérielles, car c'est à celles-ci seulement que peut s'appliquer le point de vue quantitatif ; et la prétention de réduire la qualité à la quantité est très caractéristique de la science moderne. On en est arrivé, dans ce sens, à croire qu'il n'y a pas de science proprement dite là où il n'est pas possible d'introduire la mesure, et qu'il n'y a de lois scientifiques que celles qui expriment des relations quantitatives ; le "mécanisme" de Descartes a marqué le début de cette tendance, qui n'a fait que s'accentuer depuis lors, en dépit, de l'échec de la physique cartésienne ..." rene guenon"

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Illuminati 2014 End of the World Conspiracy Predictions | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Illuminati 2014 End of the World Conspiracy Predictions | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:

this Jewish Christian alliance of confusion. will not work, it cannot work, Christians better shape up, as Otherwise; (Nordic gods, they are not Semites, remember).. will do it for you...!!!!  and Jews, and the king of Israel!! beware as this wheel of blame Jesus, we are friends, we fight and we converge is no longer tolerated. moreover; the lot is also ending..

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The Dark Side of Time - YouTube

The Dark Side of Time - YouTube:

there are two different forms of time for humans, there is so far a linear time, because they inhabit a fix planet, "earth" on a fix time-frame of existence "life" the eternal time that does exist as fact exist on humans on their minds, humans consciousness is somewhat timeless. however human consciousness and universal fact are two different things, universal time is a rationalization of humans consciousness , which is a derivative of linear time. in fact time is quanta if you like, a big bang is the absence of light. not the birth of light. (absence of darkness) in other words is the inverted perception. to the human eye and mind. you perceive an inverted image when you look at an object the mind re-inverses the object and fix it to what you call gravity. conscientiousness on this context becomes inverted from a linear point of view. reason therefore is linear but upside-down. the purpose of timeless time is to turn this gravitational event 180 degrees.

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The Dark Side of Time - YouTube

The Dark Side of Time - YouTube:

beware time has come................!

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Finkelstein dismantles the logic of zionism - YouTube

Finkelstein dismantles the logic of zionism - YouTube:

la raison Du déclination inévitable de la France:     ....................................................ce vous citoyens a regarde la réalité, car personne regardera cette réalité a votre place................................................................

BHL, warning for UKRAINE once BHL visits you, is the coming collapse as proof , moody has already degrade Ukraine, as Russian president, Putin has cut off the aid, remember, libya, Iraq, Afghanistan,Syria, Egypt, Kosovo,Bosnia, the French Doctor "NO". Look at Iraq today or libya and look at your coming future.. look at France a mess; so beware folks this so call philosophers, are extremely dangerous for the human species; hope they will get their intellect to work properly, otherwise they will have to realise they do not understand the now ('at all)... warning................. hope the other Finklecrout and his partner, RAMA--YADé.  will not reach your shores and propose the new republic as they are promoting it in France, soon it will be "made in the new republic by finklecrout an sponsored by Rama--yadé"

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Mots Croisés:Rama Yade Considère Que La Shoah Est au Dessus De Tout !

Mots Croisés:Rama Yade Considère Que La Shoah Est au Dessus De Tout !:

warning for UKRAINE once BHL visits you, is the coming collapse as proof , moody has already degrade Ukraine, as Russian president, Putin has cut off the aid, remember, libya, Iraq, Afghanistan,Syria, Egypt, Kosovo,Bosnia, the French Doctor "NO". Look at Iraq today or libya and look at your coming future.. look at France a mess; so beware folks this so call philosophers, are extremely dangerous for the human species; hope they will get their intellect to work properly, otherwise they will have to realise they do not understand the now ('at all)... warning................. hope the other Finklecrout and his partner, RAMA--YADé.  will not reach your shores and propose the new republic as they are promoting it in France, soon it will be "made in the new republic by finklecrout an sponsored by Rama--yadé"

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Videos - Aaron Swartz - SOPA and The Day We Fight Back

Videos - Aaron Swartz - SOPA and The Day We Fight Back:

Genre : "Soyons fiers de faire de la théorie !"

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MOSSAD did 9/11 BBC Mideast Correspondent Alan Hart says | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

MOSSAD did 9/11 BBC Mideast Correspondent Alan Hart says | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:

"Soyons fiers de faire de la théorie !"

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Marc Edouard Nabe Face à Caroline Fourest, Michel Onfray et Rama Yade - YouTube

Marc Edouard Nabe Face à Caroline Fourest, Michel Onfray et Rama Yade - YouTube:

Genre : "Soyons fiers de faire de la théorie !"

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Sunday, February 09, 2014

The Chilling Face of the New World Order and A Global Monetary System--Paving the Way To Hell! (Video) | Prophecy

The Chilling Face of the New World Order and A Global Monetary System--Paving the Way To Hell! (Video) | Prophecy

this new world disorder, is forming into a religious x finances "world world I" , Jews against Christians is what the plot is in Europe and america, Jewish religion ideologist mix with economics and finance, against the Christians side; to that you add the middle east chaos and the muslin world enters the scene; on this battle of this two characters Jesus i against Jesus II, who in fact for the moment  he has not materialize he remains unknown. this goog and Magog, which is nothing more than the time travel and the end of a Roman empire, which is the MATRIX,  on the coming cosmic conflict, "what do you think aliens will say about the situation on planet earth? a survey.............

Racial Change IS Possible | SmarterLifestyles

Racial Change IS Possible | SmarterLifestyles:

simply time-travel: Google was freer probably years ago, it was a small media; them only after it becomes a mass media, (in this context; however?) in other words extreme freedom or just total freedom, leads to control of freedom. however to be free is to have being enslave; otherwise there is no point in freeing yourself from freedom.  perhaps freedom could be easier of access as many think, Google are its user's, as it is the same for the internet, the restriction of internet freedom becomes after a certain freedom.the round table: king Arthur::: the new Atlantis is coming into realm, the birds can finally breath, consciousness has taking hold of a concious world. BREN-line, Europe plays the wisdom as america plays the technology, the old guidance of the ancient times, and the existing time; when we time-travel.

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America will Implode like Argentina | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

America will Implode like Argentina | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:

the round table: king Arthur::: the new Atlantis is coming into realm, the birds can finally breath, consciousness has taking hold of a concious world. BREN-line, Europe plays the wisdom as america plays the technology, the old guidance of the ancient times, and the existing time; when we time-travel.

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Art Bell Weighs In On the Present Coast to Coast Controversy | Media

Art Bell Weighs In On the Present Coast to Coast Controversy | Media: "A Man of Conviction

John B. Wells could have basked in his glory as he had it made. He is one of, if not the most, sought after voice over talents in the world. John had a long history of broadcasting successes long before he joined Coast to Coast in 2011 as their permanent Saturday night host.  He had great ratings on Coast and he enjoyed a huge fan following. Life was wonderful for John B. Wells. However, this was not enough for him because at the end of the day, the listening public should find it compelling that John B. Wells was willing to invest a significant sum of his own money into a creating a network from which he could bring the public the truth. This is the same truth that Wells had to fight both tooth and nail to bring to his Coast to Coast audience. The listening audience who craves the truth will soon be rewarded as Caravan to Midnight hits the airwaves."

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